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Dear Shri Narsimha ji & Shri Pradeep ji,




I humbly respect both of you since you both are helpful to me in

emerging on the astrological sphere.


Now, I will state the reasons:


1. The time I joined this esteemed VA group on the net I was almost

a layman and it's not been more than eight months. I had been

learning this great science since last 11-12 years without any proper

guidance although I was guiding people through this science but not

at a large scale. So, Narsimha ji being the founder of this group is

a great astrologer of our times who believes in continuous learning

and taking the challenges - the final goal being evolution of

astrology and establishing it as a vedic science which is happening

with great zeal of all of the list members and other great



2. For me to become Narsimha ji ( or reach his level of astrological

competency) in knowledge & wisdom will certainly take a while may be

many years. Therefore, no competition at all-I am still a younger

brother of his and will remain always in this sphere. I am still

learning and some of his posts are great and his book is a valuable

gift for all the astrology learners and seekers of truth.


3. He being the founder of the greatest Vedic Astrology group on the

net needs to have accolades.


4. Now, Pradeep ji has been an excellent motivator and critique who

is helping all of us to give our best - critics are the best judges

of our values. The first reply of one of my first mails to him was

also in the same style and I respect his style. I don't think that I

should think of changing people and their styles but I can certainly

learn a lot from them and I am learning certain things from him as



5. Pradeep ji is not like one Shri Jawahar Jain ji who has been

sarcastic in his remarks on this very prediction on SACHIN TENDULKAR

and sent me a personal mail indirectly telling me to stop this

GUESSOLOGY instead of stating this the other way round. Still he

sends this as a personal mail and not on to the list – I have never

thought of this great Vedic Science as GUESSOLOGY. I have replied to

him in my own style which he could have understood by now.


6. There are Gurrus and many great astrologers in the making who are

motivating and supporting me very strongly whose names are as follows:

Guru shri Ramdas ji, Guru Shri Chandrashekhar ji, Shri

AmolMandar ji, Shri Hari ji, Shri Sunil John ji, Shri Jagannathan

ji, Shri Rajeshwari ji, Shri Vishvanadham ji, Shri Dhira Krsna ji

and Shri Ramani Ji.


I don't think without their support I would have been able to predict



For Prediction - I would state the following:


1. This is such Vidya which can not be mastered in one life-time.

All of us have different styles of predicting which may or may not

match with the other fellow astrologer. Someone takes into account

the "Navamansa Chart", Other guy may take "Birth Chart", Someone may

consider the "Moon Chart", someone may give predictions based

on "Dasa-antar", someone may look into transits and many more ways of

predictions. Each one of us may feel comfortable with one particular



2. Despite the fact that Guru Vashishtha was a great astrologer. He

could not foresee the 14 years "Vanavasa" of Lord Rama and still

asked Lord Rama to be prepared for the "crown rituals" after taking

the "Shubh Muhurta" in consideration.


The lesson is "one can not be right in his/her predictions till the

time God doesn't want". Other aspect of the same thing is that God

wants one to learn more and correct the ways of his predictions and

keep the ego in check all the times. In other sense if everything

comes out to be correct nobody will have any kind of faith or belief

in "God", the almighty but the astrologers will become the egoistic

gods. Therefore, it is his way of keeping us in check which I humbly



I have made a wrong prediction in front of some great astrologers in

this 1650 member strong group and I accept my mistake.


This gives a chance to learn more and correct myself and kill my ego

further. I haven't failed yet I will come back again with the

blessings of Lord Shri MahaGanesha & Mother Shri MahaSaraswati, this

is just a small setback.


With warm regards to all of you and best wishes of 2004 and the years

to come,

Prakash Kandpal


vedic astrology, "vijayadas_pradeep"

<vijayadas_pradeep> wrote:

> Dear Narasimha Raoji


> Thanks for your mail.

> I respect individuals and criticize views.Thus i have some enemies

> as well.Bit still i stick to my style.


> I respect you because whenever i get a birth info i draw the chart

> using your free software.Thus i will have no growth if i forget



> But after seeing your mail to prakash somehow i felt

> frustrated.Eventhough your daily prediction had gone wrong, i did

> have respect, as you took the challenge risking your stature.


> But today when Prakash had failed - your cut paste explanation with

> runs made by Tendulkar - had a rush of blood.Thus the mail.


> As you have rightly pointed out, to be frank, at the time of

> writing - my statements ''total and utter failure'' were

> intentional.Because i generally never use such words.And i respect

> any person who takes up challenges.Thus those were used to show my

> frustration.


> Thus as you have understood by now there was no offense or

> disrespect meant from my side against your knowledge or


> towards astrology.It was only against the way you were responding


> Prakash(especially quoting the runs made by sachin - which is any

> way known.I felt the same when someone was mentinoning about the

> golden duck related to your prediction.On that day i had written

> that - congrats to Narasimha ji for taking up the challenge).

> May be your intentions might have been different ,in that case my

> apologies.


> Regarding daily charts,it will be a great achievement for astrology

> if one can predict with consistency.


> Thanks for the explanation and hoping to learn more from you.Wish

> you and family a very happy year ahead.


> Respect

> Pradeep



> vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

> <pvr@c...> wrote:

> > Namaste Pradeep,

> >

> > > Dear All

> > >

> > > I am not happy with any logic behind predictions for a

> particular

> > > day.If he plays well he will.Planetary indications generally

> shows

> > > the mental and physical coordinations and fortune and fame for


> > > period.Thus during that period mentioned by prakash Sachin was

> > > faring bad except for the last 2 days.Prakash had predicted


> > > well for the period except for the sydney test.Also the

> predictions

> > > from Prakash did work well in someother cases with consistency

> > > (Musharaf etc).

> >

> > You unnecessarily took offense. My aim was not to put down

> anybody. My aim was to show that the logic used by him to say that

> Tendulkar would not have another good day after scoring 73 not out

> on Friday was bad logic.

> >

> > I care less about the prediction being incorrect, than the fact

> that it was made based on logic that does not stand scrutiny. Even

> if the prediction was right, I would've objectedn to that logic.

> When we know that Tendulkar made centuries with Moon transiting in

> all signs, we cannot predict a bad day based on Moon's transit sign.

> >

> > > Thus daily predictions cannot always be correct for a talented

> > > player.It purely depends on the astrologers luck.

> >

> > I don't agree. Though I cannot prove this right now, I am

> convinced that astrologers should be able to predict on a daily

> basis, apart from identifying good and bad periods overall.

> >

> > However, if simple things like Moon's transit are used for that,


> cannot agree with that. My disagreement is based on the simple

> observation that Tendulkar made centuries when Moon was transiting

> various signs, good and bad.

> >

> > > Narasimha Raojis prediction for Tendulkar on a day had faced

> utter

> > > and total failure.I would be happy if Narasimha Raoji could

> explain

> > > the reason for failure.It is only for me to learn.This is no

> > > criticism.

> >

> > Your wording somehow suggests that you want to rub it in. But I

> did concede my "total failure" with daily prediction. I gave up

> daily charts temporarily and went back to the annual chart and what

> I wrote on that basis - namely, viparita raja yoga during Dec 26-


> 5 and particularly Dec 31-Jan 4 - has come true.

> >

> > I clearly wrote in a previous mail that the original prediction

> was based on daily charts, which are my own research and perhaps


> perfected yet.

> >

> > Actually, if you are genuinely interested in learning, I will

> explain my complete thinking process:

> >

> > (1) I saw that Moon and Jupiter have an exchange in rasi chart

> involving AL and 8th from AL. I saw that Moon result was turning


> to be bad. So I was sure Jupiter antardasa would reverse it. In D-


> also, I saw a VRY between Jupiter and Moon, with both strongly

> placed in Cancer. So I was sure, as I re-iterated twice earlier,

> that these ten days would be good.

> >

> > (2) Then I went to monthly chart. Data is: .15th Dec 2003, 7:01


> (IST), Bombay, India.

> >

> > This chart has a raja yoga between lagna lord Mercury and 5th


> Venus in 7th. The 9th lord Saturn also takes part in the yoga by

> aspecting them. Mercury's compressed lagna Vimsottari dasa (lagna


> stronger than Moon) was during Dec 25-29. This made me think he

> would do well then.

> >

> > However, Venus, who has higher shadbala and vimsopaka bala, ended

> up giving the result of the yoga. His dasa is during Dec 31-Jan 6.


> picked the wrong monthly dasa.

> >

> > (3) Then I went to the daily charts for narrowing down further. I

> don't even want to discuss them now, as my researches may be

> imperfect and I may have gone public a little too early. I will


> back later with more on them.

> >

> > (4) When I went wrong on daily predictions, I went back to the

> monthly and annual chart. I noted that a good dasa (Venus) runs

> during the fourth test also as per the monthly chart. When I looked

> back at the annual chart, I was "more or less convinced" as I wrote

> earlier that a good reversal of fortune from one extreme to the

> other was sure to come before Jan 4.

> >

> > (5) So I acknowledged my failure with daily charts and re-


> the prediction of viparita raja yoga before Jan 4/5 with confidence.

> >

> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > Narasimha

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Dear Prakash


Inspite of my numerous reminders, even my wife is not addressing me

with a ji :-), so Pradeep is fine.

It is really fortunate to be in the company of renowned scholars.

The knowledge you get here cannot be obtained from any book.


If fundamentals are like rashi, prediction is like navamsha

:- ).Hence it is always an inspiration to see successful predictions

which motivates one to learn the fundamentals more thoroughly.


Thomas Edison said - If I have failed 300 times, then it means I have

understood 300 different ways, that will not work.


Hence in each failure we learn a way that will not work within

certain conditions .Hope there will be more successful predictions

made this year and thereby the promotion of this divine

knowledge.Thanks for your words and inspiration.




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