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Dear narasimha-kundalini through bhakti yoga

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Dear Narasimha


I would definetely not do the mistake of dismissing your experiences,

as i am pretty sure of what had happened to you.


Kundalini can be awakened through various yogas

a)Raja yoga

b)Gyana yoga

c)Bhakti yoga

d) karma yoga


Karma yoga involves self less service and this is the highest.


Your experiences ineed are very good, but you should do yoga,as the

experience during the energy flows would help you in "astrology" and

giving more insights into the same.


Your experiences lasted for a very short duration, but through

practice it can be extended for many minutes or even hours. This

would tremendously benefit you, and the society also, as you can come

out with much more research and insights.


people jump into meditation, without making their heart and mind

clean first through karma and bhakti yoga. The experiences would be

painful only when the nadis are impure.

I remarked regarding thunderbolt from a popular website on kundalini

yoga, i myself had not experienced any thubderbolt, but rather a

powerful current.

Best wishes



vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr@c...> wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah

> Dear Partha,


> * * *


> I will make comments on the chart a little later. First, a point on



> Though I am not an expert on Kundalini, I do not agree with your

caution that Kundalini's is "like a thunderbolt". It may be so in

your case, for various reasons. It is not always the case. Your

desctiption actually made me concerned. That is why I was curious

about the chart.


> I have never meditated on any chakras. I have never done any yoga

directed at Kundalini rise, but I think I too did experience

Kundalini rise. I am not so much into Kundalini and I am only into

bhakti yoga (the path of devotion) and do my poojas sincerely. I have

been reading Sri MahaLakshmi's 108 names 108 times every Friday for

almost 10 years now (it will be the 10th anniversary in coming

January). I have been doing Satya Narayana vratam on every Full Moon

day for more than 3 years. Originally, I used to pray with desires,

but I just pray now. I am very happy to just pray. I do some other

poojas, but these two are the main ones. Overall, I am into poojas

and devotion and not into any Kundalini yoga, laya yoga, hatha yoga,

raja yoga etc. Somehow, they don't interest me.


> In March 1998, I think my Kundalini woke up during sleep. Of

course, it might be a hallucination. If you want me dismiss me, it is

certainly a tenable viewpoint. But I believe that my Kundali woke up

then. Jupiter and Ketu were transiting within a couple of degrees

from my Rahu's natal longitude and they were in lagna at the time.


> What happened was that I had a dream. In the dream, I saw a few

idols of Vishnu, Lakshmi, Bhoo Devi etc in my front yard. The idols

suddenly became alive (i.e. started moving and talking) and hundreds

of gods descended on my front yard to serve them. The whole place was

lively with a lot of sounds and was full of a splendrous yellow

color. While I was having this dream, I experienced a strange

happiness and peace (in my dream) that I had never experienced in my

life. I woke up then (it was a little before sunrise). It was an

unbelievably great feeling and the splendrous yellow color I saw all

around is still fresh in my memory.


> Several years later, I experienced a rise in Kundalini. This time,

it was during a Satya Narayana vratam on a Full Moon night. It was a

Friday. I had not eaten anything in 28 hours, but was feeling great.

I did my weekly Lakshmi pooja and then did Satya Narayana vratam. As

a part of the vratam, before reading Vishnu's 1000 names, we read

Lakshmi's 108 names. At the end of reading Lakshmi's names, I felt a

great happiness and an inexpressible sense of calm and comfort. That

feeling lasted for, perhaps, half a minute and it was interrupted by

a sensation on the two sides of my spine (near the location of

Manipura chakra). It felt like someone was biting/scratching me

there. It was not too forceful or painful, but not subtle at all. It

was on both the sides of my spine and was simultaneous. When I turned

back, there was nobody. Then the feeling of calm and happiness

returned. I first did not understand it. Later, a learned person

remarked that it was Kundalini.


> Again, this could be wrong, but I believe that Kundalini pierced

thru Brahma granthi at that time. At that time, Jupiter was

transiting a couple of degrees away from my natal Ketu (who is in

12th). He was in lagna at the time of the experience.



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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Partha,


> Your experiences ineed are very good, but you should do yoga,as the >

experience during the energy flows would help you in "astrology" and > giving

more insights into the same.

> > Your experiences lasted for a very short duration, but through > practice it

can be extended for many minutes or even hours. This > would tremendously

benefit you, and the society also, as you can come > out with much more

research and insights.


The path I have chosen is that of devotion and surrender. I pray to Sri Maha

Lakshmi and Sri Satya Narayana. I and my energies - including my Kundalini

energy - have been surrendered to them. I have no intentions of trying to

"harness" any latent energy.


If praying to Lakshmi and Narayana cannot give me a certain experience or a

certain ability or a certain benefit, I do not want that experience or ability

or benefit. Whatever Lakshmi and Narayana bestow on me, I will be happy with



If they give me a pleasant experience of half a minute, it is sufficient for me.

Whatever knowledge, guidance and insights they have given me - through my outer

gurus as well as the inner guru - is more than what I deserve.


If there is a "higher" experience and if it is destined to be had by me, it will

happen when it is destined, by the kindness of Lakshmi and Narayana. I am not

unduly worried about it. I may sound stubborn or silly or idiotic, but this is

the path chosen by me and I am quite happy about it.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Dear Narasimha


You definetely do not sound "silly".


To each his own. Raja yoga for Fire sigs, Karma yoga for earth signs,

Gyana yoga for air signs and Bhakti yoga for water signs.


All are complementary to each other, and not "exclusive" to each

other. There is no mutual exclusiveness about them.


Your points again reiterate the fact(this is for my dear friend

Pradeep and other list members) that everything is a choice. You have

made a "choice", and you are "happy about it". This choice is made by

the soul. The soul of Narasimha wants a particular experience, and

thus it would "chart" out its own course.


And the courses are "painful" and sometimes "pleasurable" to the

mind. The true yogi, whatever path he may choose should realise

that "pain and pleasure are the two sides of the same coin",.

And he then should rise above the little and understand the greater.

This higher understanding comes, only when the soul has sufficient

experience. After all truth does not have a set path. ALl the rivers

take different courses, but ultimately they all merge in the ocean of

Vaikuntha. So i full appreciate your views and am happy about

your "choices".







vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr@c...> wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah

> Dear Partha,


> > Your experiences ineed are very good, but you should do yoga,as


> > experience during the energy flows would help you in "astrology"


> > giving more insights into the same.

> >

> > Your experiences lasted for a very short duration, but through

> > practice it can be extended for many minutes or even hours. This

> > would tremendously benefit you, and the society also, as you can


> > out with much more research and insights.


> The path I have chosen is that of devotion and surrender. I pray to

Sri Maha Lakshmi and Sri Satya Narayana. I and my energies -

including my Kundalini energy - have been surrendered to them. I have

no intentions of trying to "harness" any latent energy.


> If praying to Lakshmi and Narayana cannot give me a certain

experience or a certain ability or a certain benefit, I do not want

that experience or ability or benefit. Whatever Lakshmi and Narayana

bestow on me, I will be happy with it.


> If they give me a pleasant experience of half a minute, it is

sufficient for me. Whatever knowledge, guidance and insights they

have given me - through my outer gurus as well as the inner guru - is

more than what I deserve.


> If there is a "higher" experience and if it is destined to be had

by me, it will happen when it is destined, by the kindness of Lakshmi

and Narayana. I am not unduly worried about it. I may sound stubborn

or silly or idiotic, but this is the path chosen by me and I am quite

happy about it.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

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