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RE: Budh Aditya and Nipuna Yoga - For Sarajitji

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Namaste Sarajitji,


I think here if sun is weak then only budh or houses

lorded by budh will become weak.Since in combustion it

is the Sun who will try to act on behalf of combusted


In my own experience, my mars combust in 10th house

for dhanu lagna(and my AK too)has really bestowed its

blessings on me in its vimshottari dasa.Now as per

your statement then 5th house indicators like

Education must be suffered which does not happen in my



Can you kindly explain it more.





--- Sarajit Poddar <sarajit wrote:

> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Pradeep,


> In Combustion, even if the person becomes skillful

> in

> everything(provided they occur in Aries, Leo,

> Gemini, Virgo), the more

> combust Mercury is, the more the houses "owned by

> it/ signified by it"

> suffer.


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit



> vijayadas_pradeep

> [vijayadas_pradeep]

> Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:15 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Budh Aditya and Nipuna

> Yoga - Astrological

> Mag


> Dear Respected members


> In the latest Astrological magazine it is mentioned

> that conjunction

> of mercury and sun in a sign is common and is called

> nipuna yoga.


> For Budh Aditya yoga - mercury and sun should be

> within 1 degree.


> what is the specality for mercury, by being combust?

> generally it is stated that combust planets loses

> there strength.but

> here non combust mercury is ordinary nipuna and

> combust mercury is

> budh-aditya!


> what is sun doing to mercury here?

> can we say the more mercury is away from sun the

> strength of budh-

> aditya yoga decreases?


> Thanks a lot

> Pradeep




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