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Re : career prediction

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Look at it this way - the native was destined to have his horoscope read wrongly

so that wrong prediction was made. Raoji can you find the planetary combination

for this? (Which caused wrong prediction to be made)


SrinivasanRao Nemani <raon1008 > wrote:

Hare Rama Krishna


Namaste Man Mohan Ji,


With due repsects to you, I did not like when you have said "Were all the

astrologers wrong or is there something really wrong with astrology? " that

triggered me to look at this chart as to explain the devince science of

Astrology is never/can never be wrong, but the practitioner can be wrong, so

how can you/we say that Astrology itself is wrong.


Anyway, I firmly belive in Astrology so let me attempt to give my analysis on

why this native was unsuccessfull in his interview.I will use my favourite D-10

Varga Narayana Dasa for this analysis and also I have used KP Ayanamsa for this.



The native is currently running the following Narayana Dasa upto the

Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


Vi MD: 2003-02-28 (14:56:24) - 2006-02-28 (9:25:05) Le AD: 2003-09-02

(11:38:04) - 2003-12-02 (5:39:43) Le PD: 2003-11-24 (19:53:46) - 2003-12-02

(5:39:43) Vi SD: 2003-12-01 (0:03:27) - 2003-12-01 (14:51:39) Pi PAD:

2003-12-01 (11:09:37) - 2003-12-01 (12:23:38)

Deha-antardasas in this PAD:

Ge: 2003-12-01 (11:09:37) - 2003-12-01 (11:15:48) Cn: 2003-12-01

(11:15:48) - 2003-12-01 (11:21:58)>>>Le: 2003-12-01 (11:21:58) - 2003-12-01

(11:28:08) Vi: 2003-12-01 (11:28:08) - 2003-12-01 (11:34:18) Li:

2003-12-01 (11:34:18) - 2003-12-01 (11:40:28) Sc: 2003-12-01 (11:40:28) -

2003-12-01 (11:46:38) Sg: 2003-12-01 (11:46:38) - 2003-12-01 (11:52:48)

Cp: 2003-12-01 (11:52:48) - 2003-12-01 (11:58:58) Aq: 2003-12-01

(11:58:58) - 2003-12-01 (12:05:08) Pi: 2003-12-01 (12:05:08) - 2003-12-01

(12:11:18) Ar: 2003-12-01 (12:11:18) - 2003-12-01 (12:17:28) Ta:


(12:17:28) - 2003-12-01 (12:23:38)

Dasama Leo Lagna is rising with Ret Mar who is also Gk. And Lagna Lord is

placed in 12th house with 3rd and 10th lord Venus this is also happend to be

Marana Karaka Sthana for Sun.


Native is currently running Vi Mahadasa which is 2nd from Lagna and its lord Ret

Mer is in 10th house with Ret Mer and Ke with GK and having Rasi Drishti with

Rahu(7th house) and Jup (5 th and 8th Lord).


Antardasa Leo is also Dasamsa Lagna and its lord Lagna Lord is placed in 12th

house with 3rd and 10th lord Venus this is also happend to be Marana Karaka

Sthana for Sun.

Pratyantara Dasa Leo is also Dasama Lagna Lord... same as Antardsasa analysis as

mentioned above and also you will notice, the above repeated till the Sookshma

Antar Dasa. This itself is enough to conclude that why the native was

unsuccessful in his promotion attempt. So I am stopping here by offering my

Pranams to "Narayana" for giving me the answer.


Now let us switch back to our Vimosttari Dasa to verify the above thoughts.


He is currently running Mer-Mer-Rahu-Mer-Rahu.


>From D-10's perspective:-========================You will see that Mer is 2nd

and 11th lord retrograde and placed in own house in 11th house with 5th Co-Lord

and Gulika and having Rasi Drishti with Rahu and Jup from Sag.

Mercury is his Atma Karaka and his Merc-Merc dasa antar is telling me that

native is going thru his AK antar Dasa too. Also you will notice, Merc is in

Dhanistha Nakshatra ruled by Mars who is retrograde and placed in D-10 Lagna



Rahu is 7th co-lord placed in 5th house with 5th and 8th lord Jup. Now Rahu is

in Bharani Nakshatra ruled by Venus and is placed in 12th house with Sun who is

also the D-10 Lagna Lord and placed in its Marana Karaka Sthana.


>From Rasi's perspective:-========================

He is currently running Mer-Mer-Rahu-Mer-Rahu.


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Merc MD: 2002-05-16 (1:30:55) - 2019-05-16 (9:52:47) Merc AD: 2002-05-16

(1:30:55) - 2004-10-15 (2:12:27) Rah PD: 2003-09-22 (13:15:46) - 2004-01-29

(18:27:17) Merc SD: 2003-11-19 (8:13:21) - 2003-12-07 (13:00:06) Rah

PAD: 2003-11-29 (12:22:55) - 2003-12-02 (5:50:37)

Deha-antardasas in this PAD:

Rah: 2003-11-29 (12:22:55) - 2003-11-29 (22:12:13) Jup: 2003-11-29

(22:12:13) - 2003-11-30 (6:56:03) Sat: 2003-11-30 (6:56:03) - 2003-11-30

(17:17:57) Merc: 2003-11-30 (17:17:57) - 2003-12-01 (2:34:21) Ket:

2003-12-01 (2:34:21) - 2003-12-01 (6:23:30)>>>Ven: 2003-12-01 (6:23:30) -

2003-12-01 (17:17:59) Sun: 2003-12-01 (17:17:59) - 2003-12-01 (20:34:19)

Moon: 2003-12-01 (20:34:19) - 2003-12-02 (2:01:31) Mars: 2003-12-02

(2:01:31) - 2003-12-02 (5:50:37)

You will see that Merc is 2nd and 5th lord retrograde and placed in 9th house

and its dispositer Sat is retro and placed in 3rd house. Also you will notice

that Saturn is in Ashlesa Nakshatra ruled by Merc himself. This Retro metro

being aspected by Ret Sat from 3rd house which is double the retro metro as Sat

is in Ashlesa Nakshatra ruled by Merc. So this Merc Dasa and Antar Dasa have to

be delt with caution as Mec is also his Atma Karaka. Now coming to Rasi

Drishit's point of view, you will this Retro Merc is being aspected by Ret Mar

from Leo Rasi. Mars is his DK in Makha Nakshatra ruled by Ketu who is placed

in 6th house with 3rd lord Moon who is in Chitra Nakhatra ruled by Ma who is

also Retro. My goodness a quite bit of Retro planets and they are all

interconnected, isn't it.


Rahu is 10th co-lord placed in 12th house. Rahu is in Bharani Nakshatra ruled by

Venus and is placed in 11th house. Rahus is also being aspected by Moon from Li.


Having said that, now you can see why the native was not successful in his inerview.


With this, I will handover this case to Guru's and Learned Members to verify my

thinking and correct me if I am wrong.


RegardsRaghunadha Rao

-----original message "manmohandutt" <mmdutt@r...> Fri Dec 5, 2003

11:54 pm career prediction

Dear Gurus,

Please help me in analyzing the following chart of an adult male.This was

examined from his career point of view, especially as hispromotion interview

was around. As many as ten astrologers hadexamined the chart, including the

Nadi astrologers, the parasharisystem, the KP system, the palmist, etc., and

everybody had predictedthat he will come out successful in the interview held

on 1st Dec2003 at New Delhi. His interview was between 11.25 am and 11.45

am.But to the dismay of all when the results were announced on 2ndDecember, his

name was not in the list of successful candidates. Heis a senior executive in

one of the Insurance Companies. Can anyoneexplain why did this happen, when all

the indications as perastrology were in his favour.

Were all the astrologers wrong or is there something really wrongwith astrology?

The Dasha was Mars\Mars\Mars

Natal Chart

February 23, 1948Time: 12:22:17Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place: 77 E

35' 00", 12 N 59' 00"Bangalore, IndiaAltitude: 0.00 meters

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