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Partha, Kundalini

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Dear Partha,


Maybe sweeping distribution of energy from your crown chakra to the 1st

chakra with the palms of your hands and up again (7 times usually) plus

'sprinkling' distribution from top to bottom at the end would help to

distribute energy more evenly and root you better in relation to

relationships and work, because as you say yourself the lower chakras

responsible for relation to 'real-world' issues like work and

relationships seem to be less active and this could be responsible for

work problems. Maybe your sister learnt this at a pranic healing course

and can show you how to do it.

Pranic healers also teach exercises on how to root yourself better and

on how to 'give away' excess energy to the world in prayers.



Kind regards



vedic astrology, "V.Partha sarathy"

<partvinu5> wrote:

> Dear Flugellahm


> My sister is an advanced pranic healer, and i had the opportunity to

> meat some pranic healers few years ago. A clairvoyant met me few

> years ago, and analysed the weaker lower chakras.


> I attended few sessions of healing, and then when my sister learnt

> it, i got some treatment from her.


> But later she discontinued due to her commitments.


> let me share few things.


> I have suffered from chronic headache since childhood. This headache

> has almost "killed" me many times, and i had to use strong medicines.


> At that time i never "felt" and energy.


> SInce last few years i have had some extremely bad failures in both

> professional and personal areas. These events helped to "clear" some

> of the blocked lower chakras.


> Infact when i went for the regression expert, he told me since my

> energy has already "reached" sahasrara, i should concentrate on

> purifying the body, and acquiring more knowledge.


> I am not getting the headaches, due to daily yoga and meditation.

> Meditation is the best healer.


> So for those who feel that loss is a bad thing, let me share that

> 12th house is house of gains for the 2nd house of vision and 7th

> house of maraka for 6th house of weaknesses.

> regards

> partha




> vedic astrology, "flugellahm"

> <flugellahm> wrote:

> > vedic astrology, "V.Partha sarathy"

> > <partvinu5> wrote:

> > Dear Partha,

> >

> >

> > You may have your chakras 'tested' by a pranic healer, who feel the

> > quality of the chakra and can even do treatments if there is a

> problem

> > with overactive Kundalini. The fact that you say that you feel

> constant

> > throbbing at your Ajna chakra and your crown chakra might indicate

> > strong energy at those chakras, maybe even overactivity compared to

> the

> > lower chakras, and this energy can be distributed more evenly to

> the

> > other chakras with pranic healing.

> > There are pranic healers in India and they also have a -group

> for

> > discussion of problems.

> >

> >

> > Best wishes

> >

> >

> > > Dear Narasimha

> >

> > > I have throbbing of Ajna chakra right througout the day, so i

> can

> > > agree to your analysis.

> >

> > > So coming back, i am not so sure whether kundalini has risen or

> not.

> > > But yes, i am constantly feeling energy at the crown center since

> > > last few months. I am now constantly feeling energy in the body,

> and

> > > also the subtle sensations.

> >

> > > thanks and love

> > > partha

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