Guest guest Posted December 10, 2003 Report Share Posted December 10, 2003 Dear Manu RAM KRISHN HARE I have attached a small program suitable for hand calculation. It is given by Arun Bansal ji(Editor Future Samachar monthly jyotish magazine).If you can not see it,please check the website.The site also provides a lot of good jyotish material and you will definately enjoy it. Another very good thing at this site is free entry to astrologers directory. You can add your details or search for others. Thanks Anilkumar OM TAT SAT (A Future Point Creation) ---- ---------- Editions: English | Hindi | Marathi Thursday, December 11, 2003 Home | Feedback | Contact Us Channels • Rashi Phal • Astro Federation N • Astro Education N • Astro Products N • Consultancy • Panchang • Planetary Motion • Bio Rhy. Chart • Market Prediction • Festivals • Free Downloads • Mantras • Future Samachar • Books • Services • Astro Directory • Learn Astrology • Queries Online ? • Spirituality • Seminars • ePandit Network • Pilgrimages • Research Articles Search The Site Your Opinion Is it essential that an astrologer should possess intellectual powers? Yes No Can't Say Results Of Previous Polls Your First Program in Astrology Arun K. Bansal Many students of astrology want to learn programming in astrology. Below we are listing a program which will run on Casio F x 795P or F x 880P Pocket Computers. This program will accept your date of birth, time of birth and longitude, latitude, time zone for the place of birth and display the tenth house, the ascendant and planet degrees one by one. 'Data Input 10 IN PUT "D-O-B"; A 20 A=A/10000 : P=INT (A): A=Frac (A) *100 : S=INT (A) : T=FRAC (A) *10000 30 INPUT "T-O-B"; Q 40 INPUT "LAT:" ; N 50 INPUT "LONG:" ; O 60 $= "MCLA SU MOMAME JU VE SA RA":Z=1: C=360 70 Q=Q/24 + FRAC Q/36 : S=S + 1 : IF S<4 THEN S =S + 12 : T=T - 1 'Epoch 80 T=P+Q-715938 + INT (365.25* T + INT (30.6*S) + INT (T/400 - INT (T/100)) 'Ayanamsa 90 T=T * 1 E-4 : U=C* FRAC (27.3777851*T) - 2.813 : Y= -.3823* T - 23.298 : R=0 100 PRINT DMS$ (-Y) : V=258.954 + T/11.3 : W=U + V - Y + O + Q*C + 97.5 + FRAC O/1.5 'Ascendant 110 S=23.444 : X=COS W * COS S: GOSUB 290 : W=W + 90 : P=.016726 - T/9E4 120 X=COS W * COS S - SIN S * TAN (N+FRAC (N/1.5)) : GOSUB 290: GOSUB 250 'Moon 130 P=45.891 + C * FRAC (362.91647 *T) : Q=44.233 + 2*C*FRAC (338.63192*T) 140 R=C* FRAC (734.96391*T + .6823) : S=6289*SIN P + 1274 * SIN (Q - P) 150 S=S + 658 * SIN Q + 214 * SIN (P + P) -186 * SIN U - 114 * SIN R - 59 * SIN (P + P - Q) 160 S=S + 57 * SIN (Q - P - U) + 53 * SIN (P + Q) + 46 * SIN (Q - U) + 41 * SIN (P - U) 170 S=S - 35 * SIN (Q/2) - 30 * SIN (P + U) - 15 * SIN (R - Q) - 13 * SIN (R + P) 180 S=S + 9 * (SIN (3*P) + Sin (Q + Q - P - P) - Sin (Q - P + U) - Sin (Q + U) : J=0 190 G=131763.5826 * T - 81.742 + 1E-3 * (S - 11 * (Sin (R - P) - Sin (Q + Q - P))) : GOSUBC 'Correction for Jup & Sat 200 E (J)=0 : FOR I=1 TO 6 : READ P,Q,R : E(J) = E (J) + P * 1 E-3 * Sin (C * FRAC (Q*T + R)) 210 NEXT I : J=J + 1: GOTO 180 + 20 * J 'Planet Degrees 220 FOR I= 3 TO 7 : READ J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, Q: U=C*FRAC (J + K*T) : IF I=5 THEN U=U+E 230 V=L + T/M : P=N + T/P : IF I=7 THEN U= U + F 240 GOSUB 250 : NEXT I : G =155.44 - 529.92 * T : GOSUB C : END 'Sun 250 W=X : X=U + P * 180/PI * Sin W : IF ABS (W - X) >1 E-4 THEN 250 260 X=1 - P * COS X : G=V - R + 2 * ATN (TAN (W/2)/TAN (ACS P/2)) 270 IF R=0 THEN Y=G: O=X: GOTO C 280 V=G-Sin (2 * G)/Q : W=V + R - Y: X=Cos W + O/X/S/Cos G * Cos V 'MC & Ascendent 290 G=Y + ATN (Sin W/X) : IF X < 0 THEN G=G+180 360 G=C * FRAC (1 + FRAC (G/C) : X=INT (G/30) + 1 + .01 * INT (1 + 12 * FRAC (G/40)) 370 PRINT MID $ (Z,2); G - .4 * FRAC G; X: Z=Z + 2: RETURN 'Data for Planets 380 DATA 330, .03, .438, 56, 2.756, .886, 45, 2.274, .436, 37, .448, .13 390 DATA 23, 1.378, .44, 23, 1.826, 1.826, .94, 810, .0296, .94, 185, .8955, .993 400 DATA 117, .4475, .625, 13, .483, .325, 8, .881, .44, 8, 2.756, .37 410 DATA .78628, 14.5561326, -47.976, 8.2, .093368, 4E4, 25, 1.52369, 67 420 DATA .39668, 113.6759566, 53.535, 23, .205626, 2E5, 25, .3871, 4.67 430 DATA .68356, 2.3079254, -9.611, 17, .048433, 2E4, 77, 5.20256, 134 440 DATA .117, 44.5036166, 107.71, 349, .006792, -8E4, 53, .7233, 20 450 DATA .52326, .9290067, 68.975, 6.49, .055685, -1E4, 90, 9.55475, 37 Steps 10-40 accept the birth details, 50-80 initialize the variables. T as computed in step 80 is the no. of days calculated from 1 Jan 1900. Ayanamsa is calculated in step 90 & printed in step 100 as 'Y'. Mid heaven is calculated by step 290 & printed by step 360 & 370. Step 120 and subroutine 290 gives ascendant. Subroutine at 250 Computes sun degree. Steps 130 to 190 calculate Moon degree. Steps 200 & 210 compute corrections for Jupiter & Saturn. Steps 220 to 240 is the main loop to compute planet degrees for Mars to Saturn. At the end of 240 we compute Mean Rahu degree by evaluating G. ---- ---------- User Login .User-Id ..Password .. Register | Update Forgot Password? Astro Products this page to your Favorites Buy Today LEO Gold Demo copy Rs. 250 A Future Point Creation A Windows based & user friendly astrological program. More LEO-PC Leo-PC has astrological programs in memory to perform various astrological tasks. 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