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Dear Respected Gurus & Esteemed Members,


Based on my little experience in astrology I have come out with some

conclusions and insights on job changes and sharing this with you.


In the career of a person if the Yearly Chart is strong and Munthesh

& Muntha are in good positions then the person might get excellent

financial and career gains while weak lords may cause job instability

and changes in career. If during this time the transit of planets is

in the favour of the person as also the mahadasa-antardasa excellent

rise can not be ruled out. Any planet related to the three artha

trikonas in good amshas in divisional charts will also give

favourable results if it is placed strongly in different Vargas.


As per my case the yearly charts are good since last three years.

Therefore got three promotions in last 2 ½ years besides the fact

that Saturn's transit is helpful through Taurus to Gemini (although

running sadesati) as also Jupiter's transit through Gemini to Leo

which is 6th and 9th lord in 8th house in natal chart of Cancer

Lagna. Rahu's transit also helped from Gemini to Aries (posited in

the 5th house in Cancer Lagna but Vargottam in Vargottam Lagna). The

best part started after the advent of Saturn Mahadasa with Saturn

Antar. Lord Saturn being an extremely malefic planet for the Cancer

Lagna has helped me rise. Now I will tell you the reasons:


a. Saturn is in Gemini exchanging house with Mercury the 12th lord in

7th house – so it's 7th house malefic results are mitigated.

b. Saturn being the lord of 8th house is located in 12th house with

Moon – the Lagnesh in a way creating Vipareeta Sarala Rajayoga and

also under the benefic aspect of Jupiter and Mars both yogakaraka for

Cancer Lagna

c. Therefore, I see my rise in both Saturn Mahadasa (debilitated in

Navamansha with exalted Sun and Venus in Libra creating neechabhanga

Rajayoga in Vargottam Cancer Lagna) and Mercury Mahadasa (Atmakaraka –

exalted in Navamsha) since they are functional malefic planets for

Cancer Lagna yet involved in a Rajayoga

d. Thus Saturn becomes a situational yogakaraka besides Mercury

although the actual Yogakarakas may not give good results

e. Saturn's aspect on both Jupiter's houses is strengthening Jupiter

since Saturn is influenced by all the Yogakarakas


I have given you the above example since I have the best

understanding of my life and career than others which helps me

understand the planetary influences and let other people to

understand how the small intricacies of astrology can help

understanding and applying the basic astrological principles in our



1. Rahu or Ketu transiting through the 10th house in major cases.

Also their transit through the 2nd house & 6th house may also cause

job change being the two artha trikonas

2. Malefic aspects on the 10th house either in transit or in the

chart is a sign of downfall or struggle in life. This should be seen

in light with the other aspects on the 2nd and 6th houses as well.

Also the malefics transiting through the natal 10th house or its lord

can cause change which will not be beneficial i.e. downfall.

3. In the Mahadasa of Lagna lord, 5th house lord or ninth house lord

the antardasa of 10th lord will be beneficial to the native as far as

career is concerned. Or the antardasa of 1, 5, 9 lords in the

mahadasa of 10th lord will prove to be good.

4. In the Mahadasa of malefics – if benefic planet's antardasa comes

mixed results can be felt depending upon the strength of the planets,

which can be good as well as bad. The same type of results can be

felt in benefic mahadasa malefic antardasa. This can also be said

that in the mahadasa or antardasa of 6th, 8th, 12th loss/struggle is

indicated unless the planet is in its own house or strong by exchange

of vipareet Rajayoga etc. and not coinciding with malefic transit or

yearly chart.

5. Mahadasa, Antardasha, pratyantardasa of a malefic planet

influencing the Artha or power houses causes downfall.

6. The mahadasa, antardasa, pratyantardasa of 9th lord can also cause

job change but normally for the good if it is not a badhakesh

7. In transit if the 10th lord and Lagna lord exchange house than

promotion is indicated – 5th lord should also be in power by aspect

or position

8. An excellent financial benefit (performance bonus) or raise is

indicated if the 10th lord and 2nd lord exchange houses or if they

are in strength based on transit of planets – 9th lord needs to be

under benefic aspect or power during such time

9. The Same can also be expected if the 9th & 10th lords are in power

or exchange houses in transit (fortune dawns on the person)

10. Raise in income is expected if 11th lord is involved in

parivartana or is strong with 10th lord in transit


I am also trying to carve out ascendant wise positions/indications

for career changes i.e. job changes for good as well as bad.


Hope you find the above useful.


With warm regards,

Prakash Kandpal

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