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Dear Narasimharao and List,


On 26 Dec 2003, Iran has to suffer by desasterous earthquake led to death of

over 50,000 in the city of Bam. Although its astrological justification seems a

post-mortum analysis. But this sort of synthesis helps many astrology students

and novice like me to understand the art of mundane horoscopy in a finner way.


Today I cameacorss, a very good astrological justification of this accident on

the group of V.K.Chaudury. I am pasting the copy of that message (along with

attached charts of Iran) for the sake of learning, by keeping in view that

group admin. often predents kind enough to listen others views. Hope our group

members will also pen on this fatal event.






*****************MESSAGE on SAMVA*******************


Dear Thor and list,A 6.7 richter scale earthquake has hit Iran where the city of

Bamhas been heavily hit with many deaths, presently estimated at 2,000and it

could possibly get to 10,000. This devastating earthquakestruck at 5.27am Iraq

time. Earthquakes are relatively common inIran.I have had two charts for Iran

in my files, the date/time theAyatollah touched down in Iran, after the Shah

had fled, and theProclamation date/time of the new Islamic Republic of

Iran.>From only three events, it would seem to me now that theProclamation

chart seems to me to be the most significant of thesetwo.Here are the chart

data of the two Iran charts I have together withthe three events.Iran Chart

(Khomeini Arrival)1 Feb 19799:00am, Tehran 51E26 35N40TZ=3h30m DST=0 Asc =

28*10' AquariusIran Chart (Proclaimed)1 Apr 19793:00pm, Tehran 51E26


DST=1 Asc = 23*43' CancerEvent 1Iran Invaded by Iraq22 Sep 1980,3:00amEvent

2Iran's Worst Aircraft Crash19 Feb 2003,5:45pm, Kerman 57E05 30N17TZ=3h30m

DST=0Event 3Earthquake26 Dec 2003,5:27am, Bam 57E07 34N22TZ=3h30m DST=0The

Proclamation chart, 24* Cancer ascendant, has the 10th lord,Mars, of Government

located in the 9th house of belief systems. Marsoften indicates an authoritarian

style (or militarist) of governmentand with Mars located in the 9th house, might

also indicateleadership dictated by religious beliefs. Jupiter (6th lord)

isexalted and is located in the first house, indicates religion ingeneral, and

with its aspect to both Mars and Mercury in the 9thhouse, reinforces this idea.

Mars (10th lord) also exactly conjunctsa debilitated Mercury (3rd lord) and both

are further weakened byinfancy. The Sun (2nd lord) is also located in the 9th


WithSaturn (MMP 8th lord in the 2nd house) also afflicting Moon (lagnalord) and

Venus (4th lord), the peace nad harmony of its people isconstantly being

challenged. Since the Rahu/Ketu axis is alsoEXACTLY afflicting all of the even

numbered houses(2nd/4th/6th/8th/10th/12th), it can be seen that tension

constantlyexists.With the Proclamation chart, Iran is currently

runningRahu/Mercury/Saturn. If this chart is the correct one then we needto

watch for the change in dasas next year (5 May 2004) when itchanges to

Rahu/Ketu and lasts until May 2005. At the time of thedasa change next May,

transit Saturn (MMP 8th lord) located in the12th house will also be afflicting

Iran's natal Sun (2nd lord in the9th) as well as transit Jupiter (6th lord in

the 2nd). The transitRahu/Ketu axis, across the 10th and 4th houses, will also

beafflicting not only the transit Saturn but also natal Saturn aswell. This

period definitely does not

seem to bode well for thepresent government.Also at that time, transit Uranus

will be transiting the 8th houseof change and forming a very close square (4th

house aspect) withthe natal Moon (lagna lord in the 11th house) representing

thepeople, and just past a conjunction (2* orb) to natal Venus (4thlord). It

seems to me that an air of change is in the mind of Iran'speople. There may

some some sort of revolution at that time. NOTE: Imust add that the outer

planet Uranus is not used in SA nor used inVedic astrology.Regards,Neville

LangIran, Islam Republic ProclaimedApr 1, 1979 3:00 PM, -4:30 AFTTeheran, Iran

Longitude: -51E-26 Latitude: 35N40Lahiri Ayanamsha: 23:34 Current Period:

RA/ME/SAPlanet Deg Sign Speed SA Nakshatra

Lord================================================Asc 23:42 Can Aslesha

MeSun 17:32 Pis +00:59:14 WK Revati MeMoon 13:11 Tau

+13:03:10 WK Rohini MoMars 02:03 Pis +00:46:53 CM P.Bhadra JuMercR 03:42 Pis

-00:31:55 CM U.Bhadra SaJupt 05:30 Can +00:01:14 FM Pushya SaVen 10:22 Aqu

+01:11:38 WK Shatbisha RaSat R 14:43 Leo -00:03:36 FM P.Phalguni VeRahu 23:40

Leo -00:02:53 FM P.Phalguni VeKetu 23:40 Aqu -00:02:53 FM P.Bhadra






O SERVANT, where dost thou seek Me?Lo! I am beside thee.I am neither in temple

nor in mosque: I am neither in Kaaba nor in Kailash:Neither am I in rites and

ceremonies, nor in Yoga and renunciation.If thou art a true seeker, thou shalt

at once see Me: thou shalt meet Me in a moment of time.Kabîr says, "O Sadhu!

God is the breath of all breath."


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Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Iran (republic proclaimed).jhd [not stored]

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Iran (Khumeni returned).jhd [not stored]

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