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Tendulkar's Annual VRY Prediction & Miscellany

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Namaste friends,


Sachin Tendulkar remained not out after scoring 220 runs in the fourth test at

Sydney on January 2-3. This is the highest score made by the little master in

his glorious 14-year career as a cricket batsman. During this knock, he also

passed the 9,000 run mark in his career. He is the 4th batsman in the history

of cricket to pass this mark and he took less matches and less innings to pass

this mark than the other three legends in this exclusive club.


Just a week ago, critics were blasting him and some people were even suggesting

that he should be dropped from the team. Today, playing the decider match in a

cliff-hanger series, he made the best score of his career and placed his team

in such a formidable position that they are almost assured of not losing the

match! The double century maker is again the toast of the nation, along with

Laxman who made 178 runs and got out. See the reversal in fortunes in just a



So the Viparita Raja Yoga in rasi and dasamsa of the annual Tithi Pravesha chart

worked for Tendulkar in the expected antardasa! I made a prediction on this on

Dec 27 and re-iterated on December 29:


<<<<< quote begin ------------

But, based on the annual TP chart, I was (and am) more or less convinced that

the viparita raja yoga between 8th lord Jupiter and 12th lord Moon in Cancer in

D-10 of the annual chart will make Tendulkar break out of the lean patch in

Moon-Jupiter antardasa (Dec 26-Jan 5). I may not be good enough to pin-point

the dates within this period, but it is my expectation that he will come good

in these 10/11 days.


Today he looked good and made 44 runs. But I do not think the viparita raja yoga

gave its result completely. It is yet to give its result fully. There is more

time in this antardasa...


During Dec 30-Jan 4, annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa will be Moon-Jupiter and

annual Vimsottari dasa will be Jupiter-Moon. Perhaps that is when Moon-Jupiter

VRY will give its full results.


I still stand by the birthdata I used and the basic prediction that Tendulkar

will break out of the lean patch during Dec 26-Jan 5.

------------ quote end >>>>>

Instead of justifying 44 in the second innings of the previous test as the good

knock given by the VRY and washing my hands off this prediction, I stuck to my

guns that a bigger one was yet to come.


* * *


The reason for my sticking to guns is that the VRY between Jupiter and Moon is

quite strong. This VRY also gives Gaja-Kesari yoga. Moreover, Moon and Jupiter

are well-placed, one in own sign and the other in exaltation sign. So, in all

likehood, this yoga should give a positive result that is memorable and lasting

in effect.


His 44 run knock in the previous test was good and enough to temporarily silence

the critics. But it was not at all memorable. Now, he got something big and

memorable - a double century and that too his career-best score!


Because of this, I was quite confident. So I stuck to my guns and re-iterated

this prediction 2-3 times. The original daily predictions I made based daily

charts were quite ambitious and perhaps the knowledge is not yet mature enough

for prime time.


But this prediction based on annual TP chart was quite safe to make. In fact, I

decided before this test match to stop writing the current book on Tithi

Pravesha if Tendulkar did not make a big one in this match. After all, when I

am confident of the birthdata and there is a very clear yoga and yet the

expected reveral of fortunes does not happen in the expected 10 day period,

what is the point in spreading the knowledge? I should then concentrate on

perfecting my knowledge, I thought, rather than spreading it. When I consider a

prediction to be safe and yet it fails, it calls for an introspection of my

level of knowledge and I have to ask myself if I can write a book on it.

Luckily, I do not have to do that now and what I thought should be a safe

prediction indeed turned out to be safe. Kudos to annual Tithi Pravesha charts!


Daily charts are a result of my research, but annual charts are tried and tested

in our tradition. BTW, I am not disowning daily charts. I only think that there

are some missing links. I am confident that oneday I can rectify the charts of

cricketers accurately and predict on a daily or even hourly basis. It's just a

matter of time (and more work).


* * *


To those who are concerned about the pride of astrologer in public predictions

and about the main aim of astrology being to help (I am not saying this

derisively at all, I genuinely appreciate their concern):


I am not at all proud of my own abilities. I have made several wrong predictions

and will continue to do so. I completely realize it.


I want to help people, but spreading knowledge and faith in it are a higher

priority for me. Instead of spending my time helping 100 people, if I spend it

perfecting the knowledge so that it can replicated and spreading this knowledge

to 50 people, they can help 5,000 people. So, for every one person I help, I end

up frustrating ten persons who approach me for help and go without being helped

(sorry!). My priorities are to research and perfect the knowledge and then

spread it.


I am not so interested in the art of astrology and only interestied in the

science of astrology. I want to identify principles that can be replicated by

others to make predictions and then spread that knowledge. Even when I pray to

gods, I do not pray to them to give me correct predictions. I pray to them to

give me correct knowledge. If I make a prediction based on a wrong principle, I

pray to gods to make it go wrong and allow me to find my mistakes. My goal is to

pursue and spread the science of astrology.


I am glad there are others who concentrate on the art of astrology and spend

their energies helping people. But I have a clear goal in front of me and I

will pursue that path. We need all kinds of people. Your concern is appreciated



* * *


For those who want to learn the meaning of the word "viparita" in Viparita Raja

Yoga, this case is the perfect example. Viparita literally means reversal. VRY

usually results in a reversal, from one extreme to another. Look at Tendulkar.

He was put down by almost everyone. He became the butt of jokes. Michael

Holding cracked a joke on him at an award ceremony recently.


Today, he has a double century, made the highest score of his career and all

Indian news papers are heralding his return! He made more Test match runs in

these two days than in the entire 2003! Now, that, is a reveral of fortune from

one extreme to another. This is a perfect example of Viparita raja yoga.


Birthdata I used: 24th April 1973, 4:27:56 pm (IST), Bombay, India.

Annual TP chart: 22nd April 2003, 2:06:14 pm (IST), Bombay, India.


In rasi chart, Moon is the 8th lord from AL in AL. He affects the status and

image negatively and gives a fall. His dasa from 9th December 2003 gives fall

of status. Remember that Tendulkar's knock of 82 (or 83) in a tour match before

the first test was called a strokeful knock of mastery by Australian critics and

his low score in the first test was attributed to an umpiring error by Steve

Bucknor. He was not criticized until December 9. Sun dasa was ok. Once Moon

dasa set in, Tendulkar's status (AL) fell! However, Jupiter is the lord of AL

and he has a parivartana with Moon in both rasi and dasamsa. They have VRY in

both rasi and dasamsa. So Jupiter antardasa in Moon dasa has to rescue the

image and status and effect a reversal of fortune.


Study the annual TP chart and correlate it with the recent events. You will

really understand what VRY means. This is a perfect example.


* * *


Thanks to those who congratulated me. It is the greatness of the Tithi Pravesha

system and not mine. Fortunately, the birthtime rectified by me is ok and my

understanding of the syetem is ok. So it worked well. Whatever logic I have

used is very crisp and clear and anyone analyzing this chart will come to the

same conclusions. In other words, there is no magic or artistry or beating

around the bush. The approach is very systematic, logical and scientific. I am

glad it worked.


* * *


In a recent mail, Sarajit (I think) asked for my birthdata, as something I said

about my D-27 was not correct based on the chart he had. Here is my birthdata:

4th April 1970, 5:47:13 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India. This was rectified by

me for the Vimsottari dasa class.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

vedic astrology

Monday, December 29, 2003 12:23 AM

Re: Aus-Ind test match Dec 26-30

Dear Vijay,


Though I am open to considering other birthtimes for Tendulkar, I am reasonably

confident that the birthtime I use is almost correct. Otherwise, I would not

make a prediction. So, I would not want to use wrong birthtime as an excuse for

my failure. However, if others want to rectify, they are welcome to do so.


Perhaps I haven't mastered daily charts enough yet and I should not try making

daily or hourly predictions (not that I have made hourly predictions, but I was

considering making them).


But, based on the annual TP chart, I was (and am) more or less convinced that

the viparita raja yoga between 8th lord Jupiter and 12th lord Moon in Cancer in

D-10 of the annual chart will make Tendulkar break out of the lean patch in

Moon-Jupiter antardasa (Dec 26-Jan 5). I may not be good enough to pin-point

the dates within this period, but it is my expectation that he will come good

in these 10/11 days.


Today he looked good and made 44 runs. But I do not think the viparita raja yoga

gave its result completely. It is yet to give its result fully. There is more

time in this antardasa...


During Dec 30-Jan 4, annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa will be Moon-Jupiter and

annual Vimsottari dasa will be Jupiter-Moon. Perhaps that is when Moon-Jupiter

VRY will give its full results.

I still stand by the birthdata I used and the basic prediction that Tendulkar

will break out of the lean patch during Dec 26-Jan 5.


However, cricker enthusiasts among you who are emotionally attached to the game

and to Tendulkar should realize that I am not infallible and not create false

hopes. I do not decide Tendulkar's fortune, God does. I only try to decipher

it. I can fail.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Dear Mr. Narsimha,> > In case if Chart of Tendulkar is not correct, why not

the effort are made to correct it astrologically ?> > I request the scholars of

this discussion group to list down the birth time rectification principles

available in vedic astrology and evaluate the validity of those principles by

applying them to various charts including that of Tendulkar.> > Regards,> >

Vijay Kumar

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