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Parashari-Jaimini ! (to Sri Chandrasekhar Ji)

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Dear Chandrasekhar Ji,


Your longish mails are very informative. Pls keep writing longish ones. At the

end of the last mail you were saying it became too long. It was a good mail.

Now your clarification is still better.


i also feel that people using True nodes & using different ayanamsas are

sticking to their own basics ( if i may say so!).


>From what you said, can we speculate that the other Rishis whose works are lost

were using different 'systems'. What could be the root of all this?


Many thanks and best regards

viswanadhamAnna <bona_mente > wrote:

Dear Chandrashekar,

I have read carefully..

Thank you.

AnnaChandrashekhar <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

Dear Anna,I am sorry that you appear to be shocked with my opinions. I would

like you to read what I have said carefully again. You will find that I have

already clarified that one should use the system that one is comfortable with,

and have also said that different Rishis devised different systems. If you

read the mail in its entirety, you will understand that I am not saying

anything contradictory to what is taught,but am trying to indicate how the

teachings are to be used. I merely say that application of different system

without understanding the logic behind them could lead one to a wrong

prediction. An example would be Prashna Marga of deciding Aarudha based on the

location of the querist or his placing a piece of Gold on a particular

direction on the circular chart. Now would you say Aarudha arrived at by this

method can use the principles of Aarudha defined by Parashara and one will

arrive at correct predictions? Or can Aarudha arrived at by using Parashara

principles will give correct predictions when it is used to arrive at

conclusions based on the results given in Prashna Marga? I am certain you will

not. Similarly can Gulika and Mandi at different points of reference be used

when applying Jaataka Paarijata parameters, when the text states specifically

that they are synonyms of the same upagraha? The logic behind what I wrote will

be clear to you.Regards,Chandrashekhar.Anna wrote:>>> */Chandrashekhar

<boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk>/* wrote:> > Dear Chandrashekar,> You raised serious

issues here, indeed. I just copied some parts, > although the entire post

questions in fact all we've learnt here, so far.> You said:*_You can not apply

say Metric system to manufacture a

bolt > and BSW for the nut , they would never fit properly._*>> You imply that

wrt. rashi dristi, aroodas, that we are thought to use > along with graha

dristi etc..I feel this is rather serious and wish if > could see more comments

on this- this is in fact the first time I see > on THIS list such a view;

implications would be far-reaching with lots > of fundamental questions

raised.>> Thank You.>> Best regards,>> Anna>> >> >>> > *There are many

systems based on the experience of the Rishis, who> formulated them...*> ** > *

one> predicts on the basis of Planet drishty and when the prediction goes> wrong

one takes recourse to explaining away the reason of the failure by> application

of Rasi drishty. Same is the case with use of Aarudhas,> Karakamsha, Divisional

charts etc.

One should have a uniform approach to> any chart one analyses. _You can not

apply say Metric system to> manufacture a bolt and BSW for the nut , they

would never fit properly._> *> ** > *Not much work has been done on Aarudhas

and other parameters even by the> ancient sages and ...This does not mean that

the concept carries no > substance, only that> exahaustive work has not been

done on this aspect. _Even the major yogas> are not based on these concept and

as such it is difficult to know the> correct method of their application._ It

is very well to wax eloquent on> their applicability and the principles behind

such practice, it is> another matter giving Authentic quotes from standard

texts to support> the premise.> *>>> > >

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