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Natural & Functional

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Dear Anand,

Let me attempt to give some ideas on the topic, please remember I am a student

like you. I always like to see the principles combined with some easy

analogies, so that I can understand the topic easily. I have committed for the

knowledge transfer, whatever a little knowledge I have, hence I do not afriad

to share, becuase I know Guru's and Senior members are always with us to

correct me.

I think this topic was discussed once long time back. Here's what I know or

rather say what I have gathered from Gurus/Seniors from the lists and also

based on various messages and books.

1. Natural Benfics and Natural malefics become Functional Malefics and

Functional Benefics, when they become owners of Kendras. That does not mean

that natural malefics will become completely benefic. It just means that they

become benefic for the houses owned or influenced strongly by them otherwise

they retain their maleficience in all other matters related to their natural

tendencies and hence remain malefic for all other matters. Influence and

functional benefic nature also depends upon the strength of the planet involved

i.e., it should not be debilitated, combust or close to Rashi-sandhi and not in

conjnction with other functional malefics etc., Also the benefic effects of

such functional benefics will come during their antardasas/pratyantardasas only

and even then their effects will just support the houses(in a benefic way) owned

by them (assuming they are strong and placed in favourable signs), but if weak

and /or placed

in 3rd/6th/8th/12th houses then there will not be much benefic effects and these

functional benefics will behave as natural malefics only (or very feeble benfic

and mostly malefic only).

2. Natural benefics become functional malefics when they own kendras...they are

malefic with respect to the houses owned by them or strongly influenced by

them. That does not mean that they will loose all their beneficience. They will

still retain their general benefic nature for all other houses and matters

controlled by them. However if they are weak i.e, placed in debiliated signs,

placed close to Rashi Sandhi , combust, in conjnction with lords of

6th/8th/12th houses and/or placed in 3rd/6th/8th/12th houses, then they will

loose even that general beneficience also and become even more malefic and more

painful during their periods.

3. Natural Benefics and Natural malefics become functional benefics when they

become lords of trikonas(1st, 5th and 9th houses). This is assuming they are

not afflicted, weak as given above in step#2. Also natural malefics will retain

some of their natural maleficience, but will mostly be benefic for the houses

owned by them, as explanied above in step#1.

4. The Lords of Dusthanas -3rd,6th, 8th and 12th are generally malefic and any

planet placed in these houses becomes malefic or losses its inherent strength

and become painful during its dasa/antardasa/pratyantardasa. When afflicted or

weak then these lords give even more pain during their periods.

5. Now who are really benefic : Natural benefics are benefic, when they own

trikona houses or when they are devoid of Kendra-Adhipati dosha(when they are

functional malefics being lords of kendras but if they occupy the house owned

by them in kendra, then their is no dosha and the native flourishes). Natural

malefics when they become functional benefics, provided they do not own those

kendras, owned by them and are not afflicted etc., Natural malefics become

benefics when they are placed strongly in trikona houses owned by them or are

placed stringly in other houses. Also please note that whenever natural

malefics become functional benefics, they mostly support materialism only (they

do not support materialism when afflicted, cause financial losses and force one

to go in the direction of painful spiritualism at the cost of materialistic


6. If still nothing is clear, then please also see if strong Mahapurusha yogas,

strong VRYs, strong NeechBhanga yogas exist etc ., and hopefully most cases are

covered by these defnitions... when lot of planets are afflcted then lords of

3rd, 6th and 11th houses can create avenues of materialistic achievements

depending upon one's karma since these houses are under our control to a

limited extent(after all we have to execute our karma also in any case..since

all these fucntional benefics etc are useless, unless and until you execute

your karma i.e., say you are to drive a car on highway then astrological

combinations are just stops on the highway as the car(one's life) moves

forward. if we do no drive the car, then the planets hardly do anything upto

desired expectations and force us on their routes forcefully and we will surely

land in all types of malefic periods(ditches) in helpless manner, if have we

done nothing worth

mentioning in benefic periods(just an analogy only ))...that's my humble

understanding so far...hope it helps some one.

I would request Gurus and learned memebers to correct me if I am wrong.

Regards Raghunadha Rao------- "Anand Natarajan" <Anand_natarajan@i...>

Tue Oct 14, 2003 12:35 am Natural & Functional

Hi What is: 1. Natural Benefic/maleifc 2. Functional Benefic/maleifcIs it:

Natural Benefic: Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon, Mercury with a benefic Natural

Malefic: Saturn,Rahu, Kethu, Waning Moon, Mercury with a malefic Functional

Benefic: Yoga karakas Functional Malefic: Bhadaka planet, A Natural Benefic

in a Kendra Clarify. regards,N. Anand



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