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Major Legal Action Against BBT Trustees

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May 15, USA (SUN) — The following letter was sent to the BBT Trustees on April 30th, 2006. This letter is intended to locate, identify, and rectify the possibly criminal mismanagement of Srila Prabhupada's original BBT and the changes made to the books of our beloved Spiritual Master His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. An official response to our urgent inquiry has been requested from the BBT Trustees within 30 days


From harekrsna.com

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402. Long Island - Nimai Pandit Expulsion


Whereas ISKCON Inc. was established by Srila Prabhupada in New York City in 1966 as the first corporation of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness; and


ISKCON Law (see below) condemns the ritvik doctrine as antithetical to the teachings of Krishna consciousness as taught by Srila Prabhupada; and


Viswa B. Garuda has been replaced as the President of the Long Island temple by Nikhil Gupta; and


After a thorough investigation, the GBC finds that Nikhil Gupta has embraced and is actively propagating the ritvik doctrine in the ISKCON Inc. temple located at 197 South Ocean Avenue, Freeport NY; and


Nikhil Gupta has been instructed by GBC representatives on numerous occasions to cease and desist such ritvik-related activities on the temple premises; and


Nikhil Gupta has openly defied and rejected the instructions of the GBC to cease any further ritvik activity in the ISKCON Inc. temple premises;


Therefore it is resolved:


That Nikhil Gupta is deemed to be in flagrant violation of ISKCON Law (see below) and as a direct result of such activities is no longer a member in good standing of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness;


That Nikhil Gupta is hereby removed from his position in ISKCON Inc.


That the election of directors held on Sunday, 20th February 2005 is once again (per resolution of last year) hereby deemed to be null and void;


That Nikhil Gupta shall immediately take all steps necessary to return control of the temple premises located at 197 South Ocean Avenue, Freeport, NY to the sole and exclusive control of the GBC, for the purpose of the GBC putting in place ISKCON members in good standing as Board of Directors and as officers to manage the corporation and its assets according to the directives of the GBC. The GBC hereby delegates full authority to the North American GBC Executive Committee to determine who are in good standing to become officers and directors of ISKCON Inc., as well as to remain as residents of the temple located at 197 South Ocean Avenue, Freeport, NY.


That Nikhil Gupta and those acting in concert with him in the ritvik-related activities herein shall vacate the temple premises within seven (7) days of receipt of notice to be delivered to him by a GBC representative.


The relevant ISKCON Law in this connection is as follows:




6.4.7 Specifically Outlawed Doctrines and Practices Ritvikism, aka posthumous ritvik theory, post-samadhi ritvik theory, proxy initiation theory, no change theory, etc.


“The doctrine that Srila Prabhupada desired to continue to act as diksa-guru after his departure from this world and did not desire any of his disciples to give diksa in succession after him is a dangerous philosophical deviation. Ritvikism directly goes against the principle of parampara itself (of successive diksa and siksa-gurus), which sustains the pure teachings and practices of Krsna consciousness. This principle has been established by Krishna and is upheld by all acaryas. Indeed, it is accepted by all followers of Vedic culture. Ritvikism is thus an extreme deviation. It is utterly erroneous to espouse it, deluding and misguiding to teach it, and blasphemous to attribute it to Srila Prabhupada. No one who espouses, teaches, supports in any way, or practices ritvikism can be a member in good standing of ISKCON. Enforcement of ISKCON Law regarding Ritvikism


1. The GBC Body unequivocally rejects in principle any proposals that Ritvikism be in some manner or another accommodated or tolerated within ISKCON.


2. The GBC Body hereby makes known its strong determination to enforce ISKCON Law in the matter of Ritvikism and it enjoins upon all its members and other official bodies, officers, and other authorities in ISKCON such as Regional Governing Boards, Regional Secretaries, GBC Ministers, Sannyasis, Initiating Gurus, Temple Presidents, and Temple Officers, the responsibility to take every appropriate action, according to ISKCON Law to enforce the prohibition against Ritvikism in ISKCON.


3. A. The GBC Body declares that to espouse or preach Ritvikism includes the following censurable offenses under the provisions of ISKCON Law: (


1. Conscious and serious philosophical deviation from Srila Prabhupada’s teachings and


2. Willful violation of GBC Body resolutions.


B. Further, the GBC Body hereby rules that in relation to the espousal of Ritvikism these offenses are of a sufficiently serious nature as to warrant immediate imposition of the penalty of probation, including its attendant program for rectification.


C. Further, the GBC Body hereby empowers the Executive Committee for the year 1999-2000 to place any ISKCON member who espouses Ritvikism on probation, and in consultation with that member’s immediate local authority, or local GBC Member, to establish a specific program of rectification as provided in ISKCON Law which can include:


1. Disciplinary or remedial transfer to another location;


2. Reformatory change of service,


3. Prohibition from visiting or living in a specified temple or community,


4. Specific spiritual remedial programs


5. A divestiture of certain actions for the period of probation,


6. Reasonable and just reformatory programs.

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The BBT trustees just met in Italy these last few days. They dismissed the letter as of no legal value.


Part of the rittvic camp strategy for their destructive propaganda and distracting energies from preaching.

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