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Zaawansowany Trening w ¦rodkowo-Wschodniej Europie - Eastern European Advanced Training

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Zapraszam serdecznie na kolejne szkolenia, tym razem bardziej zaawansowane.

I invite you for the next workshop, a more advanced one this time.


Waldemar Piasecki


Je¶li nie chcesz otrzymywaæ informacji na temat Porozumienia bez Przemocy

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1. Zaawansowany Trening w ¦rodkowo-Wschodniej Europie (Polish version)


2. Eastern European Advanced Training (for English version look below)


Ad 1. Zaawansowany Trening w ¦rodkowo-Wschodniej Europie


25.06.2006-3.07.2006 Otwock, POLAND

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Gdybys chcial wesprzec tê inicjatywê to mo¿esz:

- wzi±æ udzia³ w tym szkoleniu


- przekazaæ to zaproszenie innym osobom, które mog³yby siê zainteresowaæ


- przekazaæ nam fundusze na organizacjê tego warsztatu

- przes³aæ nam najlepsze ¿yczenia


Osoba wspieraj±ca program: Eva Rambala dyplomowany trenerka Porozumienia Bez

Przemocy oraz koordynatorka projektu CNVC (Centrum Porozumienia Bez Przemocy)

na wschodni± Europê

Organizatorka: Ania Mills aniamills (AT) wp (DOT) pl


koszty: 250 euro op³ata, 350 PLN zakwaterowanie (ok. 95 euro)

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W ci±gu tego tygodnia mo¿esz spêdziæ czas w “bezpiecznym” otoczeniu, z lud¼mi,

którzy maj± mocn± intencjê do zintegrowania Porozumienia Bez Przemocy w swoim

codziennym ¿yciu i ju¿ wcze¶niej po¶wiêcili trochê czasu na szkolenia. Bêdziemy

siê staraæ byæ w pe³ni szczerzy i radziæ sobie ze szczero¶ci± innych ludzi.


Bêdziemy do¶wiadczaæ, jak odpocz±æ w chaosie, wyraziæ w³asne ¿yczenia, jak

wyraziæ ¿al wynikaj±cy z frustracji.

g³ówny jêzyk: Angielski

Dla osób w wiêkszych grupach t³umaczenie w jêz. Polskim i wêgierskim. W ma³ych

grupach – nieobowi±zkowo



Maksymalnie 40 osób.


20 osób ze wsch. Europy – wiele z nich mo¿e potrzebowaæ wsparcia finansowego.


and 20 osób z innych krajów, które mog± wesprzec finansowo powy¿sz± grupê



Intencja, aby praktykowaæ szczero¶æ i empatiê.


Przynajmniej 10 dni szkoleñ z dyplomowanym trenerem.


przynajmniej jedna prezentacja dowolnego tematu dot. Porozumienia Bez Przemocy



Do¶wiadzenie I praktyka pracy w zespole Porozumienia Bez Przemocy


Jak sie zarejestrowaæ

1. wy¶lij formularze rejestracyjny do aniamills (AT) wp (DOT) pl


2. W celu rezerwacji wy¶lij 50 euro – bezzwrotne na poni¿sze konto

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1. Gdyby¶my otrzymali 250 Euro za ka¿dego uczestnika, to pokry³oby koszt

organizacji treningu. Proszê pamiêtaæ, ¿e czê¶æ osób potrzebuje dofinansowania,

wiêc prosimy tych, którzy mog± wp³aciæ wiêcej o 500 do 1100 Euro. Gdyby¶cie

chcieli udzieliæ wsparcia i poznaæ osoby, które wspieracie skontaktujcie siê z

Ani± aniamills (AT) wp (DOT) pl


2. Koszt zakwaterowania i posi³ków przez 7 dni: 350 PLN (about 95



Gdyby¶ci chcieli przekazaæ nam mniej pieniêdzy, proszê skontatktujcie siê z

nami. Mo¿emy was wesprzeæ pomys³ami, jak znale¼æ konieczne ¶rodki finansowe.

Gdyby¶cie przes³ali nam zdjêcie i poprosili w kilku zdaniach (mniej ni¿ 6)

mo¿emy umie¶ciæ je na naszej stronie internetowej i byæ mo¿e pomóc wam znale¼æ

kogo¶, kto z przyjemno¶ci± wspar³by was.



Address: ul Prusa 7, Otwock,


Najlepiej dojechaæ poci±giem z Warszawa ¦ródmie¶cie do OTWOCKA

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Nie jest to hotel, lecz klasztor.


About the accommodation: it is a convent not a regular hotel. Nuns are

welcoming us as we invite friends to our home. They might ask for some

participation while they are serving us (doing the dishes, etc.) For this

price we can receive a decent, clean room and just enough, healthy food.

They can cope with some extra wishes. Generally nuns do not cook separate

vegetarian meals, but since everyone serves himself you can choose not to

eat meat.

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You are welcome to take some of your favorite snacks and share it with the



If there will be enough requests we will arrange Sight Seeing in Warsaw on

the 24th and 25th


Mamy ju¿ 20 uczestników, a w¶ród nich:


Eva Rambala, in the last 6 years I put my heart and most of my time and

energy to spread peace in Eastern Europe in the form of teaching NVC. Now I

got to the point where I would like to manifest one of my greatest dreams,

which is to get together all the people from this region who have the same

dream and to learn from each other


Ian Peatey, I have been learning NVC for around 5 years and started sharing

it around 3 years ago. One of my ambitions is to combine NVC with the

business world to make a real difference to how our organisations support

all of us in getting our needs met. I was born in England and now live in




Zalecany harmonogram:


8.00 9.00 ¶niadanie


9.00 10.30 Session I.


10.30 11.00 przerwa


11.00 12.30 Session II.


12.30 14.00 Obiad


14.00 16.30 Session III.


16.30 17.00 Break


17.00 18.30 Evaluation


18.30 20.00 Kolacja


20.00 22.00 zebranie wieczorne






Socjokracja – nie jest to jeszcze ostatecznie uzgodnione

Socjokracja: zalecamy ten warsztat dla ca³ej grupy w poniedzia³ek



Socjokracja jest metod± zarz±dzania dla wszystkich rodzajów organizacji –

stowarzyszeñ, korporacji, spo³eczeñstw – która zapewnia w³±czenie,

odpowiedzialno¶æ czy mo¿liwo¶æ rozliczenia i produktywno¶æ. Opiera siê ona na

równym warto¶ciowaniu wszystkich cz³onków organizacji i tworzy strukturê, która

zarówno chroni interesy cz³onków organizacji i tworzy mocn± i skuteczn±

strukturê podejmowania decyzji.


Komentarz Evy Rambali: Socjokracja jest wielkim narzêdziem do podejmowania

decyzji w grupie. Zarz±d Centrum Porozumienia Bez Przemocy, Marshall Rosenberg

i wielu innych ludzi zafascynowa³o siê tym modelem. Chcia³abym, aby¶my siê

nauczyli go i zdecydowali, czy chcemy chcemy niego korzystaæ czy nie. Kiedy

widzia³am, jak mo¿na go zastosowaæ do spotkañ zarz±du by³am pod wielkim





Session I:


Eva Rambala: Jak znale¼æ wewnêtrzn± harmoniê czê¶æ I.


Session II:


Eva Rambala : Jak znale¼æ wewnêtrzn± harmoniê czê¶æ II.


Session III:




Session I:


Eva Rambala: Porozumienie Bez Przemocy i zwi±zki


Session II:


Eva Rambala: Porozumienie Bez Przemocy i zwi±zki


Session III:







Session I:


Eva Rambala: Porozumienie Bez Przemocy i pieni±dze


Session II:


Eva Rambala: Porozumienie Bez Przemocy i pieni±dze


Session III:


Ian Peatey: Stosowanie Porozumienie Bez Przemocy w miejscu pracy





Session I:


Eva Rambala: Otwarta dyskusja


Ian Peatey: Przemiana przes±dów


Session II:


Eva Rambala: Otwarta dyskusja


Ian Peatey: Przemiana przes±dów


Session III:





Session I:


Eva Rambala: Otwarta dyskusja


Session II:


Eva Rambala: Otwarta dyskusja


Session III:





Session one and two: Zebranie ca³ej grupy - ocena tygodnia


Eva Rambala



eva (AT) rambala (DOT) hu

skype: evarambala


Buzavirag u. 12

H-1025 Budapest, Hungary


Cell: (+36) 30 54 74 461

Home: (+36 1) 368 9424


Ad 2. English version:


Here is the flyer:

Eastern European Advanced Training


Sunday June 25th - Sunday July 2nd 2006 in Otwock, POLAND


If you would like to support making this happen, here are some suggestions

how to do it:

Come and participate.


Forward this invitation to others who might be interested.


Send us financial support.


Send us your good wishes.



Program facilitator: Eva Rambala certified NVC trainer, and CNVC Eastern

European project coordinator.


Organizer: Ania Mills aniamills (AT) wp (DOT) pl


costs: 250 euro tuition, 350 PLN accommodation (about 95 euro)

This Week is for Those:

Who really would like to be in a "safe" environment - with people who have a

strong intention to integrate NVC into their everyday life and have already

put quite some effort into learning the process - and would like to try out

how it is to be fully honest and how to cope with the honesty of others.


Who would like to experience how to rest in chaos, find their voice in it,

how to express their wishes, how to mourn when they were just sitting on

their frustrations or expressed it in a way that they wish they hadn't.


main language: English,


The large group gatherings will be translated into Polish, Hungarian, etc.

and the small groups optional


There will be a maximum of 40 people


20 people from Eastern Europe, many who will need some financial support


and 20 people from other areas who are willing to provide extra finances to

support these 20 people and learn together with those who are working to

bring peace in Eastern Europe


The intention to practice honesty and empathy.


At least 10 days of previous training with an NVC certified trainer.


The presentation of at least one NVC session during the week.


Experience and practice working in an NVC team





1. send your registration form to aniamills (AT) wp (DOT) pl

<aniamills (AT) wp (DOT) pl>


2. In order to reserve a place send (50 euro - non-refundable) to the

following bank account


Bank account info:



Some Details:


1. If we receive tuition of 250 Euros for each partcipant it would cover

the costs of organizing the training and running it. Keep in mind that some

people in this region need support for travel costs and accommodation - so

we are asking those that can give more to provide 500 to 1100 Euros.. If

you would like to support those who have no possibility to cover their

costs, and you would like to know who will receive your support, please

contact Ania. aniamills (AT) wp (DOT) pl


2. Price of accommodation and food for the 7 days: 350 PLN (about 95



If you would like to offer us less money, please contact us and we can

support you with ideas about how to find the necessary financial resources.

If you send your photo and a request in less than 6 sentences we can put it

on our website and maybe help you to find someone who would enjoy to support






Address: ul Prusa 7, Otwock, POLAND


How to travel: nearest airport: Warsaw


How to get to the site from the airport:


take a bus 175 to the Warszawa Œródmieœcie Train Station and take train to

OTOCK (about45minutes ride) From the train station in OTWOCK take a taxi (

about 8 z³= 2 euro) to ul.Prusa 7, Otwock



About the accommodation: it is a convent not a regular hotel. Nuns are

welcoming us as we invite friends to our home. They might ask for some

participation while they are serving us (doing the dishes, etc.) For this

price we can receive a decent, clean room and just enough, healthy food.

They can cope with some extra wishes. Generally nuns do not cook separate

vegetarian meals, but since everyone serves himself you can choose not to

eat meat.



You are welcome to take some of your favorite snacks and share it with the




If there will be enough requests we will arrange Sight Seeing in Warsaw on

the 24th and 25th



Participants who signed up so far:



Eva Rambala, in the last 6 years I put my heart and most of my time and

energy to spread peace in Eastern Europe in the form of teaching NVC. Now I

got to the point where I would like to manifest one of my greatest dreams,

which is to get together all the people from this region who have the same

dream and to learn from each other



Ian Peatey, I have been learning NVC for around 5 years and started sharing

it around 3 years ago. One of my ambitions is to combine NVC with the

business world to make a real difference to how our organisations support

all of us in getting our needs met. I was born in England and now live in




Format Open Space



We will meet at 17.00 on Sunday June 25th for an introduction and to decide

what structure we want to use. Dinner is the first meal we will get. We

are leaving the accommodation on Sunday July 2nd at 13.00 Lunch is the last

meal we will get.



Request: to offer strictly NVC sessions during the day and to leave the

evenings for fun and for topics where NVC is combined with something else or

NVC related things.



Recommended schedule:


8.00 9.00 Breakfast


9.00 10.30 Session I.


10.30 11.00 Break


11.00 12.30 Session II.


12.30 14.00 Lunch


14.00 16.30 Session III.


16.30 17.00 Break


17.00 18.30 Evaluation


18.30 20.00 Dinner


20.00 22.00 Evening gathering





Sociocracy: recommended for the whole group for Monday


Sociocracy is a method for governance for all kinds of organizations --

associations, corporations, and societies -- that ensures inclusiveness,

accountability, and productivity. It rests on the equal valuing of all

members of an organization and creates a structure that both protects the

interests of members of the organization and produces a strong and efficient

decision-making structure.


Eva Rambala's comment: Sociocracy is great tool for making group decision.

CNVC's board, Marshall and many other people are crazy about it. So I would

like us to learn about it and to decide if we want to use it or not. When I

have seen on a board meeting how it can be applied, I was more than

impressed with it.


Session I:


Eva Rambala: How to find inner harmony part I.


Session II:


Eva Rambala : How to find inner harmony part II.


Session III:







Session I:


Eva Rambala: NVC and relationships


Session II:


Eva Rambala: NVC and relationships


Session III:







Session I:


Eva Rambala: NVC and money


Session II:


Eva Rambala: NVC and money


Session III:


Ian Peatey: Using NVC in the workplace







Session I:


Eva Rambala: Open for request


Ian Peatey: Transforming Prejudice


Session II:


Eva Rambala: Open for request


Ian Peatey: Transforming prejudice


Session III:







Session I:


Eva Rambala: Open for request


Session II:


Eva Rambala: Open for request


Session III:







Session one and two: Whole group gathering evaluating the week


Eva Rambala



eva (AT) rambala (DOT) hu

skype: evarambala


Buzavirag u. 12

H-1025 Budapest, Hungary


Cell: (+36) 30 54 74 461

Home: (+36 1) 368 9424



z powa¿aniem

Waldemar Piasecki




tel. +48(0)22-6544111

kom. +48 (0) 508 069 936


Wys³ano z programu Mailer - polinfor.pl

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