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Tantric Jyothis- Understanding of Modern Styles of Jyotish

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Respected Pandits,

I was taught that ‘TANTRA’ forms one of the three parts of ‘ KANITHA ISKANTHA’

in Vedic-Astrology, which deals ‘ SATHUR YOUGA ‘. Kindly clarify that, it does

not mean any black magic?


Inder Jit Sahni <isawhney (AT) sancharnet (DOT) in> wrote:

Dear Mumin,I will try to answer your question with my limited knoeledge;>

Everyone who studies Jyotish learns early on in their> study, that there are

five principle styles, or> schools, of Jyotish; they are as follows:>> Parasari

Jyotish> Tajika Jyotishic > TantrJyotish> Jaimini Jyotish> Nadi Jyotish>> Each

style, or school, is named for the sage that> supposedly revealed its core

tenants at some point in> the past, in some cases as far back as several>

thousand years ago. With the exception of Tantric> Jyotish, each of the other

schools have also spawned> inspired commentaries. For example, there exists

many> such commentaries on the Parasari method by> Mantreshwara (Phaladeepika),

Varamahira (Brihat> Jataka) and Kalidasa (Uttara Kalmrita), and more> modern-day

commentaries on other schools of Jyotish,> like the recent writings of surgeon

and jyotishi Dr.> K.S. Charak (his musings on the Varshaphal, the Solar> Return

chart used by the Tajika Jyotish school) and> P.S. Shatri's and Sanjay Rath's

commentaries on the> Jaimini school of Jyotish (based on the Jaimini> Sutras).I

do not agree with your Division, Prashara compiled all the knowledge atone place

and Prashari is an encyclopedia of Astrology , it includes all theDasha systems,

Jamini was also a sytem but is compiled in BPHS, Nadi is onlyelaboration of some

of techniques of Prashar Hora Shastra, Varahamihirrelied on Prashar, but Uttar

Kal Amrita adopted some western Division suchas Dreshkaan, no body among

Varahmihir or Mantreshwara accepted the Dreshkanand Hora methods cpmes through

western school or are currently reffered

bysome astrologers.There are two different school of thoughts on Jamini methods,

as well asthere reference in BPHS, some versus are different in different sets

ofBPHS.Tantra has nothing to do with astrology and is a different branch.Tajika

is also western or non Indian sytem but is well adopted in India.So basicaly

there is Prshara Jyotish which contains almost every thing ,some part of it are

famous as Jamini system.It is same as one will say that Old age, young etc.in a

rashi is a conceptof Sytem approach, where as it is a part of BPHS and he has

given 96avasthas for a planet , but system approach was able to apply onle

1/13rthof that.In the same way KP adopted Vishmotary Dsha and take Placidus

Cusp methods ofwest , but because Placidus Cusp chart pass the test of

Vishmotary , so wecan say even Placidus though born in west is fit to

Prashra.But Kp does not exclude other methods of Prashra , a KP astrologer is

opento use every thing, but he can differentiate the chart from others due

toBhva Chart.If you will go to Mantreshwara , Chamtkar Chintamani and other

authors youwill observe that every author has asked to calculate Bhava and to

find outBhava position of Planets calculating tenth house at a place. Then

onlycomes the Division Charts.> Within the past 20 years or so, building in a

quiet> manner, there has been the formation of more> modern-day approaches to

Jyotish. Now that Jyotish has> come to the West, no doubt there will continue

to be> more innovations to this ancient art. While this may> raise the hackles

of those more inclined to the more> tried and true methods, the Rahu in me

makes me want> to investigate these more modern methods. In the end,> I may

decide that the more classical methods, more or> less, hold sway. But for the

moment, I am willing to> see if any of the "new

school" holds any water.>> Of these more modern methods, two schools in>

particular seem to merit special attention: the> Krishnamurthi school of

Jyotish, and the System's> Approach method of Jyotish. Both have gained a>

steadily growing following, both back in the "old> country" as well as here in

the West. It is these two> schools of Jyotish that I wish to investigate

here.>> My first question and concern would be, what are the> fundamental

tenants of these schools of thought - and> how are their principles applied to

the horoscope?>> Further, another concern and question: how do these>

principles apply to the following ->> Natal Astrology> Medical Analysis>

Relationship Compatibility> Predictive Analysis> Horary Astrology> Electional

Astrology> Counselling and Remedial MeasuresI can write about KP and Vedic, not

much familar with Sytem Approach , and ido not agree with its techique because

when ever i tried to go through it ifind it against the basics of Prashara.KP

does not believe in Electional astrology, Krishnamurty arguments forelectional

astrology was that you can not change your destiny , you may tryhard by

electional astrology to choose an auspicious time but your destinywill play and

you will actualy begin the job at your destinied time.KP also does not believe

in remedial measures, either you are correct inpredicting an incident or you

are not. By counceling you can prepare a mindto face the difficulties one is

likely to face , but you can not be God.Also it is as per Hindus scriptures,

Rama's Guru Vasshishit taught him thesame lesson, to fight with your maximum

efforts , but to be satisisfied withthe results, in astrlogical terms i will

say that what has been destiniedthat is has been converted into fruits for this

birth can not

be cahnged arein the 9th house , and if any change is likely to come then it is

also partof destiny and will be there in the horoscope, but one has free will

to burnall his good and bad deeds which are not yet converted into destiny and

arein store in 5th house.>> Another question and concern: can either of these>

schools/styles be intergrated within the larger> frameworks of any of the

classical schools of Jyotish?> For example, and only the keen student of

Jyotish will> notice this, but most jyotishis blend various schools> of Jyotish

thought when considering a horoscope> whether they know it or not. For example,

take the> famous (or infamous) Kala Sarpa Yoga, a combination> that hails from

the Tantric school of Jyotish. If one> were practicing strictly, let's say,

Parasari Jyotish,> they would not recognize this combination, whether it>

existed in the horoscope or

not.Reply lies above basicaly all is Prashari , But Prashra too did not ban

thedevelopment in astrology , this earth will always have people who are dearto

the God and have knoweldge, it will take the shape , but basics can notbe

changed, and there is no tantrik school of astrology , Kal sarpa yoga

isextensively used in Mundane astrology and is a part of that.You can notexpect

Prashara to compile every yoga , he was to give basics , astrology isnot for

fools , who cant take hints , they need not learn this science.> What are the

benefits of these more modern schools of> Jyotish - KP and SA - over the more

classical,> existing models of Jyotish?>> Let's take a number of horoscopes,

and see what can be> learned...>> In true Moon-in-Aries fashion, "me

first"...>> Mu'Min Bey: Dec 2, 1968 9.43AM EST Philadelphia, PA> Q: Can death

of my parents, which occurred before I>

turned 35, be seen using either method?> Q: Ca my deep interest in Astrology,

and in> particular, Vedic Astrology, a major consideration,> given my

background as an African American, inner-city> urban male, be seen in my

horoscope, again, using> either mehtod? And if so, how?> Q: Using either system

- KP or SA - What career path> would be best for me?>> Humanistic Analysis,

Romantic and Sexual Concerns, &> Potential Health Matters...I dont have time to

study all the charts given by you , but i will write foryou only,You are under

Rahu Mahadasha , and how this Rahu will behave as per KP,1st i must tell you

that in KP the Cusp chart is the base , like a plateholding all the circuts, if

the plate is defective and has hole in it thenyou can not keep any thing in

that.In Rashi your Ketu Mars and Jupiter are in the 10th aspected by Sat from

the4rth , keeping the aspect in mind

shift Jupiter Ketu in the 8th and Mars inthe 9th house aspected from Saturan and

Rahu from the 3rd.Mars is in Moon constelation and Moon is 8th occupant from 9th

, it does notgive good picture for 9th house, it is under swear malefic

influnce.ThoughMars in this house joining Jupiter and Ketu (though 8th in cusp)

showseducation studies in Mars period with interuptions, and interest in

occult,Mars gives high intution being in Moon constelation and being 1th lord

itgives fullfillment of desires as regards 4rth house issues through 9th.Mars

is constelation lord of 2nd 6th and rashi lord of 4rth and 11th, thuskeeping

busy in job it turns you in study of vedic etc.How does Rahu behave in your

chart as per KP,Rahu is constelation lord of 10th house only, but as per KP it

is to behave1st as per its associate , and them as per his constelation lord

thereafteras per his sign lord and thereafter for the planets who aspect

him.Considering for the strongest only, that is Saturan who joins him Rahu

shallinterfere in the matters of asc ( Sat is sublord of ac) 7th house, he

issublord of 7th cusp at the highest level, through 11th house and 3rd due

to2nd house resulting in Mars ( sublord of Rahu) .Thus Rahu through his own and

through Sat brought in the matters of 10th,1st and 7th house , it actualy harms

to 10th house due to its sublordbeing Mars, because the constelation brought in

the area for which theplanet will work but sub will decide if it will be good or

bad. Rahu underRahu influnced you in such a way that you feel to study more and

it mighthave given disturbance at proffesional level.Rahu is very confusing for

even the much expert in KP , I will explain foryour understanding about

Jupiter.Jupiter is in Sun constelation and Sun is in 11th cusp and is 8th house

lord. Its sublord is Venus in Asc. who is agin in Sun constelation in

11th.Jupiter is with Mars and Ketu and is aspected by Saturan.Jupiter is asc

sign lord and 12th house lord and 3rd house lord in 8th.It affects you through

gains, due to loss of Self and Sun, it cause pain andanger but give you status

and new thoughts , it also give you gains due torent and dispoasal and inetrest

etc. It indicates inheritance gains due toloss of parents.Rest I will write at

some other time.With Best Wishes,Inder Jit Sahni, House No.1351-HIG, Model Town

Phase-1Bhatinda-151001 phone


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