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Job analysis By Raghunath Rao Ji

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Kalyani,


Thanke for letting know about my prediction has come true.

correct and the credit goes to the Guru Ji, Mother and

Guru's and Learned Memebrs, who taught me the principles.


I am not quite clear yet on the principles behind the

Consulting employment with Project and without project



By the way Kalyani: with your current situation of employment,

do you get the salary or not, may be we can look at your

chart from the income point of view.


May I request Guru's and Learned memebrs to give some guidance

on this case, so that I can learn and help some one else in the




Raghunadha Rao


vedic astrology, "astro_learn"

<astrolearn@i...> wrote:

> Hello Raghunath Rao Ji

> Here is Job analysis by you for me

> -----

> Regarding your career or getting a job, I am seeing the following

> periods. I have done the analysis based on my favourite Narayan

> Dasa

> system, which is:


> From D-10 Narayana Dasa, Ge-Aq-Cp, which is 12/29/2003 to 1/15/04

> Ge-Aq-Cp, which is 1/15/2004 to 2/1/2004.


> The reason for that, is Ge is 5th from A10 and Aq is 2nd from Lagna

> and

> also place for A10 and Cp is 12th house from A10, so all these

> should give

> a good ( I mean really Good Job) job for you.


> Also to verify the V-Dasa, I am coming up with the following dates:


> From V-Dasa point of view: Jup-Ketu-Sun is a first possibility

> 1/17/2004 to 2/03/2004.


> The reason for this is: Ketu's AD looks good to me because, Ketu is

> in

> 10th house and its dispositor Mer is in Punarvasu Nakshatra which


> ruled

> by Jupiter (who is the current Maha Dasa, isn't it) so during this

> Antar

> Das you will get a good. During Sun's Pratyantara Dasa, you should

> get

> your job, because, Sun is in Vishakha, which is again, ruled by

> Jup. See

> how the things are lined up for you to give the job.


> So in my opinion, you should be able to get a Job during the above

> periods.


> --------------------


> Actually as you have said I really got a Job offer from A


> company after sucessful Client Interview on 8 and 9th Jan 2004. I

> got the job offer in Jup-Ketu-Venus on Poornima Day in Jan 2004.

> But Client has not signed contract agreement and they have put it


> Hold.


> So still I am not on project / assignment.


> When Do you think I will get a good project and and start Working..


> Here are my details

> 14 Nov 1972

> 4.22am

> Pune India


> Can you please guide me..

> regards

> Kalyani

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello Raghunath Rao ji and all


I am getting interview calls from clients. Most of the times I get a

call saying clients like my profile. We will let you know about

interview. Even Yesterday I got 2 calls from 2 different clients

vendors. Before also I got calls almst 7-8 times for interview but

interview happened only 3 times.


I got calls so far on following dates.


16th Dec 2003

24th Dec 2003

6th Jan 2004- Call and Interview happened Good

8th Jan 2004 Consuting company offered me job on successful

Inetrview and They said Job will start once I start Project

8th Jan 2004 Call and 2nd Interview happened Good.


14th Jan 2004- Client company Vender called me and said project will

start by next week.


Since nothing moving on that job my consulting company started

looking for more projects.


I again started getting calls saying my company has submitted my

resume to client and client will call for interview.


6th Feb 2004

10th Feb 2004

22nd Feb 2004

2nd Mar 2004 Interview Happened

3rd Mar 2004


But so far nothing has moved ahead. I have not started earning and

Not on Payroll.


I am very surprised that I am getting calls but nothing is going to

finalization stage. Not even having actual client interviews so as

to know my level in My Knowldge and whether I pass or fail in



I would like to know the opinions of expert members.

Why so much communication is happening since Mid Dec 2003 till today

i.e Almost 3 months now.

When things will change? Should I have to wait long to get project.

Will I have to wait till Sat direct on 8th Mar 2004 or Jup direct on

6th May 2004?

Should I wait till Jup-Ketu-Jup from 29th May 2004 till 15 Jun 2004

to get project.


My Details


14 Nov 1972

4.22 am

Pune India












vedic astrology, "Rao Nemani" <raon1008>


> Hare Rama Krishna


> Dear Kalyani,


> Thanke for letting know about my prediction has come true.

> correct and the credit goes to the Guru Ji, Mother and

> Guru's and Learned Memebrs, who taught me the principles.


> I am not quite clear yet on the principles behind the

> Consulting employment with Project and without project

> situation.


> By the way Kalyani: with your current situation of employment,

> do you get the salary or not, may be we can look at your

> chart from the income point of view.


> May I request Guru's and Learned memebrs to give some guidance

> on this case, so that I can learn and help some one else in the

> future.


> Regards

> Raghunadha Rao


> vedic astrology, "astro_learn"

> <astrolearn@i...> wrote:

> > Hello Raghunath Rao Ji

> > Here is Job analysis by you for me

> > -----

> > Regarding your career or getting a job, I am seeing the


> > periods. I have done the analysis based on my favourite Narayan

> > Dasa

> > system, which is:

> >

> > From D-10 Narayana Dasa, Ge-Aq-Cp, which is 12/29/2003 to


> > Ge-Aq-Cp, which is 1/15/2004 to 2/1/2004.

> >

> > The reason for that, is Ge is 5th from A10 and Aq is 2nd from


> > and

> > also place for A10 and Cp is 12th house from A10, so all these

> > should give

> > a good ( I mean really Good Job) job for you.

> >

> > Also to verify the V-Dasa, I am coming up with the following


> >

> > From V-Dasa point of view: Jup-Ketu-Sun is a first possibility

> > 1/17/2004 to 2/03/2004.

> >

> > The reason for this is: Ketu's AD looks good to me because, Ketu


> > in

> > 10th house and its dispositor Mer is in Punarvasu Nakshatra


> is

> > ruled

> > by Jupiter (who is the current Maha Dasa, isn't it) so during


> > Antar

> > Das you will get a good. During Sun's Pratyantara Dasa, you


> > get

> > your job, because, Sun is in Vishakha, which is again, ruled by

> > Jup. See

> > how the things are lined up for you to give the job.

> >

> > So in my opinion, you should be able to get a Job during the


> > periods.

> >

> > --------------------

> >

> > Actually as you have said I really got a Job offer from A

> consulting

> > company after sucessful Client Interview on 8 and 9th Jan 2004.


> > got the job offer in Jup-Ketu-Venus on Poornima Day in Jan 2004.

> > But Client has not signed contract agreement and they have put


> on

> > Hold.

> >

> > So still I am not on project / assignment.

> >

> > When Do you think I will get a good project and and start


> >

> > Here are my details

> > 14 Nov 1972

> > 4.22am

> > Pune India

> >

> > Can you please guide me..

> > regards

> > Kalyani

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Guest guest

Dear Kalyani,

Now I am applying the Transit principles to see when you get the Job and I have

considered the following birth details for the analysis:-

November 14, 1972Time: 4:27:50Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00" Pune, India

Her current running Dasa is : Jup-Ketu-Mars

In the D-10 Chart,:

A10 is placed in Aq and Jup is in 3rd house and Ketus is 1st and Mars is 10th

from A10, so this Pratyantar dasa is not good for the Job.

So the next best possible Pratyantar Dasa could be Jup: Jup as it is placed in

3rd from A10. Jup being a natural benefic so she should get a good job change

between May 8th 2004 to Jun 17th 2004.

During that time: the Tranist Sat is in Ge, Jup is Le. On this Data May 8th

2004, the transit Sat is having a Argala on A10 in Rais. Also on the same

date, Transit Jup is having a Graha Dristi on A10 in D10. So looks positivie to


Now let me see the Annual Monthly T.P Chart for the Month April and May for her Job opportunities.

Monthly T.P Chart:- Mar-Apr 2004:-

March 28, 2004Time: 22:46:32Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of

GMT)Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00"

Here the Hora Lord is Merc, who is 8th lord in 6th with Rahu not a very good

indicaiton. At the same time, 5th Lord and 10th Lords are in parivartana, but

Jup is still Retro.

Before I go to next month, let me see the D-10: Mer is 9th lord in 8th house

too, so I will see the next month now.

Monthly T.P Chart:- Apr-May 2004:-

April 27, 2004Time: 16:43:02Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of

GMT)Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00"

Here the hora Lord Merc, who is also the Lagna and A10 lord placed in 7th house

Retrograde. 5th Lord Sat is placed in 10th with GL and AL and aspected by Retro

10th Lord Merc from Pi. So this is promising for a good job.

Now let me see her D-10: Lagna Lord and 10th Lord Mer is Retro and placed in

12th house with Sun. 5th Lord sat is placed in 2nd house with 3rd and 8th Lord

Mar. You will also notice that, this Merc is being aspected by Retro Jup, SL

and Sat and Mars and more importantly A10 from Li.

Let me see from the Sudasa point of View:-

Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

Maha Dasas:

Aq: 2004-05-09 (1:29:18) - 2004-05-11 (7:55:44)

Here you will see Aq is having HL and having rarsi drishti on Ar who has SL.

This combination is aspecting 2nd and 11th house, so my opinion a great

potential for getting the job.

Let me see now the Narayanadasa for her job:-

Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

Maha Dasas:

Ta: 2004-05-07 (10:52:05) - 2004-05-08 (2:23:49)

Here you will see Ta is 8th house from A01 and having rarsi drishti on 2nd (

Sat, Mar and A10), 5th house ( Retro Jup) and 11th house where AL is placed. Ar

who has SL. This combination is aspecting 2nd and 11th house, so my opinion a

great potential for getting the job.

So I am thinking once the Jup is direct on May 6th, the native should get the

job between May 7th and May 11th.

Having said that, now I will handover the case to Guru's and request to correct me, if I am wrong.

RegardsRaghunadha Rao

---- original message ----

Message 38876

"astro_learn" <astrolearn@i...> Thu Mar 4, 2004 3:50 pm

Re: Job analysis By Raghunath Rao Ji

Hello Raghunath Rao ji and all

I am getting interview calls from clients. Most of the times I get acall saying

clients like my profile. We will let you know aboutinterview. Even Yesterday I

got 2 calls from 2 different clientsvendors. Before also I got calls almst 7-8

times for interview butinterview happened only 3 times.

I got calls so far on following dates.

16th Dec 200324th Dec 20036th Jan 2004- Call and Interview happened Good8th Jan

2004 Consuting company offered me job on successfulInetrview and They said Job

will start once I start Project8th Jan 2004 Call and 2nd Interview happened


14th Jan 2004- Client company Vender called me and said project willstart by next week.

Since nothing moving on that job my consulting company startedlooking for more projects.

I again started getting calls saying my company has submitted myresume to client

and client will call for interview.

6th Feb 200410th Feb 200422nd Feb 20042nd Mar 2004 Interview Happened3rd Mar 2004

But so far nothing has moved ahead. I have not started earning andNot on Payroll.

I am very surprised that I am getting calls but nothing is going tofinalization

stage. Not even having actual client interviews so asto know my level in My

Knowldge and whether I pass or fail ininterview.

I would like to know the opinions of expert members.Why so much communication is

happening since Mid Dec 2003 till todayi.e Almost 3 months now.When things will

change? Should I have to wait long to get project.Will I have to wait till Sat

direct on 8th Mar 2004 or Jup direct on6th May 2004?Should I wait till

Jup-Ketu-Jup from 29th May 2004 till 15 Jun 2004to get project.

My Details

14 Nov 19724.22 amPune India



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Guest guest

Dear Rao

I just read your dynamic and detailed analysis...However I found that

I could not even create all the charts mentioned by you...Looks like

you have rectified her birth time here...any particular reason for

that? Also found that you have not given any considerations to

Guru_chandala yoga which is supposed to get activated during Rahu

and Ketu antardasas, thus causing aggressive behaviour and

uncontrolled action...Seems to me that Jupiter/Venus will be a better

period for her, provided the Rahu's afflictions to Jupiter can be

controlled somehow..May be praying to Goddess Durga can help here,

since there are no benefic planets aspecting the jupiter-rahu

cojunction and this conjunction is directly affecting the 10th house

of career fom the 4th house(seed of development of career is supposed

to be in 4th house)..what do you think! Hope to learn more from you.

With Regards



vedic astrology, Rao Nemani <raon1008>



> Hare Rama Krishna


> Dear Kalyani,


> Now I am applying the Transit principles to see when you get the

Job and I have considered the following birth details for the



> November 14, 1972

> Time: 4:27:50

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00"

> Pune, India


> Her current running Dasa is : Jup-Ketu-Mars


> In the D-10 Chart,:


> A10 is placed in Aq and Jup is in 3rd house and Ketus is 1st and

Mars is 10th from A10, so this Pratyantar dasa is not good for the



> So the next best possible Pratyantar Dasa could be Jup: Jup as it

is placed in 3rd from A10. Jup being a natural benefic so she should

get a good job change between May 8th 2004 to Jun 17th 2004.


> During that time: the Tranist Sat is in Ge, Jup is Le. On this Data

May 8th 2004, the transit Sat is having a Argala on A10 in Rais.

Also on the same date, Transit Jup is having a Graha Dristi on A10 in

D10. So looks positivie to me.


> Now let me see the Annual Monthly T.P Chart for the Month April and

May for her Job opportunities.


> Monthly T.P Chart:- Mar-Apr 2004:-


> March 28, 2004

> Time: 22:46:32

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00"


> Here the Hora Lord is Merc, who is 8th lord in 6th with Rahu not a

very good indicaiton. At the same time, 5th Lord and 10th Lords are

in parivartana, but Jup is still Retro.


> Before I go to next month, let me see the D-10: Mer is 9th lord in

8th house too, so I will see the next month now.


> Monthly T.P Chart:- Apr-May 2004:-


> April 27, 2004

> Time: 16:43:02

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00"


> Here the hora Lord Merc, who is also the Lagna and A10 lord placed

in 7th house Retrograde. 5th Lord Sat is placed in 10th with GL and

AL and aspected by Retro 10th Lord Merc from Pi. So this is

promising for a good job.


> Now let me see her D-10: Lagna Lord and 10th Lord Mer is Retro and

placed in 12th house with Sun. 5th Lord sat is placed in 2nd house

with 3rd and 8th Lord Mar. You will also notice that, this Merc is

being aspected by Retro Jup, SL and Sat and Mars and more importantly

A10 from Li.


> Let me see from the Sudasa point of View:-


> Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):


> Maha Dasas:


> Aq: 2004-05-09 (1:29:18) - 2004-05-11 (7:55:44)


> Here you will see Aq is having HL and having rarsi drishti on Ar

who has SL. This combination is aspecting 2nd and 11th house, so my

opinion a great potential for getting the job.


> Let me see now the Narayanadasa for her job:-


> Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):


> Maha Dasas:


> Ta: 2004-05-07 (10:52:05) - 2004-05-08 (2:23:49)


> Here you will see Ta is 8th house from A01 and having rarsi drishti

on 2nd ( Sat, Mar and A10), 5th house ( Retro Jup) and 11th house

where AL is placed. Ar who has SL. This combination is aspecting 2nd

and 11th house, so my opinion a great potential for getting the job.


> So I am thinking once the Jup is direct on May 6th, the native

should get the job between May 7th and May 11th.


> Having said that, now I will handover the case to Guru's and

request to correct me, if I am wrong.


> Regards

> Raghunadha Rao


> ---- original message ----


> Message 38876


> "astro_learn" <astrolearn@i...>

> Thu Mar 4, 2004 3:50 pm

> Re: Job analysis By Raghunath Rao Ji


> Hello Raghunath Rao ji and all


> I am getting interview calls from clients. Most of the times I get a

> call saying clients like my profile. We will let you know about

> interview. Even Yesterday I got 2 calls from 2 different clients

> vendors. Before also I got calls almst 7-8 times for interview but

> interview happened only 3 times.


> I got calls so far on following dates.


> 16th Dec 2003

> 24th Dec 2003

> 6th Jan 2004- Call and Interview happened Good

> 8th Jan 2004 Consuting company offered me job on successful

> Inetrview and They said Job will start once I start Project

> 8th Jan 2004 Call and 2nd Interview happened Good.


> 14th Jan 2004- Client company Vender called me and said project will

> start by next week.


> Since nothing moving on that job my consulting company started

> looking for more projects.


> I again started getting calls saying my company has submitted my

> resume to client and client will call for interview.


> 6th Feb 2004

> 10th Feb 2004

> 22nd Feb 2004

> 2nd Mar 2004 Interview Happened

> 3rd Mar 2004


> But so far nothing has moved ahead. I have not started earning and

> Not on Payroll.


> I am very surprised that I am getting calls but nothing is going to

> finalization stage. Not even having actual client interviews so as

> to know my level in My Knowldge and whether I pass or fail in

> interview.


> I would like to know the opinions of expert members.

> Why so much communication is happening since Mid Dec 2003 till today

> i.e Almost 3 months now.

> When things will change? Should I have to wait long to get project.

> Will I have to wait till Sat direct on 8th Mar 2004 or Jup direct on

> 6th May 2004?

> Should I wait till Jup-Ketu-Jup from 29th May 2004 till 15 Jun 2004

> to get project.


> My Details


> 14 Nov 1972

> 4.22 am

> Pune India



> Regards

> Kalyani







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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Rajesh,


Thanks for your kind words. As you know I use the JHora

commercial version, which provides me with all these

wonderful dasas calculations in a fraction of a second.

So that I can focus on analysis and interpretations in more

detail quickly.


Some time ago, I have assisted the native to take many of her

past events and verified one by one and rectified her birth



You are correct on praying to Mother will be helpful to her.

I think she was already advised remedies by Guru Ji on that too.


I do not know much about Guru_chandala Yoga, so I may have to

study more on that yet. I did considered the Dasa and Antar

of Jup-Ven, but thought the earlier is also a good potential

for her to get the job as I have explained the reasons earlier.


Rajesh: I am deeply honored by your kind words on "you want to

learn from me". Honestly, you are more knowledgable than me,

and I am still a beginner with a year of studies only.

I alwasy consider you as my senior student in Jyotish.


Hope I have answered to all your questions.



Raghunadha Rao


vedic astrology, "Rajesh M. Kumaria"

<rajeshkumaria2000> wrote:

> Dear Rao

> I just read your dynamic and detailed analysis...However I found


> I could not even create all the charts mentioned by you...Looks


> you have rectified her birth time here...any particular reason for

> that? Also found that you have not given any considerations to

> Guru_chandala yoga which is supposed to get activated during Rahu

> and Ketu antardasas, thus causing aggressive behaviour and

> uncontrolled action...Seems to me that Jupiter/Venus will be a


> period for her, provided the Rahu's afflictions to Jupiter can be

> controlled somehow..May be praying to Goddess Durga can help here,

> since there are no benefic planets aspecting the jupiter-rahu

> cojunction and this conjunction is directly affecting the 10th


> of career fom the 4th house(seed of development of career is


> to be in 4th house)..what do you think! Hope to learn more from you.

> With Regards



> vedic astrology, Rao Nemani <raon1008>

> wrote:

> >

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> >

> > Dear Kalyani,

> >

> > Now I am applying the Transit principles to see when you get the

> Job and I have considered the following birth details for the

> analysis:-

> >

> > November 14, 1972

> > Time: 4:27:50

> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00"

> > Pune, India

> >

> > Her current running Dasa is : Jup-Ketu-Mars

> >

> > In the D-10 Chart,:

> >

> > A10 is placed in Aq and Jup is in 3rd house and Ketus is 1st and

> Mars is 10th from A10, so this Pratyantar dasa is not good for the

> Job.

> >

> > So the next best possible Pratyantar Dasa could be Jup: Jup as it

> is placed in 3rd from A10. Jup being a natural benefic so she


> get a good job change between May 8th 2004 to Jun 17th 2004.

> >

> > During that time: the Tranist Sat is in Ge, Jup is Le. On this


> May 8th 2004, the transit Sat is having a Argala on A10 in Rais.

> Also on the same date, Transit Jup is having a Graha Dristi on A10


> D10. So looks positivie to me.

> >

> > Now let me see the Annual Monthly T.P Chart for the Month April


> May for her Job opportunities.

> >

> > Monthly T.P Chart:- Mar-Apr 2004:-

> >

> > March 28, 2004

> > Time: 22:46:32

> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00"

> >

> > Here the Hora Lord is Merc, who is 8th lord in 6th with Rahu not


> very good indicaiton. At the same time, 5th Lord and 10th Lords


> in parivartana, but Jup is still Retro.

> >

> > Before I go to next month, let me see the D-10: Mer is 9th lord


> 8th house too, so I will see the next month now.

> >

> > Monthly T.P Chart:- Apr-May 2004:-

> >

> > April 27, 2004

> > Time: 16:43:02

> > Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 73 E 52' 00", 18 N 32' 00"

> >

> > Here the hora Lord Merc, who is also the Lagna and A10 lord


> in 7th house Retrograde. 5th Lord Sat is placed in 10th with GL and

> AL and aspected by Retro 10th Lord Merc from Pi. So this is

> promising for a good job.

> >

> > Now let me see her D-10: Lagna Lord and 10th Lord Mer is Retro


> placed in 12th house with Sun. 5th Lord sat is placed in 2nd house

> with 3rd and 8th Lord Mar. You will also notice that, this Merc is

> being aspected by Retro Jup, SL and Sat and Mars and more


> A10 from Li.

> >

> > Let me see from the Sudasa point of View:-

> >

> > Sudasa (phalita dasa showing Lakshmi's blessings):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Aq: 2004-05-09 (1:29:18) - 2004-05-11 (7:55:44)

> >

> > Here you will see Aq is having HL and having rarsi drishti on Ar

> who has SL. This combination is aspecting 2nd and 11th house, so my

> opinion a great potential for getting the job.

> >

> > Let me see now the Narayanadasa for her job:-

> >

> > Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Ta: 2004-05-07 (10:52:05) - 2004-05-08 (2:23:49)

> >

> > Here you will see Ta is 8th house from A01 and having rarsi


> on 2nd ( Sat, Mar and A10), 5th house ( Retro Jup) and 11th house

> where AL is placed. Ar who has SL. This combination is aspecting


> and 11th house, so my opinion a great potential for getting the job.

> >

> > So I am thinking once the Jup is direct on May 6th, the native

> should get the job between May 7th and May 11th.

> >

> > Having said that, now I will handover the case to Guru's and

> request to correct me, if I am wrong.

> >

> > Regards

> > Raghunadha Rao

> >

> > ---- original message ----

> >

> > Message 38876

> >

> > "astro_learn" <astrolearn@i...>

> > Thu Mar 4, 2004 3:50 pm

> > Re: Job analysis By Raghunath Rao Ji

> >

> > Hello Raghunath Rao ji and all

> >

> > I am getting interview calls from clients. Most of the times I

get a

> > call saying clients like my profile. We will let you know about

> > interview. Even Yesterday I got 2 calls from 2 different clients

> > vendors. Before also I got calls almst 7-8 times for interview but

> > interview happened only 3 times.

> >

> > I got calls so far on following dates.

> >

> > 16th Dec 2003

> > 24th Dec 2003

> > 6th Jan 2004- Call and Interview happened Good

> > 8th Jan 2004 Consuting company offered me job on successful

> > Inetrview and They said Job will start once I start Project

> > 8th Jan 2004 Call and 2nd Interview happened Good.

> >

> > 14th Jan 2004- Client company Vender called me and said project


> > start by next week.

> >

> > Since nothing moving on that job my consulting company started

> > looking for more projects.

> >

> > I again started getting calls saying my company has submitted my

> > resume to client and client will call for interview.

> >

> > 6th Feb 2004

> > 10th Feb 2004

> > 22nd Feb 2004

> > 2nd Mar 2004 Interview Happened

> > 3rd Mar 2004

> >

> > But so far nothing has moved ahead. I have not started earning and

> > Not on Payroll.

> >

> > I am very surprised that I am getting calls but nothing is going


> > finalization stage. Not even having actual client interviews so as

> > to know my level in My Knowldge and whether I pass or fail in

> > interview.

> >

> > I would like to know the opinions of expert members.

> > Why so much communication is happening since Mid Dec 2003 till


> > i.e Almost 3 months now.

> > When things will change? Should I have to wait long to get


> > Will I have to wait till Sat direct on 8th Mar 2004 or Jup direct


> > 6th May 2004?

> > Should I wait till Jup-Ketu-Jup from 29th May 2004 till 15 Jun


> > to get project.

> >

> > My Details

> >

> > 14 Nov 1972

> > 4.22 am

> > Pune India

> >

> >

> > Regards

> > Kalyani

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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