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2-vedic astrology, from Mark Kincaid...2/10....re... NY times Astrology article

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This is a fascinating depiction of the Democratic runners for President...

from a friend re. the recent NY times Astrology Article...

But, unfortunately, it's soooo western/biased...

Here's John Kerry's chart...:

John Kerry, born on Dec. 11, 1943, is a Sagittarius with four Gemini planets in

the public relationship sector of his birth chart. He has a judicial character,

but also has little tolerance for fools. Born with the rare Mars retrograde, he

entered life with a rage — a deep, inner need to overcome (the Rev. Dr. Martin

Luther King Jr. also had the Mars retrograde). He has a strong sense of

responsibility as well as feelings of caution about his message. Over the last

18 months the planets have empowered him with core strength. The long-term

picture depicts him achieving his highest goals.

Here's his Jyotish chart...for same day....

He's got Sun in Scorpio in his Jyotish chart and an Exalted Moon and Venus in Libra.

I think that's why he seems to come across as so genuine and careing.

And with Mars in Taurus with Exalted Mars, he's a kind of champion for 'causes'.

I think I'll look at a number of the candidates listed below in the New York times...

too bad it's just off so much.

But, at least people are being exposed to looking specifically at people's charts.../ specific

jyotish configurations...

Here's Howard Deans....

Howard Dean was born on Nov. 17, 1948, with a Scorpio Sun and Gemini Moon. Thus,

Dr. Dean's character contains a paradox: he is both deep and shallow. He can be

cool and distant or passionate and intense. The position of two of the planets

in his chart shows erratic energy and emotional volatility. His horoscope for

June 2003 through the coming spring shows a period of soul searching.

Astrologically, it is a time of the mythic "brother battle," in which Mr.

Dean's confrontations with others really reflect his own inner conflict.


Though he's got an exalted Moon in his chart as well!...wow...pretty cool...

but he's got Mars & Sun in Scorpio...and that pitta, fiery, side of his...got

him in trouble in the

early races like Iowa.... ....

and he's got a good Jupiter in Sagittarius though his Venus in Virgo...isn't

very helpful and would correspond to a strong 'criticalness'...which I don't

think will grab people...

And finally John Edwards...

John Edwards, born on June 10, 1953, is a Gemini with the Moon in Gemini. There

is much in his horoscope that makes him the puer aeternus, the eternal boy. His

mind is playful and rich with ideas. However, his chart shows him to be a true

son of the messenger and trickster god, and so capable of exceptional dualism.

His horoscope tells us that he abhors confrontation unless he knows he is

morally justified. Having battled inner demons over the last three years, Mr.

Edwards will rise this summer like a giant refreshed.

Wow... he's got an Exalted Moon too! .... woww...amazing...

and his Mercury's in Gemini which is why he's being appreciated for his intellectual clarity so far

And his Jupiter & Sun are with his exalted Moon too! .... mmmmmmmm

Then contrast these leaders with a couple of others from the past...


Richard Nixon...who was born on Jan. 9th, 1913...

Had a Moon in Capricorn which certainly fit his ambitious personality...but he

had that infamous Mars, with his Jupiter and Sun and Mercury all in


And his Mars, especially was exactly at the same degrees of his Mercury...so he

had some challenges....regarding honesty...and deception....

especially with his intellect!

Gerald Ford was the following President... July 14, 1913....

He had a Venus in Taurus, which represents a very genuine heart and a Mars in

Aries which represented a dynamic side to him, but, not untruthful....

His Jupiter is in Sagittarius just like his bud, Nixon, but the Mars is not

conflicting with the Jupiter as it was in Nixon's who felt he had to lie, even

if it was for a 'good' cause.

Gerald Ford also had his Saturn in the same sign as his Venus and aspecting his Moon and he

was often teased/criticized...for some sort of lack of coordination, his famous

falling down antics, would be symbolic of such a saturn...

from Celeste to Mark:


This is not Joytish - but I guess the author claims to know something about Astrology.


The New York


In America




February 3, 2004


The Stars Have Voted


SANTA FE, N.M. — If seeking the presidency is like reaching for the stars, then

why not look to the stars — and the other heavenly bodies — for insights on the

candidates. The Democratic hopefuls face seven primaries today. Here's what

their astrological charts can tell voters about their character — and who may

have a celestial advantage:


Wesley Clark was born on Dec. 23, 1944, with Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Aries,

two leadership and executive signs. He has a warrior signature: when civilized

it indicates a master strategist; at its most martial, it is ruthlessly

determined and messianic. For him, this year is an astrological rite of passage

into elder status. His conservative Capricorn nature is now at its most

rigorous, so what we see is who he is. Endowed with wit and a youthful nature,

General Clark is a man's man. His horoscope shows him at a high point of

achievement, having opportunities to be influential and willing to take what he

can get.


Howard Dean was born on Nov. 17, 1948, with a Scorpio Sun and Gemini Moon. Thus,

Dr. Dean's character contains a paradox: he is both deep and shallow. He can be

cool and distant or passionate and intense. The position of two of the planets

in his chart shows erratic energy and emotional volatility. His horoscope for

June 2003 through the coming spring shows a period of soul searching.

Astrologically, it is a time of the mythic "brother battle," in which Mr.

Dean's confrontations with others really reflect his own inner conflict.


John Edwards, born on June 10, 1953, is a Gemini with the Moon in Gemini. There

is much in his horoscope that makes him the puer aeternus, the eternal boy. His

mind is playful and rich with ideas. However, his chart shows him to be a true

son of the messenger and trickster god, and so capable of exceptional dualism.

His horoscope tells us that he abhors confrontation unless he knows he is

morally justified. Having battled inner demons over the last three years, Mr.

Edwards will rise this summer like a giant refreshed.


John Kerry, born on Dec. 11, 1943, is a Sagittarius with four Gemini planets in

the public relationship sector of his birth chart. He has a judicial character,

but also has little tolerance for fools. Born with the rare Mars retrograde, he

entered life with a rage — a deep, inner need to overcome (the Rev. Dr. Martin

Luther King Jr. also had the Mars retrograde). He has a strong sense of

responsibility as well as feelings of caution about his message. Over the last

18 months the planets have empowered him with core strength. The long-term

picture depicts him achieving his highest goals.


Dennis Kucinich, born on Oct. 8, 1946, has his Sun in Libra with its opposite

sign, Aries, rising at birth. This is the signature of the peaceful warrior,

who desires serenity but is willing to spar for it. The planetary formation at

birth endows Mr Kucinich with a profound dedication to conservation of

resources, both natural and manufactured. He is relentless in his pursuit of

justice and truth. He deeply empathizes with the collective suffering of

humanity. The planets show his life at a major juncture; he is only just

beginning to establish roots and a sense of real security.


Joseph Lieberman was born on Feb. 24, 1942. Although his exact time of birth is

uncertain, based on the Sun in Pisces and Moon in Gemini on his birth date, he

is primarily motivated by his intellect as it is applied to his spiritual

values. He is stubborn and not adaptable. His star chart shows him to be hard

working and reliable, but also feeling overwhelmed by his labors and the

influence of those around him. He is in a vital transitional phase. His

capacity to reveal himself is blocked, limiting his drive and ambitions.


Al Sharpton was born on Oct. 3, 1954. His birth time is also uncertain, but

based on the day of his birth, he is a Libra with the Moon in Sagittarius. His

horoscope reveals him as witty, quietly subversive, and having lofty

intentions. He is fascinated by other cultures and desires global harmony,

seeing the whole world as his home. Right now, his chart indicates he is

seeking a way to consolidate his many talents and focus on one or two main

themes. He will feel the increasing pressure of those who are in greater places

of power over the next 10 months.



Erin Sullivan is the author of "Saturn in Transit" and the forthcoming

"Astrology and Psychology of Midlife and Aging."


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