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Re:Kala Sarpa yoga- Please help in analyzing

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Dear Mr. Rao,

Thank you so very much for such an insightful message regarding KSY.

Please look at this horoscope of my friend who is having untold problems.He has

KSY and it is at the brekage age.He is 42.

Please advise on remedies/insights.

thank you.


DOB: 8th Nov 1961

TOB: 6:55pm




Rao Nemani [raon1008 ]Sent:

Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:14 PMVedic Astrology GroupSubject:

[vedic astrology] Re:Kala Sarpa yoga- Please help in understanding if horoscope

has one??

Hare Rama Krishna

Namaste Nisarg,

I know few of our members have given the reply to your question. But as you

know, if I ask this question, I would expect a very detailed answer from some

one. Hence I am attempting to give you a detailed one, keeping in mind my own


So, let me give you my understanding of the definitions of the Kala Sarpa

Yoga(KSY) and Kala Amrita Yoga(KAY), and then we will see your friend's chart,

whether this person has any of these yogas.

Follow these steps:1. All planets are between Rahu and Ketu.2. If the planets

are moving towards Rahu, then theres Kala Sarpa Yoga. If Ketu, then theres

Kala Amrita Yoga.3. Benefics conjoined with either of Rahu or Ketu, break the

yoga prematurely (i.e. before the Natural age of Rahu/Ketu).4. Benefics in

Lagna/7th also break the Yoga prematurely. To understand the two yogas, try to

consider the values of Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope. Rahu is the significator

for rebirth, as it constantly tries to build karma into our lives, through

desires, materialism, etc. Ketu however, seeks to avoid all this and deny it

all together, in its search for Bhagawan. Either of KSY or KAY, produces great

mental problems for the individual as the native is constantly trying to deal

with the two extremes of desire, and complete deniance of the sa!

me. The eventual outcome of the Yoga comes in the Natural age of the two Grahas,

i.e. Rahu=42, and Ketu=45. The intensity of the Yoga must always be consulted in

Navamsa, as must all Yogas. In the Natural age of the Kala Sarpa Yoga, the

person practices Adharmic ideals, in the form of Rahu.. The intensity must

offcourse be checked, to give propper predictions. In the Natural age of the

Kala Amrita Yoga, the person becomes a saint, acording to the scriptures. I

agree with this completely, as the person manifests as the pure incarnation of

Ketu. Any planets breaking the Yoga, must be apraised through remedial messures

to attain relief from the extremes of this Yoga. Planets occupying same

nakshatras of Rahu and Ketu, should be apraised for mental peace.

Now looking at your friend's chart with the following birth details.

September 16, 1982Time: 23:50:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Place: 70 E 04' 00", 22 N 28' 00" Jamnagar,


1) All the planets are between Rahu and Ketu2) All the planets are moving

towards ketu, so this person has Kala Amrita Yoga.3) The yoga was not borken by

either conjuction of benefics or association with langa or 7th house.

So the yoga will manist in their natural age. There is only one remedy comes to

my mind, that is chanting the following mantra will give some relief:-***

Astikam Munirajam Namo Namah

Please request one of our Guru's to get this Mantra as I am not yet authorised

to give this mantra to you.

Hope the above is clear to you and help your friend in need, that is all I

understand from learning Jyotish, help people in need without expecting any

thing in return.

RegardsRaghunadha Rao

---- original Message ---- nisarg modi <m_nisarg> Fri Apr 9,

2004 3:58 pm Kala Sarpa yoga- Please help in understanding if

horoscope has one??

Om Tat Sat Hello, I am having trouble of understanding if one of my friend has

Kala Sarpa Yoga or not. Could you please help me in understanding this yoga and

remedial measures associated with it. Details: Birth Time:

23:50pmBirth Place: Jamnagar, IndiaBirth 16-Sep-1982 RegardsNisarg

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Suresh,


Thank you for the note and attempting to help your friend.


I think you friend is close the natural breaking age for the

KSY so he shoud be fine soon.


There is only one remedy comes to my mind, that is chanting the

following mantra will give relief:-


*** Aasthikam Muniraajam Namo Namah ***


Please request one of our Guru's to get this Mantra as I am not

authorised to give this mantra to your friend.


Also I would like to request Guru's and Learned members to

suggestsome other remedies for this native's KSY.


So that I/we can learn too.



Raghunadha Rao





vedic astrology, "Suresh, Suresh Swamy, Swamy"

<suresh_swamyus> wrote:


> Dear Mr. Rao,


> Thank you so very much for such an insightful message regarding KSY.


> Please look at this horoscope of my friend who is having untold

problems.He has KSY and it is at the brekage age.He is 42.


> Please advise on remedies/insights.


> thank you.


> suresh

> DOB: 8th Nov 1961

> TOB: 6:55pm

> Bangalore




> Rao Nemani [raon1008]

> Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:14 PM

> Vedic Astrology Group

> [vedic astrology] Re:Kala Sarpa yoga- Please help in

understanding if horoscope has one??




> Hare Rama Krishna


> Namaste Nisarg,


> I know few of our members have given the reply to your question.

But as you know, if I ask this question, I would expect a very

detailed answer from some one.

> Hence I am attempting to give you a detailed one, keeping in mind

my own expectations.


> So, let me give you my understanding of the definitions of the Kala

Sarpa Yoga(KSY) and Kala Amrita Yoga(KAY), and then we will see your

friend's chart, whether this person has any of these yogas.


> Follow these steps:

> 1. All planets are between Rahu and Ketu.

> 2. If the planets are moving towards Rahu, then theres Kala Sarpa


> If Ketu, then theres Kala Amrita Yoga.

> 3. Benefics conjoined with either of Rahu or Ketu, break the yoga

prematurely (i.e. before the Natural age of Rahu/Ketu).

> 4. Benefics in Lagna/7th also break the Yoga prematurely.


> To understand the two yogas, try to consider the values of Rahu and

Ketu in the horoscope.


> Rahu is the significator for rebirth, as it constantly tries to

build karma into our lives, through desires, materialism, etc.


> Ketu however, seeks to avoid all this and deny it all together, in

its search for Bhagawan.


> Either of KSY or KAY, produces great mental problems for the

individual as the native is constantly trying to deal with the two

extremes of desire, and complete deniance of the sa! me.


> The eventual outcome of the Yoga comes in the Natural age of the

two Grahas, i.e. Rahu=42, and Ketu=45.


> The intensity of the Yoga must always be consulted in Navamsa, as

must all Yogas.


> In the Natural age of the Kala Sarpa Yoga, the person practices

Adharmic ideals, in the form of Rahu.. The intensity must offcourse

be checked, to give propper predictions.


> In the Natural age of the Kala Amrita Yoga, the person becomes a

saint, acording to the scriptures. I agree with this completely, as

the person manifests as the pure incarnation of Ketu.


> Any planets breaking the Yoga, must be apraised through remedial

messures to attain relief from the extremes of this Yoga.


> Planets occupying same nakshatras of Rahu and Ketu, should be

apraised for mental peace.


> Now looking at your friend's chart with the following birth details.


> September 16, 1982

> Time: 23:50:00

> Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

> Place: 70 E 04' 00", 22 N 28' 00"

> Jamnagar, India


> 1) All the planets are between Rahu and Ketu

> 2) All the planets are moving towards ketu, so this person has Kala

Amrita Yoga.

> 3) The yoga was not borken by either conjuction of benefics or

association with langa or 7th house.


> So the yoga will manist in their natural age. There is only one

remedy comes to my mind, that is chanting the following mantra will

give some relief:-

> *** Astikam Munirajam Namo Namah


> Please request one of our Guru's to get this Mantra as I am not yet

authorised to give this mantra to you.


> Hope the above is clear to you and help your friend in need, that

is all I understand from learning Jyotish, help people in need

without expecting any thing in return.


> Regards

> Raghunadha Rao


> ---- original Message ----

> nisarg modi <m_nisarg>

> Fri Apr 9, 2004 3:58 pm

> Kala Sarpa yoga- Please help in understanding if

horoscope has one??


> Om Tat Sat


> Hello,

> I am having trouble of understanding if one of my friend has Kala

Sarpa Yoga or not. Could you please help me in understanding this

yoga and remedial measures associated with it.


> Details:

> Birth Time: 23:50pm

> Birth Place: Jamnagar, India

> Birth 16-Sep-1982


> Regards

> Nisarg








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