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Donation/Gifting - how to determine

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Dear Inderji,

Thanks for ur mail. Could you be kind enough to explain the logic behind using these houses.

Best wishes,


>"indervohra2001" <indervohra2001 (AT) (DOT) co.in> >"Sunil John"

<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> >Re: Donation/Gifting - how to determine

>Mon, 12 Apr 2004 12:25:47 -0000 > >Dear friends, >In my opinion, houses

8th, 9th ,12th and 5th should be studied to >know the gifts/donations etc.

Jupiter in these houses will give >gifts to others. >Inder > >-- In

vedic astrology, "Sunil John" ><suniljohn_2004@h...> wrote: > >

Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji and other members, > > > > 1. How does

one determine what should a person donate in his life >and to whom. > > > > 2.

How does one determine if donation would be good for the native >( I always

feel it is good for everyone concerned :) > > > > 3. Which day and which time

would it be most suitable to donate so >that benefits are got. > > > > 4. what

time should one donate to a Guru. > > > > I presume all the same rules will

apply to gifting in life. If not >pls let me know. I dont know which house is

the activity donation >and gifting seen from. > > > > Kindly reply. > > > >

With Blessings of the Divine Mother > > > > Sunil John > Get head-hunted by

10,000 recruiters. Post your CV on naukri.com today.

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om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Sunil,

1st we have to see whether person will have the ability to make Daana or

donation.Brihat Jataka gives some planetary combinations for Maha Daana Yogas .

1) If Bhagyadhipaty ie.,9th lord is in Paravatamsha, aspected by Guru and also

if the Lagna Lord is aspected by Guru,the person gives a big donation or Maha


2) If Lagna and Lagna Lord are aspected by 9th lord and Bhagyadhipaty ( 9th lord

) is placed in Kendra or Trikona.,then also the person will make Maha Daana.

3) Daana Sthanadhipaty ie 9th lord in Simhasanamsha,and either aspected by Lagna

Lord or Karma Sthanadhipaty ( 10th Lord ),then also one will make Maha Daana.

4) Bhagyadhipaty in 4th,10th lord in a kendra and Vyadhipaty ie.,12th lord is

aspected by Guru,then one makes Maha Daana.

5) If Budha is exalted and aspected by Bhagyadhipaty and Labhadhipaty ie.,11th

lord is in a Kendra,then also one will do Maha Daana.

Now following are considered as 10 Maha Daanas :

1) Giving of Cow with a Calf,

2) Giving of Land ( Bhudaana )

3) giving of Hiranya ie., Gold.

4) Tila Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of Sesame seeds.

5) Aajya Paatra Daana ie., a vessel used for performing Yajnas.

6) Vastra Daana ie., Giving of cloths.

7) Dhaanya Daana ie., Giving of cereals and pulses.

8) Guda Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of jaggery.

9) Giving of silver. And

10 ) giving of a vessel full of Salt.

So all of the above or any one of the above or some of the above can be given as

donation to a pious Brahmin.

Now whom to be given or who is able to take the donation is also mentioned in

the same Brihat Jataka.

11th lord in 11th house and Karmadhipaty ie.,10th lord strong and aspected by

Bhagyadhipaty,such a person can take the donations.

Now when to give the donations ?

1) During the birth of a child.

2) During 50th anniversary of one of the parents. ( either Father or Mother ).or Both.

3) During 60th anniversary of one of the Parents or Both..

4) During 70th anniversary of one of the parents or Both..

5) During 80th Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both,

6) During 90th Anniversary of one of the parents or Both.

7) during 100th Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both.

8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both.

9) During any planetary afflictions and performing of sandhi Shanti Homas also

one can donate the Maha Daanas.

For your information,during last year,when my father expired I donated 10 Daanas

which are as per my capability.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.


Sunil John <suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji and other members,


1. How does one determine what should a person donate in his life and to whom.


2. How does one determine if donation would be good for the native ( I always

feel it is good for everyone concerned :)


3. Which day and which time would it be most suitable to donate so that benefits are got.


4. what time should one donate to a Guru.


I presume all the same rules will apply to gifting in life. If not pls let me

know. I dont know which house is the activity donation and gifting seen from.


Kindly reply.


With Blessings of the Divine Mother


Sunil JohnArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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Dear Sunil,

Read BPHS well and you will find hints of danas to be made and

when.Various Puranas also give detailed indications on which dana is to

be made to remove troubles of which planet. "Bhavishya Phala Bhaskara"

also gives elaborate details on this subject. Dana is to be made in

respect of Planets that are malefic to a jataka and are causing the

trouble he wants to overcome.



Sunil John wrote:


> *Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji and other members,*

> **

> *1. How does one determine what should a person donate in his life and

> to whom.*

> **

> *2. How does one determine if donation would be good for the native (

> I always feel it is good for everyone concerned :)*

> **

> *3. Which day and which time would it be most suitable to donate so

> that benefits are got.*

> **

> *4. what time should one donate to a Guru.*

> **

> *I presume all the same rules will apply to gifting in life. If not

> pls let me know. I dont know which house is the activity donation and

> gifting seen from.*

> **

> *Kindly reply.*

> **

> *With Blessings of the Divine Mother*


> *Sunil John*









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Dear Chandrashekharji

Thanks for ur mail


>Chandrashekhar <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk> >Sunil John

<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> >CC: Vedic Astrology

<vedic astrology>, Varahamihira <varahamihira>

>Re: [vedic astrology] Donation/Gifting - how to determine >Tue,

13 Apr 2004 02:37:20 +0530 > >Dear Sunil, >Read BPHS well and you will find

hints of danas to be made and >when.Various Puranas also give detailed

indications on which dana is >to be made to remove troubles of which planet.

"Bhavishya Phala >Bhaskara" also gives elaborate details on this subject. Dana

is to >be made in respect of Planets that are malefic to a jataka and are

>causing the trouble he wants to overcome. >Chandrashekhar. > >Sunil John

wrote: > >>*Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji and other members,* >>**

*1. How does one determine what should a person donate in his >>life and to

whom.* >>** *2. How does one determine if donation would be good for the

>>native ( I always feel it is good for everyone concerned :)* >>** *3. Which

day and which time would it be most suitable to donate >>so that benefits are

got.* >>** *4. what time should one donate to a Guru.* >>** *I presume all the

same rules will apply to gifting in life. If >>not pls let me know. I dont know

which house is the activity >>donation and gifting seen from.* >>** *Kindly

reply.* >>** *With Blessings of the Divine Mother* >> *Sunil John* >> >>

>> >> >>Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html >> >>To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to >>vedic astrology- >> >>....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us ....... >> >>|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

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Dear Lakshman,

Thanks for the mail. It is very elaborate and nicely laid out for our

understanding. I have been able to grasp few points well from it and it seems

to apply in one of the charts that i referred to.

As this was sent personally to me, I am forwarding it to the list for the benefit of members.


best wishes,


>Lakshman Brahma <lbrahma > >Sunil John

<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> >Re: [vedic astrology] Re:

Donation/Gifting - how to determine >Mon, 12 Apr 2004 06:48:32 -0700

(PDT) > >Sunil >12th house is known as Vyaya sthana. The 12th lord and >the

planets in there will determine How one gives >away. benefics like Jupiter will

make one spend toward >s noble cause say charity, donations to temple etc. >Sun

will make one to donate to Government ( ie pay >Taxes :)). 12th from Paka

should determine what >actually one thinks to donate as it is the Dhi of th

>eperson. It should have the influence of benefics so >that the donation is

made for a good cause. Ra there >will have an element of selfish ness. ie

making a >donation to get some tax rebates etc.. >also Look at 12th from AL for

how one shows off when >donating. >as far as the recipients, the 12th

lord/planets there >will determine who will receive these donations. Look >if

Moon is placed in quadrants with respect to 12th >lord. if yes then you will

enjoy while donating. > >Now coming to whoom to Donate - You need to look in to

>the afflicted planets, Planets representing your Ishta >and ofcourse planets

influencing 12th house. >The date & time for donation: There is no date/time

>you need to look into for donation if it is sincere. >However if the donation

is done as a method to appease >the deity or the planet then you need to look

for the >time suitable for that purpose/planet. >Now for a dakshina to a Guru -

is the time when you >complete the learning process. > >Bottom Line: Unless the

desires (Ra) are controlled, >you will not find happiness in donation. and also

when >you donate for a good cause (Ju) the happiness (also >signified by Ju)

multiplies. > >I hope these helps. > > >--- Sunil John

<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: > > >

>Dear Inderji, > >Thanks for ur mail. Could you be kind enough to >explain the

logic behind using these houses. > >Best wishes, > >SJ > > > > > >

"indervohra2001" <indervohra2001 (AT) (DOT) co.in> > >"Sunil John"

<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> > >Re: Donation/Gifting - how to

determine > >Mon, 12 Apr 2004 12:25:47 -0000 > > > >Dear friends, > >In

my opinion, houses 8th, 9th ,12th and 5th should >be studied to > >know the

gifts/donations etc. Jupiter in these houses >will give > >gifts to others. >

>Inder > > > >-- In vedic astrology, "Sunil John" >

><suniljohn_2004@h...> wrote: > > > Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji

and other >members, > > > > > > 1. How does one determine what should a person

>donate in his life > >and to whom. > > > > > > 2. How does one determine if

donation would be >good for the native > >( I always feel it is good for

everyone concerned :) > > > > > > 3. Which day and which time would it be most

>suitable to donate so > >that benefits are got. > > > > > > 4. what time

should one donate to a Guru. > > > > > > I presume all the same rules will

apply to gifting >in life. If not > >pls let me know. I dont know which house

is the >activity donation > >and gifting seen from. > > > > > > Kindly reply. >

> > > > > With Blessings of the Divine Mother > > > > > > Sunil John > > > > >

> >Get head-hunted by 10,000 recruiters. Post

your CV on >naukri.com today. > >Archives:

vedic astrology > >Group info:

>vedic astrology/info.html > >To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to >vedic astrology- > >....... May Jupiter's

light shine on us ....... > >|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu >|| > > > > >

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Dear Ramadasji,

How do you remember all these combinations, I am startled. Pls find my basic queries below.

Sunil>` nmae naray[ay,

>om namo näräyaëäya| >Dear Sunil, >1st we have to see whether person will have

the ability to make Daana or donation.Brihat Jataka gives some planetary

combinations for Maha Daana Yogas .

>1) If Bhagyadhipaty ie.,9th lord is in Paravatamsha, aspected by Guru and also

if the Lagna Lord is aspected by Guru,the person gives a big donation or Maha


Sunil: What is Paravatamsha

>2) If Lagna and Lagna Lord are aspected by 9th lord and Bhagyadhipaty ( 9th

lord ) is placed in Kendra or Trikona.,then also the person will make Maha


>3) Daana Sthanadhipaty ie 9th lord in Simhasanamsha,and either aspected by

Lagna Lord or Karma Sthanadhipaty ( 10th Lord ),then also one will make Maha


Sunil: Since u have used Daana Sthanadhipaty, I gather what u are saying is

basically the 9th house/lord is the house of donations

Where/What is Simhasanamsha

Thanks for ur reply


>4) Bhagyadhipaty in 4th,10th lord in a kendra and Vyadhipaty ie.,12th lord is

aspected by Guru,then one makes Maha Daana. >5) If Budha is exalted and

aspected by Bhagyadhipaty and Labhadhipaty ie.,11th lord is in a Kendra,then

also one will do Maha Daana. >Now following are considered as 10 Maha Daanas :

>1) Giving of Cow with a Calf, >2) Giving of Land ( Bhudaana ) >3) giving of

Hiranya ie., Gold. >4) Tila Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of Sesame seeds.

>5) Aajya Paatra Daana ie., a vessel used for performing Yajnas. >6) Vastra

Daana ie., Giving of cloths. >7) Dhaanya Daana ie., Giving of cereals and

pulses. >8) Guda Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of jaggery. >9) Giving of

silver. And >10 ) giving of a vessel full of Salt. >So all of the above or any

one of the above or some of the above can be given as donation to a pious

Brahmin. >Now whom to be given or who is able to take the donation is also

mentioned in the same Brihat Jataka. >11th lord in 11th house and Karmadhipaty

ie.,10th lord strong and aspected by Bhagyadhipaty,such a person can take the

donations. >Now when to give the donations ? >1) During the birth of a child.

>2) During 50th anniversary of one of the parents. ( either Father or Mother

).or Both. >3) During 60th anniversary of one of the Parents or Both.. >4)

During 70th anniversary of one of the parents or Both.. >5) During 80th

Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both, >6) During 90th Anniversary of one

of the parents or Both. >7) during 100th Anniversary of one of the Parents or

Both. >8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both. >9) During any

planetary afflictions and performing of sandhi Shanti Homas also one can donate

the Maha Daanas. > >For your information,during last year,when my father expired

I donated 10 Daanas which are as per my capability. > >I hope this helps you. >

>With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, > >Ramadas Rao. > > > >Sunil John

<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: >Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji

and other members, > >1. How does one determine what should a person donate in

his life and to whom. > >2. How does one determine if donation would be good

for the native ( I always feel it is good for everyone concerned :) > >3. Which

day and which time would it be most suitable to donate so that benefits are got.

> >4. what time should one donate to a Guru. > >I presume all the same rules

will apply to gifting in life. If not pls let me know. I dont know which house

is the activity donation and gifting seen from. > >Kindly reply. > >With

Blessings of the Divine Mother > >Sunil John > > >Archives:

vedic astrology > >Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html > >To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology- > >....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us ....... > >|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > > > > Links > > To

visit your group on the web, go to:

>vedic astrology/ > > To from this

group, send an email to: >vedic astrology > >

> >

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color:black"> Jagannatha







11.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:black">I would like to clarify the following

statements made by you concerning the gifts to be bestowed, of which I quote

from the


color:black"> Purana



yellow">Now when to give the donations ?


yellow">8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both.


font-family:Tahoma">When someone is on the death bed, it is better to make the

gifts before the life is extinct. A gift made when one is alive stands in good

stead, unimpeded.

font-family:Tahoma">It is the truth; the exact truth that the gifts made when

the sense organs are operative and when the same are approved by his son,

yields enedless benefits.



font-family:Tahoma">Garuda Purana Dharma


font-family:Tahoma">Khanda Chapter



12.0pt;font-family:Verdana;background:yellow;mso-highlight:yellow">For your

information,during last year,when my father expired I donated 10 Daanas which

are as per my capability.


who makes a gift of lamps either for the dead or for himself, facing East or

North, or places them in Temples or in the houses of Brahmins, will be able to

traverse the Great Path without

nay distress. (31.9-10)


making a gift of water jar, the thirsty shall drink water. Vessels, clothes,

flowers, rings, shall be gifted on the 11th day for the dead, to

attain the highest goal. Thus those who wish well the dead,

shall make gifts of the

yellow;font-style:italic">thirteen articles according to their

ability. The dead shall be pleased thereby. Foodstuffs, gingelly

seeds, 13 water-jars, a ring, pair of clothes, should be gifted in favour of

the dead to help him attain the highest goal. (G.P.


font-family:Tahoma">Khanda 31.12-15)


who makes a gift of a horse, a boat or an elephant to Brahmins will become

happy. (31.16)


who makes gifts of a buffalo sojourns in many worlds. A she-buffalo, the mother

of the vehicle of Yama accords benefits. (31.17)


gift of betel leaves together with flowers increases the delight of those who

are in Yama’s abode. Being delighted with that,

they do not harass him. (31.18)


man who gives according to his ability, gifts of cows, plots of land, gingelly

seeds, gold, an earthern

ware jar full of water, with the dead in view, attains the fruit of the gift of

a thousand water jars. (31.19-20)


a person makes a gift of clothes, the awe inspiring terrible emissaries of

Yama, black and tawny in colour, do not threaten him.



making gifts of pots (full) of foodstuffs, one shall be happy in those paths

which one should otherwise have to traverse, utterly exhausted and oppressed by

thirst. (31.22)


bed with smooth cotton within and covered with a velvet cloth should be given

to Gods and Brahmins. With that, the dead man will be freed of ghosthood and rejoice with deities.

12.0pt;font-family:Verdana">I hope this helps you.

12.0pt;font-family:Verdana">With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.







11.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">swee (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net




Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]


10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma">12 April 2004



vedic astrology

Cc: varahamihira

Re: [vedic astrology]

Donation/Gifting - how to determine


` nmae naray[ay,

"Sanskrit 99";color:black">

color:black">om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Sunil,

1st we have to see whether person

will have the ability to make Daana or donation.Brihat Jataka gives some

planetary combinations for Maha Daana Yogas .

1) If Bhagyadhipaty ie.,9th lord

is in Paravatamsha, aspected by Guru and also if the Lagna Lord is aspected by

Guru,the person gives a big donation or Maha Daana.

2) If Lagna and Lagna Lord are

aspected by 9th lord and Bhagyadhipaty ( 9th lord ) is placed in Kendra or Trikona.,then also the

person will make Maha Daana.

3) Daana Sthanadhipaty ie 9th lord in

Simhasanamsha,and either aspected by Lagna Lord or Karma Sthanadhipaty ( 10th

Lord ),then also one will make Maha Daana.

4) Bhagyadhipaty in 4th,10th

lord in a kendra and Vyadhipaty ie.,12th lord is

aspected by Guru,then one makes Maha Daana.

5) If Budha is exalted and

aspected by Bhagyadhipaty and Labhadhipaty ie.,11th lord is in a Kendra,then

also one will do Maha Daana.

Now following are considered as 10

Maha Daanas :

1) Giving of Cow with a Calf,

2) Giving of Land ( Bhudaana )

3) giving of Hiranya ie., Gold.

4) Tila Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of Sesame


5) Aajya Paatra Daana ie., a vessel used for

performing Yajnas.

6) Vastra Daana ie., Giving of cloths.

7) Dhaanya Daana ie., Giving of cereals and


8) Guda Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of jaggery.

9) Giving of silver. And

10 ) giving of a vessel full of


So all of the above or any one of

the above or some of the above can be given as donation to a pious Brahmin.

Now whom to be given or who is

able to take the donation is also mentioned in the same Brihat Jataka.

11th lord in 11th house and

Karmadhipaty ie.,10th lord strong and aspected by Bhagyadhipaty,such a person

can take the donations.

Now when to give the donations ?

1) During the birth of a child.

2) During 50th anniversary of one

of the parents. ( either Father or Mother ).or Both.

3) During 60th anniversary of one

of the Parents or Both..

4) During 70th anniversary of one

of the parents or Both..

5) During 80th Anniversary of one

of the Parents or Both,

6) During 90th Anniversary of one

of the parents or Both.

7) during 100th Anniversary of one

of the Parents or Both.

8) During the Final Rites of one

of the parents or both.

9) During any planetary

afflictions and performing of sandhi Shanti Homas also one can donate the Maha Daanas.

12.0pt;font-family:Verdana">For your information,during last year,when my

father expired I donated 10 Daanas which are as per my capability.

12.0pt;font-family:Verdana">I hope this helps you.

12.0pt;font-family:Verdana">With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

12.0pt;font-family:Verdana">Ramadas Rao.


bold;font-style:italic">Sunil John <suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>





color:blue">, Partha, Chandrashekharji and other members,



How does one determine what should a person donate in his life and to whom.



How does one determine if donation would be good for the native ( I always feel

it is good for everyone concerned :)



Which day and which time would it be most suitable to donate so that benefits

are got.



what time should one donate to a Guru.



presume all the same rules will apply to gifting in life. If not pls

let me know. I dont know which house is the activity donation and gifting seen







Blessings of the Divine Mother







vedic astrology


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vedic astrology-


|| Om Tat Sat

|| Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

10.0pt;font-family:Arial"> India Matrimony: Find your partner online.



To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-


|| Om Tat Sat

|| Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

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Dear Swee, Ramadas ji and Sunil ji,


I wonder what categories these fall under:


i) Gift of time - time spent on social service or just small services

such as educating poor kids, reading books to elderly in Ashrams,

doing physical service to the helpless/bed-ridden at home or outside,

etc. Shouldn't these be maha danas also? How can it be studied from

one's chart if someone will do these?


Kindly clarify,


Many thanks,






vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...> wrote:

> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Ramadasji,


> I would like to clarify the following statements made by you


> the gifts to be bestowed, of which I quote from the Garuda Purana:


> Now when to give the donations ?


> 8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both.


> When someone is on the death bed, it is better to make the gifts


> the life is extinct. A gift made when one is alive stands in good


> unimpeded.

> It is the truth; the exact truth that the gifts made when the sense

> organs are operative and when the same are approved by his son,


> enedless benefits.


> (Garuda Purana Dharma Preta Khanda Chapter 30.9-10)


> For your information,during last year,when my father expired I


> 10 Daanas which are as per my capability.

> He who makes a gift of lamps either for the dead or for himself,


> East or North, or places them in Temples or in the houses of


> will be able to traverse the Great Path without nay distress. (31.9-


> By making a gift of water jar, the thirsty shall drink water.


> clothes, flowers, rings, shall be gifted on the 11th day for the


> to attain the highest goal. Thus those who wish well the dead, shall

> make gifts of the thirteen articles according to their ability. The


> shall be pleased thereby. Foodstuffs, gingelly seeds, 13 water-

jars, a

> ring, pair of clothes, should be gifted in favour of the dead to


> him attain the highest goal. (G.P. Preta Khanda 31.12-15)

> He who makes a gift of a horse, a boat or an elephant to Brahmins


> become happy. (31.16)

> He who makes gifts of a buffalo sojourns in many worlds. A she-


> the mother of the vehicle of Yama accords benefits. (31.17)

> A gift of betel leaves together with flowers increases the delight


> those who are in Yama's abode. Being delighted with that, they do


> harass him. (31.18)

> The man who gives according to his ability, gifts of cows, plots of

> land, gingelly seeds, gold, an earthern ware jar full of water,

with the

> dead in view, attains the fruit of the gift of a thousand water


> (31.19-20)

> If a person makes a gift of clothes, the awe inspiring terrible

> emissaries of Yama, black and tawny in colour, do not threaten him.

> (31.21)

> By making gifts of pots (full) of foodstuffs, one shall be happy in

> those paths which one should otherwise have to traverse, utterly

> exhausted and oppressed by thirst. (31.22)

> A bed with smooth cotton within and covered with a velvet cloth


> be given to Gods and Brahmins. With that, the dead man will be

freed of

> ghosthood and rejoice with deities.

> I hope this helps you.

> With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

> Ramadas Rao.




> love,


> Swee

> swee@b...

> www.brihaspati.net



> Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]

> 12 April 2004 19:49

> vedic astrology

> Cc: varahamihira

> Re: [vedic astrology] Donation/Gifting - how to determine


> ` nmae naray[ay,

> om namo näräyaëäya|

> Dear Sunil,

> 1st we have to see whether person will have the ability to make

Daana or

> donation.Brihat Jataka gives some planetary combinations for Maha


> Yogas .

> 1) If Bhagyadhipaty ie.,9th lord is in Paravatamsha, aspected by


> and also if the Lagna Lord is aspected by Guru,the person gives a


> donation or Maha Daana.

> 2) If Lagna and Lagna Lord are aspected by 9th lord and

Bhagyadhipaty (

> 9th lord ) is placed in Kendra or Trikona.,then also the person will

> make Maha Daana.

> 3) Daana Sthanadhipaty ie 9th lord in Simhasanamsha,and either


> by Lagna Lord or Karma Sthanadhipaty ( 10th Lord ),then also one


> make Maha Daana.

> 4) Bhagyadhipaty in 4th,10th lord in a kendra and Vyadhipaty


> lord is aspected by Guru,then one makes Maha Daana.

> 5) If Budha is exalted and aspected by Bhagyadhipaty and


> ie.,11th lord is in a Kendra,then also one will do Maha Daana.

> Now following are considered as 10 Maha Daanas :

> 1) Giving of Cow with a Calf,

> 2) Giving of Land ( Bhudaana )

> 3) giving of Hiranya ie., Gold.

> 4) Tila Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of Sesame seeds.

> 5) Aajya Paatra Daana ie., a vessel used for performing Yajnas.

> 6) Vastra Daana ie., Giving of cloths.

> 7) Dhaanya Daana ie., Giving of cereals and pulses.

> 8) Guda Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of jaggery.

> 9) Giving of silver. And

> 10 ) giving of a vessel full of Salt.

> So all of the above or any one of the above or some of the above

can be

> given as donation to a pious Brahmin.

> Now whom to be given or who is able to take the donation is also

> mentioned in the same Brihat Jataka.

> 11th lord in 11th house and Karmadhipaty ie.,10th lord strong and

> aspected by Bhagyadhipaty,such a person can take the donations.

> Now when to give the donations ?

> 1) During the birth of a child.

> 2) During 50th anniversary of one of the parents. ( either Father or

> Mother ).or Both.

> 3) During 60th anniversary of one of the Parents or Both..

> 4) During 70th anniversary of one of the parents or Both..

> 5) During 80th Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both,

> 6) During 90th Anniversary of one of the parents or Both.

> 7) during 100th Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both.

> 8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both.

> 9) During any planetary afflictions and performing of sandhi Shanti

> Homas also one can donate the Maha Daanas.

> For your information,during last year,when my father expired I


> 10 Daanas which are as per my capability.

> I hope this helps you.

> With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

> Ramadas Rao.



> Sunil John <suniljohn_2004@h...> wrote:

> Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji and other members,


> 1. How does one determine what should a person donate in his life

and to

> whom.


> 2. How does one determine if donation would be good for the native

( I

> always feel it is good for everyone concerned :)


> 3. Which day and which time would it be most suitable to donate so


> benefits are got.


> 4. what time should one donate to a Guru.


> I presume all the same rules will apply to gifting in life. If not


> let me know. I dont know which house is the activity donation and

> gifting seen from.


> Kindly reply.


> With Blessings of the Divine Mother


> Sunil John







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om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Sunil,

Paravatamsha means in a Dasa Varga group,if a planet occupies 6 Vargas,then that

planet is said to be in Paravatamsha.Similary if a planet occupies in 5

Vargas,then that planet is said to be in Simasnamsha.

The Dasa Vargas are 1) Rasi Chart,2) Hora Chart,3) Drekkana Chart,4) Saptamsha

Chart,5) Navamsha Chart,6) Dasamsha Chart,7) Dwadashamsha Chart,8) Shodashamsha

Chart,9) Trimshamsha Chart and 10) Shastyamsha Chart.So planets in many vargas

is a boon to the native as it strenghthens its benefic influence.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Sunil John <suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Ramadasji,

How do you remember all these combinations, I am startled. Pls find my basic queries below.

Sunil>` nmae naray[ay,

>om namo näräyaëäya| >Dear Sunil, >1st we have to see whether person will have

the ability to make Daana or donation.Brihat Jataka gives some planetary

combinations for Maha Daana Yogas .

>1) If Bhagyadhipaty ie.,9th lord is in Paravatamsha, aspected by Guru and also

if the Lagna Lord is aspected by Guru,the person gives a big donation or Maha


Sunil: What is Paravatamsha

>2) If Lagna and Lagna Lord are aspected by 9th lord and Bhagyadhipaty ( 9th

lord ) is placed in Kendra or Trikona.,then also the person will make Maha


>3) Daana Sthanadhipaty ie 9th lord in Simhasanamsha,and either aspected by

Lagna Lord or Karma Sthanadhipaty ( 10th Lord ),then also one will make Maha


Sunil: Since u have used Daana Sthanadhipaty, I gather what u are saying is

basically the 9th house/lord is the house of donations

Where/What is Simhasanamsha

Thanks for ur reply


>4) Bhagyadhipaty in 4th,10th lord in a kendra and Vyadhipaty ie.,12th lord is

aspected by Guru,then one makes Maha Daana. >5) If Budha is exalted and

aspected by Bhagyadhipaty and Labhadhipaty ie.,11th lord is in a Kendra,then

also one will do Maha Daana. >Now following are considered as 10 Maha Daanas :

>1) Giving of Cow with a Calf, >2) Giving of Land ( Bhudaana ) >3) giving of

Hiranya ie., Gold. >4) Tila Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of Sesame seeds.

>5) Aajya Paatra Daana ie., a vessel used for performing Yajnas. >6) Vastra

Daana ie., Giving of cloths. >7) Dhaanya Daana ie., Giving of cereals and

pulses. >8) Guda Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of jaggery. >9) Giving of

silver. And >10 ) giving of a vessel full of Salt. >So all of the above or any

one of the above or some of the above can be given as donation to a pious

Brahmin. >Now whom to be given or who is able to take the donation is also

mentioned in the same Brihat Jataka. >11th lord in 11th house and Karmadhipaty

ie.,10th lord strong and aspected by Bhagyadhipaty,such a person can take the

donations. >Now when to give the donations ? >1) During the birth of a child.

>2) During 50th anniversary of one of the parents. ( either Father or Mother

).or Both. >3) During 60th anniversary of one of the Parents or Both.. >4)

During 70th anniversary of one of the parents or Both.. >5) During 80th

Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both, >6) During 90th Anniversary of one

of the parents or Both. >7) during 100th Anniversary of one of the Parents or

Both. >8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both. >9) During any

planetary afflictions and performing of sandhi Shanti Homas also one can donate

the Maha Daanas. > >For your information,during last year,when my father expired

I donated 10 Daanas which are as per my capability. > >I hope this helps you. >

>With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, > >Ramadas Rao. > > > >Sunil John

<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: >Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji

and other members, > >1. How does one determine what should a person donate in

his life and to whom. > >2. How does one determine if donation would be good

for the native ( I always feel it is good for everyone concerned :) > >3. Which

day and which time would it be most suitable to donate so that benefits are got.

> >4. what time should one donate to a Guru. > >I presume all the same rules

will apply to gifting in life. If not pls let me know. I dont know which house

is the activity donation and gifting seen from. > >Kindly reply. > >With

Blessings of the Divine Mother > >Sunil John > > >Archives:

vedic astrology > >Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html > >To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology- > >....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us ....... > >|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > > > > Links > > To

visit your group on the web, go to:

>vedic astrology/ > > To from this

group, send an email to: >vedic astrology > >

> >

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Dear Swee,

A nice reference, supported by scriptures.




Swee Chan wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Ramadasji,


> I would like to clarify the following statements made by you

> concerning the gifts to be bestowed, of which I quote from the Garuda

> Purana:


> Now when to give the donations ?


> 8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both.


> When someone is on the death bed, it is better to make the gifts

> before the life is extinct. A gift made when one is alive stands in

> good stead, unimpeded.


> It is the truth; the exact truth that the gifts made when the sense

> organs are operative and when the same are approved by his son, yields

> enedless benefits.


> (Garuda Purana Dharma Preta Khanda Chapter 30.9-10)


> For your information,during last year,when my father expired I donated

> 10 Daanas which are as per my capability.


> He who makes a gift of lamps either for the dead or for himself,

> facing East or North, or places them in Temples or in the houses of

> Brahmins, will be able to traverse the /Great Path/ without nay

> distress. (31.9-10)


> By making a gift of water jar, the thirsty shall drink water. Vessels,

> clothes, flowers, rings, shall be gifted on the 11^th day for the

> dead, to attain the highest goal. Thus those who wish well the dead,

> shall make gifts of the /_thirteen_/ articles according to their

> ability. The dead shall be pleased thereby. Foodstuffs, gingelly

> seeds, 13 water-jars, a ring, pair of clothes, should be gifted in

> favour of the dead to help him attain the highest goal. (G.P. Preta

> Khanda 31.12-15)


> He who makes a gift of a horse, a boat or an elephant to Brahmins will

> become happy. (31.16)


> He who makes gifts of a buffalo sojourns in many worlds. A

> she-buffalo, the mother of the vehicle of Yama accords benefits. (31.17)


> A gift of betel leaves together with flowers increases the delight of

> those who are in Yama’s abode. Being delighted with that, they do not

> harass him. (31.18)


> The man who gives according to his ability, gifts of cows, plots of

> land, gingelly seeds, gold, an earthern ware jar full of water, with

> the dead in view, attains the fruit of the gift of a thousand water

> jars. (31.19-20)


> If a person makes a gift of clothes, the awe inspiring terrible

> emissaries of Yama, black and tawny in colour, do not threaten him.

> (31.21)


> By making gifts of pots (full) of foodstuffs, one shall be happy in

> those paths which one should otherwise have to traverse, utterly

> exhausted and oppressed by thirst. (31.22)


> A bed with smooth cotton within and covered with a velvet cloth should

> be given to Gods and Brahmins. With that, the dead man will be freed

> of ghosthood and rejoice with deities.


> I hope this helps you.


> With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,


> Ramadas Rao.


> love,


> Swee


> swee

> www.brihaspati.net



> ** Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]

> *Sent:* 12 April 2004 19:49

> *To:* vedic astrology

> *Cc:* varahamihira

> *Subject:* Re: [vedic astrology] Donation/Gifting - how to determine


> ` nmae naray[ay,


> om namo näräyaëäya|

> Dear Sunil,


> 1st we have to see whether person will have the ability to make Daana

> or donation.Brihat Jataka gives some planetary combinations for Maha

> Daana Yogas .


> 1) If Bhagyadhipaty ie.,9th lord is in Paravatamsha, aspected by Guru

> and also if the Lagna Lord is aspected by Guru,the person gives a big

> donation or Maha Daana.


> 2) If Lagna and Lagna Lord are aspected by 9th lord and Bhagyadhipaty

> ( 9th lord ) is placed in Kendra or Trikona.,then also the person will

> make Maha Daana.


> 3) Daana Sthanadhipaty ie 9th lord in Simhasanamsha,and either

> aspected by Lagna Lord or Karma Sthanadhipaty ( 10th Lord ),then also

> one will make Maha Daana.


> 4) Bhagyadhipaty in 4th,10th lord in a kendra and Vyadhipaty ie.,12th

> lord is aspected by Guru,then one makes Maha Daana.


> 5) If Budha is exalted and aspected by Bhagyadhipaty and Labhadhipaty

> ie.,11th lord is in a Kendra,then also one will do Maha Daana.


> Now following are considered as 10 Maha Daanas :


> 1) Giving of Cow with a Calf,


> 2) Giving of Land ( Bhudaana )


> 3) giving of Hiranya ie., Gold.


> 4) Tila Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of Sesame seeds.


> 5) Aajya Paatra Daana ie., a vessel used for performing Yajnas.


> 6) Vastra Daana ie., Giving of cloths.


> 7) Dhaanya Daana ie., Giving of cereals and pulses.


> 8) Guda Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of jaggery.


> 9) Giving of silver. And


> 10 ) giving of a vessel full of Salt.


> So all of the above or any one of the above or some of the above can

> be given as donation to a pious Brahmin.


> Now whom to be given or who is able to take the donation is also

> mentioned in the same Brihat Jataka.


> 11th lord in 11th house and Karmadhipaty ie.,10th lord strong and

> aspected by Bhagyadhipaty,such a person can take the donations.


> Now when to give the donations ?


> 1) During the birth of a child.


> 2) During 50th anniversary of one of the parents. ( either Father or

> Mother ).or Both.


> 3) During 60th anniversary of one of the Parents or Both..


> 4) During 70th anniversary of one of the parents or Both..


> 5) During 80th Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both,


> 6) During 90th Anniversary of one of the parents or Both.


> 7) during 100th Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both.


> 8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both.


> 9) During any planetary afflictions and performing of sandhi Shanti

> Homas also one can donate the Maha Daanas.


> For your information,during last year,when my father expired I donated

> 10 Daanas which are as per my capability.


> I hope this helps you.


> With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,


> Ramadas Rao.



> */Sunil/**/ /**/John/**/ <suniljohn_2004/* wrote:


> **Dear ****Ramadasji****, Partha, Chandrashekharji and other

> members,**


> **1. How does one determine what should a person donate in his

> life and to whom.**


> **2. How does one determine if donation would be good for the

> native ( I always feel it is good for everyone concerned :)**


> **3. Which day and which time would it be most suitable to donate

> so that benefits are got.**


> **4. what time should one donate to a Guru.**


> **I presume all the same rules will apply to gifting in life. If

> not pls let me know. I dont know which house is the activity

> donation and gifting seen from.**


> **Kindly reply.**


> **With Blessings of the Divine Mother**


> **Sunil**** ****John**










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Dear Jayashree,

It could come under shrama dana and would certainly please Saturn. At

least I think so.



Jayashree wrote:


> Dear Swee, Ramadas ji and Sunil ji,


> I wonder what categories these fall under:


> i) Gift of time - time spent on social service or just small services

> such as educating poor kids, reading books to elderly in Ashrams,

> doing physical service to the helpless/bed-ridden at home or outside,

> etc. Shouldn't these be maha danas also? How can it be studied from

> one's chart if someone will do these?


> Kindly clarify,


> Many thanks,


> Jayashree




> vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...> wrote:

> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> > Dear Ramadasji,

> >

> > I would like to clarify the following statements made by you

> concerning

> > the gifts to be bestowed, of which I quote from the Garuda Purana:

> >

> > Now when to give the donations ?

> >

> > 8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both.

> >

> > When someone is on the death bed, it is better to make the gifts

> before

> > the life is extinct. A gift made when one is alive stands in good

> stead,

> > unimpeded.

> > It is the truth; the exact truth that the gifts made when the sense

> > organs are operative and when the same are approved by his son,

> yields

> > enedless benefits.

> >

> > (Garuda Purana Dharma Preta Khanda Chapter 30.9-10)

> >

> > For your information,during last year,when my father expired I

> donated

> > 10 Daanas which are as per my capability.

> > He who makes a gift of lamps either for the dead or for himself,

> facing

> > East or North, or places them in Temples or in the houses of

> Brahmins,

> > will be able to traverse the Great Path without nay distress. (31.9-

> 10)

> > By making a gift of water jar, the thirsty shall drink water.

> Vessels,

> > clothes, flowers, rings, shall be gifted on the 11th day for the

> dead,

> > to attain the highest goal. Thus those who wish well the dead, shall

> > make gifts of the thirteen articles according to their ability. The

> dead

> > shall be pleased thereby. Foodstuffs, gingelly seeds, 13 water-

> jars, a

> > ring, pair of clothes, should be gifted in favour of the dead to

> help

> > him attain the highest goal. (G.P. Preta Khanda 31.12-15)

> > He who makes a gift of a horse, a boat or an elephant to Brahmins

> will

> > become happy. (31.16)

> > He who makes gifts of a buffalo sojourns in many worlds. A she-

> buffalo,

> > the mother of the vehicle of Yama accords benefits. (31.17)

> > A gift of betel leaves together with flowers increases the delight

> of

> > those who are in Yama's abode. Being delighted with that, they do

> not

> > harass him. (31.18)

> > The man who gives according to his ability, gifts of cows, plots of

> > land, gingelly seeds, gold, an earthern ware jar full of water,

> with the

> > dead in view, attains the fruit of the gift of a thousand water

> jars.

> > (31.19-20)

> > If a person makes a gift of clothes, the awe inspiring terrible

> > emissaries of Yama, black and tawny in colour, do not threaten him.

> > (31.21)

> > By making gifts of pots (full) of foodstuffs, one shall be happy in

> > those paths which one should otherwise have to traverse, utterly

> > exhausted and oppressed by thirst. (31.22)

> > A bed with smooth cotton within and covered with a velvet cloth

> should

> > be given to Gods and Brahmins. With that, the dead man will be

> freed of

> > ghosthood and rejoice with deities.

> > I hope this helps you.

> > With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

> > Ramadas Rao.

> >

> >

> >

> > love,

> >

> > Swee

> > swee@b...

> > www.brihaspati.net

> >

> >

> > Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]

> > 12 April 2004 19:49

> > vedic astrology

> > Cc: varahamihira

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Donation/Gifting - how to determine

> >

> > ` nmae naray[ay,

> > om namo näräyaëäya|

> > Dear Sunil,

> > 1st we have to see whether person will have the ability to make

> Daana or

> > donation.Brihat Jataka gives some planetary combinations for Maha

> Daana

> > Yogas .

> > 1) If Bhagyadhipaty ie.,9th lord is in Paravatamsha, aspected by

> Guru

> > and also if the Lagna Lord is aspected by Guru,the person gives a

> big

> > donation or Maha Daana.

> > 2) If Lagna and Lagna Lord are aspected by 9th lord and

> Bhagyadhipaty (

> > 9th lord ) is placed in Kendra or Trikona.,then also the person will

> > make Maha Daana.

> > 3) Daana Sthanadhipaty ie 9th lord in Simhasanamsha,and either

> aspected

> > by Lagna Lord or Karma Sthanadhipaty ( 10th Lord ),then also one

> will

> > make Maha Daana.

> > 4) Bhagyadhipaty in 4th,10th lord in a kendra and Vyadhipaty

> ie.,12th

> > lord is aspected by Guru,then one makes Maha Daana.

> > 5) If Budha is exalted and aspected by Bhagyadhipaty and

> Labhadhipaty

> > ie.,11th lord is in a Kendra,then also one will do Maha Daana.

> > Now following are considered as 10 Maha Daanas :

> > 1) Giving of Cow with a Calf,

> > 2) Giving of Land ( Bhudaana )

> > 3) giving of Hiranya ie., Gold.

> > 4) Tila Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of Sesame seeds.

> > 5) Aajya Paatra Daana ie., a vessel used for performing Yajnas.

> > 6) Vastra Daana ie., Giving of cloths.

> > 7) Dhaanya Daana ie., Giving of cereals and pulses.

> > 8) Guda Paatra Daana ie., a vessel full of jaggery.

> > 9) Giving of silver. And

> > 10 ) giving of a vessel full of Salt.

> > So all of the above or any one of the above or some of the above

> can be

> > given as donation to a pious Brahmin.

> > Now whom to be given or who is able to take the donation is also

> > mentioned in the same Brihat Jataka.

> > 11th lord in 11th house and Karmadhipaty ie.,10th lord strong and

> > aspected by Bhagyadhipaty,such a person can take the donations.

> > Now when to give the donations ?

> > 1) During the birth of a child.

> > 2) During 50th anniversary of one of the parents. ( either Father or

> > Mother ).or Both.

> > 3) During 60th anniversary of one of the Parents or Both..

> > 4) During 70th anniversary of one of the parents or Both..

> > 5) During 80th Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both,

> > 6) During 90th Anniversary of one of the parents or Both.

> > 7) during 100th Anniversary of one of the Parents or Both.

> > 8) During the Final Rites of one of the parents or both.

> > 9) During any planetary afflictions and performing of sandhi Shanti

> > Homas also one can donate the Maha Daanas.

> > For your information,during last year,when my father expired I

> donated

> > 10 Daanas which are as per my capability.

> > I hope this helps you.

> > With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

> > Ramadas Rao.

> >

> >

> > Sunil John <suniljohn_2004@h...> wrote:

> > Dear Ramadasji, Partha, Chandrashekharji and other members,

> >

> > 1. How does one determine what should a person donate in his life

> and to

> > whom.

> >

> > 2. How does one determine if donation would be good for the native

> ( I

> > always feel it is good for everyone concerned :)

> >

> > 3. Which day and which time would it be most suitable to donate so

> that

> > benefits are got.

> >

> > 4. what time should one donate to a Guru.

> >

> > I presume all the same rules will apply to gifting in life. If not

> pls

> > let me know. I dont know which house is the activity donation and

> > gifting seen from.

> >

> > Kindly reply.

> >

> > With Blessings of the Divine Mother

> >

> > Sunil John

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> >

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