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FW: RE: Gems of 11th from AL

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>"Freedom" <freedom (AT) (DOT) org> >"'Sunil John'"

<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> >RE: Gems of 11th from AL >Mon, 12

Apr 2004 19:33:45 +0530 > >Hare Rama Krsna >I'll answer in a nice dark green

that makes my Gemini Lagna happy: > _____ > >Sunil John

[suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com] >Monday, April 12, 2004 1:48 PM >To:

vedic astrology; varahamihira >Cc:

freedom (AT) (DOT) org >Gems of 11th from AL > >Dear Freedom,

>Greetings to you. Thanks so much for ur reply. Pls find my subsequent humble

>queries below as Sunil >Hare Rama Krsna >My thoughts on the subject, included

below: >Dear Astrologers, Ramadasji and Guru Partha and everyone, >Since right

now the topic is on gemstone wearing, I would prefer asking a >query on it also

it shall benefit me personally. >Pls guide my thinking here :- >1. For

strengthening a planet we wear gemstone in the right hand. >2. We can wear

gemstone in index finger, but there it can result in increase >in ego (although

increase in ego can be a boon for some) >3. Gem of the 11th from AL if a planet

is placed is extremely good. SR says >one can easily wear this, without any

exception. >"without exception" has to be taken in correct perspective. Without

>exception it will increase income. But you must look how the planet is >placed.

>Sanjay also says that wearing the 9th lord stone is good for everyone, >without

exception. But that means it will increase dharma, and bhagya which >is positive

for everyone, but we still must be careful of other effects >depending on

placement. >Sunil: Thanks for pointing that out. I guess it means to consider

what all >the planet is all about, is it the badhakesh, kharesh etc. Yes, but

we these >rules give us planets that we can look at immediately if the person

is >interested in getting a jyotish gemstone, as many people want when they get

>a reading. >4. If there is no planet in the 11th from AL, can we recommend the

lord of >the sign, and in case of Sc or Aq, the lord which ever is stronger.

>yes, and if there are no planets you can also look at the planet lording the

>lord of the 11th from AL as well as planets conj the lord of the 11th from >AL

and aspecting the 11th from AL. >Sunil: thanks for this, i didnt know we could

consider other factors. Say >for eg if a person has Mars in 11th fm AL, who

might be the badhkesh etc, >then we can also look at any good planet aspecting

that house and recommend >that gemstone considering other factors are good. Pls

correct my thinking if >it is wrong, since I take some time to understand

things. Each planet will >give effects during certain dasas. For example

someone with three planets in >the 11th from AL will either have three sources

of income or may change >source of income as dasa changes (depending on

sambhandha of those planets). >If a person with Taurus lagna has Venus and Mars

11th from AL and they are >selling clothing, then it would obviously be better

to recommend the diamond >than coral. In this way it should be calculated so

that you are increasing >the planet that is actually supporting the individual.

You don't have to be >a pro, it is ok to ask a person exactly what they do to

make money. If a >person has no job, look at the strongest planet influencing

that house in >the area they would like to persue and recommend that

accordingly. I myself >would use VL if the person didn't have a job and was

looking. >5. For weakening a planet we recommend the stone in the left hand.

>This was the practice of Sanjay's guru. >Other's say that you wear the gem on

the right it will help you manifest >that planet's energy outwardly, and on the

left will help you take the >energy of that planet in internally. I've also

heard that as the right hand >is ruled by Jupiter, planets friendly to Him are

good on the right hand, and >as Shukra rules the left planets good to Him are

good on the left. I've also >heard to not wear astrological gems on the left at

all, as they are like >murtis of the grahas and need to be treated as such. So

just keep in mind, >there are many ways to propitiate a planet, so be careful

of the effects of >wearing very malefic planet's stones. >Sunil: Dear Freedom,

thanks for the elaborate explanation, as I understand >from it there seems to

be many contradictory views, I would like to add here >that in India, we find

many successful people wearing stones in the left >hand too, I have seen an

astrologer from Bengal ( it is a state in india, >known for good astrologers)

who uses Suphta Bhava method to time events to >the day also recommend gem

stones in the left hand. The point is wearing a >bad gem can be so detrimental

to persons life that I want to learn first >what not to prescribe but then

there are many contradictory views for a >beginner to learn or rather unlearn.

>I asked Sanjay whether he has ever recommended a person to wear a negative

>planet's stone on the left hand and he said, no, he wouldn't risk it. >Sunil:

I might humbly differ here, it is astonishing to know that when SR >propagates

wearing of stones in the left hand, why hasnt be recommended in >real life.

>Also, I have seen him recommend gemstone in left hand at the Nagpur

>conference, if u are staying with him currently I presume u can recheck.

>Maybe ur talking to him might inspire him to be kind enough to show more

>light on this subject on the list. He avoids talking on the subject because

>there is no real shastra to back up most things. He just follows what his

>guru taught to him, he has faith in the parampara. >Worship the Guru Tattva,

do your mantras, have pure intention and you will >make the correct judgements

with gemstones >6. If deb planets stones are to be put we recommend stone in

the left hand >If the planet would be beneficial for the person to have strong,

why not >wear it on the right hand. Often wearing a gemstone is trying to exalt

a >planet, trying to make it give exalted (or at least better effects). When

>you wear the 11th from AL gem (or the planet placed therein) you are trying

>to exalt it. >Sunil: thanks >7. Can we also recommend the stone similarly of

the 11th from Indu Lagna >since that is the one giving prosperity. Or 11th from

Varnada Lagna. The key >is understanding what a planet is doing, knowing which

planet will help a >person succeed all around with out giving too many negative

effects, then >strengthen it. See where the money is coming from, and strengthen

that if >the goal is to make more money. See what will give good health and

>strengthen that if the goal is better health. >Sunil: >a) Can you be kind

enough to explain the importance of Varnada Lagna. That's >a big subject, and I

type slowly. Barbara Corkrean will be teaching the >Varanada Lagna in great

depth at the west coast conferences this year, so >look forward to getting the

CD of that. She has been doing a lot of research >with Sanjay's guidance so it

should be quality. >b) Also, from your above statement I haven't understood if

u have sanctioned >the use of stone of 11th from Indu Lagna. Wait till you

really understand it >before you start using it. Do you know the controversy

about how to >calculate it? Sanjay does not agree with s.s.sareen's or

p.s.shastri's >translation of shloka 27 Grahabhaavkalakhanda of the Uttara

Kalamrita. > When you understand it you will know when to use this verse 11th

from AL >verse 11th from VL. >11th from AL will show the sources of your

income, if you have Shani there >it will give you gains from old people,

strengthening it will increase the >amount of old people coming to you. Or if

Shnai is representing a mineral >verse a manushya, then maybe oil is making the

money in the chart, and the >amount of oil would increase. VL shows our work

skills. 11th from it shows >the skills that we make money from, so increasing

that would increase our >work capacity and how good we are at getting money

from our work. Enough >from me on this. >c) also, which one would give more

money 11th from AL or 11th from Indu >Lagna. One will increase image (also

money), the other would increase in >more money, maybe more than the one from

AL. >Pls correct my thinking here. would be obliged. >8. If 11th from AL has a

deb planet so should we recommend a stone to be >worn in the left hand, will it

still give money?? >Debilitated and exalted planets are booth good when it comes

to money. >Sunil: Can I request here, if u can relook at the question above once

again, >the query is which hand Left or Right. >as i understand exalted and

benefic means good means of earning money, deb >and malefic means inappropriate

means of earning money. Doesn't always have >to be inappropriate, it can also

just be harsh ways of earning, like an IRS >tax collector who insures people

pay. >9. What happens if that planet stone is in badhak house, will it activate

>the badhak >You must be careful of activating the badhak, see if the badhak

house or the >lord is giving the real badhak, it is possible to strengthen you

obstacles >or your opposition. The better your jyotish becomes the better you

will be >able to recommend a gemstone as you will really see what a planet is

doing >in the chart. >Sunil: Kindly refurnish ur reconfirmation on this

Freedom, if the planet >stone is in badhak house would it activate the badha

and increase >obstructions assuming that the badhak house is giving the real

badhak. It >can activate the badhak, but not always. For example, it is

considered not >to do so if the bhadak is the 9th lord, or if it is placed in

the 12th house >from lagna. Dasa of the bhadak can give a person foreign

residence, so would >the gem of that planet be free of obstruction once they

are in a foreign >land? Consider all facets, and understand what the badhak

planet or sign is >doing for that person. >10. How do we use Kaal Chakra Table

in selection of time to wear any stone, >say eg Jup in Cancer, so should it be

on Monday during Jup Hora in the Kaala >Chakra table. >Everything in its proper

place, kalachakra is generally used for timing >regular pujas to remove negative

effects of grahas. >For wearing a gemstone, you use Muhurta rules. Picking a

good Muhurta to >first put on the stone for wearing will ensure the stone gives

good effects. >Just like negative compatibility between couples can be pacified

with an >excellent Muhurta, so too negative effects of gemstones can be removed

and >positive results guaranteed with a good Muhurta. >Sunil: Sorry I forgot

that thing about Kaala Chakra Table and was trying to >use it in gemstones

wearing also. thanks for correcting me, any snap shot >tips from you on

selection of muhurta for wearing gemstones. There is >nothing given in Shastra

for this. Sanjay using the same general rules for >that of giving a mantra. You

can research this more deeply on your own. The >simple rule is to use the vara

and hora as primary. Put on a Jupiter gem on >Thursday at Jupiter hora. >Thanks

very much for ur mail. I might plan to pursue this with a real life >example

after ur reply, if its ok with u. >Joy, Light and Abundance > >Sunil John >11.

Kaala chakra table is used to fasten the remedial effects, am i right. > Would

be obliged if answered, >Thanks >With Blessings of the Divine Mother > Sunil

John > >Namah Sivaya >Namah Sivaya > > > > _____ > >Old pals, ex-flames,

great times. Catch up with the past! Sign up now!

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