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Chart for examination of career and few other issues.

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I am posting this again (w/o chart) since the first one has not reached the group yet.



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Learned Members,


I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I have

mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong features

and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and downs in his

career and has been going through difficult situation for quite sometime now. I

am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate

if you you can enlighten me further.


DOB: 12 March 1962

TOB: 9. 10 AM

Place: Mumbai, India


1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed to be

exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in 10th (own) house

but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L

Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka.

4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in either

kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2 kendras they do not

make a sarpa dosha.

5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has

KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY

break at that age? What would be the implications after that?

6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.

7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult for him all

throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier

is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The

only -ve aspect I can see is that it is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is

involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would

therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn malefic.

8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch enemy and

aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The native has set

up a factory for making candles and is also into import and distribution of

pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate

profession related to precision machinery or related to export. He is not into

that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).


Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H has Ketu and

Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates profession related to the armed

forces, the individual is not connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed

in the previous point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to communications and

Sun related to public service. His career is not associated with either!


The native is in an African country and has been in that region during most part

of his career. He did very well during initial period of his stay, may be 7

years or so and has since been going through ups and downs! His business

ventures gave him really tough times largely because of 'plunging w/o

planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground

after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is

stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the next dasa of Saturn will be!


Best Regards


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om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Ramesh Ji,

It seems Guru is in Kulaghna Shastyamsha and so Guru eventhough is the lord of

9th and 12th is not able to give good results.Now Shani,the Karma Karaka is in

his own house of Makara Rashi and so the native will be involved in business

connected with petroleum products or its sub products like candles,wax,bitumen

etc.Rahu with Mandi aspecting this Shani.rahu in Ashelsha indicates a severe

Sarpa Dosha also ,so the person also deals with poisonous medicines (

Allopathic medicines are poisonous drugs only ) and his choice are all

waste.The reason is Ketu,the Vairagya Karaka is with Karma Karaka Shani and so

it is an obstacle for his Karma and so lost his business.Now Ketu is in Makara

22 Deg.58' and Shani is in Makara 14 Deg.19' which is lesser than Rahu/ Ketu's

longitude.As both the nodes are retrograding,Shani is under the clutches of

Ketu and so all the planets are under Rahu/ Ketu axis.So as per me breaking is

difficult and the only remedy will be performing

of Kala Sarpa Shanti at Kala Hasti temple near Tirupaty or at tryambakeshwar near Nasik.

Now AmK Chandra in Navamsha is in Vrishabha and 6th from him is occupied by

Budha in Tula Rashi and so he has to worship Godess Tripura Sundari for his

prosperity in life.Also Guru is in Dhanishta and so he has to chant the Mantras

for Ashta Vasu.Shani,the Karma Karaka in Shravana and so he has to worship Lord

Vishnu continuously.When Guru Transits Kanya rashi in Aug.28th onwards and at

the same time Chandra's Antara also runs,there may be some improvements in his

career.But performing the remedies are most important and without that he can

not get any profits at all.The reason is that except Lagna,all other planets

are in malefic Shastyamshas.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

I am posting this again (w/o chart) since the first one has not reached the group yet.



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Learned Members,


I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I have

mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong features

and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and downs in his

career and has been going through difficult situation for quite sometime now. I

am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate

if you you can enlighten me further.


DOB: 12 March 1962

TOB: 9. 10 AM

Place: Mumbai, India


1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed to be

exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in 10th (own) house

but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L

Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka.

4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in either

kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2 kendras they do not

make a sarpa dosha.

5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has

KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY

break at that age? What would be the implications after that?

6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.

7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult for him all

throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier

is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The

only -ve aspect I can see is that it is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is

involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would

therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn malefic.

8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch enemy and

aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The native has set

up a factory for making candles and is also into import and distribution of

pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate

profession related to precision machinery or related to export. He is not into

that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).


Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H has Ketu and

Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates profession related to the armed

forces, the individual is not connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed

in the previous point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to communications and

Sun related to public service. His career is not associated with either!


The native is in an African country and has been in that region during most part

of his career. He did very well during initial period of his stay, may be 7

years or so and has since been going through ups and downs! His business

ventures gave him really tough times largely because of 'plunging w/o

planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground

after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is

stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the next dasa of Saturn will be!


Best Regards




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Dear Ramesh


The badhakesh according to BP is a lord of 11th for chara lagna

and /or planet in 11th house as mandipati or kharesh. So Sa is indeed

11th lord but neither mandhipati or kharesh but Ju is placed in 11th

house and is kharesh as well. So it becomes the classic badhakesh.

The Ju MD therefore must have been full of badhas or difficulties.

The Me first rate malefic is with ju and that must have made him to

take wrong decisions.


Although,the venus is debiliated in navmansha but being in 12th has

made him to go to distant land to prosper. Aspect of Ra on Ve must

have made him good at manipulations in worldly affairs.


Su-MA in 3rd from AL must have made him industrious. The A3/A10 in

7th indicates that the native must have done most of the business

with partnerships.


The badhakesh dasa is going so surrender to lord shiva will remove

all the badhas.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.


Prabodh vekhande



> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


> Dear Learned Members,


> I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I

have mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very

strong features and probably some deficiencies too! The native has

had many ups and downs in his career and has been going through

difficult situation for quite sometime now. I am trying to analyze

the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate if you you

can enlighten me further.


> DOB: 12 March 1962

> TOB: 9. 10 AM

> Place: Mumbai, India


> 1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

> 2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed

to be exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in

10th (own) house but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

> 3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L

Mars and 7L Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become


> 4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in

either kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2

kendras they do not make a sarpa dosha.

> 5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-

Ketu. If he has KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is

32-35, so will the KSY break at that age? What would be the

implications after that?

> 6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get

over Sept 2004.

> 7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult

for him all throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and

as I mentioned earlier is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in

11H with 3 other planets. The only -ve aspect I can see is that it is

placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is involved in a graha yudha with

Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would therefore expect Mercury

the looser to turn malefic.

> 8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch

enemy and aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession.

The native has set up a factory for making candles and is also into

import and distribution of pharmaceuticals. Factory would be

associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate profession related to

precision machinery or related to export. He is not into that. Can

ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


> 9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly

planet), 2 planets and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10

years, then did some business while in service and finally went in

for full time business around 97/98 (during sade sati!).


> Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H

has Ketu and Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates

profession related to the armed forces, the individual is not

connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed in the previous

point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to

communications and Sun related to public service. His career is not

associated with either!


> The native is in an African country and has been in that region

during most part of his career. He did very well during initial

period of his stay, may be 7 years or so and has since been going

through ups and downs! His business ventures gave him really tough

times largely because of 'plunging w/o planning'. He has borrowed

heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground after a lot of

struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is stuck

with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


> I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the

next dasa of Saturn will be!


> Best Regards

> Ramesh










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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Prabodh,


Thank you for your analysis. I have a few comments.


1. Your point regarding Jupiter being placed in 11th and also being a kharesh

makes sense. I would welcome comments from Gurus to confirm if we can equate it

to a full fledged badhkesh.

2. Venus is 2L and 7L placed in 12th. True this could be an indication for a

foreign source of wealth.

3. Your comment about Rahu's aspect on Venus is interesting. In my assessment

however the native is not manipulative enough as may be needed to be successful

in business.


Many thanks again.

Kind regards




amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, April 17, 2004 1:30 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Chart for examination of career and few other

issues.17042004Dear RameshThe badhakesh according to BP is a lord of 11th for

chara lagna and /or planet in 11th house as mandipati or kharesh. So Sa is

indeed 11th lord but neither mandhipati or kharesh but Ju is placed in 11th

house and is kharesh as well. So it becomes the classic badhakesh. The Ju MD

therefore must have been full of badhas or difficulties. The Me first rate

malefic is with ju and that must have made him to take wrong

decisions.Although,the venus is debiliated in navmansha but being in 12th has

made him to go to distant land to prosper. Aspect of Ra on Ve must have made

him good at manipulations in worldly affairs. Su-MA in 3rd from AL must have

made him industrious. The A3/A10 in 7th indicates that the native must have

done most of the business with partnerships.The badhakesh dasa is going so

surrender to lord shiva will remove all the badhas. Thanks a lot for your Time

and Sapce.Prabodh vekhande> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat> > Dear Learned

Members,> > I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I

have mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong

features and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and

downs in his career and has been going through difficult situation for quite

sometime now. I am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I

shall appreciate if you you can enlighten me further.> > DOB: 12 March 1962>

TOB: 9. 10 AM> Place: Mumbai, India> > 1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon

in 2H, Jupiter in 11H. > 2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius

hence deemed to be exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in

10th (own) house but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.> 3. 4 planets in 11th

house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L Mercury and 5L Sun,

9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka. > 4. The chart however has 3 malefics

in 2 kendras and no benefics in either kendra or trines. As I understand since 3

malefics are in 2 kendras they do not make a sarpa dosha.> 5. Does the native

have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has KSY, is it broken

by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY break at that age?

What would be the implications after that?> 6. Native has been going through

sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.> 7. He is running Jupiter dasa

since 93, which has been difficult for him all throughout. Jupiter is functional

benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier is deemed exaltation position. It

is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The only -ve aspect I can see is that it

is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but

it wins the yudha and I would therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn

malefic.> 8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch

enemy and aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The

native has set up a factory for making candles and is also into import and

distribution of pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu

should indicate profession related to precision machinery or related to export.

He is not into that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines? > > 9.

D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).> > Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are

not occupied. 10H has Ketu and Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates

profession related to the armed forces, the individual is not connected with

the same! Ketu has been discussed in the previous point. 10H in D10 however

also has rashi drishti from Sun and Mercury. Mercury would normally give

profession related to communications and Sun related to public service. His

career is not associated with either!> > The native is in an African country

and has been in that region during most part of his career. He did very well

during initial period of his stay, may be 7 years or so and has since been

going through ups and downs! His business ventures gave him really tough times

largely because of 'plunging w/o planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed

to get the ventures off ground after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were

just about stabilizing he is stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt

departments. > > I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how

would the next dasa of Saturn will be!> > Best Regards> Ramesh> > > > > >

Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Shri Ramadasji,


Thank you for your kind analysis. I have written to you separately for further

guidance on remedies for this specific case. I am posting a few comments

related to the analysis for further learning;


1. I had begun to read Shri Goel's chapter (Varga Chakra by Sanjayji) on

Shastyamsha only a few days back. I did read about 11th house being considered

evil (Hara) in D6.

2. I am now able to link up Candles with Saturn and I can also see the reason

for native getting into medicines.

3. Can Rahu's placement in Ashlesha be treated as Sarpa dosha by itself?

4. I need some more clarity on KSY. Ketu being in retro motion is going towards

Saturn. Is that why you describe 'Saturn as being in clutches of Ketu'?

Wouldn't that be the case with any planet that falls just outside the geometric


5. I have noted your point about other planets also being in malefic

shstyamshas. I will read more on this.


Kind regards




Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:40 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Chart for

examination of career and few other issues.

` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Ramesh Ji,

It seems Guru is in Kulaghna Shastyamsha and so Guru eventhough is the lord of

9th and 12th is not able to give good results.Now Shani,the Karma Karaka is in

his own house of Makara Rashi and so the native will be involved in business

connected with petroleum products or its sub products like candles,wax,bitumen

etc.Rahu with Mandi aspecting this Shani.rahu in Ashelsha indicates a severe

Sarpa Dosha also ,so the person also deals with poisonous medicines (

Allopathic medicines are poisonous drugs only ) and his choice are all

waste.The reason is Ketu,the Vairagya Karaka is with Karma Karaka Shani and so

it is an obstacle for his Karma and so lost his business.Now Ketu is in Makara

22 Deg.58' and Shani is in Makara 14 Deg.19' which is lesser than Rahu/ Ketu's

longitude.As both the nodes are retrograding,Shani is under the clutches of

Ketu and so all the planets are under Rahu/ Ketu axis.So as per me breaking is

difficult and the only remedy will be performing of Kala Sarpa Shanti at Kala

Hasti temple near Tirupaty or at tryambakeshwar near Nasik.

Now AmK Chandra in Navamsha is in Vrishabha and 6th from him is occupied by

Budha in Tula Rashi and so he has to worship Godess Tripura Sundari for his

prosperity in life.Also Guru is in Dhanishta and so he has to chant the Mantras

for Ashta Vasu.Shani,the Karma Karaka in Shravana and so he has to worship Lord

Vishnu continuously.When Guru Transits Kanya rashi in Aug.28th onwards and at

the same time Chandra's Antara also runs,there may be some improvements in his

career.But performing the remedies are most important and without that he can

not get any profits at all.The reason is that except Lagna,all other planets

are in malefic Shastyamshas.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

I am posting this again (w/o chart) since the first one has not reached the group yet.



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Learned Members,


I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I have

mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong features

and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and downs in his

career and has been going through difficult situation for quite sometime now. I

am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate

if you you can enlighten me further.


DOB: 12 March 1962

TOB: 9. 10 AM

Place: Mumbai, India


1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed to be

exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in 10th (own) house

but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L

Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka.

4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in either

kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2 kendras they do not

make a sarpa dosha.

5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has

KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY

break at that age? What would be the implications after that?

6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.

7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult for him all

throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier

is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The

only -ve aspect I can see is that it is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is

involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would

therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn malefic.

8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch enemy and

aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The native has set

up a factory for making candles and is also into import and distribution of

pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate

profession related to precision machinery or related to export. He is not into

that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).


Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H has Ketu and

Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates profession related to the armed

forces, the individual is not connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed

in the previous point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to communications and

Sun related to public service. His career is not associated with either!


The native is in an African country and has been in that region during most part

of his career. He did very well during initial period of his stay, may be 7

years or so and has since been going through ups and downs! His business

ventures gave him really tough times largely because of 'plunging w/o

planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground

after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is

stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the next dasa of Saturn will be!


Best Regards




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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Jaganathan,


Thank you for your analysis. I am unable to pass judgments since I am only a

student. I am however posting the same on the group for learned members to

comment. The native has been living abroad since 84. He however has switched

places from one country to another. There have been breaks during the process

of moving. He started setting up his current business in 97. It must have taken

him a couple of years to stabilize! I can check the dates if they are of

interest to you.


As regards Govt support, he has some good contacts which have helped him and

also given him business! It is the same Govt that owes him large sums of money!

Period of 94-97 in my opinion was average for him. His best was probably during



Kind regards




kapisthalam jagannathan

[jagannathankr (AT) (DOT) co.in]Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:04 AM To:

Ramesh GangaramaniRe: [vedic astrology] Chart for examination of

career and few other issues.

Dear sir,

The tenth lord is saturn.he is with ketu.ketu is a malefic and an enemy to

Saturn.Saturn is in own sign.

Saturn is again the tenth lord from Chandra lagnam.Once again the same combinations.

The eleventh house is Meenam.Venus is situated there, exalted in Meenam.Kumbham

is the eleventh house from Janama lagnam.Once again saturn and his combinations.

Saturns period doesnt seem to be without tensions.

The 12th lord from lagnam and chandra lagnam are togather.They are situated in

Kumbham.That indicates foreign travel and residence.Export business too is

indicated.Business in foreign land will benefit the native as venus is situated

in the 12th house.That may be during the sub period of venus/Mars.

The dates are 23-7-2000 to 10-3-2003 and between 16-4-2005 and 18-3-2006.

Jupiters mahar dasa commenced on 21-10-1992.From then onwards the native might

have been travelling to foreign countries.

Sun is the fifth lord .Therefore during the dasa of Jupiter the children of the

native would have had good times.Speculation might have turned out to be


The favour of the government ought to be there.Possibly the native may not be

put to loss by the agencies of Government.

As Jupiter is the lord of unearned wealth sooner or later the native has chances

to pitch upon unearned sources of income and wealth etc.

As Saturn is the sign dispositor of Jupiter,saturn dasa may yield favourable results.

For instance Jupiter dasa and saturn bhukthi which took place between

28-11-1994 and 28-5-1997 would have been a favourable time for the native.

Do you agree with my analysis?.

Pranams to gurus,


jagannathan.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

I am posting this again (w/o chart) since the first one has not reached the group yet.



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Learned Members,


I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I have

mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong features

and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and downs in his

career and has been going through difficult situation for quite sometime now. I

am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate

if you you can enlighten me further.


DOB: 12 March 1962

TOB: 9. 10 AM

Place: Mumbai, India


1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed to be

exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in 10th (own) house

but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L

Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka.

4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in either

kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2 kendras they do not

make a sarpa dosha.

5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has

KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY

break at that age? What would be the implications after that?

6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.

7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult for him all

throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier

is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The

only -ve aspect I can see is that it is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is

involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would

therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn malefic.

8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch enemy and

aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The native has set

up a factory for making candles and is also into import and distribution of

pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate

profession related to precision machinery or related to export. He is not into

that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).


Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H has Ketu and

Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates profession related to the armed

forces, the individual is not connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed

in the previous point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to communications and

Sun related to public service. His career is not associated with either!


The native is in an African country and has been in that region during most part

of his career. He did very well during initial period of his stay, may be 7

years or so and has since been going through ups and downs! His business

ventures gave him really tough times largely because of 'plunging w/o

planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground

after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is

stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the next dasa of Saturn will be!


Best Regards




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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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Jagannathan .

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om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Ramesh Ji,

One point I made a mistake.That is Shani is out of Rahu-Ketu axis and so Shani

will break the KSY.I thought that Shani is also within Rahu-Ketu axis but as he

is in a lesser longitude than Rahu,he will break the KSY.

Secondly Rahu is in Ashlesha whose deity is Sarpa and Rahu in that Nakshatra

indicates Sarpa has opened his mouth to give poison.That means the curse is so

severe.Actually in this case,he has to install the Sarpa deity made in stone

in Sarpa temple or Shiva temple where Sarpa idols are installed and worshipped

and then Kala Sarpa Shanti has to be performed.

I hope this clears your doubts.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Shri Ramadasji,


Thank you for your kind analysis. I have written to you separately for further

guidance on remedies for this specific case. I am posting a few comments

related to the analysis for further learning;


1. I had begun to read Shri Goel's chapter (Varga Chakra by Sanjayji) on

Shastyamsha only a few days back. I did read about 11th house being considered

evil (Hara) in D6.

2. I am now able to link up Candles with Saturn and I can also see the reason

for native getting into medicines.

3. Can Rahu's placement in Ashlesha be treated as Sarpa dosha by itself?

4. I need some more clarity on KSY. Ketu being in retro motion is going towards

Saturn. Is that why you describe 'Saturn as being in clutches of Ketu'?

Wouldn't that be the case with any planet that falls just outside the geometric


5. I have noted your point about other planets also being in malefic

shstyamshas. I will read more on this.


Kind regards




Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:40 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Chart for

examination of career and few other issues.

` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Ramesh Ji,

It seems Guru is in Kulaghna Shastyamsha and so Guru eventhough is the lord of

9th and 12th is not able to give good results.Now Shani,the Karma Karaka is in

his own house of Makara Rashi and so the native will be involved in business

connected with petroleum products or its sub products like candles,wax,bitumen

etc.Rahu with Mandi aspecting this Shani.rahu in Ashelsha indicates a severe

Sarpa Dosha also ,so the person also deals with poisonous medicines (

Allopathic medicines are poisonous drugs only ) and his choice are all

waste.The reason is Ketu,the Vairagya Karaka is with Karma Karaka Shani and so

it is an obstacle for his Karma and so lost his business.Now Ketu is in Makara

22 Deg.58' and Shani is in Makara 14 Deg.19' which is lesser than Rahu/ Ketu's

longitude.As both the nodes are retrograding,Shani is under the clutches of

Ketu and so all the planets are under Rahu/ Ketu axis.So as per me breaking is

difficult and the only remedy will be performing

of Kala Sarpa Shanti at Kala Hasti temple near Tirupaty or at tryambakeshwar near Nasik.

Now AmK Chandra in Navamsha is in Vrishabha and 6th from him is occupied by

Budha in Tula Rashi and so he has to worship Godess Tripura Sundari for his

prosperity in life.Also Guru is in Dhanishta and so he has to chant the Mantras

for Ashta Vasu.Shani,the Karma Karaka in Shravana and so he has to worship Lord

Vishnu continuously.When Guru Transits Kanya rashi in Aug.28th onwards and at

the same time Chandra's Antara also runs,there may be some improvements in his

career.But performing the remedies are most important and without that he can

not get any profits at all.The reason is that except Lagna,all other planets

are in malefic Shastyamshas.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

I am posting this again (w/o chart) since the first one has not reached the group yet.



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Learned Members,


I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I have

mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong features

and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and downs in his

career and has been going through difficult situation for quite sometime now. I

am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate

if you you can enlighten me further.


DOB: 12 March 1962

TOB: 9. 10 AM

Place: Mumbai, India


1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed to be

exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in 10th (own) house

but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L

Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka.

4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in either

kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2 kendras they do not

make a sarpa dosha.

5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has

KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY

break at that age? What would be the implications after that?

6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.

7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult for him all

throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier

is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The

only -ve aspect I can see is that it is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is

involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would

therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn malefic.

8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch enemy and

aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The native has set

up a factory for making candles and is also into import and distribution of

pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate

profession related to precision machinery or related to export. He is not into

that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).


Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H has Ketu and

Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates profession related to the armed

forces, the individual is not connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed

in the previous point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to communications and

Sun related to public service. His career is not associated with either!


The native is in an African country and has been in that region during most part

of his career. He did very well during initial period of his stay, may be 7

years or so and has since been going through ups and downs! His business

ventures gave him really tough times largely because of 'plunging w/o

planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground

after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is

stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the next dasa of Saturn will be!


Best Regards




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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Jaganathan,

I am giving below some dates that I have obtained from the native.

1. May 85 to March 93 ....Congo....Job initially and a partnership share from 89 onwards.

2. Nov 93 to Jan 98.......Nigeria.....Job and a feeble attempt at doing side business.

3. May 98 to Mar 2000......Congo.....Job

4. Dec 2000.... started business of making candles

5. April 2001...started Pharma imports.

Kind Regards


Ramesh Gangaramani

[ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com]Sunday, April 18, 2004 4:01 PMTo:

vedic astrologyFW: [vedic astrology] Chart for examination of career

and few other issues.

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Jaganathan,


Thank you for your analysis. I am unable to pass judgments since I am only a

student. I am however posting the same on the group for learned members to

comment. The native has been living abroad since 84. He however has switched

places from one country to another. There have been breaks during the process

of moving. He started setting up his current business in 97. It must have taken

him a couple of years to stabilize! I can check the dates if they are of

interest to you.


As regards Govt support, he has some good contacts which have helped him and

also given him business! It is the same Govt that owes him large sums of money!

Period of 94-97 in my opinion was average for him. His best was probably during



Kind regards




kapisthalam jagannathan

[jagannathankr (AT) (DOT) co.in]Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:04 AM To:

Ramesh GangaramaniRe: [vedic astrology] Chart for examination of

career and few other issues.

Dear sir,

The tenth lord is saturn.he is with ketu.ketu is a malefic and an enemy to

Saturn.Saturn is in own sign.

Saturn is again the tenth lord from Chandra lagnam.Once again the same combinations.

The eleventh house is Meenam.Venus is situated there, exalted in Meenam.Kumbham

is the eleventh house from Janama lagnam.Once again saturn and his combinations.

Saturns period doesnt seem to be without tensions.

The 12th lord from lagnam and chandra lagnam are togather.They are situated in

Kumbham.That indicates foreign travel and residence.Export business too is

indicated.Business in foreign land will benefit the native as venus is situated

in the 12th house.That may be during the sub period of venus/Mars.

The dates are 23-7-2000 to 10-3-2003 and between 16-4-2005 and 18-3-2006.

Jupiters mahar dasa commenced on 21-10-1992.From then onwards the native might

have been travelling to foreign countries.

Sun is the fifth lord .Therefore during the dasa of Jupiter the children of the

native would have had good times.Speculation might have turned out to be


The favour of the government ought to be there.Possibly the native may not be

put to loss by the agencies of Government.

As Jupiter is the lord of unearned wealth sooner or later the native has chances

to pitch upon unearned sources of income and wealth etc.

As Saturn is the sign dispositor of Jupiter,saturn dasa may yield favourable results.

For instance Jupiter dasa and saturn bhukthi which took place between

28-11-1994 and 28-5-1997 would have been a favourable time for the native.

Do you agree with my analysis?.

Pranams to gurus,


jagannathan.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

I am posting this again (w/o chart) since the first one has not reached the group yet.



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Learned Members,


I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I have

mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong features

and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and downs in his

career and has been going through difficult situation for quite sometime now. I

am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate

if you you can enlighten me further.


DOB: 12 March 1962

TOB: 9. 10 AM

Place: Mumbai, India


1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed to be

exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in 10th (own) house

but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L

Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka.

4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in either

kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2 kendras they do not

make a sarpa dosha.

5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has

KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY

break at that age? What would be the implications after that?

6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.

7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult for him all

throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier

is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The

only -ve aspect I can see is that it is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is

involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would

therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn malefic.

8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch enemy and

aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The native has set

up a factory for making candles and is also into import and distribution of

pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate

profession related to precision machinery or related to export. He is not into

that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).


Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H has Ketu and

Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates profession related to the armed

forces, the individual is not connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed

in the previous point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to communications and

Sun related to public service. His career is not associated with either!


The native is in an African country and has been in that region during most part

of his career. He did very well during initial period of his stay, may be 7

years or so and has since been going through ups and downs! His business

ventures gave him really tough times largely because of 'plunging w/o

planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground

after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is

stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the next dasa of Saturn will be!


Best Regards




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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


Jagannathan .Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Ramadasji,

Thank you for your mail. I will advise the native accordingly.

I also realize that I had misunderstood shashtyamsa (D60 - related to Past

Karma) with Shastamsa (D6 - related to Health) in my earlier mail. I have since

read about Benefic and Malefic Shashtyamsas and their Demi-Gods from Sanjayji's

article in Varga Chakra.

Kind regards




Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]Monday, April 19, 2004 6:30 PMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Chart for

examination of career and few other issues.

` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Ramesh Ji,

One point I made a mistake.That is Shani is out of Rahu-Ketu axis and so Shani

will break the KSY.I thought that Shani is also within Rahu-Ketu axis but as he

is in a lesser longitude than Rahu,he will break the KSY.

Secondly Rahu is in Ashlesha whose deity is Sarpa and Rahu in that Nakshatra

indicates Sarpa has opened his mouth to give poison.That means the curse is so

severe.Actually in this case,he has to install the Sarpa deity made in stone

in Sarpa temple or Shiva temple where Sarpa idols are installed and worshipped

and then Kala Sarpa Shanti has to be performed.

I hope this clears your doubts.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Shri Ramadasji,


Thank you for your kind analysis. I have written to you separately for further

guidance on remedies for this specific case. I am posting a few comments

related to the analysis for further learning;


1. I had begun to read Shri Goel's chapter (Varga Chakra by Sanjayji) on

Shastyamsha only a few days back. I did read about 11th house being considered

evil (Hara) in D6.

2. I am now able to link up Candles with Saturn and I can also see the reason

for native getting into medicines.

3. Can Rahu's placement in Ashlesha be treated as Sarpa dosha by itself?

4. I need some more clarity on KSY. Ketu being in retro motion is going towards

Saturn. Is that why you describe 'Saturn as being in clutches of Ketu'?

Wouldn't that be the case with any planet that falls just outside the geometric


5. I have noted your point about other planets also being in malefic

shstyamshas. I will read more on this.


Kind regards




Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:40 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Chart for

examination of career and few other issues.

` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Ramesh Ji,

It seems Guru is in Kulaghna Shastyamsha and so Guru eventhough is the lord of

9th and 12th is not able to give good results.Now Shani,the Karma Karaka is in

his own house of Makara Rashi and so the native will be involved in business

connected with petroleum products or its sub products like candles,wax,bitumen

etc.Rahu with Mandi aspecting this Shani.rahu in Ashelsha indicates a severe

Sarpa Dosha also ,so the person also deals with poisonous medicines (

Allopathic medicines are poisonous drugs only ) and his choice are all

waste.The reason is Ketu,the Vairagya Karaka is with Karma Karaka Shani and so

it is an obstacle for his Karma and so lost his business.Now Ketu is in Makara

22 Deg.58' and Shani is in Makara 14 Deg.19' which is lesser than Rahu/ Ketu's

longitude.As both the nodes are retrograding,Shani is under the clutches of

Ketu and so all the planets are under Rahu/ Ketu axis.So as per me breaking is

difficult and the only remedy will be performing of Kala Sarpa Shanti at Kala

Hasti temple near Tirupaty or at tryambakeshwar near Nasik.

Now AmK Chandra in Navamsha is in Vrishabha and 6th from him is occupied by

Budha in Tula Rashi and so he has to worship Godess Tripura Sundari for his

prosperity in life.Also Guru is in Dhanishta and so he has to chant the Mantras

for Ashta Vasu.Shani,the Karma Karaka in Shravana and so he has to worship Lord

Vishnu continuously.When Guru Transits Kanya rashi in Aug.28th onwards and at

the same time Chandra's Antara also runs,there may be some improvements in his

career.But performing the remedies are most important and without that he can

not get any profits at all.The reason is that except Lagna,all other planets

are in malefic Shastyamshas.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

I am posting this again (w/o chart) since the first one has not reached the group yet.



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Learned Members,


I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I have

mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong features

and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and downs in his

career and has been going through difficult situation for quite sometime now. I

am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate

if you you can enlighten me further.


DOB: 12 March 1962

TOB: 9. 10 AM

Place: Mumbai, India


1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed to be

exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in 10th (own) house

but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L

Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka.

4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in either

kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2 kendras they do not

make a sarpa dosha.

5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has

KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY

break at that age? What would be the implications after that?

6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.

7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult for him all

throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier

is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The

only -ve aspect I can see is that it is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is

involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would

therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn malefic.

8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch enemy and

aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The native has set

up a factory for making candles and is also into import and distribution of

pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate

profession related to precision machinery or related to export. He is not into

that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).


Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H has Ketu and

Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates profession related to the armed

forces, the individual is not connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed

in the previous point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to communications and

Sun related to public service. His career is not associated with either!


The native is in an African country and has been in that region during most part

of his career. He did very well during initial period of his stay, may be 7

years or so and has since been going through ups and downs! His business

ventures gave him really tough times largely because of 'plunging w/o

planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground

after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is

stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the next dasa of Saturn will be!


Best Regards




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om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Ramesh Ji,

You are most welome.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.

Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:


Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Ramadasji,

Thank you for your mail. I will advise the native accordingly.

I also realize that I had misunderstood shashtyamsa (D60 - related to Past

Karma) with Shastamsa (D6 - related to Health) in my earlier mail. I have since

read about Benefic and Malefic Shashtyamsas and their Demi-Gods from Sanjayji's

article in Varga Chakra.

Kind regards




Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]Monday, April 19, 2004 6:30 PMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Chart for

examination of career and few other issues.

` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Ramesh Ji,

One point I made a mistake.That is Shani is out of Rahu-Ketu axis and so Shani

will break the KSY.I thought that Shani is also within Rahu-Ketu axis but as he

is in a lesser longitude than Rahu,he will break the KSY.

Secondly Rahu is in Ashlesha whose deity is Sarpa and Rahu in that Nakshatra

indicates Sarpa has opened his mouth to give poison.That means the curse is so

severe.Actually in this case,he has to install the Sarpa deity made in stone

in Sarpa temple or Shiva temple where Sarpa idols are installed and worshipped

and then Kala Sarpa Shanti has to be performed.

I hope this clears your doubts.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Shri Ramadasji,


Thank you for your kind analysis. I have written to you separately for further

guidance on remedies for this specific case. I am posting a few comments

related to the analysis for further learning;


1. I had begun to read Shri Goel's chapter (Varga Chakra by Sanjayji) on

Shastyamsha only a few days back. I did read about 11th house being considered

evil (Hara) in D6.

2. I am now able to link up Candles with Saturn and I can also see the reason

for native getting into medicines.

3. Can Rahu's placement in Ashlesha be treated as Sarpa dosha by itself?

4. I need some more clarity on KSY. Ketu being in retro motion is going towards

Saturn. Is that why you describe 'Saturn as being in clutches of Ketu'?

Wouldn't that be the case with any planet that falls just outside the geometric


5. I have noted your point about other planets also being in malefic

shstyamshas. I will read more on this.


Kind regards




Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]Saturday, April 17, 2004 10:40 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Chart for

examination of career and few other issues.

` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Ramesh Ji,

It seems Guru is in Kulaghna Shastyamsha and so Guru eventhough is the lord of

9th and 12th is not able to give good results.Now Shani,the Karma Karaka is in

his own house of Makara Rashi and so the native will be involved in business

connected with petroleum products or its sub products like candles,wax,bitumen

etc.Rahu with Mandi aspecting this Shani.rahu in Ashelsha indicates a severe

Sarpa Dosha also ,so the person also deals with poisonous medicines (

Allopathic medicines are poisonous drugs only ) and his choice are all

waste.The reason is Ketu,the Vairagya Karaka is with Karma Karaka Shani and so

it is an obstacle for his Karma and so lost his business.Now Ketu is in Makara

22 Deg.58' and Shani is in Makara 14 Deg.19' which is lesser than Rahu/ Ketu's

longitude.As both the nodes are retrograding,Shani is under the clutches of

Ketu and so all the planets are under Rahu/ Ketu axis.So as per me breaking is

difficult and the only remedy will be performing

of Kala Sarpa Shanti at Kala Hasti temple near Tirupaty or at tryambakeshwar near Nasik.

Now AmK Chandra in Navamsha is in Vrishabha and 6th from him is occupied by

Budha in Tula Rashi and so he has to worship Godess Tripura Sundari for his

prosperity in life.Also Guru is in Dhanishta and so he has to chant the Mantras

for Ashta Vasu.Shani,the Karma Karaka in Shravana and so he has to worship Lord

Vishnu continuously.When Guru Transits Kanya rashi in Aug.28th onwards and at

the same time Chandra's Antara also runs,there may be some improvements in his

career.But performing the remedies are most important and without that he can

not get any profits at all.The reason is that except Lagna,all other planets

are in malefic Shastyamshas.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Ramesh Gangaramani <ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com> wrote:

I am posting this again (w/o chart) since the first one has not reached the group yet.



Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Learned Members,


I am attaching a chart for examination on a few selected issues. I have

mentioned my observations and comments. The chart has some very strong features

and probably some deficiencies too! The native has had many ups and downs in his

career and has been going through difficult situation for quite sometime now. I

am trying to analyze the past and look at future prospects. I shall appreciate

if you you can enlighten me further.


DOB: 12 March 1962

TOB: 9. 10 AM

Place: Mumbai, India


1. The chart has Gajakesari yoga Moon in 2H, Jupiter in 11H.

2. Exalted Moon in D1 and D9 both, Jupiter in Aquarius hence deemed to be

exalted, Venus exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9. Saturn in 10th (own) house

but a bahakesh conjoined with Ketu.

3. 4 planets in 11th house. Raja yoga because of association of 1L Mars and 7L

Mercury and 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter. All of them become yogakarka.

4. The chart however has 3 malefics in 2 kendras and no benefics in either

kendra or trines. As I understand since 3 malefics are in 2 kendras they do not

make a sarpa dosha.

5. Does the native have KSY? Saturn is outside the axis of Rahu-Ketu. If he has

KSY, is it broken by Saturn? Saturn's natural age is 32-35, so will the KSY

break at that age? What would be the implications after that?

6. Native has been going through sadesati and the period will get over Sept 2004.

7. He is running Jupiter dasa since 93, which has been difficult for him all

throughout. Jupiter is functional benefic (9L, 12L) and as I mentioned earlier

is deemed exaltation position. It is placed in 11H with 3 other planets. The

only -ve aspect I can see is that it is placed in a Badhaka sthana. It is

involved in a graha yudha with Mercury but it wins the yudha and I would

therefore expect Mercury the looser to turn malefic.

8.10H in D1: Saturn in his own house afflicted by Ketu a staunch enemy and

aspected by Rahu. Planets here may indicate the profession. The native has set

up a factory for making candles and is also into import and distribution of

pharmaceuticals. Factory would be associated with Saturn. Ketu should indicate

profession related to precision machinery or related to export. He is not into

that. Can ketu be associated with Candles or medicines?


9. D10: 7th house has Saturn (own house) and Venus (friendly planet), 2 planets

and 6th has none. Native was employed for about 10 years, then did some

business while in service and finally went in for full time business around

97/98 (during sade sati!).


Artha trikona houses are 2,6,10. 2H and 6H are not occupied. 10H has Ketu and

Mars (own house). Though Mars usually indicates profession related to the armed

forces, the individual is not connected with the same! Ketu has been discussed

in the previous point. 10H in D10 however also has rashi drishti from Sun and

Mercury. Mercury would normally give profession related to communications and

Sun related to public service. His career is not associated with either!


The native is in an African country and has been in that region during most part

of his career. He did very well during initial period of his stay, may be 7

years or so and has since been going through ups and downs! His business

ventures gave him really tough times largely because of 'plunging w/o

planning'. He has borrowed heavily and managed to get the ventures off ground

after a lot of struggle. When the businesses were just about stabilizing he is

stuck with huge unpaid bills by the govt departments.


I am concerned that if Jupiter dasa is so difficult, how would the next dasa of Saturn will be!


Best Regards




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