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My (astrological) musings on spirituality

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Dear Jyotisas,


On Thursday afternoon and Saturday evening, I, of my own accord for the first

time as an adult, went to see a Yogi called Shiva Rudra Balayogi. This yogi,

his skin radiating a golden lustre, has performed tapas for 5 years, being

blessed with a vision of Lord Ardanareeswara (Shiva & Parvati in one combined

half male, half female form) and now sits in medidation most of his waking

time. He was a disciple of Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj who performed

tapas for 12 years and founded an ashram at Dehradun.


Since it was my first meeting, I went more out of curiosity to see a yogi and

have a spiritual awareness as well. I was informed by Shri Purushottaman about

the program of this yogi here and also that he does individual spiritual

consultations. The first time I saw him, he blessed me with the usual prasadam

and also a rock solid portion of vibhuti or holy ash which supposedly aids one

in his/her medidative practices. The interesting part is when I attempted to

see him privately, I got clear thoughts warning me not to waste my time. Some

of those thoughts are "Do not wait for me; go away!".


Astrologically, I am running the Vimsottari Dasa of Ma-Ju-Mo. Mars is my lagna

lord placed in 3rd house of Cp aspecting the 9th house, which also houses A5

(mantrapada) and contains Ketu. Ju sits in lagna aspecting the 9th house and

finally Mo is the lord of 9th house! 9th house shows father or gurus or

spiritual teachers and I believe that this is a pretty elegant explanation of

my situation! Interested Jyotisas may note that the sookshma antardasa (4th

level sub-period) running at the time of first vist was Ketu! To top this

picture, the first encounter took place on a Thursday (29/04/2004) and Cn lagna

was rising at the time of my meeting with the yogi!


The second encounter with the same yogi took place on Saturday evening (Saturn

is in 7th and aspects 9th house also) when Sc lagna (trine to 9th house of Cn)

was rising! The purpose of this email is to show how elegantly the classical

principles of Jyotish fit in the situation I have described. While I can

understand my experience fairly well by Vimsottari Dasa, I am less certain when

analysing the same by Drigdasa which shows the spiritual experiences also.

Drigdasa currently running is Ar-Ar. I request learned Jyotisas to show how

Drigdasa can explain the situation as well. Any other perspectives are welcome.


I hope you enjoyed this email.




Birth details: 28/09/1971, 11.01 AM at Madras (Chennai - Theyegaraja Nagar), India

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