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Career analysis of a software engineer.

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Dear Gurus.


A gentleman has requested me to analyze his chart for career. I have made an

attempt. I shall be grateful to receive further guidance for the native as well

as for myself to be able to do a good analysis.


Chart Details:

DOB 3rd Feb 1979

TOB 06:35 am

Place Meerut, UP.


Career background:

“I am working in MNC as software engineer.... I got

This job after lots of struggle....but I think am not doing much

here..Career growth is really slow..am a very hard working and

ambitious man...I am really worried about my career..plz..advice..”


Approach of analysis:

Check lagna, examine strengths of various planets in D1 and D9. Check for yogas governing the chart.

Check 10H, 10L for career, LL placement, 4H and 12H for foreign residence.

Check LL, 10H, 10L and artha trikona in D10.

Check for 6H and 7H in D1 and D10 for inclination towards service or business.

Check for current dasa and future favorable dasas for career, include checks

w.r.t GL and HL placements.

Check for current transit and future favorable transits.

Look for causes of current obstacles and suggest remedies if possible.



Jupiter and Mars are exalted; both are placed in Kendra forming Hamsa and

Ruchika yogas respectively. Moon and Jupiter are in mutual kendras forming a

Gaja Kesri yoga. 8L Sun and 6L Mercury are placed in Lagna together forming a

VRY. Native has a Gaja Kesari Yoga in D9 and D10 too! There is also a

Parivartana yoga between Saturn and Sun LL and 8L in D1.

Venus is a Yogakarka. Mars (11L) is badhkesh.

LL Saturn placed in 8th house with Rahu in Leo rashi. It is in parivartana with

Sun 8L and hence both will tend to behave as if they are in their own house.

Exalted Mars (4L, 11L), Sun (8L) and Mercury (6L, 9L) are place in Lagna. These

planets are also placed in 11th from AL and hence will give labha during their


10L Venus is a yogakarka planet placed in 12th house in Sagittarius, aspected

Rahu. 12H placement can indicate foreign employment. Rahu too shows a foreign

culture. 10L in saggi may show east as the direction for source of employment

and Rahu may show Muslim culture.

10H is aspected by Moon and Saturn. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have a rashi drishti too.

4H has Moon and is aspected by Mars and Rahu. While these aspects may show

cuts/surgery to mother (represented by Moon), check on career and residence

issues indicates that Rahu’s aspect could show foreign residence. 12H is also

aspected by Rahu giving similar indications.

Artha trikona in D10 has Venus in 2H. 6H and 10H are not occupied. Venus which

is kaltrakarka may show some business association with institutions connected

with kala or even females!

Exalted Jupiter in 7th house makes 7H stronger than 6H in D1. 7H is also

stronger in D10 (also in D9), showing that the native can be more successful in

business or profession!

Saturn is currently transiting through 6H from Lagna and 3H from Moon. Jupiter

is transiting through the 8H from lagna and 5H from Moon.

The native is going through Sun Dasa (AK)upto 31st Oct 2007. Jupiter antar will

run till 6th Sep 2004. Jupiter, though strong, is a dusthana lord and also

trisadhaya lord and hence a functional malefic. The next antar will be of

Saturn, which is involved in parivartana yoga and LL.

Native is running Virgo narayana dasa upto 2nd Feb 2005. Virgo is in 9H in trine

with a benefic lord. Its dasa should be good. Next dasa is of Leo, which has LL

and Karma karaka Saturn with Rahu in it. Leo is placed in 8H. Saturn in

Parivartana will function as if in own house. The dasa should be good. Rahu’s

presence can make it intense.

Native is in Virgo narayana dasa of D10 from Feb 2002 to 2009. Virgo is in

Kendra and has both AL and HL placed in it. It also has luminaries like Sun and

Moon plus Jupiter in Kendra having rashi drishti on the dasa rashi. Dasa should

give good results over time. Placement of A6 may indicate enemies impacting the

career. Next dasa of Leo, which in angle having Saturn (own house), Mars and

Mercury in Kendra, should also be good for career.



Overall the chart seems to be strong. I am inclined to believe that the current

problems are primarily due to AK dasa. This would improve very from Sept 2004,

significantly from Feb 2005.


Would appeasing Sun God and reciting Aditya Hridaya Mantra help? I shall be

grateful if you can kindly guide me in attempt at analyzing the chart and help

the native my recommending remedies if any.


Kind regards



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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Dear Mr. Gangaramani,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">(I use Raman Ayanamsa)


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I noticed that Guru is aspecting Lagna. Though

exalted, it is in retrograde motion. When a planet in exaltation, is also

retrograde, it is equal to Debilitation. It is also the lord of 3rd and



10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Chanting of Aditya hridayam will definitely

help. The native can however, also chant Bhrihaspati mantra. This can give him

some relief.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Health also needs to be looked into.


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">I would like other scholars to throw more

light on this.



color:navy"> Tat Sat,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">Raman Suprajarama



Gangaramani [ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com]

Sunday, May 02, 2004 2:39 PM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Career

analysis of a software engineer.


12.0pt">Dear Gurus.


12.0pt">A gentleman has requested me to analyze his chart for career. I have

made an attempt. I shall be grateful to receive further guidance for the native

as well as for myself to be able to do a good analysis.


12.0pt">Chart Details:

12.0pt">DOB 3rd Feb 1979

12.0pt">TOB 06:35 am

12.0pt">Place Meerut,



12.0pt">Career background:

12.0pt">“I am working in MNC as software engineer.... I got

12.0pt">This job after lots of struggle....but I think am not doing much

12.0pt">here..Career growth is really slow..am a very hard working and

12.0pt">ambitious man...I am really worried about my



12.0pt">Approach of analysis:

Check lagna, examine

strengths of various planets in D1 and D9. Check for yogas governing the


Check 10H, 10L for

career, LL placement, 4H and 12H for foreign residence.

Check LL, 10H, 10L

and artha trikona in D10.

Check for 6H and 7H

in D1 and D10 for inclination towards service or business.

Check for current

dasa and future favorable dasas for career, include checks w.r.t GL and HL


Check for current

transit and future favorable transits.

Look for causes of

current obstacles and suggest remedies if possible.



Jupiter and Mars are

exalted; both are placed in Kendra forming Hamsa and Ruchika yogas

respectively. Moon and Jupiter are in mutual kendras forming a Gaja Kesri

yoga. 8L Sun and 6L Mercury are placed in Lagna together forming a VRY.

Native has a Gaja Kesari Yoga in D9 and D10 too! There is also a

Parivartana yoga between Saturn and Sun LL and 8L in D1.

Venus is a

Yogakarka. Mars (11L) is badhkesh.

LL Saturn placed in

8th house with Rahu in Leo rashi. It is in parivartana with Sun

8L and hence both will tend to behave as if they are in their own house.

Exalted Mars (4L,

11L), Sun (8L) and Mercury (6L, 9L) are place in Lagna. These planets are

also placed in 11th from AL

and hence will give labha during their dasa.

10L Venus is a

yogakarka planet placed in 12th house in Sagittarius, aspected

Rahu. 12H placement can indicate foreign employment. Rahu too shows a

foreign culture. 10L in saggi may show east as the direction for source of

employment and Rahu may show Muslim culture.

10H is aspected by

Moon and Saturn. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have a rashi drishti too.

4H has Moon and is

aspected by Mars and Rahu. While these aspects may show cuts/surgery to

mother (represented by Moon), check on career and residence issues

indicates that Rahu’s aspect could show foreign residence. 12H is

also aspected by Rahu giving similar indications.

Artha trikona in D10

has Venus in 2H. 6H and 10H are not occupied. Venus which is kaltrakarka

may show some business association with institutions connected with kala

or even females!

Exalted Jupiter in 7th

house makes 7H stronger than 6H in D1. 7H is also stronger in D10 (also in

D9), showing that the native can be more successful in business or


Saturn is currently

transiting through 6H from Lagna and 3H from Moon. Jupiter is transiting

through the 8H from lagna and 5H from Moon.

The native is going

through Sun Dasa (AK)upto 31st Oct 2007. Jupiter antar will run

till 6th Sep 2004. Jupiter, though strong, is a dusthana lord

and also trisadhaya lord and hence a functional malefic. The next antar

will be of Saturn, which is involved in parivartana yoga and LL.

Native is running

Virgo narayana dasa upto 2nd Feb 2005. Virgo is in 9H in trine

with a benefic lord. Its dasa should be good. Next dasa is of Leo, which

has LL and Karma karaka Saturn with Rahu in it. Leo is placed in 8H.

Saturn in Parivartana will function as if in own house. The dasa should be

good. Rahu’s presence can make it intense.

Native is in Virgo

narayana dasa of D10 from Feb 2002 to 2009. Virgo is in Kendra and has

both AL

and HL placed in it. It also has luminaries like Sun and Moon plus Jupiter

in Kendra having rashi drishti on the dasa rashi. Dasa should give good

results over time. Placement of A6 may indicate enemies impacting the

career. Next dasa of Leo, which in angle having Saturn (own house), Mars

and Mercury in Kendra, should also be good for career.



12.0pt">Overall the chart seems to be strong. I am inclined to believe that the

current problems are primarily due to AK dasa. This would improve very from

Sept 2004, significantly from Feb 2005.


12.0pt">Would appeasing Sun God and reciting Aditya Hridaya Mantra help? I

shall be grateful if you can kindly guide me in attempt at analyzing the chart

and help the native my recommending remedies if any.


12.0pt">Kind regards





vedic astrology


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|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

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Dear Ramesh Namaste


The 12th and 3rd lord Ju is exalted and is palced in 7th. It may

give that good results. The 10th house is aspected by Saturn and

Moon. Mandi is in 10th house only. So its 10th house is afflicted

substantially. In the D10 the 10th house lord Mercury and karak

Saturn are in 3rd house with Mars. The Venus in 12th as 5th and 10th

is really good. But the person may have wasting his resources in

fruitless arguments. I think use of Diamond will help him.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.



Prabodh Vekhande


vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani"

<ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> Dear Gurus.






> A gentleman has requested me to analyze his chart for career. I

have made an

> attempt. I shall be grateful to receive further guidance for the

native as

> well as for myself to be able to do a good analysis.




> Chart Details:


> DOB 3rd Feb 1979


> TOB 06:35 am


> Place Meerut, UP.




> Career background:


> "I am working in MNC as software engineer.... I got


> This job after lots of struggle....but I think am not doing much


> here..Career growth is really slow..am a very hard working and


> ambitious man...I am really worried about my career..plz..advice.."




> Approach of analysis:


> 1.. Check lagna, examine strengths of various planets in D1 and

D9. Check

> for yogas governing the chart.

> 2.. Check 10H, 10L for career, LL placement, 4H and 12H for


> residence.

> 3.. Check LL, 10H, 10L and artha trikona in D10.

> 4.. Check for 6H and 7H in D1 and D10 for inclination towards

service or

> business.

> 5.. Check for current dasa and future favorable dasas for

career, include

> checks w.r.t GL and HL placements.

> 6.. Check for current transit and future favorable transits.

> 7.. Look for causes of current obstacles and suggest remedies if




> Observations:


> 1.. Jupiter and Mars are exalted; both are placed in Kendra

forming Hamsa

> and Ruchika yogas respectively. Moon and Jupiter are in mutual


> forming a Gaja Kesri yoga. 8L Sun and 6L Mercury are placed in


> together forming a VRY. Native has a Gaja Kesari Yoga in D9 and

D10 too!

> There is also a Parivartana yoga between Saturn and Sun LL and 8L

in D1.

> 2.. Venus is a Yogakarka. Mars (11L) is badhkesh.

> 3.. LL Saturn placed in 8th house with Rahu in Leo rashi. It is


> parivartana with Sun 8L and hence both will tend to behave as if

they are in

> their own house.

> 4.. Exalted Mars (4L, 11L), Sun (8L) and Mercury (6L, 9L) are

place in

> Lagna. These planets are also placed in 11th from AL and hence

will give

> labha during their dasa.

> 5.. 10L Venus is a yogakarka planet placed in 12th house in


> aspected Rahu. 12H placement can indicate foreign employment. Rahu

too shows

> a foreign culture. 10L in saggi may show east as the direction for

source of

> employment and Rahu may show Muslim culture.

> 6.. 10H is aspected by Moon and Saturn. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu

have a rashi

> drishti too.

> 7.. 4H has Moon and is aspected by Mars and Rahu. While these

aspects may

> show cuts/surgery to mother (represented by Moon), check on career


> residence issues indicates that Rahu's aspect could show foreign


> 12H is also aspected by Rahu giving similar indications.

> 8.. Artha trikona in D10 has Venus in 2H. 6H and 10H are not


> Venus which is kaltrakarka may show some business association with

> institutions connected with kala or even females!

> 9.. Exalted Jupiter in 7th house makes 7H stronger than 6H in

D1. 7H is

> also stronger in D10 (also in D9), showing that the native can be


> successful in business or profession!

> 10.. Saturn is currently transiting through 6H from Lagna and 3H


> Moon. Jupiter is transiting through the 8H from lagna and 5H from


> 11.. The native is going through Sun Dasa (AK)upto 31st Oct

2007. Jupiter

> antar will run till 6th Sep 2004. Jupiter, though strong, is a

dusthana lord

> and also trisadhaya lord and hence a functional malefic. The next

antar will

> be of Saturn, which is involved in parivartana yoga and LL.

> 12.. Native is running Virgo narayana dasa upto 2nd Feb 2005.

Virgo is in

> 9H in trine with a benefic lord. Its dasa should be good. Next

dasa is of

> Leo, which has LL and Karma karaka Saturn with Rahu in it. Leo is

placed in

> 8H. Saturn in Parivartana will function as if in own house. The

dasa should

> be good. Rahu's presence can make it intense.

> 13.. Native is in Virgo narayana dasa of D10 from Feb 2002 to

2009. Virgo

> is in Kendra and has both AL and HL placed in it. It also has


> like Sun and Moon plus Jupiter in Kendra having rashi drishti on

the dasa

> rashi. Dasa should give good results over time. Placement of A6

may indicate

> enemies impacting the career. Next dasa of Leo, which in angle

having Saturn

> (own house), Mars and Mercury in Kendra, should also be good for






> Overall the chart seems to be strong. I am inclined to believe

that the

> current problems are primarily due to AK dasa. This would improve

very from

> Sept 2004, significantly from Feb 2005.




> Would appeasing Sun God and reciting Aditya Hridaya Mantra help? I

shall be

> grateful if you can kindly guide me in attempt at analyzing the

chart and

> help the native my recommending remedies if any.




> Kind regards


> Ramesh

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Shri Raman,


Many thanks for your comments. I missed the Retro motion of Jupiter! There has

been discussion on this subject on the list i.e. Deb retro being equal to

Exalted and Exalted retro being equal to Debilitated. I have noted your point

regarding health (LL in 8H with Rahu and aspected by Mars, may be parivartana

will help!)


I shall appreciate help from anyone in getting the these two mantras, may be a

lead to site that gives them or if someone has them saved in files.


Best Regards


Raman Suprajarama

[cru115 (AT) niranjanbabu (DOT) com]Sunday, May 02, 2004 2:35 PMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: RE: [vedic astrology] Career analysis

of a software engineer.

Dear Mr. Gangaramani,


(I use Raman Ayanamsa)


I noticed that Guru is aspecting Lagna. Though exalted, it is in retrograde

motion. When a planet in exaltation, is also retrograde, it is equal to

Debilitation. It is also the lord of 3rd and 12th.


Chanting of Aditya hridayam will definitely help. The native can however, also

chant Bhrihaspati mantra. This can give him some relief.


Health also needs to be looked into.


I would like other scholars to throw more light on this.


Om Tat Sat,


Raman Suprajarama


Ramesh Gangaramani [ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT) york.com] Sunday,

May 02, 2004 2:39 PMvedic astrology[vedic astrology] Career

analysis of a software engineer.


Dear Gurus.


A gentleman has requested me to analyze his chart for career. I have made an

attempt. I shall be grateful to receive further guidance for the native as well

as for myself to be able to do a good analysis.


Chart Details:

DOB 3rd Feb 1979

TOB 06:35 am

Place Meerut, UP.


Career background:

“I am working in MNC as software engineer.... I got

This job after lots of struggle....but I think am not doing much

here..Career growth is really slow..am a very hard working and

ambitious man...I am really worried about my career..plz..advice..”


Approach of analysis:

Check lagna, examine strengths of various planets in D1 and D9. Check for yogas

governing the chart. Check 10H, 10L for career, LL placement, 4H and 12H for

foreign residence. Check LL, 10H, 10L and artha trikona in D10. Check for 6H

and 7H in D1 and D10 for inclination towards service or business. Check for

current dasa and future favorable dasas for career, include checks w.r.t GL and

HL placements. Check for current transit and future favorable transits. Look for

causes of current obstacles and suggest remedies if possible.



Jupiter and Mars are exalted; both are placed in Kendra forming Hamsa and

Ruchika yogas respectively. Moon and Jupiter are in mutual kendras forming a

Gaja Kesri yoga. 8L Sun and 6L Mercury are placed in Lagna together forming a

VRY. Native has a Gaja Kesari Yoga in D9 and D10 too! There is also a

Parivartana yoga between Saturn and Sun LL and 8L in D1. Venus is a Yogakarka.

Mars (11L) is badhkesh.

LL Saturn placed in 8th house with Rahu in Leo rashi. It is in parivartana with

Sun 8L and hence both will tend to behave as if they are in their own house.

Exalted Mars (4L, 11L), Sun (8L) and Mercury (6L, 9L) are place in Lagna. These

planets are also placed in 11th from AL and hence will give labha during their

dasa. 10L Venus is a yogakarka planet placed in 12th house in Sagittarius,

aspected Rahu. 12H placement can indicate foreign employment. Rahu too shows a

foreign culture. 10L in saggi may show east as the direction for source of

employment and Rahu may show Muslim culture. 10H is aspected by Moon and

Saturn. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu have a rashi drishti too. 4H has Moon and is

aspected by Mars and Rahu. While these aspects may show cuts/surgery to mother

(represented by Moon), check on career and residence issues indicates that

Rahu’s aspect could show foreign residence. 12H is also aspected by Rahu

giving similar indications. Artha trikona in D10 has Venus in 2H. 6H and 10H

are not occupied. Venus which is kaltrakarka may show some business association

with institutions connected with kala or even females! Exalted Jupiter in 7th

house makes 7H stronger than 6H in D1. 7H is also stronger in D10 (also in D9),

showing that the native can be more successful in business or profession! Saturn

is currently transiting through 6H from Lagna and 3H from Moon. Jupiter is

transiting through the 8H from lagna and 5H from Moon. The native is going

through Sun Dasa (AK)upto 31st Oct 2007. Jupiter antar will run till 6th Sep

2004. Jupiter, though strong, is a dusthana lord and also trisadhaya lord and

hence a functional malefic. The next antar will be of Saturn, which is involved

in parivartana yoga and LL.

Native is running Virgo narayana dasa upto 2nd Feb 2005. Virgo is in 9H in trine

with a benefic lord. Its dasa should be good. Next dasa is of Leo, which has LL

and Karma karaka Saturn with Rahu in it. Leo is placed in 8H. Saturn in

Parivartana will function as if in own house. The dasa should be good.

Rahu’s presence can make it intense.

Native is in Virgo narayana dasa of D10 from Feb 2002 to 2009. Virgo is in

Kendra and has both AL and HL placed in it. It also has luminaries like Sun and

Moon plus Jupiter in Kendra having rashi drishti on the dasa rashi. Dasa should

give good results over time. Placement of A6 may indicate enemies impacting the

career. Next dasa of Leo, which in angle having Saturn (own house), Mars and

Mercury in Kendra, should also be good for career.



Overall the chart seems to be strong. I am inclined to believe that the current

problems are primarily due to AK dasa. This would improve very from Sept 2004,

significantly from Feb 2005.


Would appeasing Sun God and reciting Aditya Hridaya Mantra help? I shall be

grateful if you can kindly guide me in attempt at analyzing the chart and help

the native my recommending remedies if any.


Kind regards



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Dear Ramesh,


I just want to make one additional point that I did not see anyone making.


Always, look at the dasamsa (D-10) to see career and activities in society. The

10th lord Mercury joins 5th lord Mars and 3rd lord Saturn in 3rd. Mars and

Mercury are in a Varuna dasamsa, while Saturn is in a Kubera dasamsa. Lagna

lord Jupiter is in 7th (a Mercurian sign) in a Kubera dasamsa.


The prominence of kaama trikona (as opposed to artha trikona) clearly shows a

businessman rather than a worker. The native is very ambitious. He has strong

desires. His dissatisfaction will continue for a few more years. There is not

much we can do. This dissatisfaction will disappear only when he starts a

business of his own. But this is not the right time. It will surely happen, but

not now.


For now, Sri Raman Suprajarama's advice is good to follow. The native is running

Sun dasa. It is not such a bad dasa. However, Nirriti dasamsa is bad for a

planet in the 4th house in dasamsa. The 4th house in dasamsa shows comfort,

satisfaction and happiness in one's career. Nirriti is a demoness. She is the

mother of Bhaya (fear personified), Mahabhaya (terror personified) and Mrityu

(death personified). Her dasamsa is quite inauspicious for a planet in 4th.

Such a planet shows dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Thus, Sun dasa does not

promise satisfaction. So praying to Aditya as Sri Raman advised is good to



May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> > Dear Gurus.> > > > A gentleman has requested me to analyze his chart for

career. I > have made an> > attempt. I shall be grateful to receive further

guidance for the > native as> > well as for myself to be able to do a good

analysis.> > > > > > > > Chart Details:> > > > DOB 3rd Feb 1979> > > > TOB

06:35 am> > > > Place Meerut, UP.> > > > > > > > Career background:> > > > "I

am working in MNC as software engineer.... I got> > > > This job after lots of

struggle....but I think am not doing much> > > > here..Career growth is really

slow..am a very hard working and> > > > ambitious man...I am really worried

about my career..plz..advice.."> > > > > > > > Approach of analysis:> > > >

1.. Check lagna, examine strengths of various planets in D1 and > D9. Check> >

for yogas governing the chart.> > 2.. Check 10H, 10L for career, LL

placement, 4H and 12H for > foreign> > residence.> > 3.. Check LL, 10H, 10L

and artha trikona in D10.> > 4.. Check for 6H and 7H in D1 and D10 for

inclination towards > service or> > business.> > 5.. Check for current dasa

and future favorable dasas for > career, include> > checks w.r.t GL and HL

placements.> > 6.. Check for current transit and future favorable transits.>

> 7.. Look for causes of current obstacles and suggest remedies if >

possible.> > > > > > Observations:> > > > 1.. Jupiter and Mars are exalted;

both are placed in Kendra > forming Hamsa> > and Ruchika yogas respectively.

Moon and Jupiter are in mutual > kendras> > forming a Gaja Kesri yoga. 8L Sun

and 6L Mercury are placed in > Lagna> > together forming a VRY. Native has a

Gaja Kesari Yoga in D9 and > D10 too!> > There is also a Parivartana yoga

between Saturn and Sun LL and 8L > in D1.> > 2.. Venus is a Yogakarka. Mars

(11L) is badhkesh.> > 3.. LL Saturn placed in 8th house with Rahu in Leo

rashi. It is > in> > parivartana with Sun 8L and hence both will tend to behave

as if > they are in> > their own house.> > 4.. Exalted Mars (4L, 11L), Sun

(8L) and Mercury (6L, 9L) are > place in> > Lagna. These planets are also

placed in 11th from AL and hence > will give> > labha during their dasa.> >

5.. 10L Venus is a yogakarka planet placed in 12th house in > Sagittarius,> >

aspected Rahu. 12H placement can indicate foreign employment. Rahu > too shows>

> a foreign culture. 10L in saggi may show east as the direction for > source

of> > employment and Rahu may show Muslim culture.> > 6.. 10H is aspected by

Moon and Saturn. Saturn, Rahu and Ketu > have a rashi> > drishti too.> > 7..

4H has Moon and is aspected by Mars and Rahu. While these > aspects may> > show

cuts/surgery to mother (represented by Moon), check on career > and> > residence

issues indicates that Rahu's aspect could show foreign > residence.> > 12H is

also aspected by Rahu giving similar indications.> > 8.. Artha trikona in D10

has Venus in 2H. 6H and 10H are not > occupied.> > Venus which is kaltrakarka

may show some business association with> > institutions connected with kala or

even females!> > 9.. Exalted Jupiter in 7th house makes 7H stronger than 6H

in > D1. 7H is> > also stronger in D10 (also in D9), showing that the native

can be > more> > successful in business or profession!> > 10.. Saturn is

currently transiting through 6H from Lagna and 3H > from> > Moon. Jupiter is

transiting through the 8H from lagna and 5H from > Moon.> > 11.. The native

is going through Sun Dasa (AK)upto 31st Oct > 2007. Jupiter> > antar will run

till 6th Sep 2004. Jupiter, though strong, is a > dusthana lord> > and also

trisadhaya lord and hence a functional malefic. The next > antar will> > be of

Saturn, which is involved in parivartana yoga and LL.> > 12.. Native is

running Virgo narayana dasa upto 2nd Feb 2005. > Virgo is in> > 9H in trine

with a benefic lord. Its dasa should be good. Next > dasa is of> > Leo, which

has LL and Karma karaka Saturn with Rahu in it. Leo is > placed in> > 8H.

Saturn in Parivartana will function as if in own house. The > dasa should> > be

good. Rahu's presence can make it intense.> > 13.. Native is in Virgo narayana

dasa of D10 from Feb 2002 to > 2009. Virgo> > is in Kendra and has both AL and

HL placed in it. It also has > luminaries> > like Sun and Moon plus Jupiter in

Kendra having rashi drishti on > the dasa> > rashi. Dasa should give good

results over time. Placement of A6 > may indicate> > enemies impacting the

career. Next dasa of Leo, which in angle > having Saturn> > (own house), Mars

and Mercury in Kendra, should also be good for > career.> > > > Overall the

chart seems to be strong. I am inclined to believe > that the> > current

problems are primarily due to AK dasa. This would improve > very from> > Sept

2004, significantly from Feb 2005.> > > > Would appeasing Sun God and reciting

Aditya Hridaya Mantra help? I > shall be> > grateful if you can kindly guide me

in attempt at analyzing the > chart and> > help the native my recommending

remedies if any.> > > > > > > > Kind regards> > > > Ramesh

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