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Ven transit and Sonia Gandhi

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Arial;font-weight:bold">Dear Chandrashekharji,

Arial;font-weight:bold">I agree with what u have written, when I suggested

about transit news letters and in the past email re Ven retro etc, the intent wasn’t

to say that solely transits can be used to predict. This I had stated in the

previous letter also.

Arial;font-weight:bold">Transits are the Celestial DELIVERY Boys whereas Dasas

are the Celestial TIMERS, without the Timers the delivery boys cant function –

this is what I am understanding as of now.

Arial;font-weight:bold">Coming to Ven retro and eclipsing Sun – this rare

phenomenon which is happening after a long time, I meant in general it CAN give

rise to women in power, let us take the example Sonia Gandhi, she is now bigger

than PM, having the REMOTE control in her hand just like the Maharashtra

Supremo which happened precisely when Ven became retro and not before that. Infact

now she has become a Much bigger figure than she would have been if she would

have remained PM, the drama of the cong workers shows that. I would never say ONLY

due to Ven retro such events have happened to her, but what I am trying to

emphasise is that we students don’t know much about transits and what it means

and only when a regular discussion is had we shall know how to interpret the

transits in heaven and only later we can go about applying them to charts which

is individualistic.

Arial;font-weight:bold">I personally tend to give more percentage of imp to

transits and this is what one of my American astro mentors has taught me and I have

found it working in my limited exp. Soemtimes I wonder why most of the Nadi

systems have no dasa’s and only Transits – atleast as far as I know RG Raos

Nadi system uses only transits to time events and Ramadasji has said this to me.


Arial;font-weight:bold">Anyways I shall leave this thread here with what I got

from another list, some members from this list would surely have missed it. I

am not propogating western astrology but only research oriented thinking. I

read somewhere the Mayans who were one of the brilliant races used Ven as their

central point and their year was a Venusian year I read somewhere. Most Lightworkers

still refer to the Mayan Calendar which ends in 2012, some vedic astrologers a

year back had seen the dates given by the Mayan Calender and were amazed and

worried for that date re Earths Further History, they had used Vedic astro

tools to analyse the date, anyways I am going tangential. Below is from the

other list, I copy without the gentlemans permission



There is a

western astrologer, Nancy R. Fenn who did an detailed study of

the periods in

history when retrograde Venus transited the Sun, which

coincided with

the rise of powerful women. You can view it here:



"Courier New";color:navy;mso-color-alt:windowtext">


"Courier New";color:navy;mso-color-alt:windowtext">





"Courier New";color:navy;mso-color-alt:windowtext;font-weight:bold">









Chandrashekhar [boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk]

Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:19


Sunil John


vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology]

Sonia Gandhi - biodata


margin-left:1.0in;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list 1.0in">

mso-fareast-font-family:"Courier New";mso-bidi-font-family:"Courier New";


color:black">Dear Sunil,

mso-fareast-font-family:"Courier New";color:black">

If you have followed todays political developments you will realise how

much generalised was the statement "eg Vens retro - Suns path, leads


rise of women in power/ Ven in Gemini and election scenario ", besides

being wrong. This precisely is what I was indicating.


Sunil John wrote:

>Dear Chandrashekharji,

>I shall search for the letter posted by Mr Raman and try to have a


>look. I agree with ur point re Transit newsletter, though I feel knowing

>General INDICAtions of transits before hand can be convenient to

many eg

>Vens retro - Suns path, leads to rise of women in power/ Ven in Gemini


>election scenario or Sat in Cancer and elections or political turmoil


>etc can be helpful for students before hand so that Experience of Old

>astrologers can come to young ones.


>The intent was to be purely non horoscopic but general to give broad

>indications and to discuss rare astronomical events.


>But still I will accept ur view point.


>Thanks for this





>Chandrashekhar [boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk]

>Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:21 AM

>Sunil John

>Cc: Ramadas Rao; vedic astrology

>Re: [vedic astrology] Sonia Gandhi - biodata


>Dear Sunil,

>If you use the co=ordinates given by Mr. Raman, her husband's death can

>be explained. My reference to 5th house is regarding Ketu Sun Mercury

>placed in 5th in Rasi chart. and Lord of the 5th being in 6th house.


>a very good combination for progeny one would say. Again in saptamsha

>5th and 7th house have male planets and she has one Daughter and one

>Son. A bit difficult to accept the veracity of the chart.

>There is another chart with Aquarius as Lagna for Mrs. Gandhi, which

>also fits in the events of her life. So this is a gray area. I think

>Sanjay has used it. Look at the way she has refused to become P.M.

>today. Sanjay had expressed doubts about her being P.M., I too had my

>own doubts. Of course this could be a well rehearsed drama since she


>done similar things in past. Let us wait and watch.

>About transits, my opinion is that transit importance would vary from

>Horoscope to horoscope. If we start a Transit newsletter we would be

>reduced to the state of Newspaper astrologers who give predictions


>on position from Moon/Sun Rasi alone. Not a very scientific way of

>approaching astrology, would you not agree?



>Sunil John wrote:



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om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Sunil,

I already wrote to you on 18th itself that Shukra became retrograde in Mithuna

and watch the game.So as per Nadi system, Shukra (V) in Mithuna aspects its

previous house ie., Vrishabha which is his own house and so it is considered as

strong and Surya there indicates Shukra has taken control of Surya which is very

clear to us now.Now Shukra is Jala Tattwa planet placed in Mithuna which is

Vaayu Tattwa Rashi and when it becomes retrograde the Jala + Vaayu ie., windy

rain fell on earth ( vrishabha is earthy sign ) and made Surya ( Abni Tattwa

planet )cool down indicating the situation is now under the control of Shukra -

Female planet.

Now suppose if Shukra did not become Vakra on 18th,then what would have been the

result ? Shukra,the watery planet ( female ) in Vaayu Tattwa rashi of Mithuna

joins with Shani another Vaayu Tattwa planet,thus increasing the wind speed (

possibly a cyclone !!! ) and meets Kuja,the Agni Tattwa planet which is burning

so fast with tremondous wind,so water pouring on earth may not be of help.So it

is God's decision to give power to a female which can control Agni Tattwa Surya

, a male planet.

I hope, I am clear in this.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.Sunil John <suniljohn (AT) softhome (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Chandrashekharji,

I agree with what u have written, when I suggested about transit news letters

and in the past email re Ven retro etc, the intent wasn’t to say that solely

transits can be used to predict. This I had stated in the previous letter also.

Transits are the Celestial DELIVERY Boys whereas Dasas are the Celestial TIMERS,

without the Timers the delivery boys cant function – this is what I am

understanding as of now.

Coming to Ven retro and eclipsing Sun – this rare phenomenon which is happening

after a long time, I meant in general it CAN give rise to women in power, let

us take the example Sonia Gandhi, she is now bigger than PM, having the REMOTE

control in her hand just like the Maharashtra Supremo which happened precisely

when Ven became retro and not before that. Infact now she has become a Much

bigger figure than she would have been if she would have remained PM, the drama

of the cong workers shows that. I would never say ONLY due to Ven retro such

events have happened to her, but what I am trying to emphasise is that we

students don’t know much about transits and what it means and only when a

regular discussion is had we shall know how to interpret the transits in heaven

and only later we can go about applying

them to charts which is individualistic.

I personally tend to give more percentage of imp to transits and this is what

one of my American astro mentors has taught me and I have found it working in

my limited exp. Soemtimes I wonder why most of the Nadi systems have no dasa’s

and only Transits – atleast as far as I know RG Raos Nadi system uses only

transits to time events and Ramadasji has said this to me.


Anyways I shall leave this thread here with what I got from another list, some

members from this list would surely have missed it. I am not propogating

western astrology but only research oriented thinking. I read somewhere the

Mayans who were one of the brilliant races used Ven as their central point and

their year was a Venusian year I read somewhere. Most Lightworkers still refer

to the Mayan Calendar which ends in 2012, some vedic astrologers a year back

had seen the dates given by the Mayan Calender and were amazed and worried for

that date re Earths Further History, they had used Vedic astro tools to analyse

the date, anyways I am going tangential. Below is from the other list, I copy

without the gentlemans permission


There is a western astrologer, Nancy R. Fenn who did an detailed study ofthe

periods in history when retrograde Venus transited the Sun, whichcoincided with

the rise of powerful women. You can view it here:

'Courier New'">http://www.skyscript.co.uk/venustransit.htmlDietmar


Kind regards,


Sunil John




Chandrashekhar [boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk]Sent:

Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:19 AMSunil JohnCc:

vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Sonia Gandhi -



· Dear Sunil,If you have followed todays political developments you will

realise how much generalised was the statement "eg Vens retro - Suns path,

leads to rise of women in power/ Ven in Gemini and election scenario ", besides

being wrong. This precisely is what I was indicating.Chandrashekhar.Sunil John

wrote:>Dear Chandrashekharji,>I shall search for the letter posted by Mr Raman

and try to have a fresh>look. I agree with ur point re Transit newsletter,

though I feel knowing>General INDICAtions of transits before hand can be

convenient to many eg>Vens retro - Suns path, leads to rise of women in power/

Ven in Gemini and>election scenario or Sat in Cancer and elections or political

turmoil etc>etc can be helpful for students before hand so that Experience of

Old>astrologers can come to young ones.>>The intent was to be purely non

horoscopic but general to give broad>indications and to

discuss rare astronomical events.>>But still I will accept ur view

point.>>Thanks for this>>Best>SJ>>

Chandrashekhar [boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk]>Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:21

AM>Sunil John>Cc: Ramadas Rao; vedic astrology>Re:

[vedic astrology] Sonia Gandhi - biodata>>Dear Sunil,>If you use the

co=ordinates given by Mr. Raman, her husband's death can>be explained. My

reference to 5th house is regarding Ketu Sun Mercury>placed in 5th in Rasi

chart. and Lord of the 5th being in 6th house. Not>a very good combination for

progeny one would say. Again in saptamsha>5th and 7th house have male planets

and she has

one Daughter and one>Son. A bit difficult to accept the veracity of the

chart.>There is another chart with Aquarius as Lagna for Mrs. Gandhi,

which>also fits in the events of her life. So this is a gray area. I

think>Sanjay has used it. Look at the way she has refused to become P.M.>today.

Sanjay had expressed doubts about her being P.M., I too had my>own doubts. Of

course this could be a well rehearsed drama since she has>done similar things

in past. Let us wait and watch.>About transits, my opinion is that transit

importance would vary from>Horoscope to horoscope. If we start a Transit

newsletter we would be>reduced to the state of Newspaper astrologers who give

predictions based>on position from Moon/Sun Rasi alone. Not a very scientific

way of>approaching astrology, would you not

agree?>Chandrashekhar.>>Sunil John wrote:>Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

India Matrimony: Find your partner online.

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Dear Sunil,

Personally, I do not see any link between women's rise to power and

Venus/Sun combination. Not at least on Vedic principles. It did not make

Mrs. Gandhi the P.M. and if it made Mr. Thakerey powerful, certainly he

is not a woman.

Rather it could be interpreted as creating problems for women, if at all

we want to link Venus retro and women. She decided not to become P.M.

after returning from meeting with President. Barring Congress drama, as

you put it, there is no sacrifice involved. At the time of her becoming

President of Congress similar drama was orchestrated. Article 5 and

article 13 of Indian constitution did not allow her to become P.M.

I have seen the link you have sent. It has a lot of mythological and

historical material no doubt. I could not find any proof positive about

rise of women power barring contrived incidences. One such example being

" between 1312-77, one of the causes of the Hundred Years War as Edward

III laid claim to the French throne through his mother, Queen Isabelle".

How does that indicate rise in power of a lady when what happened is a

Male laying claim to a Kingdom, escapes me.


Thanks for an interesting link.


Sunil John wrote:


> *Dear Chandrashekharji,*


> *I agree with what u have written, when I suggested about transit news

> letters and in the past email re Ven retro etc, the intent wasn’t to

> say that solely transits can be used to predict. This I had stated in

> the previous letter also.*


> *Transits are the Celestial DELIVERY Boys whereas Dasas are the

> Celestial TIMERS, without the Timers the delivery boys cant function –

> this is what I am understanding as of now.*


> *Coming to Ven retro and eclipsing Sun – this rare phenomenon which is

> happening after a long time, I meant in general it CAN give rise to

> women in power, let us take the example Sonia Gandhi, she is now

> bigger than PM, having the REMOTE control in her hand just like the

> Maharashtra Supremo which happened precisely when Ven became retro and

> not before that. Infact now she has become a Much bigger figure than

> she would have been if she would have remained PM, the drama of the

> cong workers shows that. I would never say ONLY due to Ven retro such

> events have happened to her, but what I am trying to emphasise is that

> we students don’t know much about transits and what it means and only

> when a regular discussion is had we shall know how to interpret the

> transits in heaven and only later we can go about applying them to

> charts which is individualistic.*


> *I personally tend to give more percentage of imp to transits and this

> is what one of my American astro mentors has taught me and I have

> found it working in my limited exp. Soemtimes I wonder why most of the

> Nadi systems have no dasa’s and only Transits – atleast as far as I

> know RG Raos Nadi system uses only transits to time events and

> Ramadasji has said this to me.*


> * *


> *Anyways I shall leave this thread here with what I got from another

> list, some members from this list would surely have missed it. I am

> not propogating western astrology but only research oriented thinking.

> I read somewhere the Mayans who were one of the brilliant races used

> Ven as their central point and their year was a Venusian year I read

> somewhere. Most Lightworkers still refer to the Mayan Calendar which

> ends in 2012, some vedic astrologers a year back had seen the dates

> given by the Mayan Calender and were amazed and worried for that date

> re Earths Further History, they had used Vedic astro tools to analyse

> the date, anyways I am going tangential. Below is from the other list,

> I copy without the gentlemans permission *


> * *


> There is a western astrologer, Nancy R. Fenn who did an detailed study of

> the periods in history when retrograde Venus transited the Sun, which

> coincided with the rise of powerful women. You can view it here:


> http://www.skyscript.co.uk/venustransit.html


> Dietmar


> *Kind regards,***


> * ***


> *Sunil John***


> * *


> * *



> ** Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

> *Sent:* Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:19 AM

> *To:* Sunil John

> *Cc:* vedic astrology

> *Subject:* Re: [vedic astrology] Sonia Gandhi - biodata


> · Dear Sunil,

> If you have followed todays political developments you will realise how

> much generalised was the statement "eg Vens retro - Suns path, leads to

> rise of women in power/ Ven in Gemini and election scenario ", besides

> being wrong. This precisely is what I was indicating.

> Chandrashekhar.

> Sunil John wrote:


>>Dear Chandrashekharji,

>>I shall search for the letter posted by Mr Raman and try to have a fresh

>>look. I agree with ur point re Transit newsletter, though I feel knowing

>>General INDICAtions of transits before hand can be convenient to many eg

>>Vens retro - Suns path, leads to rise of women in power/ Ven in Gemini and

>>election scenario or Sat in Cancer and elections or political turmoil etc

>>etc can be helpful for students before hand so that Experience of Old

>>astrologers can come to young ones.


>>The intent was to be purely non horoscopic but general to give broad

>>indications and to discuss rare astronomical events.


>>But still I will accept ur view point.


>>Thanks for this





>>Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

>>Wednesday, May 19, 2004 1:21 AM

>>Sunil John

>>Cc: Ramadas Rao; vedic astrology

>>Re: [vedic astrology] Sonia Gandhi - biodata


>>Dear Sunil,

>>If you use the co=ordinates given by Mr. Raman, her husband's death can

>>be explained. My reference to 5th house is regarding Ketu Sun Mercury

>>placed in 5th in Rasi chart. and Lord of the 5th being in 6th house. Not

>>a very good combination for progeny one would say. Again in saptamsha

>>5th and 7th house have male planets and she has one Daughter and one

>>Son. A bit difficult to accept the veracity of the chart.

>>There is another chart with Aquarius as Lagna for Mrs. Gandhi, which

>>also fits in the events of her life. So this is a gray area. I think

>>Sanjay has used it. Look at the way she has refused to become P.M.

>>today. Sanjay had expressed doubts about her being P.M., I too had my

>>own doubts. Of course this could be a well rehearsed drama since she has

>>done similar things in past. Let us wait and watch.

>>About transits, my opinion is that transit importance would vary from

>>Horoscope to horoscope. If we start a Transit newsletter we would be

>>reduced to the state of Newspaper astrologers who give predictions based

>>on position from Moon/Sun Rasi alone. Not a very scientific way of

>>approaching astrology, would you not agree?



>>Sunil John wrote:












> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


> || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||



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Dear Sunil,

Personally, I do not see any link between women's rise to power and

Venus/Sun combination. Not at least on Vedic principles. It did not make

Mrs. Gandhi the P.M. and if it made Mr. Thakerey powerful, certainly he

is not a woman.

Rather it could be interpreted as creating problems for women, if at all

we want to link Venus retro and women. She decided not to become P.M.

after returning from meeting with President. Barring Congress drama, as

you put it, there is no sacrifice involved. At the time of her becoming

President of Congress similar drama was orchestrated. Article 5 and

article 13 of Indian constitution did not allow her to become P.M.

I have seen the link you have sent. It has a lot of mythological and

historical material no doubt. I could not find any proof positive about

rise of women power barring contrived incidences. One such example being

" between 1312-77, one of the causes of the Hundred Years War as Edward

III laid claim to the French throne through his mother, Queen Isabelle".

How does that indicate rise in power of a lady when what happened is a

Male laying claim to a Kingdom, escapes me.

Anyway,Thanks for an interesting link. By the way, your softhome id appears to

be full the mail bounced.


Sunil John wrote:



>> *Dear Chandrashekharji,*


>> *I agree with what u have written, when I suggested about transit news

>> letters and in the past email re Ven retro etc, the intent wasn’t to

>> say that solely transits can be used to predict. This I had stated in

>> the previous letter also.*


>> *Transits are the Celestial DELIVERY Boys whereas Dasas are the

>> Celestial TIMERS, without the Timers the delivery boys cant function –

>> this is what I am understanding as of now.*


>> *Coming to Ven retro and eclipsing Sun – this rare phenomenon which is

>> happening after a long time, I meant in general it CAN give rise to

>> women in power, let us take the example Sonia Gandhi, she is now

>> bigger than PM, having the REMOTE control in her hand just like the

>> Maharashtra Supremo which happened precisely when Ven became retro and

>> not before that. Infact now she has become a Much bigger figure than

>> she would have been if she would have remained PM, the drama of the

>> cong workers shows that. I would never say ONLY due to Ven retro such

>> events have happened to her, but what I am trying to emphasise is that

>> we students don’t know much about transits and what it means and only

>> when a regular discussion is had we shall know how to interpret the

>> transits in heaven and only later we can go about applying them to

>> charts which is individualistic.*


>> *I personally tend to give more percentage of imp to transits and this

>> is what one of my American astro mentors has taught me and I have

>> found it working in my limited exp. Soemtimes I wonder why most of the

>> Nadi systems have no dasa’s and only Transits – atleast as far as I

>> know RG Raos Nadi system uses only transits to time events and

>> Ramadasji has said this to me.*


>> * *


>> *Anyways I shall leave this thread here with what I got from another

>> list, some members from this list would surely have missed it. I am

>> not propogating western astrology but only research oriented thinking.

>> I read somewhere the Mayans who were one of the brilliant races used

>> Ven as their central point and their year was a Venusian year I read

>> somewhere. Most Lightworkers still refer to the Mayan Calendar which

>> ends in 2012, some vedic astrologers a year back had seen the dates

>> given by the Mayan Calender and were amazed and worried for that date

>> re Earths Further History, they had used Vedic astro tools to analyse

>> the date, anyways I am going tangential. Below is from the other list,

>> I copy without the gentlemans permission *


>> * *


>> There is a western astrologer, Nancy R. Fenn who did an detailed study of

>> the periods in history when retrograde Venus transited the Sun, which

>> coincided with the rise of powerful women. You can view it here:


>> http://www.skyscript.co.uk/venustransit.html


>> Dietmar


>> *Kind regards,***


>> * ***


>> *Sunil John***


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Dear Chandrashekharji,

I dont think so i said Thackeray was a woman, i might have used the

word remote control to establish the similarities in both their style

of functioning. the arudha which seems to have resulted is she has

become more popular with this Ven transit than before -that was my

crux of the point that i was trying to make and it happened exactly

on that date.



Anyways this discussion is going no where so i think its better we

close this thread.

Thanks for pointing out my problem in the email id, i am unable to

post and have changed my email id.







vedic astrology, Chandrashekhar <boxdel>


> Dear Sunil,

> Personally, I do not see any link between women's rise to power and

> Venus/Sun combination. Not at least on Vedic principles. It did not


> Mrs. Gandhi the P.M. and if it made Mr. Thakerey powerful,

certainly he

> is not a woman.

> Rather it could be interpreted as creating problems for women, if

at all

> we want to link Venus retro and women. She decided not to become


> after returning from meeting with President. Barring Congress

drama, as

> you put it, there is no sacrifice involved. At the time of her


> President of Congress similar drama was orchestrated. Article 5 and

> article 13 of Indian constitution did not allow her to become P.M.

> I have seen the link you have sent. It has a lot of mythological


> historical material no doubt. I could not find any proof positive


> rise of women power barring contrived incidences. One such example


> " between 1312-77, one of the causes of the Hundred Years War as


> III laid claim to the French throne through his mother, Queen


> How does that indicate rise in power of a lady when what happened

is a

> Male laying claim to a Kingdom, escapes me.

> Anyway,Thanks for an interesting link. By the way, your softhome id

appears to be full the mail bounced.

> Chandrashekhar.

> Sunil John wrote:



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