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Why does Vedic Astrology go so wrong?

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My cousin (DOB:19/8/69,POB:Bombay,TOB:3.45 pm, female) has had her

horoscope shown to several leading astrologers and all had predicted

that she would get married. Till date, marriage has never taken

place. 1 astrolger said marriage would take place in 1999, another

said it would take place by 2001 but no talk with any prospective

has ever happened. She did have some talk with one male, born

chennai,12/1/63 (time unknown) but even that didn't materialise.


Why all these astrologers are wrong ? Infact, one was a family

astrolger who can still not understand why marriage didn't occur. Is

there something wrong with their abilities or is there some dosha

that they cannot read? Time of birth is correct as per all sources.


Please advise

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om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Swatisonee,

Yes, your cousin's chart has a severe affliction.I will try to explain to you

about those afflictions.Lagna is Dhanu and 7th is occupied by Shukra who is 6th

and 11th lord which is a malefic for this chart.2nd and 3rd lord Shani who is

also another malefic for this chart is debilitated in 5th and aspects

Shukra,the Vivaha Karaka.Rahu who is very strong in 3rd house of Kumbha Rashi

also aspects Shukra.7th lord Budha is in 7th house but is in a lower longitude

than Ketu,so Ketu is eclipsing Budha and this is also a major affliction.8th

house is Mangalya Sthana in a female's chart and its lord Chandra is in 11th

aspected by debilitated malefic Shani.7th house lord Budha's Navamshadhipaty

Kuja is in 12th in Rashi chart along with Mandi.UL which is in Kumbha rashi is

occupied by Rahu, a malefic.Also when seen from Bhava point of view,Rahu goes

to 4th house which is Sukha Sthana and Ketu goes to 10th house and afflicts

Guru.The chart has severe Kuja Dosha. See Kuja

with Mandi is in 12th from Lagna,2nd from Chandra and this is one of the major

afflictions to get married.In the Navamsha Kuja with Ketu in 6th is aspected by

Rahu indicating Severe Sarpa Dosha.Also Shani who is in his enemic sign of Simha

aspects Mandi in Tula and this indicates Preta Shaapa.But as per my knowledge,

your astrologer might not seen these afflictions and Doshas.As per you, you

said one astrologer said, in 1999,her marrige would have taken place and

another said in 2001.Now Shani Dasha- Shukra's antara was running between

17-02-1999 and 19-04-2002.Shukra is 6th and 11th lord in 7th house which is

aspected by debilitated malefic Shani and so because of severe afflictions in

the chart ,her marriage did not take place in any of the said periods.

Now here are the remedies :

1) Performing of Sarpa Shanti ( Naag Bali as it is called in Maharashtra ).

2) Performing of Narayana Bali to get rid of Preta Shaapa,

3) Performing of Baala Ganapathy Havan to get rid of Ketu's afflictions to 7th lord Budha.

4) chanting of Swayamvara Kala Parvati Mantra 100,000 times within 100 days.

At present Shani - Chandra is going on till 30-10-2004 and checking on transit

Guru is in Simha transitting over her 7th lord Budha, 9th lord Surya and

Ketu,aspecting Rahu and Dasha lord Shani also.So if the above remedies are done

at the earliest,marrigae is possible before August 28th of 2004.

As 7th from Shukra is Dhanu which is a Dwiswbhava Rashi , her husband comes from

east of her birth place and the time to reach her husband's place of birth will

be nearer to that of hers.

I hope this helps your cousin.

With Blessings from Lord Krishna and Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.swatisonee <swatisonee > wrote:

My cousin (DOB:19/8/69,POB:Bombay,TOB:3.45 pm, female) has had her horoscope

shown to several leading astrologers and all had predicted that she would get

married. Till date, marriage has never taken place. 1 astrolger said marriage

would take place in 1999, another said it would take place by 2001 but no talk

with any prospective has ever happened. She did have some talk with one male,

born chennai,12/1/63 (time unknown) but even that didn't materialise.Why all

these astrologers are wrong ? Infact, one was a family astrolger who can still

not understand why marriage didn't occur. Is there something wrong with their

abilities or is there some dosha that they cannot read? Time of birth is

correct as per all sources.Please adviseArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Swati Sonee,

You are most welocme.please see below Swayamvara Kala Parvati Mantra.but you

have to download Sanskrit fonts from www.omkarananda-ashram.org to read the

Mantra .

Svy<vr kla pavRtI m<Ç

ASy ïI Svy<vrkla pavRtI m<ÇSy äüa iri;> jgtID<d> devI igirpuÇI Svy<vra devta

mmaÉIò isÏ(weR jpe ivinyaeg>


z<Éu< jgNmaehn êp pU[¡ ivlaeKyl¾a k…ilt< iSmtaf(a<,

mxUkmala< SvsoI kraZya< s< ibæit miÔsuta< Éjey<.

mUl m<Ç>

` ÿI— yaeigin yaeigin yaegeñir yaeg Éy<kir skl Swavr j<gmSy muo< ÿ‚dy< mmvZy

mak;Rya k;Ry Svaha.

svayaàvara kalä pärvaté mantra

asya çré svayaàvarakalä pärvaté mantrasya brahmä riñiù jagatéchandaù devé

giriputré svayaàvarä devatä mamäbhéñöa siddhyarthe jape viniyogaù


çambhuà jaganmohana rüpa pürëaà vilokyalajjä kulitaà smitäòyäà|

madhükamäläà svasakhé karäçyäà saà bibhrati madrisutäà bhajeyaà||

müla mantraù

om hréà yogini yogini yogeçvari yoga bhayaìkari sakala sthävara jaìgamasya

mukhaà hrudayaà mamavaçya mäkarñayä karñaya svähä||

But this Mantra has to be initiated bya competent Guru.

I hope this helps you.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao.



swati SONEE <swatisonee > wrote:

Sir,Thank you. Where can we get the kala parvati mantra ?Swati--- Ramadas Rao

wrote: > > ` nmae naray[ay,> > om namo näräyaëäya|> Dear Swatisonee,> Yes, your

cousin's chart has a severe affliction.I> will try to explain to you about

those> afflictions.Lagna is Dhanu and 7th is occupied by> Shukra who is 6th and

11th lord which is a malefic> for this chart.2nd and 3rd lord Shani who is also>

another malefic for this chart is debilitated in 5th> and aspects Shukra,the

Vivaha Karaka.Rahu who is> very strong in 3rd house of Kumbha Rashi also>

aspects Shukra.7th lord Budha is in 7th house but is> in a lower longitude than

Ketu,so Ketu is eclipsing> Budha and this is also a major affliction.8th house>

is Mangalya Sthana in a

female's chart and its lord> Chandra is in 11th aspected by debilitated malefic>

Shani.7th house lord Budha's Navamshadhipaty Kuja is> in 12th in Rashi chart

along with Mandi.UL which is> in Kumbha rashi is occupied by Rahu, a

malefic.Also> when seen from Bhava point of view,Rahu goes to 4th> house which

is Sukha Sthana and Ketu goes to 10th> house and afflicts Guru.The chart has

severe Kuja> Dosha. See Kuja with Mandi is in 12th> from Lagna,2nd from Chandra

and this is one of the> major afflictions to get married.In the Navamsha> Kuja

with Ketu in 6th is aspected by Rahu indicating> Severe Sarpa Dosha.Also Shani

who is in his enemic> sign of Simha aspects Mandi in Tula and this> indicates

Preta Shaapa.But as per my knowledge, your> astrologer might not seen these

afflictions and> Doshas.As per you, you said one astrologer said, in> 1999,her

marrige would have taken

place and another> said in 2001.Now Shani Dasha- Shukra's antara was> running

between 17-02-1999 and 19-04-2002.Shukra is> 6th and 11th lord in 7th house

which is aspected by> debilitated malefic Shani and so because of severe>

afflictions in the chart ,her marriage did not take> place in any of the said

periods.> Now here are the remedies :> 1) Performing of Sarpa Shanti ( Naag

Bali as it is> called in Maharashtra ).> 2) Performing of Narayana Bali to get

rid of Preta> Shaapa,> 3) Performing of Baala Ganapathy Havan to get rid of>

Ketu's afflictions to 7th lord Budha.> 4) chanting of Swayamvara Kala Parvati

Mantra> 100,000 times within 100 days.> At present Shani - Chandra is going on

till> 30-10-2004 and checking on transit Guru is in Simha> transitting over her

7th lord Budha, 9th lord Surya> and Ketu,aspecting Rahu and Dasha lord Shani

also.So> if the above remedies are done at the> earliest,marrigae is possible

before August 28th of> 2004.> As 7th from Shukra is Dhanu which is a

Dwiswbhava> Rashi , her husband comes from east of her birth> place and the

time to reach her husband's place of> birth will be nearer to that of hers.> I

hope this helps your cousin.> With Blessings from Lord Krishna and Mother>

Bhuvaneshwari,> Ramadas Rao.> > swatisonee wrote:> My cousin

(DOB:19/8/69,POB:Bombay,TOB:3.45 pm,> female) has had her > horoscope shown to

several leading astrologers and> all had predicted > that she would get

married. Till date, marriage has> never taken > place. 1 astrolger said

marriage would take place in> 1999, another > said it would take place by 2001

but no talk with> any prospective > has ever happened. She did have

some talk with one> male, born > chennai,12/1/63 (time unknown) but even that

didn't> materialise.> > Why all these astrologers are wrong ? Infact, one> was

a family > astrolger who can still not understand why marriage> didn't occur.

Is > there something wrong with their abilities or is> there some dosha > that

they cannot read? Time of birth is correct as> per all sources.> > Please

advise> > > > > > Archives:> vedic astrology> >

Group info:>vedic astrology/info.html> > To

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