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Mars.... is he really karaka for celebecy ?

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Dear Friends,


I read with interest comments made by Sjt. VISTI about Mars which I

quote as under,




"Mars is the natural käraka for CELIBECY(highlited), as he is a

warrior and is required not to engage in such affairs, at least until

44 where the warrior can retire."




This being has done some work on co-relating astrology with periodic

table. And the findings on Mars as the lord of 5th group of the

Periodic Table are as follows.



MARS A LORD OF 5th GROUP: In periodic table


We know that Mars is the war lord.

He is a Potent Male. He has a strong body.

He rules over muscles and Bones. He has red eyes.

Rules over red colour. Bismuth is a Reddish metal.

Phosphorous is reddish. Without phosphorous, bones would be useless.

Nitrogen belonging to 5th group is the basis of Amino Acids and

other vital Amino compounds like Vitamins.


Energy is Enclosed in ATP which is a Phospherous compound. Little

information from Net is as follows,


ATP is Energy!

For your muscles -- in fact, for every cell in your body -- the

source of energy that keeps everything going is called ATP. Adenosine

triphosphate (ATP) is the biochemical way to store and use energy.

The entire reaction that turns ATP into energy is a bit complicated,

but here is a good summary:


Chemically, ATP is an adenine nucleotide bound to three phosphates.

There is a lot of energy stored in the bond between the second and

third phosphate groups that can be used to fuel chemical reactions.

When a cell needs energy, it breaks this bond to form adenosine

diphosphate (ADP) and a free phosphate molecule.

In some instances, the second phosphate group can also be broken to

form adenosine monophosphate (AMP).

When the cell has excess energy, it stores this energy by forming ATP

from ADP and phosphate.

ATP is required for the biochemical reactions involved in any muscle

contraction. As the work of the muscle increases, more and more ATP

gets consumed and must be replaced in order for the muscle to keep


Because ATP is so important, the body has several different systems

to create ATP. These systems work together in phases. The interesting

thing is that different forms of exercise use different systems, so a

sprinter is getting ATP in a completely different way from a marathon




Thus MARS is undisputed lord of Vitality.

Arsenikom in Greek means POTENT or MALE.

You will find Arsenic in 5th group.

Outermost shell of Nitrogen and all the other elements has 3


Hence Mars is also known as Trikona . This denotes that Power lies in

A Triangle.

This may be the reason for Tantra diagrams being based on Triangles

This is also why Kartik the commander of Deva's army (Mars) has

Triangular Vel (LANCE) in his hand.


Coming to original observation by Visti about Mars being Karaka for

Celibecy is very new to this being.




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