Guest guest Posted September 3, 2004 Report Share Posted September 3, 2004 Dear Ramesh, I would not think parivartana leads to NBY. Navamsha debilitation overrules even exaltation in Natal chart. Chandrashekhar. Ramesh Gangaramani wrote: Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Sarajit and Chadrashekharji, There is a mention in the below mentioned mail about neechabhanga in case of parivartana. I am analyzing a case where the native a Libra Asc, has exchange between LL Venus and 11L Sun. I would like to reconfirm if the debilitation of of Sun would be cancelled only on account of Parivartana. One of the other conditions for cancellation fulfilled is that Saturn which gets exalted in Libra is in kendra. The irony is that both Sun and Venus are debilitated in D9. Sun meets conditions NBRY and Venus 12L has parivartana with Mercury 4L in D9. Would the debilitation of Venus be cancelled in D9 on account of this parivartana? For privartana yoga the planets involved are deemed to be in their own houses. Would Mercury in D9 then give the effect of being exalted? It is exalted in D1 already. What would be the overall assessment of strengths of Sun, Venus and Mercury? Parivartana between LL and 11L would be very good for materialistic gains, as per BPHS, it should make the native very wealthy at the age of 33! Would the yoga fructify? There is also an issue involved about marriage. The native (female) is a divorcee. The first marriage lasted only a few moths. Her father is looking for a suitable alliance and is keen to see her settled. Her chart is attached. October 20, 1975 Time: 8:30:00 AM Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Longitude: 73 E 13' 00" Latitude: 22 N 18' 00" Kind regards Ramesh Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp ] Thursday, July 29, 2004 6:02 AM Rajat Bhatia; vedic astrology [vedic astrology] Re: Judging Effects of Parivartan Yoga || Jaya Jagannath || Dear Rajat, Please follow my comments below: Rajat Bhatia <bentleyclothing > wrote: Hare Rama Krishna Dear Sarajit, Thanks for explaining it so nicely.Please help me understand even better. What I understand now is that Association or Sambandh of planets, by way of conjunction, mutual aspect, exchange etc leads to exchange of qualities between the planets.This exchange is strongest in case of Sthaan Parivartan. [sarajit] Correct This exchange occurs in respect of natural qualities as well temporal. Thus, the natural malefic benefits by associating with a natural benefic whereas benefic suffers by getting some malefic qualities. [sarajit] Exactly. The effect on the natural qualities can be seen throughout on the nature of the person, whereas the functional natures can be seen during appropriate dasas. Similarly, a benefic temporal lord if in exchange with a malefic temporal lord will lose its benefic qualities and its dasa may not be good.On the other hand, temporal malefic may do good. [sarajit] Correct Is my understanding correct? Now, applying the above principles to the Taurus Asc with Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in pisces, exchange will be two prong --- of natural qualities and temporal. [sarajit] Right Thus, Jupiter will gain by being in exchange with a good temporal lord and achieve neechbhanga. [sarajit] Yes Secondly,the exchange of natural qualities will give results similar to effects of Jup-Sat conjunction. [sarajit] Yes. The native shall see suffering to mature to a wise person. But, will Saturn suffer in this exchange because Jupiter is debilitated ?Will this show in saturn periods ? [sarajit] Saturn's period would de good as any malefic associating with a benefic loses its tinge of maleficence. Jupiter dasa would make the person see sorrows as the yoga Jupiter- Saturn indicate that. However the houses ruled byJup, 8th and the 11th does not suffer as it would, had there been no exchange. Best Wishes Sarajit Best regards, Rajat vedic astrology, Sarajit Poddar wrote: > || Jaya Jagannath || > Dear Ramesh, > > I do not think that the Chara Karakatva of the planets can change as the exchange is more due to the virtue of lordship of signs. However since the yoga exists, any yoga involving the chara-karakatva such as AK-PK, AK-PiK etc. shall also give the results of Rajayoga. So even if there is an exchange of AK with others, it will still show difficulties in Vimshottari Dasa and excellance in Naryana Dasa. > > Best Wishes > Sarajit > > Ramesh Gangaramani wrote: > Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat > > Dear Sarajitji, > > This is an interesting dimension. I have a related query. Does the exchange also affect the chara karka characteristics? e.g. what if there is an exchange betwee! n AK and AmK? > How would they behave during Vimsottari and Narayana Dasas? Vimsottari dasa of AK is usually difficult and Narayana Dasa of Rashi containing AK bring in great achievements! > > Regards > Ramesh > > Sarajit Poddar [sarajitp] > Wednesday, July 28, 2004 10:13 AM > vedic astrology > Re: [vedic astrology] Judging Effects of Parivartan Yoga > > > || Jaya Jagannath || > Dear Rajat, > > Yep... long time we have been out of touch. Thanks for the varahamihira pages... I update it regularly... so keep visting. > > About the Parivartana... You know there are various yogas or associations... among all such associations, the parivartana is the strongest ones. With each associations, there is exchange of qualities and since the parivartana is the strongest of all associations, the exchange of qual! ities are substantial. Such planets behave as if they are placed in own houses and give the results of planets they are exhanged with. > > About the natural qualities of the planet..,. As you know there are natural yogas which form by the virtue of their natural qualities such as Sun- Jupiter, Mars- Jupiter, Moon- Jupiter are all good yogas and Saturn- Mars, Rahu- Sun etc. are inauspicious yogas. These yogas not only happen due to conjunction, but shall happen due to exhange and mutual aspects also... The results of such associations would be felt in exchange too.. and the benefic shall give malefic results and vice- versa. > > About the results of exchange based on the functional nature... just interpret it as if they are conjoined and there is transfer of functional role among the planets... If there is an exchange between Piscies/ Sagittarius and Capricorn lords... such cases... Jupiter will have neechabhanga because of exchange and the significations of ! Jupiter shall flourish after initial setback.. > > Hope this clears your doubt. > > Best Wishes > Sarajit > > Rajat Bhatia wrote: > > Hare Rama Kishna > > Dear Sarajit, > > Hi...longtime no talk.I much appreciate your Varahamihira pages. > > Could you elaborate on basic principles in judging Parivartan of > planets.As far as I understand, when two planets sit in each other's > signs, they have a sort of pact between them, that "you look after my > house and I look after your house".They are in a way placed as if in > their own houses. Thus, this leads to good results.Ofcourse, we do > have to keep in mind that the exchange is not between a good house and > an evil house as this creats Dur Yoga. > > Main queries are : > > 1. If the exchange of signs happen between natural enemies, how will > we judge? > > 2.What will happen when one of the participating planet is > debilitated, for example take Taurus Lagna, Saturn goes to 11th house > in Pisces and Jupiter debilitat! es in 9th house.Will this help Jupiter > in overcoming debilitation and give better results due to exchange? > > Best regards, > > Rajat > > > > > > > > > > > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > > > Sponsor > > > > Links > > > vedic astrology/ > > > vedic astrology > > Terms of Service. > > > > > > Mail is new and improved - Check it out! Mail is new and improved - Check it out! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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