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Yoga Pravesha and Yoga Vimsottari Dasa (Tithi Pravesh)

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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Imran bhai,


The dasa I use in Yoga Pravesha charts is my own invention. It is not

from classics or from tradition. I defined it myself. So I said in my

original mail that I was not fully ready to go public. I wanted to

first explain my thinking to Sanjay ji and get his blessings.


Sanjay ji came to my house last night. I took the opportunity to run

my idea by him and get his blessings. He thought it was based on

sound logic and so I will share it with all.


* * *


Tithi Pravesha is based on tithi, i.e. jala tattva (watery nature)

ruled by Venus. So Ashtottari dasa for which Venus is acharya is

considered and Tithi is used as the basis. Tithis are ruled by 8

planets and so are Ashtottari dasas. There is a natural affinity.


Yoga Pravesha is based on Yoga, i.e. aakaasa tattva (ethery nature),

ruled by Jupiter. So I considered Vimsottari dasa for which Jupiter

is acharya. I considered Yoga as the basis. Yogas are ruled by 9

planets and so are Vimsottari dasas. There is a natural affinity.


Thus, the underlying principle is the same as in Tithi Pravesha and

Tithi Ashtottari dasa. Try Yoga Vimsottari dasa with Yoga Pravesha

charts and see it for yourself. It works very well.


* * *


Here are the details of computation for those who did not get it yet:


(1) Yoga Pravesha (YP) chart: Find when Sun returns to his natal

sign. During that month, find the day when the Yoga (Sun-Moon Yoga)

of birth returns. Find the moment when the fraction of yoga remaining

matches that at birth. In other words, find the moment when the sum

of the longitudes of Sun and Moon matches that at birth. Cast a chart

for that moment.


(2) Yoga Vimsottari (YV) dasa: Find the ruler of the Yoga. The first

dasa belongs to him and the next dasas are based on the normal

Vimsottari dasa order. The first dasa remainder is based on the

fraction of yoga remaining. Suppose 40% of Siddhi yoga is left when

someone is born. The first dasa is of Mars, who rules Siddhi yoga

(use JHLite to find Yoga rulers). Dasa is of 7x40/100=2.8 years. Then

Rahu dasa of 18 years, Jupiter dasa of 16 years etc will follow. Of

course, dasas have to be compressed to one year in an annual YP chart.


Warning: YP charts and YV dasas are just a research and not based on

the teachings of the parampara, even though they appear to be based

on solid logic and the foundations laid by the parampara.


* * *


My experiments with Nakshatra Pravesha charts (cast when Sun returns

to his natal sign and Moon returns to his natal *longitude*) were

limited. I found the best results with Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa. But

I could be wrong and there could be a better dasa.


* * *


Tithi is of jala tattva (watery nature) and shows prosperity, well-

being, and stability. Thus, Tithi Pravesha charts show a variety of

events relating to these angles. They are the most important of all

Pravesha charts.


Yoga is of aakaasa tattva (ethery nature) and shows the binding

force, relationships and internal harmony. Thus, Yoga Pravesha charts

cover these angles. They show marriage, meeting spouse, birth of

children, meeting important people in life, misunderstandings,

relationship issues etc very well.


In my limited experiments with Nakshatra Pravesha charts, they show

diseases, positive and negative mood changes, death and also various

efforts aimed at gaining some kind of strength or the other.


In all the cases, hora lord is the ruler of the year.


If possible, I will try to give some examples of YP charts, YV dasa

and NP charts sometime next week. That will make it clearer.


* * *


Pt. Rath told me yesterday that SJC Guru (technically, SJC Gurvi) Sat

Siri Khalsa is presenting her researches on Yoga Pravesha in

California later this month, at the SJC conference. I hope some of

you can avail of that opportunity.


I want to clarify on this occasion that her researches and mine are

independent. There may be some similarities and some differences. I

look forward to finding out details and especially finding out what

dasa she uses. I wonder if she too thought of Yoga Vimsottari dasa as

the Jupiterian analog of Venusian Tithi Ashtottari dasa.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Shri Narasimharao,

> Namaste,


> The notion of panchang pravesh i.e. return chart for Tithi,

Nakshatra, Yoga etc. is a unique theory that still needs special

attention. We are already seen very good eloboration of Tithi Pravesh

(Luni-Solar Day Return) Chart by Gurus of SJC. Although among

panchangas, the Nakshatra pravesh (Natal Constellation Return Chart)

has been used in various means and forms. Among medieval

practitioners the Nakshatra pravesh were in vogue. It is erected when

every month the transit Moon conjoins the degrees of the natal Moon.

Like a monthly return chart, that shows mental make-up and general

events at personal level for a month.


> The panchanga prevesh charts need observational/experimental

research so that their rules of interpretaion and applied dasas

criterias can be set.


> Few months ago, you were said that you are trying to write a book

on the very topic. I hope and pray that God may bestow you wisdom,

courge and firmness to fulfil the task, so that jytish students find

a good source book.


> Personal Regards

> Imran


> "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr@c...> wrote:

> Namaste,


> In the part of India I am from, Tithi based birthday celebration is

the most

> popular (though I must concede that my father pays special

attention to the

> nakshatra based birthday too). Perhaps there are parts of India


> nakshatra based birthday is popular.


> I have been experimenting with Yoga Pravesha charts and Nakshatra


> charts with two different dasas. Annual TP, YP and NP charts are

all cast

> when Sun is transiting in his natal sign. In TP, Moon-Sun longitude

> differential matches that at birth. In YP, Moon+Sun (or the mid-

point of

> Moon and Sun) matches that at birth. In NP, Moon's longitude

matches that at

> birth. Of course, if Sun's longitude itself matches that at birth,

that is

> Tajaka. Please note that NP and YP are research only and not from


> tradition. Only TP is from the tradition.


> As per my researches, each chart is the best for certain matters. I


> share my researches with all at a later point of time. I am not

fully ready.


> I am cc'ing this mail to the vedic astrology for the

benefit of

> others. I hope you do not mind.


> best regards,

> Narasimha

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