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Chart for Study-- ChildBirth

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This is chart of one of my friends.


She is married for almost 7/8 years and want to know when is a

chance for Baby.



30 Dec 1974

12.15 PM

19.15 N 77.33 E Nanded, maharashtra .


She is settled in US. She has her own Home, Car and all comforts but

really want to know when is chance for baby. She is working.






Thanks in Advance


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Hello all

Can someone analyse this chart...


I see some of the things here


In D-1 and D-9 both 5th lord in 5th house.From Moon lagna also.. 5th

lord in 5th. So it is classic example where 'Karko Bhava Nashaya' is



I think the only chance with some kind of medical help.. As Rahu is

in 5th from moon. Rahu shows unconvention way or with surgery...

And From moon Mars and Rahu are in 5th house.


I am just a learner. I Would like to know theveiws from expert


here are the details again:



30 Dec 1974

12.15 PM

19.15 N 77.33 E Nanded, maharashtra .









vedic astrology, "astro_learn"

<astrolearn@i...> wrote:

> Hello,


> This is chart of one of my friends.


> She is married for almost 7/8 years and want to know when is a

> chance for Baby.


> Details

> 30 Dec 1974

> 12.15 PM

> 19.15 N 77.33 E Nanded, maharashtra .


> She is settled in US. She has her own Home, Car and all comforts


> really want to know when is chance for baby. She is working.






> Thanks in Advance

> Kalyani

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Namaste Kalyani,


Here is my attempt at analyzing this chart.


> In D-1 and D-9 both 5th lord in 5th house.From Moon lagna also..

> 5th lord in 5th. So it is classic example where 'Karko Bhava

> Nashaya' is seen.


5th lord in 5th is a good combination and does not lead to

destruction of bhava and denial of progeny, especially when 5th lord

is not a karaka of 5th (Chandra is not putrakaraka, Guru is). Even if

Guru were to occupy 5th house, Karaka bhava nasha dictum will not

apply if Guru is in the 5th house in swakshetra or uccha (reference -

Pandit Sri Rath). In fact, in quite a few charts I have seen Guru

blessing the native with kids inspite of not being in swakshetra or

uccha in 5th.


Another interpretation of Karaka bhava nasha dictum is that it

applies to chara karakatatwa and not sthira karakatatwa. So obviously

we need to do more research on Karaka bhava nasha dictum and not

apply it generally.


There are a couple of good things in this chart pertaining to progeny

and then there are weaknesses as well. Swakshetra chandra in 5th is

definitely not bad (unless there is a classical dictum that I am not

aware of, which says otherwise). However, this chandra is somewhat

weak since it is in rasi sandhi, eventhough it occupies Guru's

nakshatra. Also Guru is in dusthana although, it has rasi drishti on

putrabhava and hence, chandra. This Guru is in Rahu's nakshatra. Not

sure if this constitutes a Sarpa dosha. Ramadasji can comment better

on this.


For progeny in women, 9th house is also very important. Here 9th

house is occupied by mangal and rahu. Mangal is swakshetra; it is a

good thing, especially in 9th house since 9th lord occupying own

house leads to good fortune. However, Rahu changes the purity of this

combination leading to Vijaya Yoga. I do not know how Vijaya yoga

would work in 9th in a woman's chart.


Inspite of a few weaknesses in this chart pertaining to progeny

(mainly weakness of chandra as 5th lord and Guru's placement in

dusthana), I do not believe that this could lead to denial of progeny.


Having said that, let us see how does Saptamsha looks. The first

thing I noticed in Saptamsha is that Budha occupies a trine (5th

house). This is enough to deny progeny (Reference - Pandit Sri Rath).

Rahu is also there in trines to Saptamsha lagna, however, I am not

sure if that breaks the dictum.


Here is what I recommend:


1) Consult one of the SJC Gurus to check if Budha's presence in

Saptamsha trines absolutely denies progeny.


2) If not, then find out what are the Vedic remedies the native can

undergo to be blessed with Balagopal.


3) Also get her husband's chart checked, to see if any noticeable

combinations are present in his chart.


I pray Sri Vishnu for her to become a mother soon.


May Sri Vishnu bless us all.



vedic astrology, "astro_learn"

<astrolearn@i...> wrote:

> Hello all

> Can someone analyse this chart...


> I see some of the things here


> In D-1 and D-9 both 5th lord in 5th house.From Moon lagna also..


> lord in 5th. So it is classic example where 'Karko Bhava Nashaya'


> seen.


> I think the only chance with some kind of medical help.. As Rahu is

> in 5th from moon. Rahu shows unconvention way or with surgery...

> And From moon Mars and Rahu are in 5th house.


> I am just a learner. I Would like to know theveiws from expert

> members..

> here are the details again:


> Details

> 30 Dec 1974

> 12.15 PM

> 19.15 N 77.33 E Nanded, maharashtra .



> Thanks

> Kalyani





> vedic astrology, "astro_learn"

> <astrolearn@i...> wrote:

> > Hello,

> >

> > This is chart of one of my friends.

> >

> > She is married for almost 7/8 years and want to know when is a

> > chance for Baby.

> >

> > Details

> > 30 Dec 1974

> > 12.15 PM

> > 19.15 N 77.33 E Nanded, maharashtra .

> >

> > She is settled in US. She has her own Home, Car and all comforts

> but

> > really want to know when is chance for baby. She is working.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks in Advance

> > Kalyani

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Thanks Reema for all your inputs..


I agree with most of your points.

Lets see what all other say. I will ask her to atke proper astrology

consultation from SJC Gurus for this matter and remedial measures.


I strongly feel that she has chance for Child. But with the 'Karko

Bhava Nashaya' I was bit dual. as it is seen in all the charts. But

I was not aware that Jup and moon does not fall in that.

Thanks for the info.




vedic astrology, "reema_sriganesh"

<reema_sriganesh> wrote:

> Namaste Kalyani,


> Here is my attempt at analyzing this chart.


> > In D-1 and D-9 both 5th lord in 5th house.From Moon lagna also..

> > 5th lord in 5th. So it is classic example where 'Karko Bhava

> > Nashaya' is seen.


> 5th lord in 5th is a good combination and does not lead to

> destruction of bhava and denial of progeny, especially when 5th


> is not a karaka of 5th (Chandra is not putrakaraka, Guru is). Even


> Guru were to occupy 5th house, Karaka bhava nasha dictum will not

> apply if Guru is in the 5th house in swakshetra or uccha

(reference -

> Pandit Sri Rath). In fact, in quite a few charts I have seen Guru

> blessing the native with kids inspite of not being in swakshetra


> uccha in 5th.


> Another interpretation of Karaka bhava nasha dictum is that it

> applies to chara karakatatwa and not sthira karakatatwa. So


> we need to do more research on Karaka bhava nasha dictum and not

> apply it generally.


> There are a couple of good things in this chart pertaining to


> and then there are weaknesses as well. Swakshetra chandra in 5th


> definitely not bad (unless there is a classical dictum that I am


> aware of, which says otherwise). However, this chandra is somewhat

> weak since it is in rasi sandhi, eventhough it occupies Guru's

> nakshatra. Also Guru is in dusthana although, it has rasi drishti


> putrabhava and hence, chandra. This Guru is in Rahu's nakshatra.


> sure if this constitutes a Sarpa dosha. Ramadasji can comment


> on this.


> For progeny in women, 9th house is also very important. Here 9th

> house is occupied by mangal and rahu. Mangal is swakshetra; it is


> good thing, especially in 9th house since 9th lord occupying own

> house leads to good fortune. However, Rahu changes the purity of


> combination leading to Vijaya Yoga. I do not know how Vijaya yoga

> would work in 9th in a woman's chart.


> Inspite of a few weaknesses in this chart pertaining to progeny

> (mainly weakness of chandra as 5th lord and Guru's placement in

> dusthana), I do not believe that this could lead to denial of



> Having said that, let us see how does Saptamsha looks. The first

> thing I noticed in Saptamsha is that Budha occupies a trine (5th

> house). This is enough to deny progeny (Reference - Pandit Sri


> Rahu is also there in trines to Saptamsha lagna, however, I am not

> sure if that breaks the dictum.


> Here is what I recommend:


> 1) Consult one of the SJC Gurus to check if Budha's presence in

> Saptamsha trines absolutely denies progeny.


> 2) If not, then find out what are the Vedic remedies the native


> undergo to be blessed with Balagopal.


> 3) Also get her husband's chart checked, to see if any noticeable

> combinations are present in his chart.


> I pray Sri Vishnu for her to become a mother soon.


> May Sri Vishnu bless us all.

> Reema.


> vedic astrology, "astro_learn"

> <astrolearn@i...> wrote:

> > Hello all

> > Can someone analyse this chart...

> >

> > I see some of the things here

> >

> > In D-1 and D-9 both 5th lord in 5th house.From Moon lagna also..

> 5th

> > lord in 5th. So it is classic example where 'Karko Bhava


> is

> > seen.

> >

> > I think the only chance with some kind of medical help.. As Rahu


> > in 5th from moon. Rahu shows unconvention way or with surgery...

> > And From moon Mars and Rahu are in 5th house.

> >

> > I am just a learner. I Would like to know theveiws from expert

> > members..

> > here are the details again:

> >

> > Details

> > 30 Dec 1974

> > 12.15 PM

> > 19.15 N 77.33 E Nanded, maharashtra .

> >

> >

> > Thanks

> > Kalyani

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "astro_learn"

> > <astrolearn@i...> wrote:

> > > Hello,

> > >

> > > This is chart of one of my friends.

> > >

> > > She is married for almost 7/8 years and want to know when is a

> > > chance for Baby.

> > >

> > > Details

> > > 30 Dec 1974

> > > 12.15 PM

> > > 19.15 N 77.33 E Nanded, maharashtra .

> > >

> > > She is settled in US. She has her own Home, Car and all


> > but

> > > really want to know when is chance for baby. She is working.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks in Advance

> > > Kalyani

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