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SJC Education and Research Centre

4/A, S.A. Road, Laxminagar, Nagpur – 440 022

Ph. : 91712230036, 917123095442

Electronic Mail : Dewavrat2000


It’s a great pleasure to make an announcement of

formation of SJC Education and Research Centre, a

subsidiary of Sri Jagannath Centre, which is organized

for the following objectives.

1) To run the courses such as B.A./M.A. (Vedang

Jyotish) and B.A. (Vastu Sashtra) of Kavil Kulguru

Kalidas Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Ramtek (India).

2) To conduct classes, seminars, lectures,

conferences, tutorials for the course.

3) To publish, prepare notes, books, lectures for the


4) To conduct research programes with the prior

permission of K.K.S.U. in Vedang Jyotish.

5) To conduct all necessary activities such as

nominations of examination supervisors, invigilators,

officers or doing other work which is not specified

above but is of importance for they examination point

of view in compliance with the K.K.S.U.

SJCERC Governing Body

1) Pt. Shri. Sanjay Rath


2) Dr. Shri. D. K. Kulkarni,

M.Sc. PhD. Jyotisha Sashtri, Course Director.

3) Shri. V. V. Divekar

M.A., D.I.A.S. Director

4) Shri. P.V.R. Narasimha Rao

Examinations & Quality, Director

5) Shri. S. Purushothoman

SJC Guru Singapore, Incharge SE Asia

6) Zoran Radosavljevic

SJC Guru Serbia, Incharge Europe

7) Dr. Brendan Feeley

SJC Guru America, Incharge North & South America

8) Shri. Dewavrat Buit

M.Sc. Jyotisha Sashtri, Course Coordinator

Course details

The details of the course B.A. Vedanga Jyotisha

conducted by KKSU is as follows :


Name of the course : B.A. Vedang Jyotish

Duration : 3 Yrs.

Eligibility : 12th Std. Or H.S.S.C. Passed

Minimum Age : 17 Years

Examination : 1) Yearly (Annual)

2) Examination for the first two years of the degree

course will be conducted at the center where the

applicant has been admitted. For the third year

examination of the course applicant will have to come

to India and the center for such examination will be

Nagpur, (Maharashtra State), India.

3) All the students applying within India will have to

appear for the examination from the Nagpur Centre



1) Enrolment Fees: US $ 100

2) SJCERC Fees: US $ 150

Total : US $ 250

SERBIA (East Europe – fees concession)

1) Enrolment Fees US $ 25.

2) SJCERC Fees US $ 150*

Total: US $ 175

* This fee is subject to change and the decision on

the fees structure will be taken by the respective

zonal SJC guru. His decision will be final.

INDIA (Fully subsidized)

1) Enrolment Fees: Rs. 150

2) Examination Fees : Rs. 450*

3) SJCERC Fees : Rs. 3000/-

*Examination Fees subject to change as per UGC and

Govt. of India norms and are uniform for all over the

world. Individual international examination centers

will have an additional fee for covering costs that

shall not exceed US$ 100.

Last 30th of September 2004



Interested persons or members of SJC or the internet

groups should contact the following persons for the

details of the examination such as prospectus,

application forms etc.


Lakshmi Kary USA


Shri. Sarjit Poddar, South East Asia


Zoran Radosavljevic, East Europe


Umesh Kulasingham, West Europe


Shri. Ramdas Rao, Middle East Asia


Shri. Dewavrat Buit India


Application information

For the details such as forms, prospectus will be

provided to the applicants by mail or on request by

courier. The applicants will have to fill the forms

and submit them to the respective incharge as

specified above. The incharge will fully scrutinize

the forms and will submit along with the certificate

of correctness to the SJCERC, Nagpur. The applicant

should furnish the true copies of the following along

with the application and enrolment form.

1) Certificate of Nationality (for overseas students


2) Certificate regarding educational qualification.

3) Date of Birth Certificate

4) Letter of recommendation from a Jyotish Guru of SJC

who shall be the guide for the entire program/ course.


5) All the certificates must be attested by the

competent authority or SJCERC incharge as the case may



It is great pleasure to announce the above new

activity of the SJC which will definitely open a new

era in the field of Jyotisha learning and research. I

take this opportunity to convey my sincere request to

all aspirants to grab this golden opportunity. It is

needless to say that the kind guidance and the

blessings of the main person behind this project Pt.

Sri. Sanjay Rath will always guide us and teach us

under the divine blessings of lord Jagannath.



Devavrata Buit

Course Co-ordinator







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Dear Dewavrat Buit Ji Namste


Congrats for the new venture of SJC at Nagpur. It is really very

good for all vedic astrologers to get certified by such competent

SJC gurus along with University certification as well. Just one

question. Can you provide us the details of the course year wise and

mode of exams. I mean will it be online and objective type or

offline and subjective?


It will be very helpful if you will let us know about the detailed

syllabus of all threee years.Ofcourse dont forget to mention maximum

number attempts allowed per year! (ATKT?)


Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.


Prabodh Vekhande


Jai Jai Shankar Har Har Shankar




vedic astrology, dewavrat buit

<dewavrat2000> wrote:








> SJC Education and Research Centre

> 4/A, S.A. Road, Laxminagar, Nagpur – 440 022

> Ph. : 91712230036, 917123095442

> Electronic Mail : Dewavrat2000@Y...


> It's a great pleasure to make an announcement of

> formation of SJC Education and Research Centre, a

> subsidiary of Sri Jagannath Centre, which is organized

> for the following objectives.

> 1) To run the courses such as B.A./M.A. (Vedang

> Jyotish) and B.A. (Vastu Sashtra) of Kavil Kulguru

> Kalidas Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Ramtek (India).

> 2) To conduct classes, seminars, lectures,

> conferences, tutorials for the course.

> 3) To publish, prepare notes, books, lectures for the

> course.

> 4) To conduct research programes with the prior

> permission of K.K.S.U. in Vedang Jyotish.

> 5) To conduct all necessary activities such as

> nominations of examination supervisors, invigilators,

> officers or doing other work which is not specified

> above but is of importance for they examination point

> of view in compliance with the K.K.S.U.

> SJCERC Governing Body

> 1) Pt. Shri. Sanjay Rath

> Chairman

> 2) Dr. Shri. D. K. Kulkarni,

> M.Sc. PhD. Jyotisha Sashtri, Course Director.

> 3) Shri. V. V. Divekar

> M.A., D.I.A.S. Director

> 4) Shri. P.V.R. Narasimha Rao

> Examinations & Quality, Director

> 5) Shri. S. Purushothoman

> SJC Guru Singapore, Incharge SE Asia

> 6) Zoran Radosavljevic

> SJC Guru Serbia, Incharge Europe

> 7) Dr. Brendan Feeley

> SJC Guru America, Incharge North & South America

> 8) Shri. Dewavrat Buit

> M.Sc. Jyotisha Sashtri, Course Coordinator

> Course details

> The details of the course B.A. Vedanga Jyotisha

> conducted by KKSU is as follows :


> Name of the course : B.A. Vedang Jyotish

> Duration : 3 Yrs.

> Eligibility : 12th Std. Or H.S.S.C. Passed

> Minimum Age : 17 Years

> Examination : 1) Yearly (Annual)

> 2) Examination for the first two years of the degree

> course will be conducted at the center where the

> applicant has been admitted. For the third year

> examination of the course applicant will have to come

> to India and the center for such examination will be

> Nagpur, (Maharashtra State), India.

> 3) All the students applying within India will have to

> appear for the examination from the Nagpur Centre

> only.


> 1) Enrolment Fees: US $ 100

> 2) SJCERC Fees: US $ 150

> Total : US $ 250

> SERBIA (East Europe – fees concession)

> 1) Enrolment Fees US $ 25.

> 2) SJCERC Fees US $ 150*

> Total: US $ 175

> * This fee is subject to change and the decision on

> the fees structure will be taken by the respective

> zonal SJC guru. His decision will be final.

> INDIA (Fully subsidized)

> 1) Enrolment Fees: Rs. 150

> 2) Examination Fees : Rs. 450*

> 3) SJCERC Fees : Rs. 3000/-

> *Examination Fees subject to change as per UGC and

> Govt. of India norms and are uniform for all over the

> world. Individual international examination centers

> will have an additional fee for covering costs that

> shall not exceed US$ 100.

> Last 30th of September 2004



> Interested persons or members of SJC or the internet

> groups should contact the following persons for the

> details of the examination such as prospectus,

> application forms etc.


> Lakshmi Kary USA

> lakshmikary@n...

> Shri. Sarjit Poddar, South East Asia

> sarajit@s...

> Zoran Radosavljevic, East Europe

> ahimsa@N...

> Umesh Kulasingham, West Europe

> umesh@s...

> Shri. Ramdas Rao, Middle East Asia

> ramadasrao

> Shri. Dewavrat Buit India

> dewavrat2000

> Application information

> For the details such as forms, prospectus will be

> provided to the applicants by mail or on request by

> courier. The applicants will have to fill the forms

> and submit them to the respective incharge as

> specified above. The incharge will fully scrutinize

> the forms and will submit along with the certificate

> of correctness to the SJCERC, Nagpur. The applicant

> should furnish the true copies of the following along

> with the application and enrolment form.

> 1) Certificate of Nationality (for overseas students

> only)

> 2) Certificate regarding educational qualification.

> 3) Date of Birth Certificate

> 4) Letter of recommendation from a Jyotish Guru of SJC

> who shall be the guide for the entire program/ course.


> 5) All the certificates must be attested by the

> competent authority or SJCERC incharge as the case may

> be.


> It is great pleasure to announce the above new

> activity of the SJC which will definitely open a new

> era in the field of Jyotisha learning and research. I

> take this opportunity to convey my sincere request to

> all aspirants to grab this golden opportunity. It is

> needless to say that the kind guidance and the

> blessings of the main person behind this project Pt.

> Sri. Sanjay Rath will always guide us and teach us

> under the divine blessings of lord Jagannath.


> Sd/-

> Devavrata Buit

> Course Co-ordinator





> _______________________________


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