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RE: Exch: Satyanarayana Vrath to P.S.Ramanarayanan & Sunil

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramnarayan ji and Sunil ji,


I am sorry for butting in, but I just couldn’t resist it! Just a few of my

random thoughts on why Saturn could rule Pournami!


Sun was born on Magha shukla Saptami (in Prabhava samvatsara, on Sunday, in

Aswini Nakshatra), and Moon was born on Kaartika pournima (in Saumya

Samvatsara, on Monday, in Krittika nakshatra). Coincidentally both these

thithis are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is tamoguni, and here I am reminded of

another celebrated tamoguni, Lord Shiva, who is adhi devata of Sun and his

vaamabhaaga (left half) Parvati, the adhidevata of moon. Together they

represent an eternal unvarying rhythm that is reflected in the implacable

passage of Time, or Kaala, which is the Truth. Both the luminaries, as

representatives of Kaala, here symbolize purity, integrity ad inwardness, and

I feel,

moon’s beneficence that begins after sukla saptami and ends with krishna saptami

has its basis here. Perhaps, as the fully enlightened and detached “karma

saakshis”, the luminaries also aid Saturn, the equally detached Karma kaaraka

in proper deliverance of justice, like they did in the case of Rahu and ketu.


Also, going by the above and the fact that Mars gets exalted in Saturn’s sign,

it looks as though Saturn worships “Prakasa”, which is the common denominator

among the three planets, viz., Sun, Moon and Mars! Though he himself signifies

darkness and is exalted in a sign whose colour is black, his true allegiance is

to Light always. Perhaps that’s why it is said that when the AK is placed in

11th house, the native can become a good jyotisha, as the AK is looking at the

5th house (house of light-Jyoti-Leo)! Gurudeva Sanjayji is the foremost example

that comes to one’s mind here.


Another fact that seemed to strengthen the above notion is the tithi parivartana

between Sun and Saturn, as Saturn himself was born on Navami, the tithi ruled by

Sun and in Bharani nakshatra. Isn’t it interesting to note that while both the

luminaries are exalted in their birth nakshatras, Saturn is debilitated in his,

and more than anything else, this alone can illustrate the differences in the

basic functions of these planets.


Flanked on both sides by the luminaries, perhaps Saturn defines that finite yet

indefinite moment of darkness between the sunset and the moonrise, a darkness

that can stretch across innumerable birth cycles, between the genesis of a

soul and its liberation.


Please pardon the “perhaps”s that are liberally sprinkled through my mail. They

just go to show how nascent and unthought-out my ideas are!



Lakshmirama narayanan <sree88ganesha (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:




Dear Sunil,


Thanks for your response and invitation. i am happy indeed to receive such an affectionate reply.


Now let me take up your questions one by one.


1. Tamasic guna and suspected afflictions:- In layman's parlance tamasic guna

refers to laziness/sluggish/lethargic. In other words slow to respond. This

means this attribute consumes lot of time/kaala.


When darkness envelopes everywhere one takes utmost care in taking each and

every step. Here the slowness is intentional and is borne out of intelligence.

Here also a lot of time is consumed.


Let us take the central theme of tamasic guna which is consumption of time. Let us take an example.


A person who sleeps a lot and does not indulge himself in any activity useful

either to him or to the society can be declared a waste. The moment he

discovers that he is being declared a waste and is being discarded, his ego

gets a jolt.


His mind starts tossing up and down with great force. His present hyperactive

state does not help him either. He is now being advised to calm down his mental



Let us assume that he fortunately gets a Guru who helps him to discover the all

important breath(prana) which involuntarily goes into him and comes out. The

moment he starts observing this breath he comes to understand that there is a

definite rhythm. The moment he is able to identify this rhythm the mind slowly

calms down. This habit of observing the breath automatically binds him to that

rhythm. He becomes more and more aware of the breath its source and its close

links to mind/time/life being led. He now leads a measured life which in a crude

sense can be called a slow response to karmic demands/cosumption of time in

great measure.


There is a definite difference between the first state and the current state

though the central theme viz. slow consumption of time, is the same.


In negative sense Sani makes the person lazy and in the positive sense he gives

enough vairghya/determination and concentration to help the individual to

discover KAALI IN KAALA(potential power in the breath/time that is being

unconsciously used for wasting precious lifetime).


>From the point of view of absolute, every guna has negative and positive

qualities. Ultimately one should give up satva also. This is what is

beautifully explained in Devi Mahatmyam. Hreem destroys rajo guna, Kleem

destroys tamo guna and Shreem pierces Satva guna. Navarathri festival(9 days)

and vijaya dasami(10th day) echoes this aspect only. Mothers declares success

after vanquishing shadripu and trigunas on the 10th day.


2. Sani is a slow moving planet(sani+chara). A tapaswi uses his life force

thoughtfully. Breath is the basic unit of time/kaala. Sani rules breath and is

also known as kaala.Sani represents pranayama. Moon represents mind. It is a

well known factor that pranayama helps in arresting vikshepa(tossing up of

mind). Placement of Moon in the amsa of sani, the mutual aspects and

parivarthana between moon and sani are all pointers in this direction. For

overcoming the negative aspects of Sani the beej mantra is Kleem.


3. Sani the tapaswi makes the individual a mouni(you can see Mother Kali puts

out her tongue to such an extent that all those who see her immediately

understands that one should open up their inner ears and shut down their

mouths). Houses 3/7/11 are called as kaama trikonas. Trikonas are mutually

linked up through their common tatva(fire/earth/air/water).

i hope this helps.


Best wishes.


Astrologically yours,

p.s.ramanarayanan.Sunil John <jjnet2000_in > wrote:

||| Om Namo Naarayanaaya|||


Dear Shri Ramanarayan ji


One can always expect some pearls of wisdom to come out of ur replies. Thanks

for this post which has prompted me to ask some basics, so kindly bear and it

would be nice to see ur reply once again.


1. If Full Moon tithi is ruled by Sani, isn't Shani Tamasic, so wouldn't it

spoil the significations of the moon. Can you kindly expand here something

which i must be missing.


2. Moon Sani combination which u mentioned does it mean only by conjunction or

other variants like aspects, kona or kendra to each other also become valid in

this context.


3. As I understand from your post, by listening to stories of the Lord, Sani

removes cleanses the ears.

Sir, can you expand on the logic behind the statement that any change in the 3rd

house has definite repurcusions on the 7th and 11th, is it due to the fact that

they are in konas to each other.


SImultaneously do you mean to suggest that 7th house and 11th house gets healed

by this activation of the 3rd house.


If you ever plan to come to bombay kindly let me know, would like to spend some

time in your presence.




Warm regards,


Sunil John












Dear Sunil,


Pournimasya thithi is ruled by Sani. When the Moon is full/mind is fully is

matured vairagya/determination takes control. Moon-Sani combination is

extremely favourable for truth seekers.


Vratha means allowing the lord to manifest. This means the question as to what

'I" should do does not arise in this context. The intention is not to allow the

atmakaraka/ahankara to do something and expect something in return. Vratha does

not give room for ahankara to exist. This means that the baktha is totally

filled with the grace of lord. When the baktha is totally filled by devotion

to lord there can be no space for anything else. This is what people call as

fasting/abstaining from food.


All that is allowed to enter the system is called as 'ahaara'/food. In this

context abstaining from food and allowing the mind to feast itself in any

worldly attractions will not come under vratha.


How can one fill up oneself with the devotion to the lord? How can one develop

bakthi? The one simple way is to listen to the lilas/glories/stories of lord.

By regularly hearing the stories of the Lord one automatically develops

devotion within.


Listen to the story of lord. The ears(3rd house) which are otherwise attuned to

kama if cleansed( by the buds of vairaghya - sani is responsible for expulsion

of waste) allows the story of lord to flow within. Any change in 3rd house has

definite repercussion on 7th and 11th houses. Love and desire towards

God-Communion will automatically manifest.


Best wishes.


Happy to be yours,



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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Laxmi garu,


i register my mild protest for calling Lord Shiva as Tamo guni, lest

He may be misunderstood as a destroyer instead of destroyer of Tamo



Best regards



vedic astrology, lakshmi ramesh

<b_lakshmi_ramesh> wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah




> Namaste Ramnarayan ji and Sunil ji,




> I am sorry for butting in, but I just couldn't resist it! Just a

few of my random thoughts on why Saturn could rule Pournami!




> Sun was born on Magha shukla Saptami (in Prabhava samvatsara, on

Sunday, in Aswini Nakshatra), and Moon was born on Kaartika pournima

(in Saumya Samvatsara, on Monday, in Krittika nakshatra).

Coincidentally both these thithis are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is

tamoguni, and here I am reminded of another celebrated tamoguni, Lord

Shiva, who is adhi devata of Sun and his vaamabhaaga (left half)

Parvati, the adhidevata of moon.

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Namaste Vishwanathamgaru,


I think it is generally accepted that Lord Shiva represents tamoguna among the

Hindu trinity. He is also called "SthaaNuh" meaning the Unmoving. Rama

Narayanji had explained tamoguna very beautifully and I have used the term more

to highlight the "antar-mukhata" of Ishwara. I request you to read the lines

once again, because I am surprised that you should find a slight where none is

intended. Infact, when I talked about the "eternal unvarying rhythm" of Time or

Kaala, was I not talking about inner dynamics encapsulated in outer inertia, the

Nataraja precisely?


Each guna and each tattwa has its own place and necessity in the divine scheme

and I feel the Destroyer is as necessary as either the Creator or Sustainer.





vishwanatham <vishwanatham (AT) rocketmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Hare Rama KrishnaDear Laxmi garu,i register my mild protest for calling Lord

Shiva as Tamo guni, lest He may be misunderstood as a destroyer instead of

destroyer of Tamo guna.Best regardsviswanadham--- In

vedic astrology, lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh> wrote:>

> Om Gurave Namah> > > > Namaste Ramnarayan ji and Sunil ji,> > > > I am sorry

for butting in, but I just couldn't resist it! Just a few of my random thoughts

on why Saturn could rule Pournami!> > > > Sun was born on Magha shukla Saptami

(in Prabhava samvatsara, on Sunday, in Aswini Nakshatra), and Moon was born on

Kaartika pournima (in Saumya Samvatsara, on Monday, in Krittika nakshatra).

Coincidentally both these

thithis are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is tamoguni, and here I am reminded of

another celebrated tamoguni, Lord Shiva, who is adhi devata of Sun and his

vaamabhaaga (left half) Parvati, the adhidevata of moon. Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

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shine on us .......

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ajit,


The birth details of the planets are as under:


Sun: Prabhava samvatsare, maagha-maase, suklapakshe, saptamyaam, Bhaanuvaasare,

Ashwini nakshatrajaatham


Moon: Saumya samvatsare, kaartika-maase, suklapakshe, pornamaasyaam-induvaasare,

krittikaa nakshatrajaatham


Mars: Raakshasa naama samvatsare, aashaadha-maase, suklapakshe, dasamyaam,

bhoumavaasare, anuuraadhaa nakshatrajaatham


Mercury: Angirasa naama samvatsare, maargasirsha-maase, suklapakshe, saptamyaam,

saumyavaasare, poorvabhaadra nakshatrajaatham


Jupiter: Angirasa naama samvatsare, vaisakha-maase, suklapakshe, ekaadasyaam,

guruvaasare, uttaraa nakshatrajaatham


Venus: Paarthiva samvatsare, sraavana-maase, suklapakshe, ashtamyaam, bhrigu

vaasare, swathi nakshatrajaatham


Saturn: Vibhava samvatsare, pausha-maase, suklapakshe, navamyaam, sthira

vaasare, bharani nakshatrajaatham


Rahu: Raakshasa naama samvatsare, bhaadrapada-maase, krishnapakshe,

chaturdasyaam, bhaanu vaasare, visakhaa nakshatrajaatham


Ketu: Raakshasa naama samvatsare, chaitra maase, krishnapakshe, chaturdasyaam,

indu vaasare, revathi nakshatrajaatham


Hope you find the information useful.



LakshmiAjit Krishnan <ajit (AT) mudgala (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Lakshmi,


I’m interested in the birth data for the grahas. Can you please let me know the

source, and if you have the data for the other grahas as well?






lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh ] Thursday,

September 30, 2004 9:56 AMvedic astrologySubject: Re:

[vedic astrology] Exch: Satyanarayana Vrath to P.S.Ramanarayanan & Sunil


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramnarayan ji and Sunil ji,


I am sorry for butting in, but I just couldnt resist it! Just a few of my

random thoughts on why Saturn could rule Pournami!


Sun was born on Magha shukla Saptami (in Prabhava samvatsara, on Sunday, in

Aswini Nakshatra), and Moon was born on Kaartika pournima (in Saumya

Samvatsara, on Monday, in Krittika nakshatra). Coincidentally both these

thithis are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is tamoguni, and here I am reminded of

another celebrated tamoguni, Lord Shiva, who is adhi devata of Sun and his

vaamabhaaga (left half) Parvati, the adhidevata of moon. Together they

represent an eternal unvarying rhythm that is reflected in the implacable

passage of Time, or Kaala, which is the Truth. Both the luminaries, as

representatives of Kaala, here symbolize purity, integrity ad inwardness, and

I feel, moons beneficence that begins after sukla saptami and ends with

krishna saptami has its basis here. Perhaps, as the fully enlightened and

detached karma saakshis, the

luminaries also aid Saturn, the equally detached Karma kaaraka in proper

deliverance of justice, like they did in the case of Rahu and ketu.


Also, going by the above and the fact that Mars gets exalted in Saturns sign,

it looks as though Saturn worships Prakasa, which is the common denominator

among the three planets, viz., Sun, Moon and Mars! Though he himself signifies

darkness and is exalted in a sign whose colour is black, his true allegiance is

to Light always. Perhaps thats why it is said that when the AK is placed in

11th house, the native can become a good jyotisha, as the AK is looking at the

5th house (house of light-Jyoti-Leo)! Gurudeva Sanjayji is the foremost example

that comes to ones mind here.


Another fact that seemed to strengthen the above notion is the tithi parivartana

between Sun and Saturn, as Saturn himself was born on Navami, the tithi ruled by

Sun and in Bharani nakshatra. Isnt it interesting to note that while both the

luminaries are exalted in their birth nakshatras, Saturn is debilitated in his,

and more than anything else, this alone can illustrate the differences in the

basic functions of these planets.


Flanked on both sides by the luminaries, perhaps Saturn defines that finite yet

indefinite moment of darkness between the sunset and the moonrise, a darkness

that can stretch across innumerable birth cycles, between the genesis of a

soul and its liberation.


Please pardon the perhapss that are liberally sprinkled through my mail. They

just go to show how nascent and unthought-out my ideas are!



LakshmiTired of

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Namaste Ajit,


The source is Satyanarayana vratha katha, so perhaps referring to Skandha purana

and reva khanda would be fruitful.





lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh > wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ajit,


The birth details of the planets are as under:


Sun: Prabhava samvatsare, maagha-maase, suklapakshe, saptamyaam, Bhaanuvaasare,

Ashwini nakshatrajaatham


Moon: Saumya samvatsare, kaartika-maase, suklapakshe, pornamaasyaam-induvaasare,

krittikaa nakshatrajaatham


Mars: Raakshasa naama samvatsare, aashaadha-maase, suklapakshe, dasamyaam,

bhoumavaasare, anuuraadhaa nakshatrajaatham


Mercury: Angirasa naama samvatsare, maargasirsha-maase, suklapakshe, saptamyaam,

saumyavaasare, poorvabhaadra nakshatrajaatham


Jupiter: Angirasa naama samvatsare, vaisakha-maase, suklapakshe, ekaadasyaam,

guruvaasare, uttaraa nakshatrajaatham


Venus: Paarthiva samvatsare, sraavana-maase, suklapakshe, ashtamyaam, bhrigu

vaasare, swathi nakshatrajaatham


Saturn: Vibhava samvatsare, pausha-maase, suklapakshe, navamyaam, sthira

vaasare, bharani nakshatrajaatham


Rahu: Raakshasa naama samvatsare, bhaadrapada-maase, krishnapakshe,

chaturdasyaam, bhaanu vaasare, visakhaa nakshatrajaatham


Ketu: Raakshasa naama samvatsare, chaitra maase, krishnapakshe, chaturdasyaam,

indu vaasare, revathi nakshatrajaatham


Hope you find the information useful.



LakshmiAjit Krishnan <ajit (AT) mudgala (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Lakshmi,


I’m interested in the birth data for the grahas. Can you please let me know the

source, and if you have the data for the other grahas as well?






lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh ] Thursday,

September 30, 2004 9:56 AMvedic astrologySubject: Re:

[vedic astrology] Exch: Satyanarayana Vrath to P.S.Ramanarayanan & Sunil


Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ramnarayan ji and Sunil ji,


I am sorry for butting in, but I just couldnt resist it! Just a few of my

random thoughts on why Saturn could rule Pournami!


Sun was born on Magha shukla Saptami (in Prabhava samvatsara, on Sunday, in

Aswini Nakshatra), and Moon was born on Kaartika pournima (in Saumya

Samvatsara, on Monday, in Krittika nakshatra). Coincidentally both these

thithis are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is tamoguni, and here I am reminded of

another celebrated tamoguni, Lord Shiva, who is adhi devata of Sun and his

vaamabhaaga (left half) Parvati, the adhidevata of moon. Together they

represent an eternal unvarying rhythm that is reflected in the implacable

passage of Time, or Kaala, which is the Truth. Both the luminaries, as

representatives of Kaala, here symbolize purity, integrity ad inwardness, and

I feel, moons beneficence that begins after sukla saptami and ends with

krishna saptami has its basis here. Perhaps, as the fully enlightened and

detached karma saakshis, the

luminaries also aid Saturn, the equally detached Karma kaaraka in proper

deliverance of justice, like they did in the case of Rahu and ketu.


Also, going by the above and the fact that Mars gets exalted in Saturns sign,

it looks as though Saturn worships Prakasa, which is the common denominator

among the three planets, viz., Sun, Moon and Mars! Though he himself signifies

darkness and is exalted in a sign whose colour is black, his true allegiance is

to Light always. Perhaps thats why it is said that when the AK is placed in

11th house, the native can become a good jyotisha, as the AK is looking at the

5th house (house of light-Jyoti-Leo)! Gurudeva Sanjayji is the foremost example

that comes to ones mind here.


Another fact that seemed to strengthen the above notion is the tithi parivartana

between Sun and Saturn, as Saturn himself was born on Navami, the tithi ruled by

Sun and in Bharani nakshatra. Isnt it interesting to note that while both the

luminaries are exalted in their birth nakshatras, Saturn is debilitated in his,

and more than anything else, this alone can illustrate the differences in the

basic functions of these planets.


Flanked on both sides by the luminaries, perhaps Saturn defines that finite yet

indefinite moment of darkness between the sunset and the moonrise, a darkness

that can stretch across innumerable birth cycles, between the genesis of a

soul and its liberation.


Please pardon the perhapss that are liberally sprinkled through my mail. They

just go to show how nascent and unthought-out my ideas are!




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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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Dear Lakshmi,

An excellent post and meticulous as always. May I know the source?



lakshmi ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Ajit,


The birth details

of the planets are as under:



Prabhava samvatsare, maagha-maase, suklapakshe, saptamyaam,

Bhaanuvaasare, Ashwini nakshatrajaatham


Moon: Saumya

samvatsare, kaartika-maase, suklapakshe, pornamaasyaam-induvaasare,

krittikaa nakshatrajaatham



Raakshasa naama samvatsare, aashaadha-maase, suklapakshe, dasamyaam,

bhoumavaasare, anuuraadhaa nakshatrajaatham



Angirasa naama samvatsare, maargasirsha-maase, suklapakshe, saptamyaam,

saumyavaasare, poorvabhaadra nakshatrajaatham



Angirasa naama samvatsare, vaisakha-maase, suklapakshe, ekaadasyaam,

guruvaasare, uttaraa nakshatrajaatham



Paarthiva samvatsare, sraavana-maase, suklapakshe, ashtamyaam, bhrigu

vaasare, swathi nakshatrajaatham



Vibhava samvatsare, pausha-maase, suklapakshe, navamyaam, sthira

vaasare, bharani nakshatrajaatham



Raakshasa naama samvatsare, bhaadrapada-maase, krishnapakshe,

chaturdasyaam, bhaanu vaasare, visakhaa




Raakshasa naama samvatsare, chaitra maase, krishnapakshe,

chaturdasyaam, indu vaasare, revathi nakshatrajaatham


Hope you find the

information useful.




Ajit Krishnan <ajit (AT) mudgala (DOT) com>


Dear Lakshmi,



interested in the birth data for the grahas. Can you please let me know

the source, and if you have the data for the other grahas as well?






lakshmi ramesh

[b_lakshmi_ramesh ]


September 30, 2004 9:56 AM


vedic astrology


[vedic astrology] Exch: Satyanarayana Vrath to P.S.Ramanarayanan &



Om Gurave Namah



Ramnarayan ji and Sunil ji,


I am

sorry for butting in, but I just couldnt resist it! Just a few of my

random thoughts on why Saturn could rule Pournami!


Sun was

born on Magha shukla Saptami (in Prabhava samvatsara, on Sunday, in

Aswini Nakshatra), and Moon was born on Kaartika pournima (in Saumya

Samvatsara, on Monday, in Krittika nakshatra). Coincidentally both

these thithis are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is tamoguni, and here I

am reminded of another celebrated tamoguni, Lord Shiva, who is adhi

devata of Sun and his vaamabhaaga (left half) Parvati, the adhidevata

of moon. Together they represent an eternal unvarying rhythm that is

reflected in the implacable passage of Time, or Kaala, which is the

Truth. Both the luminaries, as representatives of

Kaala, here symbolize purity, integrity ad inwardness, and I feel,

moons beneficence that begins after sukla saptami a


luminaries also aid Saturn, the equally detached Karma kaaraka in

proper deliverance of justice, like they did in the case of Rahu and




going by the above and the fact that Mars gets exalted in Saturns

sign, it looks as though Saturn worships Prakasa, which is the common

denominator among the three planets, viz., Sun, Moon and Mars! Though

he himself signifies darkness and is exalted in a sign whose colour is

black, his true allegiance is to Light always. Perhaps thats why it is

said that when the AK is placed in 11th house, the native

can become a good jyotisha, as the AK is looking at the 5th

house (house of light-Jyoti-Leo)! Gurudeva Sanjayji is the foremost

example that comes to ones mind here.



fact that seemed to strengthen the above notion is the tithi

parivartana between Sun and Saturn, as Saturn himself was born on

Navami, the tithi ruled by Sun and in Bharani nakshatra. Isnt it

interesting to note that while both the luminaries are exalted in their

birth nakshatras, Saturn is debilitated in his, and more than anything

else, this alone can illustrate the differences in the basic functions

of these planets.



on both sides by the luminaries, perhaps Saturn defines that finite

yet indefinite moment of darkness between the sunset and the moonrise,

a darkness that can stretch across innumerable birth cycles, between

the genesis of a soul and its liberation.



pardon the perhapss that are liberally sprinkled through my mail.

They just go to show how nascent and unthought-out my ideas are!













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