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TO BE DECLARED INSANE...........Leave Guru Alone.....!!!!

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Self got this mail .Being posted on board for member's information.

Tatvam-Asineena rai <neena_35 > wrote:

Dear all

A large number of mails on this subject and a number of opinions does not

eventouch upon the heart of the matter.

A planet does not destroy a house becuase of its inherent nature. It has more

to do with the lordship of the planets, strength of those planets and a few

other factors like a house being hemmed in between malefics , a planet being at

junction point a planet being in deep combustion , a planet being afflicted by

nodes and finally a planet being extremely weak in Navamsa. Here it is

pertinent to note the conditions under which a house faces complete destruction

as given in PHALADEEPIKE by the great master Mantreshwar.

You are likely to be declared insane if you say that Jupiter destroys a house

he is in. There is an urgent need to pray Jupiter to give us good sense and

good guidance.

best wishes

Neenanameisego <nameisego > wrote:

Most respected Gurus, Friends,and students (Like self) ,Self has received a

number of board replies and equal number of personal mails from all of you

either agreeing or dis agreeing with the dictum , BHAVA NASHA KARO JEEVA,BHAVA

VRIDDHHI KARAU SHANI:(some have even hinted to self to re-learn astrology . In

actuality self is still learning astrology)LAST EXPLANATION FROM SELF"Guru

destroys the IMMUNITY OF A BHAVA and behaves as if it Infects a bhava with


secondery infection like TB sets in, the patient dies due to such secondery

infestions and not just AIDS.Still people call his death by AIDS and not TB or

other diseases.Same way ,we should be prepared to accept role of Guru in this

context and see it DESTROYING

a Bhava from within.Secondery reasons act more vigourously on such Astological

AIDS infected bhava and these secondery reasons become operative in dealing a

death blow to the bhava. And we see only secondery reasons as chief cause of

destruction but are not prepared to look under the skin.But at the base of

destruction lies Guru's work of weakening a bhava.Self will not write anymore

on this subject.RgdsTatvam-Asivedic astrology,

"nameisego" <nameisego> wrote:> Dear Friends,> > Self is posting some more

thoughts on Guru and palnetary nodes to > explain DUAL NATURE of Guru.> Hope it

would invoke some more interest outside tha ambit of BPHS .> > > DUAL NATURE OF

GURU > > > Guru Bhagawan as Giver of DHI Intellectual Aura, Tejas, Brilliance of

> Dhi shakti etc. is highly reveared in Vedic Astrology.

His aspect > infuses life, fortifies athe Bhava he aspects and gives superior >

grasping power of shastras.> > In my last posting on Guru I have tried and

posted some charts to > corroborate the dictum BHAVA NASHA KARO JEEVA, I had

posted its > effects till 5th bhava. Some time back, in other postings in

Another > discussion group, I had posted my findings on Guru in 7th bhava also

..> > I have found Guru in 7th bhava delaying marriages and also giving an >

inclination of straying from normal marital life .It has been found > to give

love marriages and Extra marital interests. > > Guru in 8th bhava has been

found to take life and give > Alpayu/Madhyayu to jatakas.> Guru in 9th has been

found by me to be very detrimental to father in > a lot of cases. Father's luck

starts dwindling after the jatakas are > born.> > Guru in 10th bhava

has been observed by me to give failures in > business to self and loss of

property to father.> > Guru in 11th makes a person first born or 1st male child

or it > denotes miscarriage/short life to previous borns of the siblings > elder

to jataka. Father is found to be eldest born or he outsurvives > all his

siblings.> > Guru in 12th bhava gives destruction of Shaiya sukham resulting in

> very late marriages , remarriage and inflow of money.I have found > people

with 12th Guru earning in excess and spending little.> > Guru and Sani , always

give something and take away something.> If in 9th, if a person becomes lucky,

his father suffers or dies.> In second house, he gives a lot of money and then

lands the man in > neck deep debts.> > In 4th house, if he gives a house, he

takes away vahana or mother or > somerthing connected with 4th house.>

> > My whole exercise in giving examples of negetive traits of Guru is > not to

demean Guru but trying to enter in an excercise to reach the > bottom of the

thing and find out why GURU gives very bad results.> > > I have done research

into the causes and found the cause to be very > simple as always. As written

before, Guru takes root in a bhava and > in order to give something in aspects

to other bhavas, it sucks the > inner strength of the bhava like a tube well or

a wick of a lamp.In > this process some attributes of a bhava are destoyed.The

examples are > already given as above.> > The cause may lie in his ownership of

Dhanur Rasi.> > What is so special about Dhanur Rasi?> > Dhanur is an Agni Tatwa

rasi which is termed as KRURA or PITILESS .> It is the sign that falls in 9th

house of kalapurusha chart.Over this > sign, a Jathaka has

no control as it signifies Bhagya and Pita. > > If Mesha is the jathaka, then

Dhanur Rasi is the father. Nakshatras > in Dhanur rasi are, MOOLA, belonging to

Ketu, Purvashadha of Shukra > and U.Shadha of Surya.If you think the

significance of this, it > means, Father puts Atma Tatwa(Sun) in His

sperms(Shukra) and thereby > reduces his own life (ketu) > .> Since only 1st

pada of U.Shadha is in Dhanur Rasi, it means Father > puts only a part of his

Atma tatwa in the Sperm. As he may have many > other children.> > Guru is made

the owner of this sign as the combination of Sperm, > Atma tatwa signifies Sum

total of Jeeva or Life.This is why Guru is > also known as JEEVA. It may look

paradoxical that a dry sign should > signify life. But it is true.> > Why the

sign is Krura? This sign is Krura because When the Ojas of > Father leaves him,

he reduces

his Tejas and his Atma shakti becomes > depleated or KSHINA. > > This is a krura

karma.> > All these is ok so far. > > But why should the Dhanur Rasi be

affecting its owner so much ?> I would like to take you back to my work on

Plantery Nodes .> Out of the Nodes of Guru and Sani, we are concerned with the

> following nodes.> > Jupiter'e Northen node GURA (My termonology)falls in >

Gemini,17Deg.40mts in Aridra Nakshatra. > > Jupiter'e southern

node GUKE falls in Dhanur Rasi .17Deg.40 mt> in P.Shadha Nakshatra.> >

Saturn's Northern Node SARA falls in Gemini.0.Deg 56mts.> in Mrigshirsha

Nakshatra. > > Saturn's southern node SAKE falls in Dhanur Rasi.0.Deg

56.mts > Southern Node in MULA



isn't it?> > IF YOU LOOK AT SOUTHERN NODE OF GURU, (Ketu of Jupiter) IT IS IN >

SAGGITARIUS.!!> No wonder Guru is the Lord of Knowledge and Intelligence.> >

These nodes are as good as planets in those signs. Of the above > nodes, it has

been found that nodes of Mars,Jupiter and Saturn are > very important and have a

remarkable effect in mundane and personal > life.> > Since each node takes over

30,000 to 40,000 years to change a sign, > we can practically say that they do

not change their fixed positions > during our lifetime.> > Dhanur rasi is

represented by A Hunter.> Dhanur Rasi has SAKE,and GUKE the southern nodes of

Sani and Guru. It > also has Mula Nakshatra of Lunar

southern node Ketu.> Having three Ketus power is something very very powerful

thing.> > Ketu is termed as Daruna, Tikshna,Hangman,Atirogi, Sinful planet, >

karaka of Pain and suffering,Tamasika, living in cremation ground, > without

any Rasa,a snake, he is very old of Vayu prakriti,Akash > Tatwa ,Headless

spirit.> > On the positive side, Ketu is Moksha karaka and Antargyani.> So when

Guru becomes the lord of Dhanur Rasi, he is responsible for > imbibing the

attributes of Ketus of Dhanu Rasi.> > Imagine how will it be when there are Two

Permenent Ketus in Dhanur > rasi and aspect of Sani's Rahu SARA and Guru's Rahu

GURA on Dhanur > Rasi ??.> > Compared to this, Meena Rasi which is another Rasi

owned by Guru , is > totally opposite in nature more in tune with Guru's good

attributes.> Hence Guru gives two types of results whenever he occupies

anysign.> This result is part negetive and part positive.> > So when we talk of

Guru and his effects, we are talking of a planet > with almost exactly opposite

attributes.> > He is a hangman and a killer and at the same time Giver of Life.>

He is the chief cause of disease and he is the medicine.> > Guru is very mighty

and has very benign aspect.Guru gives us oxygen > and is Jeeva.Without Guru's

help, we would all be Mudha and lifeless.> Let us pray Guru with all our heart

and full faith.> > Brum Bruhaspataye Namah:> > > > > > > > > > > > ---

In vedic astrology, "nameisego" <nameisego> > wrote:> > > >

Dear Learned Friends ,> > Self has done some work on both Rahu, Guru and Rashis


clearly > > shows there is more to it than meets the eye.> > If interested to

know, undersigned can post some articles of > research > > here which may throw

some light on this issue.> > > > Rgds> > Tatvam-Asi> > > > > > > > > > --- In

vedic astrology, "Sarajit Poddar" > > <sarajit@s...> wrote:> >

> || Jaya Jagannath ||> > > Dear Chandrashekhar,> > > > > > Thank you for the

comment from the puranas.> > > " Lord Rama had to undergo vanvaas on account

of Guru in Lagna, > > Guru in third sent Bali to Patala. Guru in fourth tested

Satwa of > > King Harishchandra, Guru in sixth made Draupadi face Cheerharana.

> > Guru in eighth destroyed (Nasha) Ravana, Tenth house Guru killed > >

Duryodhana and 12th house Guru

sent Pandu to forest." It further > says > > that Bhishma was deprived of

Kingdom on account of Guru in 2nd, > King > > Dasharath had to loose his Son

Rama (Putrashoka) on account of Guru > > in 5th. Aja Raja had to suffer

separation from his wife on account > of > > Guru in Seventh. Vishwamitra had

to consume non eatables > (Abhakshya) > > on account of his Guru in 9th."> > >

> > > Regards> > > Sarajit> > > - > > >

Chandrashekhar > > > PNRazdan > > > Cc: Prafulla Gang ;

vedic astrology > > > Wednesday, September 22, 2004

5:00 AM> > > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: 2nd house Jup in various >

roles-> > -to Chandraji> > >

> > > > > > Dear Razdan,> > > > > > Read BPHS again, Sage Parashara states

opinion of Narada in > > Ghatika Lagna shloka, refers to opinions of the

learned (not > Brahma) > > in shloka 15 Ch.11, shloka 15 Ch.12. First shloka of

Bhava Pada > > Adhyaya again mentions that he is telling the special effects of

> Pada > > as told by other Sages (again not Brahma). He he also mentions > >

opinion of others in first shloka of Karaka Adhyaya. The great Sage > > has in

almost all Adhyayas given credit to other learneds in one or > > other of the

shlokas, besides what Maitreya himself said to Sage > > Parashara in the

beginning of Ashtakavarga Adhyaya. In Shloka 1 of > > that Adhyaya Maitreya

clearly says that Parashara has given > opinions > > of many Rishis and

Acharyas. So

saying that Parashara only told > what > > had been revealed to him by Lord

Brahma would be showing disrespect > > to the Great sage who had the

magnanimity to give credit to other > > Rishis and Acharyas.> > > > > >

Since you are questioning veracity and authority of the > shlokas > > that I

quoted, I would like to give you the Texts in which the > > shlokas appear. If

you read Tatvapradeepjataka and Chamatkaar > > Chintamani you will find them.

The first text has the shlokas and > the > > later again mentions same shlokas.

If you read Chamatkar Chintamani > > further you will find Jupiter giving harm

to at least one > indication > > of each of the houses/bhavas he occupies. It

also mentions a shloka > > from Purana which says:> > > > > > " Lord Rama

had to

undergo vanvaas on account of Guru in > Lagna, > > Guru in third sent Bali to

Patala. Guru in fourth tested Satwa of > > King Harishchandra, Guru in sixth

made Draupadi face Cheerharana. > > Guru in eighth destroyed (Nasha) Ravana,

Tenth house Guru killed > > Duryodhana and 12th house Guru sent Pandu to

forest." It further > says > > that Bhishma was deprived of Kingdom on account

of Guru in 2nd, > King > > Dasharath had to loose his Son Rama (Putrashoka) on

account of Guru > > in 5th. Aja Raja had to suffer separation from his wife on

account > of > > Guru in Seventh. Vishwamitra had to consume non eatables >

(Abhakshya) > > on account of his Guru in 9th."> > > > > > I would not like

to respond to your other comments but would > like > > to mention here that the

group is formed with an

intention of > > learning and discussing principles of astrology. I do not

> > to your assumption of astrology being a rigid science not open to

> > interpretation. Some of your comments are uncalled for.> > >

Chandrashekhar.> > > > > > PNRazdan wrote:> > > > > > Dear Chandarshekhar,> >

> There is nothing amusing in my reasoning. Parashara is quoting no> > >

ordinary Muni but Lord Brahma himself which gave us the > > BPHS.Similarly> > >

Prithuysas is quoting his father the great Vrahmihir which gave > us > > the> >

> Horasastra. Equating your shaloka quoting a nameless sage (not > > sages as>

> > I said earlier, but only one sage-I was incorrect because the > noun > >

and> > > verb is singular) would be like showing

candle to the Sun.> > > I dont think this discussion is going to serve any

purpose. You > are > > not> > > prepared to reveal the origin of the shalok you

are so much > > depending> > > upon. By now it seems it is something casually

said to which I > > attached> > > more than necessary importance. You seem to

have attained the > role > > of> > > some sort of a master in this group

wanting your disciples to > hunt > > for> > > themselves what you hint at. But

I dont think this is an Ashram. > > This> > > is a forum of discussion where an

academic discussion takes place> > > openly without reservations. Or possibly

there may be other > reasons > > for> > > you not to come out openly.> > > The

moral of this story however is clear. Astrology is a

science. > It> > > has a method. Under this method several books have all along

> treated> > > Jup as a benefic planet and all interpretations are based on

this> > > principle with modifications depending on its functionality, >

place,> > > lordship, strength etc etc. If you now put forth a crazy idea that>

> > Jupiter is a malefic or malefic like planet ( destroys the house > it > >

is> > > placed in), it turns the science from a method into a madness. It > >

will> > > put doubts into the minds of all astrologists while interpreting >

its> > > effects, particularly on young minds aspiring to learn jyotish. > >

Already> > > I see a discussion started on these lines on this group which in >

my> > > opinion is energy wasted on a wrong notion. Everytime

one sees > Jup > > in a> > > house, a doubt will arise as to whether it is good

or bad. Some > will> > > associate it with good they had in that house and

others with > > whatever> > > bad they had.> > > > > > So if you are determined

to reap cheap publicity by making > radical,> > > unauthenticated and

unconventional "advices", you may do so as > this > > is> > > a free forum. But

the least I can say is that this would be the> > > greatest disservice to the

field of Vedic Astrology.> > > My humble suggestion to learned members would be

to accept any > > advice > > > only after their own study and research and use

dependable > > commentators> > > like Raman, Rao etc.for clarifications. It

would be fair to treat > > any> > > advice

seriously only if it is backed up by its source so as to > make> > > independent

verification possible unless the author says it to be > > his> > > own research/

experience. > > > > > > Chandarshekharji, so let us decide to close this

discussion as > > friends> > > (not by coincidence are we both having Jup as

lagnesh).> > > So far I didnot discuss specifics with you since I was on a > >

headlines> > > discussion. > > > Let me now respond to your last two

queries.The reference to Jup > in > > the> > > Second house discussion of BPHS

has to be read in totality i.e > all > > the> > > three shalokas 1,2 and 3 and

not the 3rd only. Let me give a gist > of> > > each here> > > First shaloka:

Dhanesh in second, quadrants, trines is > >

dhanvridhikarak> > > (wealth giving) in 6,8,12 opposite.> > > Second Shaloka:

Benefics in 2nd house, conjunct or aspected by> > > benefics- wealth giving.

Malefics in 2nd house opposite effect. > > Nowhere> > > is jupiter separated

out as you claim to be.So long as it is > known > > as a> > > benefic, it

qualifies to be a wealth giver according to this > > shaloka.> > > Third

Shaloka: If 2nd lord is Jupiter and is also posited in the > > same> > > house.

And if Mars is also placed with it, then the subject > becomes> > > wealthy.

Period.> > > This does not mean that if Mars is not there, Jupiter alone will >

> harm> > > the house. This is an implication which you are trying to make out>

> > probably to make your Muni's dictum hold good. Parashara never >

> means> > > it. He means to say that while a swagrahi jupiter in second is > >

enough> > > to make one rich but with Mars there it adds to ones wealth. Mark >

> the> > > sanskrit words "Vapi" meaning 'in addition".> > > And then you are

contradicting your own self since even without > > Mars,> > > Jupiter would

still be swagrahi which as per your shaloka is not > > bad.> > > So why Mars

becomes necessary to support?> > > As regards your second point, I am

unfortunately not getting the> > > shaloka since I have a different edition.

There is no chapter on> > > Kakshya and I took it as Karkanshya Phal Adhyay

which has no > shalok> > > wanting Jup to have support of benefics to give good

results.> > > Sorry for the long mail. Regards> > > Pran Razdan> > >

> > > > > > --- Chandrashekhar <boxdel> wrote:> > > > > > > > > Dear

Razdan,> > > I am amused at the reasoning put forward by you that if some >

author > > > quotes some other authority, he is not an authority on the >

subject.> > > If > > > that be so all those you treat as authorities, including

> Parashara, > > > Varahamihira (By the way I have not heard of Mantracharya)

would > > also> > > be > > > reduced to the status of ignoramus. All of those

who are treated > as > > > authorities have given opinions of others by either

referring to> > > their > > > names or saying precisely what the shloka says

that is "so say> > > Munis". > > > So rest assured none of the Acharyas and

Pravartakas will

tremble > > at > > > what I have stated. The reason I am not giving the name of

the> > > authority > > > is I want people to read various texts and find out

for > themselves. > > > There are numerous texts and it takes time to remember

the name > of > > > author of each and every shloka one quotes is the other

reason.> > > If you do not want to read commentaries, your choice of > >

astrological > > > texts would be reduced to almost one or two as every author

of > > note, > > > states at the beginning of his text that he is only telling

what> > > others > > > have told before him in a more concise form, including

Varaha > > Mihira.> > > > > > Maitreya also asks Parashara that as he has till

now told > principles> > > of > > > astrology on

the basis of what others have told he should give a > > > relatively easy method

so that transit of planets could be used > for > > > prediction by those slow of

grasp in the chapter on Ashtakavarga > in> > > BPHS.> > > > > > Could you

explain the reason of shloka3 Chapter 13 of BPHS? What > is> > > the > > >

reason for Parashara to qualify Jupiter's being Lord of the 2nd > > when > > >

placed in 2nd or needing to be with Mars there to make one > wealthy, > > >

implying that Jupiter in other cases by its mere presence in 2nd> > > would > >

> not be capable of conferring wealth on one. I hope you do not > > dispute> > >

> > > knowledge of Parashara himself or think he is quoting without> > >

authority. > > > While at BPHS you may

also like to reason out why CH.43 shloka 48> > > tells > > > that for Jupiter to

give Kakshya Vridhi it has to be aspected by > a > > > benefic when in Lagna or

7th house. Think why Jupiter by himself > > does> > > > > > not give Kakshya

Vriddhi in longevity.> > > Chandrashekhar.> > > > > > PNRazdan wrote:> > > > >

> > > > Dear Chandarshekhar,> > > > > > As already informed I have already

read the shalok quoted by you > in> > > support of your contention. > > > > > >

jIv> SvSwanhNta vdit muinvra +iòrSy àzSta,> > > saEir SvSwanpal> prmÉykir +iòrSy

ànòa.> > > > > > But please understand, this shaloka by itself does not

establish > the> > > thesis you

are trying to put forward. It has to be backed up by > the> > > author, his

standing in the astrological field, the time when it > was> > > said and the

context in which it was said. Literally translated, > the> > > Shalok means

"Guru destroys the house it is placed in and > dignifies> > > > > > the>

> > > > > house it aspects, so say the sages. Saturn protects the house it

> is> > > > > > in> > > > > > while its dangerous aspect destroys

it". Mark the words "vdit> > > > > > muinvra"> > > > > > i.e.so say

the sages. This means that this shaloka too is

somebody> > > else's quote and not that of its author. Who is the author of

this> > > blatant theory after all?> > > > > > Chandarshekharji, you are making

an important and revolutionary> > > statement which if followed shall change the

entire structure of> > > > > > Vedic> > > > > > Astrology. (I am sure

Parasara, Varamihir, Mantracharya all must> > > > > > have> > > > > >

stumbled in swargloka after hearing this shaloka). You have> > > > > >

therefore> > > > > > to back it up equally strongly. Sanskrit shalokas can

be written > by> > > anybody, even a

primary class student studying sanskrit. It does > not> > > mean we should

accept any shalok blindly simply because it is> > > > > > written> > >

> > > in sanskrit.> > > > > > At one stage you said this is a shaloka and we

need not go into > its> > > reasoning. OK but tell us the name of the author

who is so > respected> > > > > > in> > > > > > this field that we

donot question his authority. > > > In your other mail you have advised me to

read commentaries of Pt.> > > Gopeshkumar Oza and Pt. Kedardatt Joshi. Why

should I read> > > > > > commentaries> > >

> > > and not the original shalokas if I know sanskrit very well. > > > > > >

So, as a learned Guru please favour all of us with the background> > >

information on the shaloka complete with your masterly reasoning > why> > > you

are so convinced of its truth and applicability in the lives > of> > > human

beings.> > > I shall not go into the discussion of individual charts as it is>

> > > > > common> > > > > > knowledge that results depend on many

factors. If you are now> > > > > > holding> > > > > > Jup responsible

for any bad thing that happened in the lives of> > > > > > these>

> > > > > people, then the debate would be endless. Besides Lakshmi has

very> > > nicely handled this issue and replied the post point by point.> > > >

> > Pran Razdan> > > > > > --- Chandrashekhar <boxdel> wrote:> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Dear Razdan,> > > I have already given the relevant shloka

and others have given> > > > > > other > > > > > > shlokas too. I

have already advised you to go through the archives> > > but > > > it appears

you have not done so. Have you found shloka about> > > Jupiter's > > > position

in certain Rasis giving problems in progeny at

least?> > > > > > You have mentioned many personalities, how much do you know

about> > > their > > > personal lives to say that Jupiter has not harmed the

house that > > > occupies? Does A.B. Vajpayee has his own family? Check up.

Also> > > > > > check> > > > > > up > > > what lata Mangeshkar did

to her sister to understand what Guru in> > > Lagna > > > can do.> > > > > > I

have not made any sweeping statement. If you read the list, many> > > have > >

> agreed to what I have said from their own experience. I have also> > > said >

> > that one has to apply the dictum in proper perspective to get> > >

> > > correct> > > > > > results. For this one has to know all the dictums,

like all > planets> > > give > > > good results in own house and all planets

are capable of giving> > > > > > good > > > > > > results in 11th

house. I think I have written umpteen times that > no> > > > > >

principle can be applied on standalone basis but has to be applied> > > after >

> > taking into consideration all variables.> > > The case mentioned by dear

Lakshmi have Jupiter in own house or> > > Saturn > > > who protects the house

is also conjunct Jupiter, if I remember> >

> > > > right.> > > > > > The dictum being Sthana Bhrashta karoti

JeevaH , sthana rakshati> > > mandaH, > > > the results that are stated to be

obtained are in keeping with the> > > dictum.> > > Chandrashekhar.> > > > > > >

> > PNRazdan wrote:> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear Chandrashekhar,

> > > I have been reading your posts on this subject all along but> > >

> > > failed> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > to> > > > > > > > > > > > get your source of

conviction.> > > We all agree that Jup too has its unfavourable positions and>

> > > > > > > > > > > traits.> > > > > > > > > > > >

We know it is a stronger Maraka, we also know that it is a> > > > > > > >

> > > > functional> > > > > > > >

> > > > malefic in Taurus, Libra, Capri etc laganas. We also know that

it> > > > > > > > > > > > gets> > > > > > > > > > > >

KP dosh in quadrant lordship, although KPdosh means only holding > > >

beneficial/malefic qualities, nothing more, but we extend the> > > > > >

> > > > > > argument> > > > > > > > > > > > further by

making them good or bad. These are well established>

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