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2-Jai, ....The Saturn's Mystery, Sani, benefic or malefic? > Mark Kincaid...10/18

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Om Gurave Namah Om Namah Shivaye


Dear Mark,


Please do elaborate on yr mail .



"However, the most important thing, and the one most people forget is that each

planet even if it's acting malefically....can be changed, strengthened, even

transformed into it's really 'true' Benefic nature...and therefore, change your

future....periods....to more positive onesNext time, we can talk about how to do





There are so many exceptions to the rules, and Parashar in his book says: "in

the beginning Lord Vishnu entered into the Grahas, to bestow upon the people,

the consequences of their acitons..."

Where would I locate this in BPHS.What this Sage Parashar use this in context of.

looking forward to the explanation and continuation






Mark Kincaid

Vedic Astrology

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 12:54 AM

[vedic astrology] 2-Jai, ....Re: The Saturn's Mystery, Sani, benefic or

malefic? > Mark Kincaid...10/18

Dear Jai:There are two ways in which we can answer your question regarding

Saturn....10. Mark,....please tell me wheather saturn is benefic or

malefic for me?#1, we can look at the Signs, and therefore the Houses that

Saturn rules, and then determine the relative, benefic or malefic nature of the

Planet.But, there's an even more important perspective and that is....that,

perhaps all the planets are really benefic.There are so many exceptions to the

rules, and Parashar in his book says: "in the beginning Lord Vishnu entered

into the Grahas, to bestow upon the people, the consequences of their

acitons..."When I read this I realized all Planets are basically good,

but....it's a slightly different question to wonder and ask if any planet may

be acting, 'malefically'....?For you with a Virgo Rising....Saturn's in Taurus

in your 9th house,...and therefore rules the 5th & 6th Houses..... Normal rules

say, therefore, that the Lord of those two houses will reflect a 'mixture' of

positive and negative effects...Also, Saturn with Venus & Mars, tends to act

'malefically....And your very real, life experiences, show us that indeed,

Saturn does act malefically!However, the most important thing, and the one most

people forget is that each planet even if it's acting malefically....can be

changed, strengthened, even transformed into it's really 'true' Benefic

nature...and therefore, change your future....periods....to more positive

onesNext time, we can talk about how to do this!Sincerely,Mark KincaidT

"Jai :\)" <virtual2real >Mon, 18 Oct 2004 02:18:23 -0700

(PDT)Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com>Re: The Saturn's Mystery

Hi MarkFollowing are some of my personal observations

Saturn's sade sati , 1st year was bad then rest of the years were good During

the 1st year of sade sati i was in mars-saturn dasha Saturn's sub period under

rahu was not good in fact it was bad (rahu-sat time) Saturn is in Taurus and

Venus and Mars are also in Taurus Taurus is the 9th House from lagna (Virgo)

Moon is in capricon and rahu is also in capricon (5th House) Some of the sites

and astrologers that i consulted they say that saturn is good for me Till now

the saturn's sub period are not that good Following are the other details of

horscope please tell me wheather saturn is benefic or malefic for me.As 16:35

Vi Hasta MoSu 24:20 Pi Revati MeMo 00:43 Cp U.Shadya SuMa 13:56 Ta Rohini MoMeR

12:07 Pi U.Bhadra SaJu 14:23 Sg P.Shadya VeVe 10:06 Ta Rohini MoSa 09:58 Ta

Krittika SuRa 08:28 Cp U.Shadya SuKe 08:28 Cn Pushya SaSystem's Approach

Analysis==========================Sun: Good Placement,Moon: Good Placement, in

infancy 85%, Bright,Mars: Good Placement, Afflicts house 9 MEP 46%Conjunct

functional malefic(s):Conjunct functional benefic(s): Ve 23%,Mercury: Good

Placement, Combust, Debilated in Rashi, Conjunct house7 MEP 10%Aspected by

functional malefic(s): Ke 26%,Jupiter: Good Placement, own sign, Conjunct house

4 MEP 55%Aspected by functional malefic(s): Ma 91%,Venus: Good Placement, own

sign,Conjunct functional malefic(s): Ma 23%, Sa 97%,Aspected by functional

malefic(s): Ra 67%,Saturn: Good Placement,Conjunct functional

malefic(s):Conjunct functional benefic(s): Ve 97%,Aspected by functional

malefic(s):RegardsJaiJai Ph: (65)92792225 Gmail emailjai

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