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Kalacharka Dasa System

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Dear Chandrashekharji,

Thanks for the illustrious explanation of the meaning of "Bhagiratha Prayatna".


Yes i am aware that Holiness Dalai Lama does the puja once a year but I was

under the impression it being different from predictive aspect of the

Kalachakra Dasa system, from what you have described I feel it is best to stay

away from this & also the Y Dasa system, although most astrologers swear by the

accuracy of this system. Sanjayji had described the bad effects of the Y Dasa

system if not practiced with Kavacha when I met him in Nagpur.


On astrological thinking I presume using the Kalachakra Dasa system is not

recommended as it changes drastically when time of birth is altered little bit

and most of the times charts do not have accurate time of birth.


Happy the friend was wise and did a good thing to me secretly by not pasing on the above.










Dear Sunil,"Bhagiratha Prayatna" refers to the efforts taken by King Bhagiratha,

a descendant of King Sagar to bring River Ganga to the Bharatavarsha for

purification of the ashes of his ancestors. Flow of Ganga could not be borne by

Earth and he had to request Lord Shiva to receive her first on his head. Then

Ganga caused destruction of the Ashram of Rishi Janhu by her devastating

flow.Rishi Janhu was angry and drank her and only after Bhagiratha pleaded with

him, she was released through his ear, this is why she is also reffered to as

"Jaanhavi". Many more difficulties were removed by King Bhagiratha till he

could bring Ganga to Bharata. Thus when tremendous efforts are necessary to

achieve an objective, it is referred to as "Bhagiratha Prayatna".Kalachakra in

Tibetan mysticism refers to the Kalachakra which forms an advanced part of

Tantra. If you remember only Dalai Lama conducts the Puja of Kalachakra and

that too only once in an year. There is another

eight lotus Kala-Chakra, above which are seven heavens and below are the Sapta

(seven) Patalas (Hells). This has a connection with Yoginis and one not

initiated in Tantra and having guidance of a realized Guru, should not attempt

his hand at it. It is not possible to close the doors of hells if

unintentionally opened. Only Lord Shiva has control over it. Perhaps this is

why your friend does not want to reveal them to you. Better stay away from

them. Chandrashekhar.Sunil John wrote:

Dear Chandrashekharji,Is the Kalachakra dasa system as practised now in popular

astrology similar to the predictive Kalachakra Dasa system as practiced by the

lamas. Kindly throw some light, I had met an indian who seems to have procured

very rare texts on Kalachakra Dasa system of prediction from the lamas after

lot of persuasion but even after lot of insistence from my part he wouldn't

give out the texts, he said i need to grow older for that, I have forgotten his

comments mostly but little i recollect is that he said it is superior to what

most astrologers currently know of the Kalachakra Dasa system.


He also seem to have indicated that this system is very much indian and during

invasion of india, it got travelled into Afghanistan to Tibet through the

traveling buddhist monks.


Chandukaka or Mr. Dhananjayan can you kindly explain the meaning of "Bhagiratha-prayathna"


Best wishes




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