Guest guest Posted November 16, 2004 Report Share Posted November 16, 2004 Dear friends and Scholars, Namasthe! It is indeed quite a disturbing event when the Shakaracharya of Kanchi was arrested on 11 Nov 2004, towards being involved in Shakaraman's Murder. Below is an astrological assessment. When we take the help of progressed charts, we get good insight and accuracy. I use Raman Ayanamsa. Natal Horoscope July 18, 1935 Time: 18:39:00 Place: 79 E 09' 00", 10 N 48' 00" Thanjavur, India Lagna is Makara with Lagna lord well placed in the 2nd along with Moon. He is aspected by 5th and 10th lord Venus and Natural benefic Jupiter. Rahu's presence in Lagna and natural malefic Sun's aspect are not good. Rahu's in Lagna can be interpreted as "native being influenced by others" and Sun's influence can be interpreted as "desire for recognition". In Navamsa, lagna lord Saturn well placed in 2nd and Venus aspects it. A study of the 9th bhava (house of Dharma) reveals clues about the current event. 9th Lord Mercury is in an inimical sign, 6th. Natural benefic, Jupiter's aspect on the 9th lord is good. Jupiter however is influenced to some extent due to his association with Mars. In Navamsa, Mercury is in Lagna and Sun aspects it. Progressed Chart for Year 2004 July 18, 2004 Time: 11:11:12 Place: 79 E 09' 00", 10 N 48' 00" Thanjavur, India Lagna is Kanya, with Lagna lord placed in 11th or the house of Improvement. He is however afflicted as he is with 12th lord Sun, 8th lord Mars and 11th lord Moon. Sun and Moon indicate political heads and Mars is a karaka for Police. The 9th lord in the 9th is a good indication with respect to Dharma. Muntha is Libra, 4 degrees and is falls in 2nd house from Lagna. In Navamsa, Muntha falls into 6th house which is not favorable. It is further afflicted because Muntha is aspected by Rahu and Mars. In Navamsa, he is associated with the 8th lord and Saturn aspects it. Bandhana Saham is present in the 5th house with malefic planets aspecting him. The aspect of Lagna lord on Bandhana Saham is good. Mudda Dasa for the progressed chart is as follows: Mudda/Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Ven MD: 2004-10-21 (9:58:09) - 2004-12-19 (21:55:47) Antardasas in this MD: Ven: 2004-10-21 (9:58:09) - 2004-10-31 (10:39:41) Sun: 2004-10-31 (10:39:41) - 2004-11-03 (10:36:45) Moon: 2004-11-03 (10:36:45) - 2004-11-08 (10:15:34) Mars: 2004-11-08 (10:15:34) - 2004-11-11 (21:49:04) Rah: 2004-11-11 (21:49:04) - 2004-11-20 (20:05:23) <<<< Jup: 2004-11-20 (20:05:23) - 2004-11-28 (18:00:15) Sat: 2004-11-28 (18:00:15) - 2004-12-08 (2:49:15) Merc: 2004-12-08 (2:49:15) - 2004-12-16 (11:24:28) Ket: 2004-12-16 (11:24:28) - 2004-12-19 (21:55:47) Exactly when Venus-Rahu started (Nov 11, 2004), Kanchi Seer was arrested. Note Venus is the lord of Dharamsthana and Rahu in the 8th acts as Saturn and Mars indicating downfall of Dharma. Rahu and Venus are in dwirdwadasa. The Dasa continues till 20th November after which Venus-Jupiter starts. Jupiter as 7th and 5th lord in 12th loses quite some strength, but as a natural benefic, he will definitely give some positive effect. The seer might be released on bail but investigations might continue. The intensity of the investigations might further increase during Venus-Saturn as Saturn is the 6th lord. The next Bhukti ie Venus-Mercury (Dec 8, 2004-Dec 16, 2004) will help in upholding Dharma and prove the innocence of Kanchi Seer. Om Tat Sat, Raman Suprajarama Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2004 Report Share Posted November 16, 2004 Dear Raman, How do we calculate the progressed chart? What time and place does one use? Nirmala > > Progressed Chart for Year 2004 > > July 18, 2004 > Time: 11:11:12 > Place: 79 E 09' 00", 10 N 48' 00" > Thanjavur, India > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2004 Report Share Posted November 16, 2004 Namaste, Please read "Varshaphal" by Dr. Raman. Free software "Jagannatha Hora Lite" can be used for finding it. It can be downloaded from Go to the tab "Tajaka" to find the annual progressed chart. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > Dear Raman, > > How do we calculate the progressed chart? > What time and place does one use? > > Nirmala > > > > > Progressed Chart for Year 2004 > > > > July 18, 2004 > > Time: 11:11:12 > > Place: 79 E 09' 00", 10 N 48' 00" > > Thanjavur, India Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2004 Report Share Posted November 16, 2004 Dear Sri Raman, What is the timezone you are using? IST or LMT? The Mudda dasa or progressed Vimsottari dasa is ok, but "Tajaka Neelakanthi" teaches a different dasa system for Tajaka charts. Your grandfather also taught the same dasa. In my software, you can find it as "Patyayini dasa". Please try that too. I hold the view that Tajaka annual chart is nothing but dasa pravesha chakra of Sudarsana Chakra dasa. Parasara spoke highly of SC dasa and said that it enables accurate annual, monthly and daily results, esp[ecially when combined with ashtakavarga. Muntha is basically SC dasa sign when you consider only lagna. But Parasara said that Sun, Moon and lagna must all be considered in SC dasa. As per my limited understandinmg, Sun shows the world and the opportunity one gets from the world. Moon shows the mind and the reaction to what happens around one. Lagna shows one's actions. Lagna and Moon are the two doors between the interior and exterior. Moon (mind) is the door thru which the exterior is experienced (felt) by the interior. Lagna is the door thru which the interior "acts" and influences the exterior. Sun is the overall opportunity given by the world and is the basis for both Moon and lagna. Just as you find muntha by progressing natal lagna, you can progress the natal Moon and Sun. Take the progressed lagna/Moon/Sun and judge the positions of planets (in the progressed chart) w.r.t. these three signs. Parasara gave clear guidelines for judging the positions of planets in the varsha pravesha chakra w.r.t. these 3 signs. For example, take the progressed chart you gave. The SC dasa is shown below: Sudarsana Chakra Dasa of D-1 (Lagna:Moon:Sun): Maha Dasas: Cp:Aq:Cn: 1995-07-19 (3:59:08) - 1996-07-18 (10:07:48) Aq:Pi:Le: 1996-07-18 (10:07:48) - 1997-07-18 (16:19:42) Pi:Ar:Vi: 1997-07-18 (16:19:42) - 1998-07-18 (22:22:47) Ar:Ta:Li: 1998-07-18 (22:22:47) - 1999-07-19 (4:28:01) Ta:Ge:Sc: 1999-07-19 (4:28:01) - 2000-07-18 (10:45:02) Ge:Cn:Sg: 2000-07-18 (10:45:02) - 2001-07-18 (16:54:02) Cn:Le:Cp: 2001-07-18 (16:54:02) - 2002-07-18 (22:59:47) Le:Vi:Aq: 2002-07-18 (22:59:47) - 2003-07-19 (5:11:47) Vi:Li:Pi: 2003-07-19 (5:11:47) - 2004-07-18 (11:22:40) Li:Sc:Ar: 2004-07-18 (11:22:40) - 2005-07-18 (17:32:26) Sc:Sg:Ta: 2005-07-18 (17:32:26) - 2006-07-18 (23:36:30) Sg:Cp:Ge: 2006-07-18 (23:36:30) - 2007-07-19 (5:41:12) The progressed lagna in 2004-05 progressed chart is in Li. Progressed Moon is in Sc. Progressed Sun is in Ar. Let us take progressed Sun in Aries. As per the standard rules of Parasara, Rahu destroys whatever house he occupies. Rahu in 1st gives a scandal or bad name. Four malefics in 4th are well-placed and show deprivation of comfort (Mercury with malefics is a malefic and I consider Sukla pratipat Moon to be a malefic). Mars is the worst there. It shows problems from cops. Mercury shows problems from media. Jupiter in 5th is well-placed. It shows great support from religious people. For focussing on the happenings of the last week, you can look at the pratyantardasas (I start antardasas from dasa sign's lord and not from dasa sign itself. This is consistent with "dasesaadi" teaching of Parasara). Sudarsana Chakra Dasa of D-1 (Lagna:Moon:Sun): Li:Sc:Ar MD: 2004-07-18 (11:22:40) - 2005-07-18 (17:32:26) Sc:Cp:Cp AD: 2004-10-19 (5:32:04) - 2004-11-18 (4:32:36) Pratyantardasas in this AD: Li:Aq:Aq: 2004-10-19 (5:32:04) - 2004-10-21 (17:52:48) Sc:Pi:Pi: 2004-10-21 (17:52:48) - 2004-10-24 (6:09:27) Sg:Ar:Ar: 2004-10-24 (6:09:27) - 2004-10-26 (18:21:44) Cp:Ta:Ta: 2004-10-26 (18:21:44) - 2004-10-29 (6:29:22) Aq:Ge:Ge: 2004-10-29 (6:29:22) - 2004-10-31 (18:31:53) Pi:Cn:Cn: 2004-10-31 (18:31:53) - 2004-11-03 (6:29:19) Ar:Le:Le: 2004-11-03 (6:29:19) - 2004-11-05 (18:21:34) Ta:Vi:Vi: 2004-11-05 (18:21:34) - 2004-11-08 (6:08:50) Ge:Li:Li: 2004-11-08 (6:08:50) - 2004-11-10 (17:51:09) Cn:Sc:Sc: 2004-11-10 (17:51:09) - 2004-11-13 (5:28:51) Le:Sg:Sg: 2004-11-13 (5:28:51) - 2004-11-15 (17:02:27) Vi:Cp:Cp: 2004-11-15 (17:02:27) - 2004-11-18 (4:32:36) Let us focus on Sun based SC dasa to see the opportunity given by the world. He was imprisoned in the PD of Sc. From Sc, the 12th house of imprisonment contains 3 malefics in the commencement chart of PD (including lagna lords Mars and Ketu!). Bandhana sahama lord of this Pratyantardasa pravesha chakra is Mercury and he is in Scorpio (1st)!! Mars and Sun in 12th shows problems from police and politicians. In the PD pravesha chart of Cp (Nov 15, 17:02:27), Jupiter and Venus (2 benefics) are in 9th from Cp. That is a great blessing. It shows favorable judgments. My guess is that he will get a bail during Nov 16-18. But I am disturb4ed by the pravesha chart of the next AD. More later... May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > Dear friends and Scholars,> > Namasthe!> > It is indeed quite a disturbing event when the Shakaracharya of Kanchi was> arrested on 11 Nov 2004, towards being involved in Shakaraman's Murder.> > Below is an astrological assessment. When we take the help of progressed> charts, we get good insight and accuracy.> > I use Raman Ayanamsa.> > Natal Horoscope> > July 18, 1935> Time: 18:39:00> Place: 79 E 09' 00", 10 N 48' 00"> Thanjavur, India> > Lagna is Makara with Lagna lord well placed in the 2nd along with Moon. He> is aspected by 5th and 10th lord Venus and Natural benefic Jupiter. Rahu's> presence in Lagna and natural malefic Sun's aspect are not good. Rahu's in> Lagna can be interpreted as "native being influenced by others" and Sun's> influence can be interpreted as "desire for recognition". In Navamsa, lagna> lord Saturn well placed in 2nd and Venus aspects it. > > A study of the 9th bhava (house of Dharma) reveals clues about the current> event. 9th Lord Mercury is in an inimical sign, 6th. Natural benefic,> Jupiter's aspect on the 9th lord is good. Jupiter however is influenced to> some extent due to his association with Mars. In Navamsa, Mercury is in> Lagna and Sun aspects it.> > Progressed Chart for Year 2004> > July 18, 2004> Time: 11:11:12> Place: 79 E 09' 00", 10 N 48' 00"> Thanjavur, India> > Lagna is Kanya, with Lagna lord placed in 11th or the house of Improvement.> He is however afflicted as he is with 12th lord Sun, 8th lord Mars and 11th> lord Moon. Sun and Moon indicate political heads and Mars is a karaka for> Police. The 9th lord in the 9th is a good indication with respect to Dharma.> > Muntha is Libra, 4 degrees and is falls in 2nd house from Lagna. In Navamsa,> Muntha falls into 6th house which is not favorable. It is further afflicted> because Muntha is aspected by Rahu and Mars. In Navamsa, he is associated> with the 8th lord and Saturn aspects it.> > Bandhana Saham is present in the 5th house with malefic planets aspecting> him. The aspect of Lagna lord on Bandhana Saham is good.> > Mudda Dasa for the progressed chart is as follows:> > Mudda/Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):> > Ven MD: 2004-10-21 (9:58:09) - 2004-12-19 (21:55:47)> > Antardasas in this MD:> > Ven: 2004-10-21 (9:58:09) - 2004-10-31 (10:39:41)> Sun: 2004-10-31 (10:39:41) - 2004-11-03 (10:36:45)> Moon: 2004-11-03 (10:36:45) - 2004-11-08 (10:15:34)> Mars: 2004-11-08 (10:15:34) - 2004-11-11 (21:49:04)> Rah: 2004-11-11 (21:49:04) - 2004-11-20 (20:05:23) <<<<> Jup: 2004-11-20 (20:05:23) - 2004-11-28 (18:00:15)> Sat: 2004-11-28 (18:00:15) - 2004-12-08 (2:49:15)> Merc: 2004-12-08 (2:49:15) - 2004-12-16 (11:24:28)> Ket: 2004-12-16 (11:24:28) - 2004-12-19 (21:55:47)> > > Exactly when Venus-Rahu started (Nov 11, 2004), Kanchi Seer was arrested.> Note Venus is the lord of Dharamsthana and Rahu in the 8th acts as Saturn> and Mars indicating downfall of Dharma. Rahu and Venus are in dwirdwadasa.> The Dasa continues till 20th November after which Venus-Jupiter starts.> Jupiter as 7th and 5th lord in 12th loses quite some strength, but as a> natural benefic, he will definitely give some positive effect. The seer> might be released on bail but investigations might continue. The intensity> of the investigations might further increase during Venus-Saturn as Saturn> is the 6th lord. The next Bhukti ie Venus-Mercury (Dec 8, 2004-Dec 16, 2004)> will help in upholding Dharma and prove the innocence of Kanchi Seer.> > Om Tat Sat,> > Raman Suprajarama Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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