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Kalachakra Dasa from Lagna?

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Dear Sri Rao,




I have been giving a thought on the approach you have applied. Not going

into the predictive aspect let me consider the Kalachakra pattern that you

have given in regard to Bush.


Cn (Visa4): 1937-02-21 - 1958-02-21

Le (Anu1): 1958-02-21 - 1963-02-21

Ge (Anu2): 1963-02-21 - 1972-02-22

Ta (Anu3): 1972-02-22 - 1988-02-22

Ar (Anu4): 1988-02-22 - 1995-02-22

Pi (Jye1): 1995-02-22 - 2005-02-21

Aq (Jye2): 2005-02-21 - 2009-02-21

Cp (Jye3): 2009-02-21 - 2013-02-21

Sg (Jye4): 2013-02-21 - 2023-02-22


If we need to find the antardasa pattern for Aquarius-Saturn Dasa, do we

consider taking Jye 2 pada and find corresponding Navamsa positions? If yes,

the order of antardasa is Ge, Ta, Ar, Sag, Cap, Aqu, Pisc, Ari and Tar. In

the Madadasa calculations we get paramayus as 86 years while in the

antardasa calculations we get the span to be a ratio of 83! This point is

not quite convincing.


Looking forward to hear from you.


Om Tat Sat,


Raman Suprajarama



Narasimha P.V.R. Rao [pvr]

Friday, December 03, 2004 10:07 AM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Kalachakra Dasa from Lagna?




Parasara said that Kalachakra dasa is computed from the amsa of birth. It

can mean Moon's amsa or lagna's amsa. It is not that clear.


However, Lord Shiva - the original source of this knowledge - very clearly

said that Kalachakra dasa is found from the amsa of natal lagna or natal

Moon or prasna lagna. In fact, he mentioned natal lagna before natal Moon.


In charts where lagna is stronger than Moon, I found that lagna Kalachakra

dasa gives better results. George W Bush is one example. Take his lagna

Kalachakra dasa (using my approach).


Kalachakra Dasa (Lagna, Savya group, Paramayush = 86 years):


 Maha Dasas:


 Cn (Visa4):  1937-02-21  -  1958-02-21

 Le (Anu1):  1958-02-21  -  1963-02-21

 Ge (Anu2):  1963-02-21  -  1972-02-22

 Ta (Anu3):  1972-02-22  -  1988-02-22

 Ar (Anu4):  1988-02-22  -  1995-02-22

 Pi (Jye1):  1995-02-22  -  2005-02-21 <<<<

 Aq (Jye2):  2005-02-21  -  2009-02-21

 Cp (Jye3):  2009-02-21  -  2013-02-21

 Sg (Jye4):  2013-02-21  -  2023-02-22


In Pisces dasa, he rose the peak of his political career. He was the

governor of Texas from Jan 1995 and became US president in Jan 2001. Why?


In the Kalachakra navamsa chart, Pisces is the 5th house of power and

contains exalted Venus. Its lord Jupiter is in 10th house with a nice raja

yoga. No wonder this was the greatest period for him.


It helps that Jyeshtha is Indra's nakshatra and Pisces dasa corresponds to

Jyeshtha 1st pada.


*        *        *


I will give an example of prasna's Kalachakra dasa. Somebody asked me how

the time was in her career. She did not work for many years and was looking

for a job. The prasna data: 6th November 1999, 12:1;2:20 pm (EST),

Burlington, MA, USA. The Kalachakra dasa from prasna lagna, compressed to

one year, as advised for prasna, is:


Kalachakra Dasa (Lagna, Savya group, Paramayush = 86 years):


 Maha Dasas:


 Cn (PBha4):  1999-11-02  -  2000-01-27 <<<<

 Le (UBha1):  2000-01-27  -  2000-02-17

 Vi (UBha2):  2000-02-17  -  2000-03-26

 Li (UBha3):  2000-03-26  -  2000-06-02

 Sc (UBha4):  2000-06-02  -  2000-07-03

 Sg (Reva1):  2000-07-03  -  2000-08-16

 Cp (Reva2):  2000-08-16  -  2000-09-02

 Aq (Reva3):  2000-09-02  -  2000-09-19

 Pi (Reva4):  2000-09-19  -  2000-11-01


Cancer is the 5th house in Kalachakra navamsa and its lord Moon is in 9th

house Scorpio. Cancer dasa ran till Jan 27, 2000. Cancer-Scorpio antardasa

ran during Dec 23-30, 1999. The lady joined a job in Pisces PD in Scorpio AD

in Cancer MD as per prasna lagna's Kalachakra dasa compressed to one year!


May Jupiter's light shine on us,













||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||








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Dear Sri Raman,




If 3 out of 12 signs do not find representation in the native's life at any

level (mahadasa, antardasa, pratyantardasa, sookshma-antardasa etc), isn't that

equally unconvincing? Why should 3 signs be completely shut off from Kalachakra



If Gemini finds representation and Virgo doesn't, you can say that Gemini gives

Virgo's results. But sometimes Cancer and Leo do not appear in the dasa cycle.

Will Moon and Sun not give their results in the entire life (as per Kalachakra



If antardasas jump from Sg to Cp, isn't that equally uncinvincing? If such a

gati was possible, wouldn't Parasara or Shiva have mentioned it?


Thinking that antardasas have to be based on the same cycle as dasas is

Vimsottari dasa thinking. That paradigm is nor universal. For example,

antardasa cycles are different than dasa cycles in Narayana dasa and Chara dasa

also. Starting from dasa planet/sign and going thru the dasa cycle to find

antardasas is only one way. There are many other ways that are applicable in

different dasas.


I see your objection as simply a matter of habit and what you are used to. I see

it as a mental block than a serious objection.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Dear Sri Rao,> > Namasthe!> > I have been giving a thought on the approach you

have applied. Not going> into the predictive aspect let me consider the

Kalachakra pattern that you> have given in regard to Bush.> > Cn (Visa4):

1937-02-21 - 1958-02-21> Le (Anu1): 1958-02-21 - 1963-02-21> Ge (Anu2):

1963-02-21 - 1972-02-22> Ta (Anu3): 1972-02-22 - 1988-02-22> Ar (Anu4):

1988-02-22 - 1995-02-22> Pi (Jye1): 1995-02-22 - 2005-02-21 > Aq (Jye2):

2005-02-21 - 2009-02-21> Cp (Jye3): 2009-02-21 - 2013-02-21> Sg (Jye4):

2013-02-21 - 2023-02-22> > If we need to find the antardasa pattern for

Aquarius-Saturn Dasa, do we> consider taking Jye 2 pada and find corresponding

Navamsa positions? If yes,> the order of antardasa is Ge, Ta, Ar, Sag, Cap,

Aqu, Pisc, Ari and Tar. In> the Madadasa calculations we get paramayus as 86

years while in the> antardasa calculations we get the span to be a ratio of 83!

This point is> not quite convincing. > > Looking forward to hear from you.> > Om

Tat Sat,> > Raman Suprajarama

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Namaste all,


I made a typo:


> If antardasas jump from Sg to Cp, isn't that equally

> uncinvincing? If such a gati was possible, wouldn't

> Parasara or Shiva have mentioned it?


Read Cp as Cn.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Dear Sri Raman,


> Namaste!


> If 3 out of 12 signs do not find representation in the native's

life at any level (mahadasa, antardasa, pratyantardasa, sookshma-

antardasa etc), isn't that equally unconvincing? Why should 3 signs

be completely shut off from Kalachakra dasa?


> If Gemini finds representation and Virgo doesn't, you can say that

Gemini gives Virgo's results. But sometimes Cancer and Leo do not

appear in the dasa cycle. Will Moon and Sun not give their results

in the entire life (as per Kalachakra dasa)?


> If antardasas jump from Sg to Cp, isn't that equally uncinvincing?

If such a gati was possible, wouldn't Parasara or Shiva have

mentioned it?


> Thinking that antardasas have to be based on the same cycle as

dasas is Vimsottari dasa thinking. That paradigm is nor universal.

For example, antardasa cycles are different than dasa cycles in

Narayana dasa and Chara dasa also. Starting from dasa planet/sign

and going thru the dasa cycle to find antardasas is only one way.

There are many other ways that are applicable in different dasas.


> I see your objection as simply a matter of habit and what you are

used to. I see it as a mental block than a serious objection.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha


> > Dear Sri Rao,

> >

> > Namasthe!

> >

> > I have been giving a thought on the approach you have applied.

Not going

> > into the predictive aspect let me consider the Kalachakra

pattern that you

> > have given in regard to Bush.

> >

> > Cn (Visa4): 1937-02-21 - 1958-02-21

> > Le (Anu1): 1958-02-21 - 1963-02-21

> > Ge (Anu2): 1963-02-21 - 1972-02-22

> > Ta (Anu3): 1972-02-22 - 1988-02-22

> > Ar (Anu4): 1988-02-22 - 1995-02-22

> > Pi (Jye1): 1995-02-22 - 2005-02-21

> > Aq (Jye2): 2005-02-21 - 2009-02-21

> > Cp (Jye3): 2009-02-21 - 2013-02-21

> > Sg (Jye4): 2013-02-21 - 2023-02-22

> >

> > If we need to find the antardasa pattern for Aquarius-Saturn

Dasa, do we

> > consider taking Jye 2 pada and find corresponding Navamsa

positions? If yes,

> > the order of antardasa is Ge, Ta, Ar, Sag, Cap, Aqu, Pisc, Ari

and Tar. In

> > the Madadasa calculations we get paramayus as 86 years while in


> > antardasa calculations we get the span to be a ratio of 83! This

point is

> > not quite convincing.

> >

> > Looking forward to hear from you.

> >

> > Om Tat Sat,

> >

> > Raman Suprajarama

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