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Seeking clarification on Dasamsa (D-10)

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Respected astrology pundits,




I am a newbie to astrology and have so far learnt some basics in the

subject. To validate my understanding, I took my own chart as an

example. I looked at "Career" and jotted down my readings. When I

studied Dasamsa (D-10), while I am able to apply my understandings,

I am also confused/not sure about what I read (from the chart) about

the nature of my career.


I seek from you all, clarification and validation of my reading.


Birth Data:

December 19, 1968 8:01:00 AM

Karur, India - 78E05 10N57


My readings:


In Rasi chart (D-1):



kendra lords of 1,4,7,10 : Jup, Jup, Merc, Merc

trine lords of 1,5,9 : Jup, Mars, Sun


10th house - Virgo - lord of 10th house Mercury - denotes career

involving analytical/learning - 10th lord in Lagna in Jupiter's

house (Sag sign) - along with 9th lord Sun - so 2 Rajayoga's

as below:


9(Sun) & 10(Merc) in Lagna (1st house - a kendra)

9(Sun) & 7(Merc) in Lagna


So, in general, native will have a reasonably good/propserous career

also, rajayoga is between friends - so effective


occupants of 10th house : Jup & Ke

Jup brings wisdom, knowledge & traditional learning to house of



Besides, Jup is in 10th house (of Mercury) and Mercury is in 1st

house (of Jup) - so there is a Parivarthana yoga too - this means

Mercury in 1st will act as if Jup is in 1st (Sag sign), which is a

own sign and Moolatrikona of Jup - this is auspicious.


Similarly Mercury can be considered to be in Virgo virtually, which is

its own sign, also its Moolatrikona and also its Exalted sign as

well ! - this indicates goodness and also re-affirms a career

relating to analytical reasoning etc. (ie., a career that leads out

of learning/knowledge - a career related to and based on what was



And, there is yet another yoga here - the graha malika yoga - starting

from Virgo with Jup and ending in Capricorn with Venus, there is a

garland of 6 grahas in 5 consecutive houses - this also confers






Mars has 2nd house argala on 10th house

Sun & Merc have 4th house argala on 10th


There are no Virodhargla (or cancellation) by 12th or 10th houses as

they re empty.


These make the house of career fortified. And argala by Mercury on

its own house (10th) - Mercury brings achievements and honors to the

10th house (its own)


Argala by Mars, the 5th house lord is good - as 5th house is a

Lakshmi sthana - a Dharma trikona - of abilities - and showers

blessings and fruits on career


Besides, Sun & Merc also have rasi drishti - from Sag sign on Virgo

sign (both being dwiswabhava or dual or common signs) - this means a

permanent influence by them (by the Rajayoga grahas) on the career

house (10th).


In Dasaamsa (D-10):



10th lord is Venus - is in 7th house - this indicates business; also

since 7th house is house of desire, the native has a career of his

desire/choice - ie., he likes his career.


Venus being the career lord, may indicate a Venutian career - of

entertainment, pleasure industry [this is the core issue I have]


Jupiter & Ketu in Lagna aspects Venus in 7th house. Mercury

(debilited) and with enemy Moon in 8th house, have 2nd house Argala

on the 7th house and the 10th lord, Venus. But, there is "Neecha

banga" for Mercury In Pisces) by Venus [lord whose exalted sign is

Pisces being in a kendra (7th house)].


Thus effect of "Mercury" on Venus (10th lord) will prevail and so the

native's career is given by Mercury and not Venus.


All of these, especially that of Jup and Mercury drishtis confer

a Mercurian career of learning/academics/analytical and so not purely

an entertainment industry, [which is the case] - is this prediction/

assessment valid ?


Sun is in 6th house - which denotes service - so it is likely

that native was in service, ie., working for someone earlier or

will work later.


[i am a software consultant. I was earlier working in several

companies before I started this consultancy business, a freelance

style, self-employment (its just me - I dont employ anyone else) in

March 2002. I did MS in USA. I worked in California before returning

home in 1999. I did Electronics and Communication in my BE and did

Electrical Engineering (but mostly computer related courses) in MS.

But definitely, I am not in entertainment business]


I would like to know if this prediction/reading is valid.


Importantly, 10th lord being Venus indicating a Venutian career is

not correct - this is the troubling issue to me - how to reconcile

this ?


I am a computer software prefessional (not even writing gaming

software, but typical enterprise software design/arch/development

work), I believe I must have a strong "mercury" effect - hence, I have

tried to justify it somehow.


My intention is not to twist axioms and somehow fit them in, to

match reality. But, I would like to understand the concepts and I seek

clarifications, so that I can predict an unknown person's chart in a

correct manner.


Sorry for the long post and thanks for your time and patience,


warm regards,


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