Guest guest Posted May 31, 2004 Report Share Posted May 31, 2004 |Hare Rama Krsna| Dear Ramesh, Namaskar If Saturn is in Aqua, then its lordship of Aqua will dominate. Its 8th house, so separation from spouse and some problems will be there. Not unusual for a person who lives in Australia whilst his wife lives in Dubai... people's concept of marriages these days can be very peculiar. The Sun is strong, so Saturn-Saturn will be very good for him. Saturn-Venus will be horrible - and he should do remedies for this. Advise fasting on Upapada days. Visti Larsen visti Chandrashekhar [boxdel] 30 May 2004 11:28 Ramesh Gangaramani Cc: vedic astrology Re: [vedic astrology] Case analysis, Break from Career for studies, immigration Dear Ramesh, On the whole a good analysis. Why would lord of 7th and 8th be a functional neutral? Any specific reason? Anyway Saturn Antar in Saturn Mahadasha should be good. He would have change of residence when Saturn moves to Virgo, or Jupiter to Libra at the earliest. Chandrashekhar. Ramesh Gangaramani wrote: > Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat > > Dear Shri Chandrashekharji and other learned members, > > I am posting a case analysis of a native who has requested for > guidance. I shall appreciate comments on my analysis. Your valuable > comments will help me and the native. > > *Background:* The native left a good job in Dubai in Dec 2003 and went > for further studies in Australia. His wife continues to work in Dubai. > He is now considering the option of moving his family and apply for > immigration. > > “If my wife comes and once I get my Permanent residence I will stay > here for another two years to get the Aussie citizenship. Is it > worthwhile, considering limited job opportunities in Australia for me > or should I ask my wife to stay back in Dubai and I join her after my > course gets over in May 2005.In this case I will not go back to > Australia to get my citizenship etc I would like to know how is 2005 > and beyond for me? > > Australia whilst is a good place for education and secured lifestyle I > miss Dubai for all its Indian ness. I am not sure whether I will get a > good job commensurate with my experience and qualification in Dubai if > I come back.” > > 1. *Functional benefics and malefics, Badhakesh:* Mars is a YK. > Jupiter and Moon benefics, Venus and Mercury are functional > malefics. Venus is badhakesh placed in Badhka stahana. Saturn is > a neutral with defect of being 8L. Sun and Saturn are Maraka. > 2. *Exaltation, Debilitation and Own house:* Jupiter and Sun are > exalted in D1 as well as D9. They both have excellent placements > (1H, 10H). Mercury is debilitated in D1 but exalted in D9. Venus > is in own house in D1 and exalted in D9. It is also the navamsa > dispositor of both LL and 5L in D1. Mars is retro, vargottama > though in an inimical sign. Saturn is also exalted in Navamsa. > > *Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house in D10:* Sun and Venus are > exalted in D10. Saturn is its own MTK house and Jupiter too is its own > house. Any planet in Exaltation or Debilitation in D10 shows success > and good income during its dasa. > > 3. *Rashi Sandhi/ Gandanta:* In a chart that seems very strong, I > find 4 planets in Rashi Sandhi. Sun is in Gandanta and Jupiter, > Moon and Mars are in Rashi Sandhi. > 4. *Pushkar Navamsa:* Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in Pushkar Navamsas. > 5. *Yogas:* Rahu in 10^th and Ketu Ghrahakarka in 4^th in D1 and D9 > make a Rajayoga. Exalted Jupiter in Kendra makes Hamsa Yoga. > 6. *D1 Lagna, Lagna Lord, 10H and 10L:* exalted Jupiter in 1H is a > great blessing. Hamsa yoga makes the native spiritual, pious and > respected. Lagna lord in 12^th indicates living abroad. 10L Mars > is in 4^th house. Sun and Rahu are very strongly placed in 10^th > house. Native will have strong material influence. He can be > famous, generous and learned. > 7. *Planets that bring Gains:* Mercury and Saturn are 11^th from AL > and will therefore bring gains, Mercury more so. Venus is in > 11^th from Lagna and is therefore a good candidate for bringing > in gains. > 8. *Planets that influence the profession: *In D10 too the LL is in > 12^th house and 10L Mars is in 4^th house. Here again Sun is > strongly placed in 10^th house. 10L is aspected by Sun by graham > drishti and by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu by Rashi drishti. Rahu and > Sun are in arthtrikona houses 2-6-10. Sun gives strong > indications of politics and public service and Rahu shows heavy > industry or imports. Saturn may show followers or people > reporting to him and Ketu may show precision equipments or > exports. Native had been associated with After Sales Service of > Air Conditioning equipments imported from west. > 9. *Planets whose dasas may bring change in career:* A10 is in 7^th > house and planets placed in 6-8-12 from A10 are Moon and Rahu. > Both are placed well from AL and hence they will bring changes > for the better > 10. *Vimsottari dasa:* Native made a move during Jupiter- Rahu- Moon > dasa. Rahu is 8^th and Moon is 6^th from A10. Jupiter is 9L, > house of further studies. Jupiter is 2L in D24 (post graduate > studies) and Rahu is placed in 2H. > > He is running Sat- Sat dasa from April 2004 till April 2007. Saturn is > in Janma nakshtra from Lagna nakshatra > > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): > > Sat MD: 2004-04-17 (12:10:15) - 2023-04-18 (09:05:39) > > Sat AD: 2004-04-17 (12:10:15) - 2007-04-21 (08:15:56) > > Pratyantardasas in this AD: > > Sat: 2004-04-17 (12:10:15) - 2004-10-12 (07:11:07) > > Mer: 2004-10-12 (07:11:07) - 2005-03-13 (05:21:44) > > Ket: 2005-03-13 (05:21:44) - 2005-05-16 (16:38:38) > > Ven: 2005-05-16 (16:38:38) - 2005-11-18 (16:08:44) > > Sun: 2005-11-18 (16:08:44) - 2006-01-10 (23:05:27) > > Moo: 2006-01-10 (23:05:27) - 2006-04-10 (20:20:58) > > Mar: 2006-04-10 (20:20:58) - 2006-06-15 (05:24:06) > > Rah: 2006-06-15 (05:24:06) - 2006-11-28 (20:20:06) > > Jup: 2006-11-28 (20:20:06) - 2007-04-21 (08:15:56) > > 6. *Narayana Dasa of D-1:* > > Aq MD: 2003-04-15 (18:43:10) - 2014-04-15 (14:32:44) > > Antardasas in this MD: > > Pi: 2003-04-15 (18:43:10) - 2004-03-15 (15:55:48) > > Aq: 2004-03-15 (15:55:48) - 2005-02-14 (00:39:18) > > Cp: 2005-02-14 (00:39:18) - 2006-01-15 (17:38:19) > > Sg: 2006-01-15 (17:38:19) - 2006-12-17 (13:09:25) > > Sc: 2006-12-17 (13:09:25) - 2007-11-18 (04:54:49) > > Li: 2007-11-18 (04:54:49) - 2008-10-18 (11:52:20) > > 7. *Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart:* > > Vi MD: 1997-04-15 (05:46:24) - 2005-04-15 (07:04:20) > > Antardasas in this MD: > > Ta: 2003-12-17 (18:44:51) - 2004-08-18 (00:17:02) > > Ar: 2004-08-18 (00:17:02) - 2005-04-15 (07:04:20) > > Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa): > > Li MD: 2005-04-15 (07:04:20) - 2011-04-15 (19:56:12) > > Antardasas in this MD: > > Li: 2005-04-15 (07:04:20) - 2005-10-18 (17:18:08) > > Sc: 2005-10-18 (17:18:08) - 2006-04-15 (13:15:31) > > Sg: 2006-04-15 (13:15:31) - 2006-10-18 (23:28:15) > > Cp: 2006-10-18 (23:28:15) - 2007-04-15 (19:23:35) > > Aq: 2007-04-15 (19:23:35) - 2007-10-19 (05:36:14) > > Pi: 2007-10-19 (05:36:14) - 2008-04-15 (01:24:55) > > 8. *Transit:* Saturn is currently in 12^th house of the native, which > has Lagna Lord Moon placed in it. Native made the move to Australia > during this transit. Saturn will move into its lagna in Sept 2004 and > will stay in till early 2007. > > Native is going through Sadesati, which will enter its last phase in Sept. > > Jupiter is moving into Virgo shortly and Libra around Oct 2005. > > *9. Conclusion:* Native has just started Saturn dasa and Saturn AD. > Dasa, AD of 8L coupled with 2^nd phase of sade sati is causing > anxieties. The effect of sadesati will start vaning as Saturn moves > into Cancer. Saturn however will be aspecting 10H from Lagna. > > Saturn is 7L and 8L, technically functional neutral. As 8L both from > Lagna and Moon in D1 however, it may pose difficulties occasionally. > It is also time for some unexpected events. It will also make the > native look deeper in unexplored areas or hidden issues. > > Saturn being 8L in D10 can threaten retirement during its period. As > 7L it also works as marka for service and hence promotes instability > in job. > > Native is likely to stay away from work during Saturn and Mercury > pratyantar. Ketu conjoined with Mars is likely to behave like YK Mars. > Prtyantar of Ketu will bring the native back into career. Venus though > badhakesh is placed its own house in D1. It is also badhkesh in D10. > Its pratyantar should be good with stray occasions of apparent > obstacles. Sun prtyantars should be very good. *I would therefore > expect native to get gainfully employed in Venus pratyantar starting > May 2005 and doing very well in Sun pratyantar starting November 2005. > Rahu aspects 4^th house of residence and hence its pratyamtar starting > June 2006 may show possibility of change of residence.* > > Jupiter’s while transiting through Libra from Oct 2005 will aspect > 10H, which will help the native in building his career again. > > It is interesting to note that lord of D1 narayana dasa and AD rashis > (Aquarious) is also Saturn. Next prtayantar of Capricorn should be > good for career as it contains A10 and has Sun and Jupiter in Kendra. > > D10 narayan dasa of Virgo has Jupiter, Venus and Moon in Kendra from > dasa rashi. Mercury lord of dasa rashi is in trine. The period should > therefore be good for the career. Taurus antar which started in Dec > 2003 has Rahu and Saturn in kendras. This probably brought the change. > > Next dasa of Libra should be good. *Antar of libra should be good and > that of Scorpio (starting Oct 2005) be very good as it contains GL.* > > Saturn’s transit through 12^th house Gemini probably brought the > current shift. It will be aspecting 10H during its transit through > Cancer. It will move out of Cancer in early 2007, *impact of which > will be felt from end 2006, which will be the time for clear rise of > career once again. Transit through Leo will aspect 4H and hence may > bring change of residence. *The transit through Virgo in mid 2009 can > bring major changes as Saturn will be aspecting its own house. > > Kind regards > > Ramesh > > > > > > > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || > > > * Sponsor* > > <http://rd./SIG=129ohjt99/M=295196.4901138.6071305.3001176/D=groups /S=1705082686:HM/EXP=1085999500/A=2128215/R=0/SIG=10se96mf6/*http://companio n.> > > > > ------ > * Links* > > * > vedic astrology/ > * > vedic astrology > <vedic astrology?subject=Un> > * Terms of > Service <>. > > Links Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 31, 2004 Report Share Posted May 31, 2004 Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Vistiji, Thank you for you for your kind reply. I am posting the same on the group site. Best Regards Ramesh Visti @ Denmark [visti (AT) (DOT) org]Tuesday, June 01, 2004 8:00 AM'Ramesh Gangaramani'RE: [vedic astrology] Case analysis, Break from Career for studies, immigration Hare Räma Kåñëa| Dear Ramesh, Saturn in Pisces, will again support Aqua. Count from the Dasa lord, to the Antar Dasa lord. Incase of Saturn-Saturn the result is 1st house. Sun is Karaka for first house, hence check Sun to see the result ;-). Best wishes, Visti Larsenvisti (AT) (DOT) org Ramesh Gangaramani [ramesh.gangaramani (AT) ae (DOT)] 31 May 2004 12:03vedic astrology RE: [vedic astrology] Case analysis, Break from Career for studies, immigration Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat Dear Vistiji, Thank you very much for your comments. Saturn (7L, 8L) is in Aqua in D10. In D1 however, though 7L and 8L again, it is in Pisces in 9H. I shall appreciate if you can kindly explain the link between strong Sun and good Saturn-Saturn dasa. Kind regards Ramesh Visti @ Denmark [visti (AT) (DOT) org]Monday, May 31, 2004 12:28 PMTo: vedic astrology FW: [vedic astrology] Case analysis, Break from Career for studies, immigration |Hare Rama Krsna|Dear Ramesh, NamaskarIf Saturn is in Aqua, then its lordship of Aqua will dominate. Its 8thhouse, so separation from spouse and some problems will be there. Notunusual for a person who lives in Australia whilst his wife lives inDubai... people's concept of marriages these days can be very peculiar. The Sun is strong, so Saturn-Saturn will be very good for him. Saturn-Venuswill be horrible - and he should do remedies for this. Advise fasting onUpapada days.Visti Larsenvisti (AT) (DOT) org Chandrashekhar [boxdel (AT) (DOT)] 30 May 2004 11:28Ramesh GangaramaniCc: vedic astrologyRe: [vedic astrology] Case analysis, Break from Career for studies,immigrationDear Ramesh,On the whole a good analysis. Why would lord of 7th and 8th be a functional neutral? Any specific reason? Anyway Saturn Antar in Saturn Mahadasha should be good. He would have change of residence when Saturn moves to Virgo, or Jupiter to Libra at the earliest.Chandrashekhar.Ramesh Gangaramani wrote:> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat>> Dear Shri Chandrashekharji and other learned members,>> I am posting a case analysis of a native who has requested for > guidance. I shall appreciate comments on my analysis. Your valuable > comments will help me and the native.>> *Background:* The native left a good job in Dubai in Dec 2003 and went > for further studies in Australia. His wife continues to work in Dubai. > He is now considering the option of moving his family and apply for > immigration.>> “If my wife comes and once I get my Permanent residence I will stay > here for another two years to get the Aussie citizenship. Is it > worthwhile, considering limited job opportunities in Australia for me > or should I ask my wife to stay back in Dubai and I join her after my > course gets over in May 2005.In this case I will not go back to > Australia to get my citizenship etc I would like to know how is 2005 > and beyond for me?>> Australia whilst is a good place for education and secured lifestyle I > miss Dubai for all its Indian ness. I am not sure whether I will get a > good job commensurate with my experience and qualification in Dubai if > I come back.”>> 1. *Functional benefics and malefics, Badhakesh:* Mars is a YK.> Jupiter and Moon benefics, Venus and Mercury are functional> malefics. Venus is badhakesh placed in Badhka stahana. Saturn is> a neutral with defect of being 8L. Sun and Saturn are Maraka.> 2. *Exaltation, Debilitation and Own house:* Jupiter and Sun are> exalted in D1 as well as D9. They both have excellent placements> (1H, 10H). Mercury is debilitated in D1 but exalted in D9. Venus> is in own house in D1 and exalted in D9. It is also the navamsa> dispositor of both LL and 5L in D1. Mars is retro, vargottama> though in an inimical sign. Saturn is also exalted in Navamsa.>> *Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house in D10:* Sun and Venus are > exalted in D10. Saturn is its own MTK house and Jupiter too is its own > house. Any planet in Exaltation or Debilitation in D10 shows success > and good income during its dasa.>> 3. *Rashi Sandhi/ Gandanta:* In a chart that seems very strong, I> find 4 planets in Rashi Sandhi. Sun is in Gandanta and Jupiter,> Moon and Mars are in Rashi Sandhi.> 4. *Pushkar Navamsa:* Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in Pushkar Navamsas.> 5. *Yogas:* Rahu in 10^th and Ketu Ghrahakarka in 4^th in D1 and D9> make a Rajayoga. Exalted Jupiter in Kendra makes Hamsa Yoga.> 6. *D1 Lagna, Lagna Lord, 10H and 10L:* exalted Jupiter in 1H is a> great blessing. Hamsa yoga makes the native spiritual, pious and> respected. Lagna lord in 12^th indicates living abroad. 10L Mars> is in 4^th house. Sun and Rahu are very strongly placed in 10^th> house. Native will have strong material influence. He can be> famous, generous and learned.> 7. *Planets that bring Gains:* Mercury and Saturn are 11^th from AL> and will therefore bring gains, Mercury more so. Venus is in> 11^th from Lagna and is therefore a good candidate for bringing> in gains.> 8. *Planets that influence the profession: *In D10 too the LL is in> 12^th house and 10L Mars is in 4^th house. Here again Sun is> strongly placed in 10^th house. 10L is aspected by Sun by graham> drishti and by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu by Rashi drishti. Rahu and> Sun are in arthtrikona houses 2-6-10. Sun gives strong> indications of politics and public service and Rahu shows heavy> industry or imports. Saturn may show followers or people> reporting to him and Ketu may show precision equipments or> exports. Native had been associated with After Sales Service of> Air Conditioning equipments imported from west.> 9. *Planets whose dasas may bring change in career:* A10 is in 7^th> house and planets placed in 6-8-12 from A10 are Moon and Rahu.> Both are placed well from AL and hence they will bring changes> for the better> 10. *Vimsottari dasa:* Native made a move during Jupiter- Rahu- Moon> dasa. Rahu is 8^th and Moon is 6^th from A10. Jupiter is 9L,> house of further studies. Jupiter is 2L in D24 (post graduate> studies) and Rahu is placed in 2H.>> He is running Sat- Sat dasa from April 2004 till April 2007. Saturn is > in Janma nakshtra from Lagna nakshatra>> Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):>> Sat MD: 2004-04-17 (12:10:15) - 2023-04-18 (09:05:39)>> Sat AD: 2004-04-17 (12:10:15) - 2007-04-21 (08:15:56)>> Pratyantardasas in this AD:>> Sat: 2004-04-17 (12:10:15) - 2004-10-12 (07:11:07)>> Mer: 2004-10-12 (07:11:07) - 2005-03-13 (05:21:44)>> Ket: 2005-03-13 (05:21:44) - 2005-05-16 (16:38:38)>> Ven: 2005-05-16 (16:38:38) - 2005-11-18 (16:08:44)>> Sun: 2005-11-18 (16:08:44) - 2006-01-10 (23:05:27)>> Moo: 2006-01-10 (23:05:27) - 2006-04-10 (20:20:58)>> Mar: 2006-04-10 (20:20:58) - 2006-06-15 (05:24:06)>> Rah: 2006-06-15 (05:24:06) - 2006-11-28 (20:20:06)>> Jup: 2006-11-28 (20:20:06) - 2007-04-21 (08:15:56)>> 6. *Narayana Dasa of D-1:*>> Aq MD: 2003-04-15 (18:43:10) - 2014-04-15 (14:32:44)>> Antardasas in this MD:>> Pi: 2003-04-15 (18:43:10) - 2004-03-15 (15:55:48)>> Aq: 2004-03-15 (15:55:48) - 2005-02-14 (00:39:18)>> Cp: 2005-02-14 (00:39:18) - 2006-01-15 (17:38:19)>> Sg: 2006-01-15 (17:38:19) - 2006-12-17 (13:09:25)>> Sc: 2006-12-17 (13:09:25) - 2007-11-18 (04:54:49)>> Li: 2007-11-18 (04:54:49) - 2008-10-18 (11:52:20)>> 7. *Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart:*>> Vi MD: 1997-04-15 (05:46:24) - 2005-04-15 (07:04:20)>> Antardasas in this MD:>> Ta: 2003-12-17 (18:44:51) - 2004-08-18 (00:17:02)>> Ar: 2004-08-18 (00:17:02) - 2005-04-15 (07:04:20)>> Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):>> Li MD: 2005-04-15 (07:04:20) - 2011-04-15 (19:56:12)>> Antardasas in this MD:>> Li: 2005-04-15 (07:04:20) - 2005-10-18 (17:18:08)>> Sc: 2005-10-18 (17:18:08) - 2006-04-15 (13:15:31)>> Sg: 2006-04-15 (13:15:31) - 2006-10-18 (23:28:15)>> Cp: 2006-10-18 (23:28:15) - 2007-04-15 (19:23:35)>> Aq: 2007-04-15 (19:23:35) - 2007-10-19 (05:36:14)>> Pi: 2007-10-19 (05:36:14) - 2008-04-15 (01:24:55)>> 8. *Transit:* Saturn is currently in 12^th house of the native, which > has Lagna Lord Moon placed in it. Native made the move to Australia > during this transit. Saturn will move into its lagna in Sept 2004 and > will stay in till early 2007.>> Native is going through Sadesati, which will enter its last phase in Sept.>> Jupiter is moving into Virgo shortly and Libra around Oct 2005.>> *9. Conclusion:* Native has just started Saturn dasa and Saturn AD. > Dasa, AD of 8L coupled with 2^nd phase of sade sati is causing > anxieties. The effect of sadesati will start vaning as Saturn moves > into Cancer. Saturn however will be aspecting 10H from Lagna.>> Saturn is 7L and 8L, technically functional neutral. As 8L both from > Lagna and Moon in D1 however, it may pose difficulties occasionally. > It is also time for some unexpected events. It will also make the > native look deeper in unexplored areas or hidden issues.>> Saturn being 8L in D10 can threaten retirement during its period. As > 7L it also works as marka for service and hence promotes instability > in job.>> Native is likely to stay away from work during Saturn and Mercury > pratyantar. Ketu conjoined with Mars is likely to behave like YK Mars. > Prtyantar of Ketu will bring the native back into career. Venus though > badhakesh is placed its own house in D1. It is also badhkesh in D10. > Its pratyantar should be good with stray occasions of apparent > obstacles. Sun prtyantars should be very good. *I would therefore > expect native to get gainfully employed in Venus pratyantar starting > May 2005 and doing very well in Sun pratyantar starting November 2005. > Rahu aspects 4^th house of residence and hence its pratyamtar starting > June 2006 may show possibility of change of residence.*>> Jupiter’s while transiting through Libra from Oct 2005 will aspect > 10H, which will help the native in building his career again.>> It is interesting to note that lord of D1 narayana dasa and AD rashis > (Aquarious) is also Saturn. Next prtayantar of Capricorn should be > good for career as it contains A10 and has Sun and Jupiter in Kendra.>> D10 narayan dasa of Virgo has Jupiter, Venus and Moon in Kendra from > dasa rashi. Mercury lord of dasa rashi is in trine. The period should > therefore be good for the career. Taurus antar which started in Dec > 2003 has Rahu and Saturn in kendras. This probably brought the change.>> Next dasa of Libra should be good. *Antar of libra should be good and > that of Scorpio (starting Oct 2005) be very good as it contains GL.*>> Saturn’s transit through 12^th house Gemini probably brought the > current shift. It will be aspecting 10H during its transit through > Cancer. It will move out of Cancer in early 2007, *impact of which > will be felt from end 2006, which will be the time for clear rise of > career once again. Transit through Leo will aspect 4H and hence may > bring change of residence. *The transit through Virgo in mid 2009 can > bring major changes as Saturn will be aspecting its own house.>> Kind regards>> Ramesh>>>> Archives: vedic astrology>> Group info: vedic astrology/info.html>> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology->> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......>> || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||>>> * Sponsor*> ><http://rd./SIG=129ohjt99/M=295196.4901138.6071305.3001176/D=groups/S=1705082686:HM/EXP=1085999500/A=2128215/R=0/SIG=10se96mf6/*http://companion.> >>>> ------> * Links*>> * > vedic astrology/> * To from this group, send an email to:> vedic astrology><vedic astrology?subject=Un>> * Terms of> Service <>.>>Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... LinksArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... 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