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Analysis on Bush

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Of course there's countless methods to ascertain who would win the elections,

and my judgement here does not need to be final. However I would like to

analyse the Kota chakra on Nov 2 2004 for both Bush and Kerry to check which of

them would have more chance to win.


I got birth data for John Kerry from ww.astrodatabank.com. It's Dec 11th 1943,

08:03 am, GMT-6hrs, 104W50, 39N45.


John Kerry has Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Sun (i.e. 4 malefics) in the stambha of

the Kota Cakra. This is highly unfavourable. The 5th malefic Mars is in the

Durgantara, entering deeper into the fort. Kota Swami is Venus, which is on the

wall fo the fort, so it is unable to protect the fort. Mars is also the Kota

Pala, so he is unable to protect from the inside. The benefic planets are on

the wall, Jupiter, Venus and Moon entering, and Mercury leaving the fort.

However this is not enough for overpowering those malefics.


On the other hand, Bush has got Kota Swami Mercury in the stambha, well

protected, although the walls are attacked by Saturn, Rahu, Sun and Ketu which

all go inside. The benefics Jupiter, Venus and Kota pala Moon are outside of

the fort, leaving it, while Mars is outside but approaching. Moon however is

also well placed to protect the fort. So I would consider that Bush has more

chance to win the masses (Moon) and the media (Mercury).




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish

Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone: +36-309-140-839


Sunil John

vedic astrology

Monday, October 04, 2004 2:29 PM

[vedic astrology] Analysis on Bush

George Bush:

George Bush Jr

Natal Chart

July 6, 1946

Time: 7:26:00

Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)

Longitude: 72 W 55' 00"

Latitude: 41 N 18' 00"


The nav is Sc lagna, but KN Rao has rectified it to Sag Lagna in Nav I hear.

Those interested in further research would like to experiment with Sg Lagna.

Past Events

13th Nov 1998 brother becomes Governor of Florida, Dasa of Sat/Moon/Jup. Moon Is

BK (brother) along with Jup in the 3rd house of brother & most imp “miracle

baba” . Moon Jup in Gajakeshari Yoga which is repeated in Nav,


He accepted AL-Gores concession speech on 13th Dec 2000 , Sat/Mars/Moo - the

Nav working appears correct.


11th sept 2001: Mars/Ketu 4th house extension on 64th Nav of Rahu hence bad event


On 2nd Nov 2004: Sat/Jup/Mer. The dasa is the one, which gave him throne, it is

the 4L of throne, an imp house for looking at Presidents and PMs, AD is of Jup

the one with the powerful Gajakeshari yoga, Mer is in Kali-naasa, a malefic if

I am not wrong and it is the 3rd and 12th lord posited in 1st house. One prime

minister of India if I am not wrong came to power in the dasa of the lord of 3H

& 12 H, so this is complex and confusing whether

Jup is 3rd from Sat and if I remember well then from end of 2003 he has been

facing lot of problems. Jup in the first half of his antar would give results

of 6H n in the 2nd half of the 9th house of fortune and bhagya – this is one

point which has been most most confusing or rather in his favor for him to win.

Also its position from AL is good.


Mer would be the giver, Nav lordship is not too good either. But Mer is lord of Yash Saham i.e fame

If this technique is right then lord of Rudramsa lagna can be troublesome and it

is Mer, but it is with Swagrahi Moon and hence he has so far survived.

Nov 2nd 2004 – Judgement day

4th house extension rule of Rahu on 64th Nav of Jup & Moon his lagna lord. This

could be clinching in him losing.

Let us wait and see how this Rahu gives results. Whatever be the results it

would be sudden and a setback somewhere or someone would experience either he

or someone. Rahu as we know can give good and bad results both. Since Rahu is

also the 8th lord it can give loss or termination of service as it is 11th from



Sun & Ven is in MB on that day and Sun is in Kerrys 10L & Bush’s 2nd Lord.


On 2nd Nov 04

1. Sun is 12th from GL and AL of native chart, which is not good, rahu seems to

confuse em as it is in a good sign Aries but has aspect of Saturn. And rahu is

his GK(rival)

Sun on that day is in MB and is close to his lagna deg – nobody has taught me to

look at transit MB but I feel it might be important since it can show state of

planet who is giving effect.


2. Mer on 2nd Nov is in Sc in Cn Nav, Mer is PD lord and 12th and 3rd Lord.

MC is in 14Ar47, so MC Nav position is at Leo Nav and Leo Dasamsa (data supplied by PVR)


On this day Mer ACTIVATES 64th Nav of MC, so one can deduce this is a Very Imp

event and could be malefic in nature resulting in his losing.


3. Lord of Rajya Saham (kingdom) Sun is in MB on that day . Lord of Punya Saham

is again in MB on that day. On 2nd Nov, Lord of Rajya Saham Sun is on Punya

Saham bang on to the second.


Will after 2006 Bush’s brother rise in life to heights. I hear he is governor of florida. ???


To be honest I have been biased in Bush losing even before I started seeing the

charts, but hopefully I have utilized the techniques properly I guess for

students thats what counts.


Summary: Bush can lose


Om TAT Sat


P.S: Dear Shri Sabri, thanks for the wonderful mail, my health has dropped down

again badly today hence not able to write a detailed letter to u thanking you.

I would write to u personally asking u re blood pressure problems remedies

through ayurveda for myself.


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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  • 5 weeks later...

Dear Friends,

Yes, the list should be set to reply to the list itself.

Shri Gauranga had done a nice analysis. In such elections, chances of success

are 50%, hence it doesn't mean that whosoever had predicted it correctly is

technically superior to the failed ones.

Gauranga, thanks for the masterpiece.


Praveen Kumar (Mumbai)


Gauranga Das

Vedic Astrology Group

04, 11, 2004 3:25 PM

Fw: [vedic astrology] Analysis on Bush



Dear Jyotisha,




I have sent this email on October 4 to the list, but it had reached only Sunil

John. I don't know why the list is set to send reply only to the sender and not

to the list automatically. Anyway, here is the email, where I was predicting

Bush winning the election. As one member in the list said, theoretically it was

50/50% for each candidate to win, however we can still learn from the actual

outcome of the elections. I cannot agree that free will can overpower karma in

every case. Of course it is there, but somehow we ahould account for the

reactions of the past deeds, so karmic forces are there whatever you do.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish

Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone: +36-309-140-839


- Gauranga Das

Sunil John

Cc: Vedic Astrology Group

Monday, October 04, 2004 5:39 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Analysis on Bush



Of course there's countless methods to ascertain who would win the elections,

and my judgement here does not need to be final. However I would like to

analyse the Kota chakra on Nov 2 2004 for both Bush and Kerry to check which of

them would have more chance to win.


I got birth data for John Kerry from ww.astrodatabank.com. It's Dec 11th 1943,

08:03 am, GMT-6hrs, 104W50, 39N45.


John Kerry has Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Sun (i.e. 4 malefics) in the stambha of

the Kota Cakra. This is highly unfavourable. The 5th malefic Mars is in the

Durgantara, entering deeper into the fort. Kota Swami is Venus, which is on the

wall fo the fort, so it is unable to protect the fort. Mars is also the Kota

Pala, so he is unable to protect from the inside. The benefic planets are on

the wall, Jupiter, Venus and Moon entering, and Mercury leaving the fort.

However this is not enough for overpowering those malefics.


On the other hand, Bush has got Kota Swami Mercury in the stambha, well

protected, although the walls are attacked by Saturn, Rahu, Sun and Ketu which

all go inside. The benefics Jupiter, Venus and Kota pala Moon are outside of

the fort, leaving it, while Mars is outside but approaching. Moon however is

also well placed to protect the fort. So I would consider that Bush has more

chance to win the masses (Moon) and the media (Mercury).




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish

Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone: +36-309-140-839


Sunil John

vedic astrology

Monday, October 04, 2004 2:29 PM

[vedic astrology] Analysis on Bush

George Bush:

George Bush Jr

Natal Chart

July 6, 1946

Time: 7:26:00

Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)

Longitude: 72 W 55' 00"

Latitude: 41 N 18' 00"


The nav is Sc lagna, but KN Rao has rectified it to Sag Lagna in Nav I hear.

Those interested in further research would like to experiment with Sg Lagna.

Past Events

13th Nov 1998 brother becomes Governor of Florida, Dasa of Sat/Moon/Jup. Moon Is

BK (brother) along with Jup in the 3rd house of brother & most imp

“miracle baba” . Moon Jup in Gajakeshari Yoga which is repeated in



He accepted AL-Gores concession speech on 13th Dec 2000 , Sat/Mars/Moo - the

Nav working appears correct.


11th sept 2001: Mars/Ketu 4th house extension on 64th Nav of Rahu hence bad event


On 2nd Nov 2004: Sat/Jup/Mer. The dasa is the one, which gave him throne, it is

the 4L of throne, an imp house for looking at Presidents and PMs, AD is of Jup

the one with the powerful Gajakeshari yoga, Mer is in Kali-naasa, a malefic if

I am not wrong and it is the 3rd and 12th lord posited in 1st house. One prime

minister of India if I am not wrong came to power in the dasa of the lord of 3H

& 12 H, so this is complex and confusing whether

Jup is 3rd from Sat and if I remember well then from end of 2003 he has been

facing lot of problems. Jup in the first half of his antar would give results

of 6H n in the 2nd half of the 9th house of fortune and bhagya – this is

one point which has been most most confusing or rather in his favor for him to

win. Also its position from AL is good.


Mer would be the giver, Nav lordship is not too good either. But Mer is lord of Yash Saham i.e fame

If this technique is right then lord of Rudramsa lagna can be troublesome and it

is Mer, but it is with Swagrahi Moon and hence he has so far survived.

Nov 2nd 2004 – Judgement day

4th house extension rule of Rahu on 64th Nav of Jup & Moon his lagna lord. This

could be clinching in him losing.

Let us wait and see how this Rahu gives results. Whatever be the results it

would be sudden and a setback somewhere or someone would experience either he

or someone. Rahu as we know can give good and bad results both. Since Rahu is

also the 8th lord it can give loss or termination of service as it is 11th from



Sun & Ven is in MB on that day and Sun is in Kerrys 10L & Bush’s 2nd Lord.


On 2nd Nov 04

1. Sun is 12th from GL and AL of native chart, which is not good, rahu seems to

confuse em as it is in a good sign Aries but has aspect of Saturn. And rahu is

his GK(rival)

Sun on that day is in MB and is close to his lagna deg – nobody has taught

me to look at transit MB but I feel it might be important since it can show

state of planet who is giving effect.


2. Mer on 2nd Nov is in Sc in Cn Nav, Mer is PD lord and 12th and 3rd Lord.

MC is in 14Ar47, so MC Nav position is at Leo Nav and Leo Dasamsa (data supplied by PVR)


On this day Mer ACTIVATES 64th Nav of MC, so one can deduce this is a Very Imp

event and could be malefic in nature resulting in his losing.


3. Lord of Rajya Saham (kingdom) Sun is in MB on that day . Lord of Punya Saham

is again in MB on that day. On 2nd Nov, Lord of Rajya Saham Sun is on Punya

Saham bang on to the second.


Will after 2006 Bush’s brother rise in life to heights. I hear he is governor of florida. ???


To be honest I have been biased in Bush losing even before I started seeing the

charts, but hopefully I have utilized the techniques properly I guess for

students thats what counts.


Summary: Bush can lose


Om TAT Sat


P.S: Dear Shri Sabri, thanks for the wonderful mail, my health has dropped down

again badly today hence not able to write a detailed letter to u thanking you.

I would write to u personally asking u re blood pressure problems remedies

through ayurveda for myself.


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vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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