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||Om Brihaspataye Namah||


An interesting conversation on May 27, 2004 (~ 9 pm @Singapore)


Dear Jyotishas,


Four of us (Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Sarkar, myself and Krishnan) were sitting in

the hawker centre near the famous Mustafas waiting for the coffee that we had

ordered. It all started when Krishnan casually mentioned to Sarbani that he had

difficulty in meditating at the temple. Elaborating further, Krishnan said that

he had no difficulty when doing his prayers at home but invariably faced the

same difficulty when in a temple. When asked by Sanjay to describe the problem,

Krishnan said that the left side of his body becomes paralysed. Because the

place was a temple, Sarbani suggested that the problem may be related

to the 9th house and dreshkana. Sanjay said that 9th house was indicated but the

problem was connected to a planet in Moons horä. Since the problem started with

the feet (whenever Krishnan sat down to medidate), Sanjay asked if there was

any planet in Pisces (feet) in his chart and the degrees. Krishnan replied that

Saturn was in the 1st degree of Pisces confirming that the planet was indeed in

Moons horä. Mars was aspecting Saturn from the 9th house and the Sun (karaka

for temples) was aspected by both Saturn and Mars from the 12th house

indicating pitri shaapa (curse of father). On hearing this, Sanjay immediately

said that the father of Krishnan should be facing problems. But Krishnan’s

father passed away in 1989 upon which Sanjay said that the shraddham procedures

have not been performed properly and this was causing the problem. As long as

this problem was not solved, the native would continue to face problems. Since


native was quite young at the time of his father’s demise, he did not know the

nature of the rituals to be performed. Though he performed the last rites, he

did not do the shraddha after the eleventh day. Subsequently, he didn’t even do

it annually. Then I asked Sanjay how this conclusion can be confirmed. Just at

that moment, a very dark complexioned man, massaging his head, walked past the

table where we were seated. Upon seeing this, Sanjay asked Krishnan whether his

father had a head problem. Krishnan was initially shocked but admitted that this

was indeed the case. Then the advice was given to do the full shraddham in

Mahalaya paksha which falls in the month of Ashwin (Krishna paksha in

September). The final confirmation came when Krishnan and I observed a blue van

bearing the name

‘Singapore Casket’ indicating some connection with funerals and also that the

rituals are going to be performed soon.


Hope you enjoyed reading this.



HariTired of

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Dear Hari,

It is an excellent demonstration of use of proper analysis of given data

and use of Nimittas. There are many tools in astrology, but they yield

results only in the hands of one who has a deep understanding of

underlying principles. This has been amply demonstrated by Sanjay.

Convey my compliments to him and Sarbani too, if they are still with you.




Hari M wrote:


> *||Om Brihaspataye Namah||*


> * *


> *An interesting conversation on **May 27, 2004** (~ **9 pm**

> @**Singapore**)*


> * *


> *Dear Jyotishas,*


> * *


> *Four of us (Sanjay Rath, **Sarbani Sarkar**, myself and Krishnan)

> were sitting in the hawker centre near the famous Mustafas waiting for

> the coffee that we had ordered. It all started when Krishnan casually

> mentioned to Sarbani that he had difficulty in meditating at the

> temple. Elaborating further, Krishnan said that he had no difficulty

> when doing his prayers at home but invariably faced the /same/

> difficulty when in a temple. When asked by Sanjay to describe the

> problem, Krishnan said that the left side of his body becomes

> paralysed. Because the place was a temple, Sarbani suggested that the

> problem may be related to the 9^th house and dreshkana. Sanjay said

> that 9^th house was indicated but the problem was connected to a

> planet in Moons horä. Since the problem started with the feet

> (whenever Krishnan sat down to medidate), Sanjay asked if there was

> any planet in Pisces (feet) in his chart and the degrees. Krishnan

> replied that Saturn was in the 1^st degree of Pisces confirming that

> the planet was indeed in Moons horä. Mars was aspecting Saturn from

> the 9^th house and the Sun (karaka for temples) was aspected by both

> Saturn and Mars from the 12^th house indicating pitri shaapa (curse of

> father). On hearing this, Sanjay immediately said that the father of

> Krishnan should be facing problems. But Krishnan’s father passed away

> in 1989 upon which Sanjay said that the shraddham procedures have not

> been performed properly and this was causing the problem. As long as

> this problem was not solved, the native would continue to face

> problems. Since the native was quite young at the time of his father’s

> demise, he did not know the nature of the rituals to be performed.

> Though he performed the last rites, he did not do the shraddha after

> the eleventh day. Subsequently, he didn’t even do it annually. Then I

> asked Sanjay how this conclusion can be confirmed. Just at that

> moment, a very dark complexioned man, massaging his head, walked past

> the table where we were seated. Upon seeing this, Sanjay asked

> Krishnan whether his father had a head problem. Krishnan was initially

> shocked but admitted that this was indeed the case. Then the advice

> was given to do the full shraddham in Mahalaya paksha which falls in

> the month of Ashwin (**Krishna** paksha in September). The final

> confirmation came when Krishnan and I observed a blue van bearing the

> name ‘**Singapore** Casket’ indicating some connection with funerals

> and also that the rituals are going to be performed soon.*


> * *


> *Hope you enjoyed reading this.*


> * *


> *Regards*


> *Hari*













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