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Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2

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Sunil John

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2

Dear Gauranga,

Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back since I had

put capital G instead of small g.

First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this complex

topic which no one has answered on the list.If ur kind self would have chosen

to replied on the list many would have learned, but you may have ur reasons

although i feel that u should be more active on the list like old days.


Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ





Dear Sunil,



> 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability of Jyotish.

Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If he is associating

with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer is a


SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are referring to aspect

or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account rasi dristi, and if

it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of Scorpio also contribute to

Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish and hence Ketu, should we

see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.

In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually stronger. So

he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th house, not

associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some ability.

> 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi dristi on VL.

Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.

SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period when during

transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL

Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli, then a strong

transit position is very beneficial.

> 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna

Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would inidcate the external varna

(caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.


> 4.What and how are its applications

Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.

Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment of the possibilities. It would

appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer and makes his

living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be other indications,

especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter and Mercury, in

Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of interests in and

commintment to Jyotish.

SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking about this for

months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer. I am attaching

my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.

My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or 9.58 the

rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV industry as an

Executive Producer (salaried).

11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay

Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition, as well as him being lord

of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so a substantial strengthening of

Jupiter is needed. So you have some ability for Jyotish. However in dasamsa

Jupiter influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 10th. Only Mercury is

exalted in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional is not so likely.

In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter, Mercury,

Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are able to

learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required for this.

5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this since VL is

also indicator of profession as stated.

According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita. So he gives

examples of using it for timing the longevity of the native and his relatives.

I am not aware of anyone using it for timing changes in job. I would recommend

Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa. According to Kalacakra dasa you have

Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which has Jupiter in own house in 4th in D-10.

Looks like some Jyotish-related activity may be there, but it is more connected

t home than to workplace. In D-10 Narayana dasa you have the same dasa beginning

from 2006 to 2018. This may give the same indications.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish

Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone: +36-309-140-839




Thanking you,

With blessings from Divine Mother

Sunil John


P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I wanted to

think cooly on VL before replying to u.



Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839

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|Hare Räma


Dear Sunil,

As far as I

have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show abilities, it shows that work

which sustains you.

In far most

of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus or Jupiter associated with 11th

from Varëada lagna, and in either case the astrologer would either be a

practitioner or a teacher, respectively. I have a chart of someone who tried to

take on the profession as an astrologer but who didn’t have Venus

associated with the 11th from VL – He wasn’t very

successful and had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating and people were

quite fond of his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter is also a priest,

teacher, poet, singer, etc among varnas.

Best wishes,

bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Gauranga Das

[gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net]

28 June 2004 18:27

Sunil John


vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re:

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2







font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold">gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold">Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM

font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold">Varnada Lagna

discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2


bold">Dear Gauranga,

bold">Thanks for ur

mail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back since I had put capital G

instead of small g.

bold">First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this

complex topic which no one has answered on the list.If ur

kind self would have chosen to replied on the list many would have learned, but

you may have ur

reasons although i feel that u should be more active on the list like old days.


bold">Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ










> 1.

Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability of Jyotish.

color:red">Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If

he is associating

color:red">with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer is a


bold">SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are referring to

aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account rasi dristi,

and if it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of Scorpio also contribute

to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish and hence Ketu, should

we see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.

In your

case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually stronger. So he

becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th house, not

associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some ability.

> 2.

What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi dristi on VL.

color:red">Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.

bold">SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period when

during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli, then a strong

transit position is very beneficial.

> 3.

What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna

color:red">Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would inidcate the external varna

color:red">(caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.




4.What and how are its applications


are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.

color:red">Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment of the

possibilities. It would

color:red">appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer and makes


color:red">living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be other


color:red">especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter and

Mercury, in

color:red">Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of interests in


color:red">commintment to Jyotish.

bold">SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking about

this for months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer. I am

attaching my chart and would like to know ur

esteemed view.


bold">My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or 9.58 the

rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV industry

as an Executive Producer (salaried).

bold">11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition, as well as him being lord of

10th house. However he is debilitated, so a substantial strengthening

of Jupiter is needed. So you have some ability for Jyotish. However

in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 10th.

Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional is not

so likely.

In D-24

you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu and

Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are able to learn

Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required for this.

bold">5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this since

VL is also indicator of profession as stated.


to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita. So he gives examples of

using it for timing the longevity of the native and his relatives. I am

not aware of anyone using it for timing changes in job. I would recommend

Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa. According to Kalacakra dasa you have

Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which has Jupiter in own house in 4th in D-10.

Looks like some Jyotish-related activity may be there, but it is more connected

t home than to workplace. In D-10 Narayana dasa you have the same dasa

beginning from 2006 to 2018. This may give the same indications.



Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839




bold">Thanking you,

bold">With blessings from Divine Mother

bold">Sunil John




bold">P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I wanted

to think cooly on VL before replying to u.




Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net









vedic astrology


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|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||


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Om Hoom Ram Chaitanyayai Namah!

Dear Visti Ji,

Could you advice please, is it make sense for this person:

1 Feb 1964;10:43:34; 48N19; 38E17; TZ+3:00 to continue Jyotish study(the

JHD file is attached)?

He has Ke and Me in 11 from VL ( Gu is Lord of Bhava),

but he has no Sk nor Gu direct drishti from VL in Rasi. In D-10 he has

drishti from Gu (which is in the 1st Bhava)to 5th (in which is SK)and he

has Bu in the 2nd Bhava. Would he understand Jyotish deeply at least for

himself only, if he can't be a practitioner or a teacher?

Yours truly,


Jai Guru Dev

"Visti Larsen"

<visti (AT) (DOT) org>

06/28/2004 01:03 PM


<vedic astrology>


<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2

|Hare Räma Kåñëa|

Dear Sunil,

As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show

abilities, it shows that work which sustains you.

In far most of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus

or Jupiter associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and in either

case the astrologer would either be a practitioner or a teacher, respectively.

I have a chart of someone who tried to take on the profession as an astrologer

but who didn’t have Venus associated with the 11th from VL

– He wasn’t very successful and had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating

and people were quite fond of his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter

is also a priest, teacher, poet, singer, etc among varnas.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

visti (AT) (DOT) org




Gauranga Das [gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net]

28 June 2004 18:27

Sunil John

Cc: vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion

with Gauranga Das - exch 2




Sunil John

To:gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Sent:Friday, June 18, 20043:26 PM

Subject:Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga

Das - exch 2


Dear Gauranga,

Thanks for urmail, I had sent one short email but

it bounced back since I had put capital G instead of small g.

First and foremost I must thank you from my heart

for replying this complex topic which no one has answered on the list.If

urkind self would have chosen to replied on the list many would have learned,

but you may have urreasons although i feel that u should be more active

on the list like old days.


Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ





Dear Sunil,



> 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability

of Jyotish.

Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada

Lagna. If he is associating

with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer

is a


SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume

u are referring to aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking

into account rasi dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL being the

owner of Scorpio also contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have

to see Jyotish and hence Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars and


In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars

is actually stronger. So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in

Aquarius in 9th house, not associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio

may still hold some ability.

> 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi

dristi on VL.

Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.

SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase

during the period when during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL

Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma

Kundli, then a strong transit position is very beneficial.

> 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada


Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna(caste). would

inidcate the external varna

(caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.


> 4.What and how are its applications

Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.

Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment

of the possibilities. It would

appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer

and makes his

living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be

other indications,

especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter

and Mercury, in

Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of

interests in and

commintment to Jyotish.

SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have

been thinking about this for months now, would i become a very good exceptional

astrologer. I am attaching my chart and would like to know uresteemed view.

My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some

to 9.55.23 or 9.58 the rectification was done on the basis of my profession

which is TV industry as an Executive Producer (salaried).

11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay

Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition,

as well as him being lord of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so

a substantial strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you have

some ability for Jyotish. However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither

of the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 10th. Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore

becoming a professional is not so likely.

In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets

Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house.

So you are able to learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required

for this.

5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then

how, i ask this since VL is also indicator of profession as stated.

According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not

Phalita. So he gives examples of using it for timing the longevity of the

native and his relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it for timing

changes in job. I would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa.

According to Kalacakra dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which

has Jupiter in own house in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related

activity may be there, but it is more connected t home than to workplace.

In D-10 Narayana dasa you have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to

2018. This may give the same indications.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839




Thanking you,

With blessings from Divine Mother

Sunil John


P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my

delayed reply, I wanted to think cooly on VL before replying to u.



Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839







|| OmTat Sat ||

Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||





|| Om Tat Sat ||

Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||click



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|Hare Räma Kåñëa´

Dear Youry,



calculating the Varëada Lagna without the use of degrees.

i.e. Lagna is

Aries and Hora Lagna is also Aries – both odd. So 1+1=2, and this must be

the 2nd from Aries because Lagna is in an odd sign. Hence Taurus is

the Varëada Lagna. The 11th there-from has Jupiter in Pisces.


The person

will also understand Jyotiña quite well as Ätmakäraka is in the 11th

house from Lagna, and be quite good with predictions as Mars and Sun are very

strong in Kendra – Ruchaka Mahäpüruña Yoga. These are very strong


Best wishes,

bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">





khmelevsky (AT) acm (DOT) org [khmelevsky (AT) acm (DOT) org]

29 June 2004 02:45

Visti Larsen


vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2



Hoom Ram Chaitanyayai Namah!

Dear Visti Ji,

Could you advice please, is it make

sense for this person: 1 Feb 1964;10:43:34; 48N19; 38E17; TZ+3:00 to continue

Jyotish study(the JHD file is attached)?

He has Ke and Me in 11 from VL ( Gu

is Lord of Bhava), but he has no Sk nor Gu direct drishti from VL in Rasi. In

D-10 he has drishti from Gu (which is in the 1st Bhava)to 5th (in which is

SK)and he has Bu in the 2nd Bhava. Would he understand Jyotish deeply at least

for himself only, if he can't be a practitioner or a teacher?

Yours truly,


Jai Guru Dev

7.5pt;font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold">"Visti Larsen"

<visti (AT) (DOT) org>


01:03 PM


7.5pt;font-family:sans-serif"><vedic astrology>


7.5pt;font-family:sans-serif"><suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


7.5pt;font-family:sans-serif">RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna

discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2





|Hare Räma Kåñëa|

Dear Sunil,

As far as I have learnt, the

Varëada Lagna does not show abilities, it shows that work which sustains you.

In far most of the charts of

astrologers I have, its Venus or Jupiter associated with 11th from

Varëada lagna, and in either case the astrologer would either be a practitioner

or a teacher, respectively. I have a chart of someone who tried to take on the

profession as an astrologer but who didn’t have Venus associated with the

11th from VL – He wasn’t very successful and had to try

new ways. Jupiter was associating and people were quite fond of his skills as a

teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter is also a priest, teacher, poet, singer, etc among


Best wishes,




visti (AT) (DOT) org




Gauranga Das

[gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net]

28 June 2004 18:27

Sunil John

Cc: vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna

discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2




To:gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Sent:Friday, June 18, 20043:26 PM

Subject:Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga

Das - exch 2

italic">Dear Gauranga,

italic">Thanks for urmail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back since

I had put capital G instead of small g.

italic">First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this

complex topic which no one has answered on the list.If urkind self would have

chosen to replied on the list many would have learned, but you may have

urreasons although i feel that u should be more active on the list like old


italic">Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ


Dear Sunil,


> 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used

for seeing the ability of Jyotish.

Gauranga: The clue lies always in

the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If he is associating

with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming

a professional astrologer is a


italic">SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are referring to

aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account rasi dristi,

and if it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of Scorpio also contribute

to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish and hence Ketu, should

we see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.

In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually stronger. So

he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th house, not

associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some ability.

> 2. What happens if Jup exalted

and deb have rasi dristi on VL.

Gauranga: Exalted is better I


italic">SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period

when during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL

Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli, then a strong

transit position is very beneficial.

> 3. What is the basic and

esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna

Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna(caste). would

inidcate the external varna

(caste) one belongs to or the

profession one would practice.


> 4.What and how are its


Details are given in Upadesa Sutras

of Jaimini.

Gauranga: I think it is good, but

gives only a fragment of the possibilities. It would

appear in someone's chart who is a

professional astrologer and makes his

living in this way. However for

amateurs, there may be other indications,

especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses

influenced by Jupiter and Mercury, in

Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give

a wide variety of interests in and

commintment to Jyotish.

italic">SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking about

this for months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer. I am

attaching my chart and would like to know uresteemed view.

italic">My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or 9.58

the rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV

industry as an Executive Producer (salaried).

italic">11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay

Well, Jupiter in the 8th is

favourable for intuition, as well as him being lord of 10th house. However he

is debilitated, so a substantial strengthening of Jupiter is

needed. So you have some ability for Jyotish. However in dasamsa Jupiter

influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 10th. Only Mercury is exalted

in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional is not so likely.

In D-24 you have more

opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are in

Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are able to learn Jyotish, however a

lot of efforts are required for this.

italic">5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this since

VL is also indicator of profession as stated.

According to Parasara, Varnada dasa

is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita. So he gives examples of using it for timing the

longevity of the native and his relatives. I am not aware of anyone using

it for timing changes in job. I would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana

dasa. According to Kalacakra dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which

has Jupiter in own house in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related

activity may be there, but it is more connected t home than to workplace. In

D-10 Narayana dasa you have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to 2018.

This may give the same indications.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839

italic">Thanking you,

italic">With blessings from Divine Mother

italic">Sunil John


italic">P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I

wanted to think cooly on VL before replying to u.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839


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Guest guest

Dear Visti,


I checked this 11th from VL in all the astrologer charts i have and

it worked true except in Your case!


Your VL is in gemini. 11th lord from gemini is mars. Your mars is in

leo and does get sign aspect by Jupiter.


So do we take it from this teaching jyotish will be more suited to

you than actually practicing it as a profession?


Best wishes





vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>


> |Hare Räma Kåñëa|


> Dear Sunil,


> As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show abilities,

it shows

> that work which sustains you.


> In far most of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus or


> associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and in either case the


> would either be a practitioner or a teacher, respectively. I have a

chart of

> someone who tried to take on the profession as an astrologer but

who didn't

> have Venus associated with the 11th from VL – He wasn't very

successful and

> had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating and people were quite

fond of

> his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter is also a priest,

teacher, poet,

> singer, etc among varnas.


> Best wishes,






> Visti Larsen

> <visti@s...> visti@s...




> Gauranga Das [gauranga@b...]

> 28 June 2004 18:27

> Sunil John

> Cc: vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with

Gauranga Das -

> exch 2






> -


> Sunil <suniljohn_2004@h...> John


> gauranga@b...


> Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM


> Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2




> Dear Gauranga,


> Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back

since I

> had put capital G instead of small g.


> First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this


> topic which no one has answered on the list.If ur kind self would


> chosen to replied on the list many would have learned, but you may

have ur

> reasons although i feel that u should be more active on the list

like old

> days.




> Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ




> Dear Sunil,


> Namaste.




> > 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability of Jyotish.


> Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If

he is

> associating


> with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer is a


> possibility.


> SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are

referring to

> aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account


> dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of

Scorpio also

> contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish

and hence

> Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.


> In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually


> So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th

house, not

> associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some



> > 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi dristi on VL.


> Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.


> SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period


> during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


> Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli,

then a

> strong transit position is very beneficial.


> > 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna


> Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would inidcate the


> varna


> (caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.


> SJ:Thanks


> > 4.What and how are its applications


> Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.


> Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment of the

> possibilities. It would


> appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer and

makes his


> living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be other



> especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter and

Mercury, in


> Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of interests in



> commintment to Jyotish.


> SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking

about this

> for months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer.

I am

> attaching my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.


> My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or

9.58 the

> rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV

industry as

> an Executive Producer (salaried).


> 11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


> Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition, as well as

him being

> lord of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so a substantial

> strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you have some ability for


> However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th

or 10th.

> Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional

is not so

> likely.


> In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter,


> Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are

able to

> learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required for this.


> 5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this

since VL

> is also indicator of profession as stated.


> According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita.

So he

> gives examples of using it for timing the longevity of the native

and his

> relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it for timing changes in

job. I

> would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa. According to


> dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which has Jupiter in

own house

> in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related activity may be

there, but

> it is more connected t home than to workplace. In D-10 Narayana

dasa you

> have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to 2018. This may give the


> indications.


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> gauranga@b...

> Jyotish Remedies:


> Phone: +36-309-140-839


Thanking you,


> With blessings from Divine Mother


> Sunil John


> Mumbai


> P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I

wanted to

> think cooly on VL before replying to u.




> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


> gauranga@b...


> Jyotish Remedies:




> Phone: +36-309-140-839





> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-



> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......








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Guest guest

|Hare Räma Kåñëa|

Dear Kasim,


Because of

this position some have thought that my Hora Lagna could be in Libra which

would change the Varëada Lagna to Sagittarius. But yes Jupiter’s influence

clearly indicates teaching.

Now try the

chart of Achyuta Dasa for the same. It’s attached in the mail. Try Hora Lagna

in both Aries and Taurus and see what you find.

Best wishes,


bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">





kasim_c (AT) hotmail (DOT) com [kasim_c (AT) hotmail (DOT) com]

29 June 2004 11:12


vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re:

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2


10.0pt">Dear Visti,

I checked this 11th from VL in all the astrologer

charts i have and

it worked true except in Your case!

Your VL is in gemini. 11th lord from gemini is

mars. Your mars is in

leo and does get sign aspect by Jupiter.

So do we take it from this teaching jyotish will

be more suited to

you than actually practicing it as a profession?

Best wishes


vedic astrology,

"Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>


> |Hare Räma Kåñëa|


> Dear Sunil,


> As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna

does not show abilities,

it shows

> that work which sustains you.


> In far most of the charts of astrologers I

have, its Venus or


> associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and

in either case the


> would either be a practitioner or a teacher,

respectively. I have a

chart of

> someone who tried to take on the profession

as an astrologer but

who didn't

> have Venus associated with the 11th from VL

– He wasn't very

successful and

> had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating

and people were quite

fond of

> his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter

is also a priest,

teacher, poet,

> singer, etc among varnas.


> Best wishes,






> Visti Larsen

> <visti@s...> visti@s...








> _____


> Gauranga Das [gauranga@b...]

> 28 June 2004 18:27

> Sunil John

> Cc: vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna

discussion with

Gauranga Das -

> exch 2






> -


> Sunil

<suniljohn_2004@h...> John


> gauranga@b...


> Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM


> Varnada Lagna discussion with

Gauranga Das - exch 2




> Dear Gauranga,


> Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it

bounced back

since I

> had put capital G instead of small g.


> First and foremost I must thank you from my

heart for replying this


> topic which no one has answered on the

list.If ur kind

self would


> chosen to replied on the list many would have

learned, but you may

have ur

> reasons although i feel that u should be more

active on the list

like old

> days.




> Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ










> Dear Sunil,


> Namaste.




> > 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing

the ability of Jyotish.


> Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of

the Varnada Lagna. If

he is

> associating


> with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a

professional astrologer is a


> possibility.


> SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I

presume u are

referring to

> aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u

also taking into account


> dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL

being the owner of

Scorpio also

> contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we

have to see Jyotish

and hence

> Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars

and Ketu.


> In your case etu is functionally debilitated,

so Mars is actually


> So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He

is in Aquarius in 9th

house, not

> associating with Jupiter. However VL in

Scorpio may still hold some



> > 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb

have rasi dristi on VL.


> Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.


> SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities

increase during the period


> during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


> Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak

in the Janma Kundli,

then a

> strong transit position is very beneficial.


> > 3. What is the basic and esoteric

meaning of Varnada Lagna


> Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would

inidcate the


> varna


> (caste) one belongs to or the profession one

would practice.


> SJ:Thanks


> > 4.What and how are its applications


> Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of



> Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only

a fragment of the

> possibilities. It would


> appear in someone's chart who is a

professional astrologer and

makes his


> living in this way. However for amateurs,

there may be other



> especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses

influenced by Jupiter and

Mercury, in


> Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide

variety of interests in



> commintment to Jyotish.


> SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I

have been thinking

about this

> for months now, would i become a very good

exceptional astrologer.

I am

> attaching my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.


> My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by

some to 9.55.23 or

9.58 the

> rectification was done on the basis of my

profession which is TV

industry as

> an Executive Producer (salaried).


> 11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


> Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for

intuition, as well as

him being

> lord of 10th house. However he is

debilitated, so a substantial

> strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you

have some ability for


> However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither

of the 2nd, 5th, 8th

or 10th.

> Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore

becoming a professional

is not so

> likely.


> In D-24 you have more opportunities, however

the 4 planets Jupiter,


> Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the

5th house. So you are

able to

> learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are

required for this.


> 5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes

then how, i ask this

since VL

> is also indicator of profession as stated.


> According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an

Ayur dasa, not Phalita.

So he

> gives examples of using it for timing the

longevity of the native

and his

> relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it

for timing changes in

job. I

> would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10

Narayana dasa. According to


> dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011,

which has Jupiter in

own house

> in 4th in D-10. Looks like some

Jyotish-related activity may be

there, but

> it is more connected t home than to

workplace. In D-10 Narayana

dasa you

> have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to

2018. This may give the


> indications.


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> gauranga@b...


Jyotish Remedies:


> Phone:









> Thanking you,


> With blessings from Divine Mother


> Sunil John


> Mumbai


> P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry

for my delayed reply, I

wanted to

> think cooly on VL before replying to u.




> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


> gauranga@b...


> Jyotish Remedies:




> Phone: +36-309-140-839












> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-



> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us



> || Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||






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|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

Attachment: (image/jpeg) image001.jpg [not stored]

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Sri Achyuta Dasa.jhd [not stored]

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Guest guest


Varëada Lagna would be in Aquarius incase of my Hora Lagna in Libra, hence

making the 11th there-from Sagittarius.



bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">Visti Larsen

[visti (AT) (DOT) org]

29 June 2004 11:35


vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2


|Hare Räma


Dear Kasim,


Because of

this position some have thought that my Hora Lagna could be in Libra which

would change the Varëada Lagna to Sagittarius. But yes Jupiter’s

influence clearly indicates teaching.

Now try the

chart of Achyuta Dasa for the same. It’s attached in the mail. Try Hora

Lagna in both Aries and Taurus and see what you find.

Best wishes,


bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">





kasim_c (AT) hotmail (DOT) com [kasim_c (AT) hotmail (DOT) com]

29 June 2004 11:12


vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re:

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2


Dear Visti,

I checked this 11th from VL in all the astrologer

charts i have and

it worked true except in Your case!

Your VL is in gemini. 11th lord from gemini is

mars. Your mars is in

leo and does get sign aspect by Jupiter.

So do we take it from this teaching jyotish will

be more suited to

you than actually practicing it as a profession?

Best wishes


vedic astrology,

"Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>


> |Hare Räma Kåñëa|


> Dear Sunil,


> As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna

does not show abilities,

it shows

> that work which sustains you.


> In far most of the charts of astrologers I

have, its Venus or


> associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and

in either case the


> would either be a practitioner or a teacher,

respectively. I have a

chart of

> someone who tried to take on the profession

as an astrologer but

who didn't

> have Venus associated with the 11th from VL

– He wasn't very

successful and

> had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating

and people were quite

fond of

> his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter

is also a priest,

teacher, poet,

> singer, etc among varnas.


> Best wishes,






> Visti Larsen

> <visti@s...> visti@s...








> _____


> Gauranga Das [gauranga@b...]

> 28 June 2004 18:27

> Sunil John

> Cc: vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna

discussion with

Gauranga Das -

> exch 2






> -


> Sunil

<suniljohn_2004@h...> John


> gauranga@b...


> Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM


> Varnada Lagna discussion with

Gauranga Das - exch 2




> Dear Gauranga,


> Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it

bounced back

since I

> had put capital G instead of small g.


> First and foremost I must thank you from my

heart for replying this


> topic which no one has answered on the

list.If ur kind

self would


> chosen to replied on the list many would have

learned, but you may

have ur

> reasons although i feel that u should be more

active on the list

like old

> days.




> Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ










> Dear Sunil,


> Namaste.




> > 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing

the ability of Jyotish.


> Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of

the Varnada Lagna. If

he is

> associating


> with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a

professional astrologer is a


> possibility.


> SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I

presume u are

referring to

> aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u

also taking into account


> dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL

being the owner of

Scorpio also

> contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we

have to see Jyotish

and hence

> Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars

and Ketu.


> In your case etu is functionally debilitated,

so Mars is actually


> So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He

is in Aquarius in 9th

house, not

> associating with Jupiter. However VL in

Scorpio may still hold some



> > 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb

have rasi dristi on VL.


> Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.


> SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities

increase during the period


> during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


> Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak

in the Janma Kundli,

then a

> strong transit position is very beneficial.


> > 3. What is the basic and esoteric

meaning of Varnada Lagna


> Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would

inidcate the


> varna


> (caste) one belongs to or the profession one

would practice.


> SJ:Thanks


> > 4.What and how are its applications


> Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of



> Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only

a fragment of the

> possibilities. It would


> appear in someone's chart who is a

professional astrologer and

makes his


> living in this way. However for amateurs,

there may be other



> especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses

influenced by Jupiter and

Mercury, in


> Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide

variety of interests in



> commintment to Jyotish.


> SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I

have been thinking

about this

> for months now, would i become a very good

exceptional astrologer.

I am

> attaching my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.


> My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by

some to 9.55.23 or

9.58 the

> rectification was done on the basis of my

profession which is TV

industry as

> an Executive Producer (salaried).


> 11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


> Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for

intuition, as well as

him being

> lord of 10th house. However he is

debilitated, so a substantial

> strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you

have some ability for


> However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither

of the 2nd, 5th, 8th

or 10th.

> Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore

becoming a professional

is not so

> likely.


> In D-24 you have more opportunities, however

the 4 planets Jupiter,


> Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the

5th house. So you are

able to

> learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are

required for this.


> 5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes

then how, i ask this

since VL

> is also indicator of profession as stated.


> According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an

Ayur dasa, not Phalita.

So he

> gives examples of using it for timing the

longevity of the native

and his

> relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it

for timing changes in

job. I

> would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10

Narayana dasa. According to


> dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011,

which has Jupiter in

own house

> in 4th in D-10. Looks like some

Jyotish-related activity may be

there, but

> it is more connected t home than to

workplace. In D-10 Narayana

dasa you

> have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to

2018. This may give the


> indications.


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> gauranga@b...


Jyotish Remedies:


> Phone:









> Thanking you,


> With blessings from Divine Mother


> Sunil John


> Mumbai


> P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry

for my delayed reply, I

wanted to

> think cooly on VL before replying to u.




> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


> gauranga@b...


> Jyotish Remedies:




> Phone: +36-309-140-839












> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-



> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us



> || Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||






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group on the web, go to:

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from this group, send an email to:

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Guest guest

::om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::

Dear Kasim

Even in my chart the 11th Lord from VL nor the 11th house from VL has any

sign aspect from Jupiter. I think it should be Mercury that we are looking


With best regards,

Sanjay Rath

SJC Puri, 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

Tel: +91.6752.226269 http://srath.com




<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 2:42 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das -

exch 2



Dear Visti,


I checked this 11th from VL in all the astrologer charts i have and

it worked true except in Your case!


Your VL is in gemini. 11th lord from gemini is mars. Your mars is in

leo and does get sign aspect by Jupiter.


So do we take it from this teaching jyotish will be more suited to

you than actually practicing it as a profession?


Best wishes





vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>


> |Hare Räma Kåñëa|


> Dear Sunil,


> As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show abilities,

it shows

> that work which sustains you.


> In far most of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus or


> associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and in either case the


> would either be a practitioner or a teacher, respectively. I have a

chart of

> someone who tried to take on the profession as an astrologer but

who didn't

> have Venus associated with the 11th from VL – He wasn't very

successful and

> had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating and people were quite

fond of

> his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter is also a priest,

teacher, poet,

> singer, etc among varnas.


> Best wishes,






> Visti Larsen

> <visti@s...> visti@s...




> Gauranga Das [gauranga@b...]

> 28 June 2004 18:27

> Sunil John

> Cc: vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with

Gauranga Das -

> exch 2






> -


> Sunil <suniljohn_2004@h...> John


> gauranga@b...


> Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM


> Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2




> Dear Gauranga,


> Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back

since I

> had put capital G instead of small g.


> First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this


> topic which no one has answered on the list.If ur kind self would


> chosen to replied on the list many would have learned, but you may

have ur

> reasons although i feel that u should be more active on the list

like old

> days.




> Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ




> Dear Sunil,


> Namaste.




> > 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability of Jyotish.


> Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If

he is

> associating


> with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer is a


> possibility.


> SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are

referring to

> aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account


> dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of

Scorpio also

> contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish

and hence

> Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.


> In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually


> So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th

house, not

> associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some



> > 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi dristi on VL.


> Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.


> SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period


> during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


> Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli,

then a

> strong transit position is very beneficial.


> > 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna


> Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would inidcate the


> varna


> (caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.


> SJ:Thanks


> > 4.What and how are its applications


> Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.


> Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment of the

> possibilities. It would


> appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer and

makes his


> living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be other



> especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter and

Mercury, in


> Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of interests in



> commintment to Jyotish.


> SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking

about this

> for months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer.

I am

> attaching my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.


> My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or

9.58 the

> rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV

industry as

> an Executive Producer (salaried).


> 11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


> Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition, as well as

him being

> lord of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so a substantial

> strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you have some ability for


> However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th

or 10th.

> Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional

is not so

> likely.


> In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter,


> Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are

able to

> learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required for this.


> 5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this

since VL

> is also indicator of profession as stated.


> According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita.

So he

> gives examples of using it for timing the longevity of the native

and his

> relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it for timing changes in

job. I

> would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa. According to


> dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which has Jupiter in

own house

> in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related activity may be

there, but

> it is more connected t home than to workplace. In D-10 Narayana

dasa you

> have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to 2018. This may give the


> indications.


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> gauranga@b...

> Jyotish Remedies:


> Phone: +36-309-140-839


Thanking you,


> With blessings from Divine Mother


> Sunil John


> Mumbai


> P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I

wanted to

> think cooly on VL before replying to u.




> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


> gauranga@b...


> Jyotish Remedies:




> Phone: +36-309-140-839





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::om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::

Dear Visti

The rasi of the 11th lord or sign whichever is a stronger influence, is

vital as it defines the direction of the karma. To worship the adhi devata

of this planet shall surely bring lots of oppotunities for good karma yoga.

There are many charts that have Venus & Jup associated with the 11th from VL

and yet they are not astrologers. So the sign is important as well.

Also guru does aspect the 11th lord from VL in your chart, and so does

MERCURY. So keep writing.

With best regards,

Sanjay Rath

SJC Puri, 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

Tel: +91.6752.226269 http://srath.com



"Visti Larsen" <visti

<vedic astrology>

Cc: <suniljohn_2004

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:33 AM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga

Das - exch 2



|Hare Räma Kåñëa|


Dear Sunil,


As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show abilities, it shows

that work which sustains you.


In far most of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus or Jupiter

associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and in either case the astrologer

would either be a practitioner or a teacher, respectively. I have a chart of

someone who tried to take on the profession as an astrologer but who didn’t

have Venus associated with the 11th from VL – He wasn’t very successful and

had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating and people were quite fond of

his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter is also a priest, teacher, poet,

singer, etc among varnas.


Best wishes,






Visti Larsen

<visti visti










Gauranga Das [gauranga]

28 June 2004 18:27

Sunil John

Cc: vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das -

exch 2








Sunil <suniljohn_2004 John




Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM


Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2




Dear Gauranga,


Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back since I

had put capital G instead of small g.


First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this complex

topic which no one has answered on the list.If ur kind self would have

chosen to replied on the list many would have learned, but you may have ur

reasons although i feel that u should be more active on the list like old





Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ










Dear Sunil,






> 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability of Jyotish.


Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If he is



with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer is a




SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are referring to

aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account rasi

dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of Scorpio also

contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish and hence

Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.


In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually stronger.

So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th house, not

associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some ability.


> 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi dristi on VL.


Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.


SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period when

during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli, then a

strong transit position is very beneficial.


> 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna


Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would inidcate the external




(caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.




> 4.What and how are its applications


Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.


Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment of the

possibilities. It would


appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer and makes his


living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be other indications,


especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter and Mercury, in


Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of interests in and


commintment to Jyotish.


SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking about this

for months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer. I am

attaching my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.


My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or 9.58 the

rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV industry as

an Executive Producer (salaried).


11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition, as well as him being

lord of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so a substantial

strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you have some ability for Jyotish.

However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 10th.

Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional is not so



In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter, Mercury,

Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are able to

learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required for this.


5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this since VL

is also indicator of profession as stated.


According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita. So he

gives examples of using it for timing the longevity of the native and his

relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it for timing changes in job. I

would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa. According to Kalacakra

dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which has Jupiter in own house

in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related activity may be there, but

it is more connected t home than to workplace. In D-10 Narayana dasa you

have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to 2018. This may give the same





Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839








Thanking you,


With blessings from Divine Mother


Sunil John




P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I wanted to

think cooly on VL before replying to u.






Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer




Jyotish Remedies:




Phone: +36-309-140-839



























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Om Hoom Ram Chaitanyayai Namah!

Dear Visti Ji,

Thank you very much for the clarification!

May I ask you advise where could I look (in internet or

in a book) for an additional information about VL calculation and interpretation?

Yours truly,


|| Jai Guru Dev ||

"Visti Larsen"

<visti (AT) (DOT) org>

06/29/2004 02:16 AM


<vedic astrology>



RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2

|Hare Räma Kåñëa´

Dear Youry, Namaskar

Try calculating the Varëada Lagna without the use of degrees.

i.e. Lagna is Aries and Hora Lagna is also Aries – both

odd. So 1+1=2, and this must be the 2nd from Aries because Lagna

is in an odd sign. Hence Taurus is the Varëada Lagna. The 11th

there-from has Jupiter in Pisces.


The person will also understand Jyotiña quite well as

Ätmakäraka is in the 11th house from Lagna, and be quite good

with predictions as Mars and Sun are very strong in Kendra – Ruchaka Mahäpüruña

Yoga. These are very strong combinations.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

visti (AT) (DOT) org




khmelevsky (AT) acm (DOT) org [khmelevsky (AT) acm (DOT) org]

29 June 2004 02:45

Visti Larsen

Cc: vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna

discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2


OmHoom Ram Chaitanyayai


Dear Visti Ji,

Could you advice please, is it make sense for this person:

1 Feb 1964;10:43:34; 48N19; 38E17; TZ+3:00 to continue Jyotish study(the

JHD file is attached)?

He has Ke and Me in 11 from VL ( Gu is Lord of Bhava),

but he has no Sk nor Gu direct drishti from VL in Rasi. In D-10 he has

drishti from Gu (which is in the 1st Bhava)to 5th (in which is SK)and he

has Bu in the 2nd Bhava. Would he understand Jyotish deeply at least for

himself only, if he can't be a practitioner or a teacher?

Yours truly,


Jai Guru Dev

"Visti Larsen" <visti (AT) (DOT) org>

06/28/200401:03 PM


<vedic astrology>


<suniljohn_2004 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with

Gauranga Das - exch 2




|Hare Räma Kåñëa|

Dear Sunil,

As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show

abilities, it shows that work which sustains you.

In far most of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus

or Jupiter associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and in either

case the astrologer would either be a practitioner or a teacher, respectively.

I have a chart of someone who tried to take on the profession as an astrologer

but who didn’t have Venus associated with the 11th from VL

– He wasn’t very successful and had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating

and people were quite fond of his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter

is also a priest, teacher, poet, singer, etc among varnas.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

visti (AT) (DOT) org



Gauranga Das [gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net]

Sent:28 June 2004 18:27

To:Sunil John

Cc:vedic astrology

Subject:[vedic astrology] Re:

Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2


Sunil John

To:gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Sent:Friday, June 18, 20043:26


Subject:Varnada Lagna discussion

with Gauranga Das - exch 2

Dear Gauranga,

Thanks for urmail, I had sent one short email but

it bounced back since I had put capital G instead of small g.

First and foremost I must thank you from my heart

for replying this complex topic which no one has answered on the list.If

urkind self would have chosen to replied on the list many would have learned,

but you may have urreasons although i feel that u should be more active

on the list like old days.

Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ


Dear Sunil,


> 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability

of Jyotish.

Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada

Lagna. If he is associating

with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer

is a


SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume

u are referring to aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking

into account rasi dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL being the

owner of Scorpio also contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have

to see Jyotish and hence Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars and


In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars

is actually stronger. So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in

Aquarius in 9th house, not associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio

may still hold some ability.

> 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi

dristi on VL.

Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.

SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase

during the period when during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL

Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma

Kundli, then a strong transit position is very beneficial.

> 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada


Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna(caste). would

inidcate the external varna

(caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.


> 4.What and how are its applications

Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.

Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment

of the possibilities. It would

appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer

and makes his

living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be

other indications,

especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter

and Mercury, in

Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of

interests in and

commintment to Jyotish.

SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have

been thinking about this for months now, would i become a very good exceptional

astrologer. I am attaching my chart and would like to know uresteemed view.

My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some

to 9.55.23 or 9.58 the rectification was done on the basis of my profession

which is TV industry as an Executive Producer (salaried).

11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay

Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition,

as well as him being lord of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so

a substantial strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you have

some ability for Jyotish. However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither

of the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 10th. Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore

becoming a professional is not so likely.

In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets

Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house.

So you are able to learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required

for this.

5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then

how, i ask this since VL is also indicator of profession as stated.

According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not

Phalita. So he gives examples of using it for timing the longevity of the

native and his relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it for timing

changes in job. I would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa.

According to Kalacakra dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which

has Jupiter in own house in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related

activity may be there, but it is more connected t home than to workplace.

In D-10 Narayana dasa you have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to

2018. This may give the same indications.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839

Thanking you,

With blessings from Divine Mother

Sunil John


P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my

delayed reply, I wanted to think cooly on VL before replying to u.


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net

Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839





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|Hare Rama Krsna|

Dear Guruji, Namaskar

You taught that Jupiter among Brahmins also indicates singers, actors,

poets, writers, priests, astronomers, teachers, etc.

There was a similar long list for Venus. Hence it's not surprising that so

many people have the associations of Jupiter or Venus.

As for Mercury - you said printing, publishing - i.e. Vaishya type work -

that’s why the money comes from your books. In these days, one cannot earn

money from mere writing unless the writing is published and sold as a book

or magazine - hence the trade of the Vaishya is necessary in that domain.

I have also found Mercury to associate with the 11th from VL incases of

Chartered accountants, but I need more charts of that.

In the charts of my old co-workers at the bill-collectors company, they all

have Mars associated with the 11th from VL. Now how can I say that 1/9th of

the world will be bill-collectors unless it's only 1 variable among many.

Hence the Jupiter/Venus association is just one step on the way.



Visti Larsen







Sanjay Rath [guruji]

30 June 2004 05:57

Sanjay Rath; vedic astrology; Visti Larsen

Cc: suniljohn_2004

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga

Das - exch 2


::om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::

Dear Visti

The rasi of the 11th lord or sign whichever is a stronger influence, is

vital as it defines the direction of the karma. To worship the adhi devata

of this planet shall surely bring lots of oppotunities for good karma yoga.

There are many charts that have Venus & Jup associated with the 11th from VL

and yet they are not astrologers. So the sign is important as well.

Also guru does aspect the 11th lord from VL in your chart, and so does

MERCURY. So keep writing.

With best regards,

Sanjay Rath

SJC Puri, 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

Tel: +91.6752.226269 http://srath.com



"Visti Larsen" <visti

<vedic astrology>

Cc: <suniljohn_2004

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:33 AM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga

Das - exch 2



|Hare Räma Kåñëa|


Dear Sunil,


As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show abilities, it shows

that work which sustains you.


In far most of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus or Jupiter

associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and in either case the astrologer

would either be a practitioner or a teacher, respectively. I have a chart of

someone who tried to take on the profession as an astrologer but who didn’t

have Venus associated with the 11th from VL – He wasn’t very successful and

had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating and people were quite fond of

his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter is also a priest, teacher, poet,

singer, etc among varnas.


Best wishes,






Visti Larsen

<visti visti










Gauranga Das [gauranga]

28 June 2004 18:27

Sunil John

Cc: vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das -

exch 2








Sunil <suniljohn_2004 John




Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM


Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2




Dear Gauranga,


Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back since I

had put capital G instead of small g.


First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this complex

topic which no one has answered on the list.If ur kind self would have

chosen to replied on the list many would have learned, but you may have ur

reasons although i feel that u should be more active on the list like old





Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ










Dear Sunil,






> 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability of Jyotish.


Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If he is



with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer is a




SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are referring to

aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account rasi

dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of Scorpio also

contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish and hence

Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.


In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually stronger.

So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th house, not

associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some ability.


> 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi dristi on VL.


Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.


SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period when

during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli, then a

strong transit position is very beneficial.


> 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna


Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would inidcate the external




(caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.




> 4.What and how are its applications


Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.


Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment of the

possibilities. It would


appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer and makes his


living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be other indications,


especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter and Mercury, in


Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of interests in and


commintment to Jyotish.


SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking about this

for months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer. I am

attaching my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.


My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or 9.58 the

rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV industry as

an Executive Producer (salaried).


11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition, as well as him being

lord of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so a substantial

strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you have some ability for Jyotish.

However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 10th.

Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional is not so



In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter, Mercury,

Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are able to

learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required for this.


5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this since VL

is also indicator of profession as stated.


According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita. So he

gives examples of using it for timing the longevity of the native and his

relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it for timing changes in job. I

would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa. According to Kalacakra

dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which has Jupiter in own house

in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related activity may be there, but

it is more connected t home than to workplace. In D-10 Narayana dasa you

have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to 2018. This may give the same





Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839








Thanking you,


With blessings from Divine Mother


Sunil John




P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I wanted to

think cooly on VL before replying to u.






Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer




Jyotish Remedies:




Phone: +36-309-140-839



























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Dear Sri Visti,


Sorry for butting in.

Undersigned has found Jupiter having a flair for both eating and

preparing good food. Sweets and love for ghee is also Guru's domain.






vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>


> |Hare Rama Krsna|

> Dear Guruji, Namaskar

> You taught that Jupiter among Brahmins also indicates singers,


> poets, writers, priests, astronomers, teachers, etc.

> There was a similar long list for Venus. Hence it's not surprising

that so

> many people have the associations of Jupiter or Venus.

> As for Mercury - you said printing, publishing - i.e. Vaishya type

work -

> that's why the money comes from your books. In these days, one

cannot earn

> money from mere writing unless the writing is published and sold as

a book

> or magazine - hence the trade of the Vaishya is necessary in that


> I have also found Mercury to associate with the 11th from VL

incases of

> Chartered accountants, but I need more charts of that.

> In the charts of my old co-workers at the bill-collectors company,

they all

> have Mars associated with the 11th from VL. Now how can I say that

1/9th of

> the world will be bill-collectors unless it's only 1 variable among


> Hence the Jupiter/Venus association is just one step on the way.


> Your,

> Visti Larsen

> visti@s...






> Sanjay Rath [guruji@s...]

> 30 June 2004 05:57

> Sanjay Rath; vedic astrology; Visti Larsen

> Cc: suniljohn_2004@h...

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with


> Das - exch 2


> ::om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::

> Dear Visti

> The rasi of the 11th lord or sign whichever is a stronger

influence, is

> vital as it defines the direction of the karma. To worship the adhi


> of this planet shall surely bring lots of oppotunities for good

karma yoga.

> There are many charts that have Venus & Jup associated with the

11th from VL

> and yet they are not astrologers. So the sign is important as well.

> Also guru does aspect the 11th lord from VL in your chart, and so


> MERCURY. So keep writing.

> With best regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> SJC Puri, 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

> Tel: +91.6752.226269 http://srath.com


> -

> "Visti Larsen" <visti@s...>

> <vedic astrology>

> Cc: <suniljohn_2004@h...>

> Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:33 AM

> RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with


> Das - exch 2



> |Hare Räma Kåñëa|


> Dear Sunil,


> As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show abilities,

it shows

> that work which sustains you.


> In far most of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus or


> associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and in either case the


> would either be a practitioner or a teacher, respectively. I have a

chart of

> someone who tried to take on the profession as an astrologer but

who didn't

> have Venus associated with the 11th from VL – He wasn't very

successful and

> had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating and people were quite

fond of

> his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter is also a priest,

teacher, poet,

> singer, etc among varnas.


> Best wishes,






> Visti Larsen

> <visti@s...> visti@s...




> Gauranga Das [gauranga@b...]

> 28 June 2004 18:27

> Sunil John

> Cc: vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with

Gauranga Das -

> exch 2






> -


> Sunil <suniljohn_2004@h...> John


> gauranga@b...


> Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM


> Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2




> Dear Gauranga,


> Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back

since I

> had put capital G instead of small g.


> First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this


> topic which no one has answered on the list.If ur kind self would


> chosen to replied on the list many would have learned, but you may

have ur

> reasons although i feel that u should be more active on the list

like old

> days.




> Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ




> Dear Sunil,


> Namaste.




> > 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability of Jyotish.


> Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If

he is

> associating


> with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer is a


> possibility.


> SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are

referring to

> aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account


> dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of

Scorpio also

> contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish

and hence

> Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.


> In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually


> So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th

house, not

> associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some



> > 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi dristi on VL.


> Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.


> SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period


> during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


> Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli,

then a

> strong transit position is very beneficial.


> > 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna


> Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would inidcate the



> varna


> (caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.


> SJ:Thanks


> > 4.What and how are its applications


> Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.


> Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment of the

> possibilities. It would


> appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer and

makes his


> living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be other



> especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter and

Mercury, in


> Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of interests in



> commintment to Jyotish.


> SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking

about this

> for months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer.

I am

> attaching my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.


> My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or

9.58 the

> rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV

industry as

> an Executive Producer (salaried).


> 11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


> Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition, as well as

him being

> lord of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so a substantial

> strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you have some ability for


> However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th

or 10th.

> Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional

is not so

> likely.


> In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter,


> Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are

able to

> learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required for this.


> 5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this

since VL

> is also indicator of profession as stated.


> According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita.

So he

> gives examples of using it for timing the longevity of the native

and his

> relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it for timing changes in

job. I

> would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa. According to


> dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which has Jupiter in

own house

> in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related activity may be

there, but

> it is more connected t home than to workplace. In D-10 Narayana

dasa you

> have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to 2018. This may give the


> indications.


> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

> gauranga@b...

> Jyotish Remedies:


> Phone: +36-309-140-839


Thanking you,


> With blessings from Divine Mother


> Sunil John


> Mumbai


> P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I

wanted to

> think cooly on VL before replying to u.




> Yours,


> Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


> gauranga@b...


> Jyotish Remedies:




> Phone: +36-309-140-839





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::om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::

Dear Visti

comments below -



"Visti Larsen" <visti

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, June 30, 2004 5:00 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga

Das - exch 2



|Hare Rama Krsna|

Dear Guruji, Namaskar

You taught that Jupiter among Brahmins also indicates singers, actors,

poets, writers, priests, astronomers, teachers, etc.

There was a similar long list for Venus. Hence it's not surprising that so

many people have the associations of Jupiter or Venus.


Rath: First rasi...never forget the order. Then graha. Graha will work

within the rasi and not outside it. A sun in Cancer is different from a sun

in leo. So the various indications of capability are going to differ

according to this.


As for Mercury - you said printing, publishing - i.e. Vaishya type work -

that’s why the money comes from your books. In these days, one cannot earn

money from mere writing unless the writing is published and sold as a book

or magazine - hence the trade of the Vaishya is necessary in that domain.

I have also found Mercury to associate with the 11th from VL incases of

Chartered accountants, but I need more charts of that.


Rath: Understand the work the person does and not what he has studied for

the same. Accountants, book keepers, traders etc are all under Mercury who

gives them this ability.


In the charts of my old co-workers at the bill-collectors company, they all

have Mars associated with the 11th from VL. Now how can I say that 1/9th of

the world will be bill-collectors unless it's only 1 variable among many.

Hence the Jupiter/Venus association is just one step on the way.


Rath: You too have Mars and you too were a bill collector. Remember what I

asked you "when a bill collector arrives at the door what is the feeling

that the other person gets - is it not fear? Then the graha is Mars.

Policemen are good for society but when a policeman arrives at the door

there is some fear or mars related feeling here. Through the ways of Mars

they work. They put fear in the hearts of the people. This is their ability

and hence this is their job.


Do a survey. Ask the various astrologers in this list and your friends as to

how they feel when you interact with them. Do they get the feeling of a mars

related interaction? If so then it is mars and as your guru it was my duty

to supress this as being in the 6th from AL it will only do bad in the long

run. Guru ruling your AL is what should shine not mars in 6th from AL.


But can we forgo the Varnada??? Can we change the varna? Yes we can - by

right karma and seeking other options of planets aspecting the VL. You have

the Sun aspecting 11th from VL from Scorpio...this is what is the option...

satye jyotishi juhomi svaaha

surye jyotishi juhomi svaaha


Secondly whether degrees work or not is to be tested before deciding. We

cannot reject the shastras in this manner. There are two opinions and you

have to do the necessary research to prove what is right. I am hoping that

with the research work done by Barbara, yourself and others this knowledge

will be finally found.



Visti Larsen



With best regards,

Sanjay Rath

SJC Puri, 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

Tel: +91.6752.226269 http://srath.com





Sanjay Rath [guruji]

30 June 2004 05:57

Sanjay Rath; vedic astrology; Visti Larsen

Cc: suniljohn_2004

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga

Das - exch 2


::om namo bhagavate vasudevaya::

Dear Visti

The rasi of the 11th lord or sign whichever is a stronger influence, is

vital as it defines the direction of the karma. To worship the adhi devata

of this planet shall surely bring lots of oppotunities for good karma yoga.

There are many charts that have Venus & Jup associated with the 11th from VL

and yet they are not astrologers. So the sign is important as well.

Also guru does aspect the 11th lord from VL in your chart, and so does

MERCURY. So keep writing.

With best regards,

Sanjay Rath

SJC Puri, 212 Gopal Ballav Road, Puri 752001, India

Tel: +91.6752.226269 http://srath.com



"Visti Larsen" <visti

<vedic astrology>

Cc: <suniljohn_2004

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:33 AM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga

Das - exch 2



|Hare Räma Kåñëa|


Dear Sunil,


As far as I have learnt, the Varëada Lagna does not show abilities, it shows

that work which sustains you.


In far most of the charts of astrologers I have, its Venus or Jupiter

associated with 11th from Varëada lagna, and in either case the astrologer

would either be a practitioner or a teacher, respectively. I have a chart of

someone who tried to take on the profession as an astrologer but who didn’t

have Venus associated with the 11th from VL – He wasn’t very successful and

had to try new ways. Jupiter was associating and people were quite fond of

his skills as a teacher of Jyotiña. Jupiter is also a priest, teacher, poet,

singer, etc among varnas.


Best wishes,






Visti Larsen

<visti visti










Gauranga Das [gauranga]

28 June 2004 18:27

Sunil John

Cc: vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das -

exch 2








Sunil <suniljohn_2004 John




Friday, June 18, 2004 3:26 PM


Varnada Lagna discussion with Gauranga Das - exch 2




Dear Gauranga,


Thanks for ur mail, I had sent one short email but it bounced back since I

had put capital G instead of small g.


First and foremost I must thank you from my heart for replying this complex

topic which no one has answered on the list.If ur kind self would have

chosen to replied on the list many would have learned, but you may have ur

reasons although i feel that u should be more active on the list like old





Pls find my subsequent queries below as SJ










Dear Sunil,






> 1. Can Varnada Lagna be used for seeing the ability of Jyotish.


Gauranga: The clue lies always in the lord of the Varnada Lagna. If he is



with Jupiter or Ketu, then becoming a professional astrologer is a




SJ: A basic query here, If by associating, I presume u are referring to

aspect or lordship. If it is aspect are u also taking into account rasi

dristi, and if it is lordship, would the VL being the owner of Scorpio also

contribute to Jyotish, and subsequently if we have to see Jyotish and hence

Ketu, should we see who is stronger of Mars and Ketu.


In your case etu is functionally debilitated, so Mars is actually stronger.

So he becomes the lord fo Varnada lagna. He is in Aquarius in 9th house, not

associating with Jupiter. However VL in Scorpio may still hold some ability.


> 2. What happens if Jup exalted and deb have rasi dristi on VL.


Gauranga: Exalted is better I suppose.


SJ: Thanks, would ones Jyotish abilities increase during the period when

during transit Jup or Ketu aspect the VL


Yes, definitely, especially if they are weak in the Janma Kundli, then a

strong transit position is very beneficial.


> 3. What is the basic and esoteric meaning of Varnada Lagna


Gauranga: Varna-da, i.e. giver of varna (caste). would inidcate the external




(caste) one belongs to or the profession one would practice.




> 4.What and how are its applications


Details are given in Upadesa Sutras of Jaimini.


Gauranga: I think it is good, but gives only a fragment of the

possibilities. It would


appear in someone's chart who is a professional astrologer and makes his


living in this way. However for amateurs, there may be other indications,


especially 2nd, 5th and 10th houses influenced by Jupiter and Mercury, in


Rasi, D-10 and D-24, which may give a wide variety of interests in and


commintment to Jyotish.


SJ: Can I request u with a personal favor, I have been thinking about this

for months now, would i become a very good exceptional astrologer. I am

attaching my chart and would like to know ur esteemed view.


My time of birth is 9.46 am and rectified by some to 9.55.23 or 9.58 the

rectification was done on the basis of my profession which is TV industry as

an Executive Producer (salaried).


11th May 1973 9.46 am, Bombay


Well, Jupiter in the 8th is favourable for intuition, as well as him being

lord of 10th house. However he is debilitated, so a substantial

strengthening of Jupiter is needed. So you have some ability for Jyotish.

However in dasamsa Jupiter influences neither of the 2nd, 5th, 8th or 10th.

Only Mercury is exalted in 10th. Therefore becoming a professional is not so



In D-24 you have more opportunities, however the 4 planets Jupiter, Mercury,

Rahu and Ketu are in Badhaka sthana from the 5th house. So you are able to

learn Jyotish, however a lot of efforts are required for this.


5. Can the VL be used to time job, if so yes then how, i ask this since VL

is also indicator of profession as stated.


According to Parasara, Varnada dasa is an Ayur dasa, not Phalita. So he

gives examples of using it for timing the longevity of the native and his

relatives. I am not aware of anyone using it for timing changes in job. I

would recommend Kalacakra dasa or D-10 Narayana dasa. According to Kalacakra

dasa you have Pisces dasa from 2001 to 2011, which has Jupiter in own house

in 4th in D-10. Looks like some Jyotish-related activity may be there, but

it is more connected t home than to workplace. In D-10 Narayana dasa you

have the same dasa beginning from 2006 to 2018. This may give the same





Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:


Phone: +36-309-140-839








Thanking you,


With blessings from Divine Mother


Sunil John




P.S: Pls find my JHD chart attached. sorry for my delayed reply, I wanted to

think cooly on VL before replying to u.






Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer




Jyotish Remedies:




Phone: +36-309-140-839



























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