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What classics say on Libra and Scorpio (to Chandrashekhar ji and Visti)

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Dear Narasimha,

Thank you for supporting my views after studying all the classics.

Perhaps my reaction was a bit harsh. If I may add to the authorities

quoted Jataka Paarijata says Libra represents Basti and Scorpio,

Rahasyadesha. I was just trying to guide the discussions in the right


Visti is a young man and perhaps, I should have let the remarks go by.

If my reaction has caused any disharmony on the list I crave pardon of

the list members.



Narasimha P.V.R. Rao wrote:


> Namaste learned friends,


> Visti wrote:


> /"As for sexual organs, Scorpio represents the private parts...

> this is not the sexual organs but the anus, which is hidden and hence/

> /private - when ones mind is on sex then even private parts become sexual/

> /organs!"/


> Chandrashekhar ji wrote:


> /"Your statement which I have made in bold types is utterly uncalled for

> and crosses the boundaries of decency.Desist from such comments in

> future.They are not in good taste.

> As to what is 8th house, I wish some body takes pains to read BPHS

> Chapter 4 and Shloka3 and 4 before attributing something to Parashara.I

> would like to know what is your English translation of Sanskrit word

> Basti and Guhya that are said to be the body parts of Kalapurusha

> represented by Tula and Vrishchika rasi by the Venerated Sage.

> Perhaps I am not as good at English as others, but I do not think that

> Private parts does not refer to sexual organs.Perhaps some gentleman

> having good command over English language would like to comment."/


> First some basic comments before I quote classics:


> (1) First, some simple logic. Visti said "which is hidden and hence

> private" regarding anus. It is not just "anus" that is to be hidden

> and to be kept private, but even genitals are to be hidden and to be

> kept private. In fact, in all primal as well as advanced

> civilizations, genitals are considered the most private body parts.


> (2) Chandrashekhar ji's indignation is quite understandable. He made a

> scholarly point and did not deserve this kind of indecent comment. As

> the moderator of this list, I warn Visti to maintain decency and

> desist from writings that may be construed as slurs on others. He

> probably did not mean it as a slur, but the comment is uncalled for.


> Now, here are my views based on what classics say:


> (1) When associating signs with the body parts of Kala Purusha,

> Parasara's BPHS uses the words "basti" and "guhya" regarding Libra and

> Scorpio (respectively).


> Basti or vasti means the lower abdomen or bladder or pelvis. It by no

> means means the genitals (assuming Visti means genitals by sexual organs).


> On the other hand, guhya means "those that should be hidden".

> Normally, this is thought to mean genitals.


> (2) The great Varahamihira in Brihajjatakam uses the words "vasti" and

> "vyanjanam". Vasti is just another form of basti and means the same.

> However, the word "vyanjanam" is less ambiguous than the word "guhya"

> used by Parasara. It does not mean anus at all. Vyanjana means the

> sign of sex. It means the signs that distinguish men and women.

> Vyanjana is used to refer to male and female genitals (or sex organs).

> So Varahamihira is quite clear on Scorpio standing for the genitals of

> Kala purusha.


> (3) Kalyana Verma in Saravali uses the words "vasti" and "mehana" for

> Libra and Scorpio respectively. Mehana means the organ of copulation

> as well as the organ of urine. Again, it is quite clear.


> (4) Mantreswara in Phala Deepika used the words "vasti" and "prajanana

> sthala". Janana means birth or creation. Prajanana means

> procreation. Prajanana sthala means the area of procreation. Again,

> the reference is clearly to sexual organs or the genitals and not to anus.


> After looking at all the references, here are my consolidating two cents:


> Each sign stands for several body parts. Scorpio indeed stands for

> anus too, as Visti said. But, Visti is not correct in insisting that

> Scorpio does not stand for genitals. The classics are quite clear that

> Scorpio stands for genitals [too].


> Libra stands for kidneys and also some internal sexual organs that are

> in the lower abdomen and in the pelvical triangle. These organs

> produce some crucial materials needed for sexual activity. However,

> the external sex organs (i.e. male/female genitals) are shown by

> Scorpio. Visti is not correct and Chandrashekhar ji is correct.


> As I have given references from four respected classics, I hope

> scholars will find my views acceptable.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

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