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Case analysis, ups and down in career, US Visa.

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Dear Ramesh Namste


Its a detailed analysis I must say. I see the Lagnadhiyoga as well.

This is diluted ofcourse because of aspect of malefic mars on 6th

house and Krura palent Sun in 7th from lagna. Nevertheless, looking

at his profile I suppose the native has enjoyed the fruits of

Lagnadhiyoga to greater extent. That is why I think we should go by

the time given without rectification. If he is suffering from skin

disease(which I think he should be) then ask him to put on emerald

instead of Blue Sapphire. The current Me/RA combination is not that

lucrative financially. The next Ju AD will give some opportunities

for business but Ju in 7th with own rashi may not make him sucessful

businessman. The 9th lord Ve is again in Marakarna sthana.That may

as well be another reason for not getting into business.



Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.


Prabodh Vekhande


vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani"

<ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> Dear Shri Chandrashekharji, and learned members,




> A gentleman who is going through a difficult time has approached

me for

> analysis. After I agreed to analyze I got to know that he had

approached you

> for advice too. Since he is very anxious I continued with my


> Without meaning any disrespect to you, I am posting my analysis

for your

> kind scrutiny and comments and also inputs from other learned


> Comments in blue have been picked up from his inputs.




> I have made 2 charts one based on the time given by the native and

the other

> as per time corrected by me. Native had been told by an astrologer

that his

> birth time needed rectification. My analysis is based on the

corrected time.




> Birth Details:


> Gender: Male


> "DOB- 11 April 1963

> Time: 17:55 - as told to me by my mother (However a member on the


> suggested that it requires rectification)

> Lat /Long - 76E32 / 9N35"




> Birth Time Rectification: I have used following to check the

correctness of

> time.




> Method given by Shri BV Raman that shows the distance of Janma

nakshtra from

> Aswini, Makha or Moola.


> Kunda method: as per this method the remainder (kunda nakhtra)

should be in

> trine to janma nakshtra. As per given time there is an error of 1



> Pranapada rectification: pranapada position must fall in trine/7th

from Moon

> in navamsa. Here again the error is of 1 house.


> D-108 Lagna: Jupiter lagna matches with the native.




> The nearest time I get meeting above requirements is 17:37:50. I


> made a very detailed attempt to verify past events for this


> Information given by siblings and children appear to match with D3

and D7

> with the above time.




> Details of siblings and their gender, elder/younger etc.,

> I am the eldest - siblings are all younger

> 1 Male

> 2 Female

> 3 Male




> Have 2 children their genders and dates and places of birth

> 1.female - 19 Sept 1998 - 13:20, Mumbai

> 2.male - 31 Aug - 2003 - 02:48, Kottayam, Kerala




> The new time changes the navamsa lagna from Gemini to Taurus.




> Functional Characteristics: For Virgo, Mercury (LL, 10L) is

Auspicious and

> Venus (2L, 9L) is a Yogakarka. Mars (3L, 8L) and Moon (11L) are


> malefics. Jupiter (4L, 10L) would normaly be a functional malefic

looses its

> kendradhipati dosha because of its placement in own house. Jupiter


> badhakesh. Saturn though lord of Trine is also a trishadaya/

dushtana lord.




> Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house: Jupiter and Saturn in their

own houses

> and Mars is debilitated in D1. In D9 Moon is exalted, Mercury and

Mars are

> in their own house. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are Vergottama.




> In D10, Sun is its own house, Jupiter is debilitated. Any planet in

> exaltation or debilitation in D10 gives success and good income.




> Pushkar Navamsa: Lagna, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in Pushkar





> Yoga: Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in D1 in Kendra.




> D9 has Ruchaka yoga (Mars in own house in Kendra), Sun and Saturn

(4L, 9L)

> in mutual 7th form a rajayoga, Chndra-mangala yoga (Moon and Mars

in mutual

> 7th) and Dhurandhar yoga (Mercury and Venus in 2 and 12H from



> Parivartana yoga between Mercury and Moon in D10. Jupiter and

Mercury (4L/7L

> and LL) in mutual aspect form a rajayoga. D10 however also has

Sarpa Yoga

> with three malefics in Kendra.




> Asc, LL, 10H, 10L: Asc is aspected by Jupiter and Sun. 10H does

not have any

> graham drishti but has rashi drishti of Jupiter and Sun. Mercury,

LL and 10L

> is placed in 8H, aspected by Moon.




> LL in 8H apart from posing health issues also indicate tendency to

gample or

> take risks. It also gives indication of the native being learned,

quest for

> hidden knowledge and at times work related to the same. 10L

placement in 8H

> explains the frequent breaks in service and ups and downs. Moon in


> Krishna paksha is still a natural benefic and its aspect would

help. Aspect

> of strong Jupiter would protect the native.




> LL and 10L Mercury is placed well in Navamsa in 2H and in own





> Dispositor of Mercury is Mars, which is debilitated, placed in 11H

of growth

> with Rahu. Mars is also lord of AL, luckily placed in 9th from AL.




> Planets that bring in gains: Mars and Rahu are in 11th from Lagna

in D1.

> Mars is debilitated and hence likely to give more financial gains.

Rahu is

> also in 11th from AL in D10. Debilitated Jupiter in D10 will also

bring in

> wealth and gains.




> Planets that can bring change in career: Jupiter, Rahu and Mercury

are in

> dusthana from A10. All three are placed well from AL and will

bring changes

> for the better.




> Profession: Saturn and Moon are in artha trikona. Mercury as 7L

aspected by

> Moon will play important role in determining the profession. Saturn

> indicates heavy industry or many `supporters' or employees, Moon


> office or hotel industry or may just contribute to frequent

changes. Mercury

> may show trade or business. Natives current profession shows

influence of

> Saturn, Moon contributes probably in the form of different/


> industries!




> Business vs Service: 7th house has Rahu in D10, whereas 6th is not


> The native may eventually get into business. 7th house in D1 also

has more

> planets than 6th house.




> Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):




> Maha Dasas:




> Sat MD: 1973-12-21 (08:50:18) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)




> Antardasas in this MD:


> Sun: 1983-12-13 (01:57:59) - 1984-11-24 (14:20:13)


> "June - July 1984 Graduated


> Moo: 1984-11-24 (14:20:13) - 1986-06-24 (07:30:43)


> 1st decent job - joined on 31st Jan 1986 - left in 18 months time


> Feb 85 - June- Jul 86 Employed


> Mar: 1986-06-24 (07:30:43) - 1987-08-04 (10:18:52)


> Aug 86 - Late 87 - Unemployed


> Rah: 1987-08-04 (10:18:52) - 1990-06-08 (15:08:34)


> Early 88-June/Jul 89 - Employed in Kerala - and later Bubaneshwar

> June 89 - March 91 Education - IIM A"


> Jup: 1990-06-08 (15:08:34) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)


> Joined Godrej Soaps Ltd - 13 May 1991


> Confirmed as and Exec - April 1992


> It appears that the native had mixed results during Saturn MD.

Mars AD was

> not good, Sun, Moon AD were reasonable, Rahu and Jupiter ADs were

good. Mars

> is natural and finctional malefic and also debilitated. Rahu

though placed

> with Mars, its placement in 11H upchaya is good. Jupiter though

lord of

> kendras is placed in own house and hence looses kendradhipati





> Rahu and Jupiter which are in dusthana from A10, gave him new

jobs. Moon and

> Mercury are in parivartana and Mercury is on 12th from D10. Native

got his

> first job during this AD. Moon is in conjoined with MD planet





> Mer MD: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)


> Antardasas in this MD:


> Mer: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 1995-05-18 (00:40:17)


> Promoted to Asst Mgr April 1993


> Left Godrej in Sep 1993. Rejoined Godrej Nov 1993.


> Ket: 1995-05-18 (00:40:17) - 1996-05-14 (04:10:50)


> Left Godrej again on the 30th of Dec 1995.

> Founded Leadership Resources - obtained Malaysian investment and

> collaboration with Franklin Covey of the US.


> Ven: 1996-05-14 (04:10:50) - 1999-03-14 (17:40:14)


> Sun: 1999-03-14 (17:40:14) - 2000-01-20 (11:27:05)


> Moo: 2000-01-20 (11:27:05) - 2001-06-21 (00:21:39)


> Aug 2000 left above company.


> Aug 2000 - Dec 2001 Unemployed in India

> Left Mumbai on Aug 2 2000 with the hope of going overseas - UAE /

US etc.


> Mar: 2001-06-21 (00:21:39) - 2002-06-18 (03:02:28)


> Dec 2001 - July 2002 - Unemployed in the US




> Rah: 2002-06-18 (03:02:28) - 2005-01-05 (00:48:34)


> Aug 2002 - Oct 2002 Employed in the US

> Friends/wife's folks helped obtain H1 and suggested that I come in

and that

> "jobs were aplenty" entered US on Dec 22 2001 - jobs were not a

plenty went

> through a tough time - worked for GM for 3 months - not sure of

start date

> but I think it was 1 or 2 Aug 2002 - was forced to come back to

India on

> 26 - 28th Oct 2002.


> Nov 2002 - March 2004 - Employed in India.

> While in GM located an Indian whose company wanted business

development work

> in India and in return he promised to process an L1 A Visa and

sponsor a

> Green Card. Finding suitable job in the US will be my job - they

are open to

> setting up necessary contracts to permit me to work with a suitable

> employer.




> Jup: 2005-01-05 (00:48:34) - 2007-04-11 (01:45:41)


> Sat: 2007-04-11 (01:45:41) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)




> Mercury being lagna lord gave good results in its own AD. Its dasa


> is posing some problems primarily because of placement in 8L, more

so with

> career because of it being 10L.




> Ketu and Venus are placed well from Dasa rashi and hence its ADs

gave good

> results. Mars is debilitated 3L and 8L and hence functional

malefic. Moon a

> functional beneifc gave the native first job in last MD. In this

MD however

> it was not a good period. This I think is because of Moon being in

12th from

> Dasa Rashi in D10.




> Rahu dasa has been mixed so far. It has thrown up opportunities

that could

> not be sustained. It is co-lord of 6H, placed with debilitated

Mars in

> D1.Rahu however is placed in Dusthana from A10 in D10. I think

Sun's PD in

> Rahu AD should give a very good start. Sun is its own house,

placed with

> A10.




> Jupiter a natural benefic is placed its own house, placed in

Kendra (Hamsa

> Yoga) and will therefore surely give good results. It is also

placed in

> dusthana from A10 in D10 and well placed from AL in D10. It will


> bring positive changes.




> Saturn AD should also be good since it is placed in its own house

and in

> trine. It is also well placed from dasa lord.




> Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):




> Li MD: 1997-04-11 (10:49:57) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)




> Antardasas in this MD:




> Ar: 2003-12-14 (03:06:52) - 2004-10-14 (17:14:42)


> Ta: 2004-10-14 (17:14:42) - 2005-08-14 (09:41:39)


> Ge: 2005-08-14 (09:41:39) - 2006-06-12 (20:08:45)


> Cn: 2006-06-12 (20:08:45) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)




> Libra has GL supporting power and Taurus has AL. Taurus also has

Sun and

> Mars in Kendra, Jupiter in 9th and Rahu in 11th. Libra- Taurus

should prove

> to be a good period for the native. Its lord Mercury is placed

12th from

> A10. Native can surely expect good times.




> Transit: Saturn for the past 2 years or so has been passing

through 10H,

> which is called kantaka shani and may be the primary reason for

the native

> facing difficulties related to finance and career. It is expected

to move to

> Cancer in Sept. Effects in the form of relief will be felt 3

months prior to

> that i.e. from June/ July. Saturn's transit through Cancer will

result in

> conjunction with natal Mars and Rahu. It will also aspect natal

Saturn. This

> period would bring about major changes in the life of the native,

may bring

> sudden rise of fortune.




> Jupiter is transiting through 12H Leo. It will move to 1H in July.

>From 1H

> it will also aspect natal Jupiter as well as HL. This will be very

> beneficial. Native will get back to positive action as soon as

this happens.




> Other issues in brief: while this analysis focuses on career, I

find the 5th

> house afflicted. 5th house has Saturn and Ketu in it and is

aspected by Mars

> as well as Rahu. 7th house is also aspected by Saturn as well as


> Jupiter and Sun are placed in it. Jupiter would show good

character of the

> spouse, Sun however may indicate that she is of strong views

(cause of some

> arguments within the family). Saturn's aspect may pose a few

health issues

> for her.




> I would request Gurus to look at them at recommend remedies. Dasa

of Mars,

> which is debilitated may or may not come. So I presume it is too

early to

> think about that.




> Gems: Native is currently wearing "One 1.70 ct Blue Sapphire

mounted in

> silver on a chain round neck. Not very strong blue - but the stone

is clear

> and blemish free".




> Blue sapphire is usually for Saturn which is 5L and 6L. This may

have been

> recommended for 5H protection. I request Gurus to see if wearing

of 6L gem

> is advisable.




> Kind regards


> Ramesh

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat



Thank you for going through my mail. Can you please explain Lagnadhiyoga! what

makes this yoga and what are the benefits?



amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, June 05, 2004 4:36 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Case analysis, ups and down in career, US

Visa.05062004Dear Ramesh NamsteIts a detailed analysis I must say. I see the

Lagnadhiyoga as well. This is diluted ofcourse because of aspect of malefic

mars on 6th house and Krura palent Sun in 7th from lagna. Nevertheless, looking

at his profile I suppose the native has enjoyed the fruits of Lagnadhiyoga to

greater extent. That is why I think we should go by the time given without

rectification. If he is suffering from skin disease(which I think he should

be) then ask him to put on emerald instead of Blue Sapphire. The current Me/RA

combination is not that lucrative financially. The next Ju AD will give some

opportunities for business but Ju in 7th with own rashi may not make him

sucessful businessman. The 9th lord Ve is again in Marakarna sthana.That may as

well be another reason for not getting into business. Thanks a lot for your Time

and Sapce.Prabodh Vekhandevedic astrology, "Ramesh

Gangaramani" <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:> Dear Shri Chandrashekharji, and

learned members,> > > > A gentleman who is going through a difficult time has

approached me for> analysis. After I agreed to analyze I got to know that he

had approached you> for advice too. Since he is very anxious I continued with

my analysis.> Without meaning any disrespect to you, I am posting my analysis

for your> kind scrutiny and comments and also inputs from other learned

members.> Comments in blue have been picked up from his inputs.> > > > I have

made 2 charts one based on the time given by the native and the other> as per

time corrected by me. Native had been told by an astrologer that his> birth

time needed rectification. My analysis is based on the corrected time.> > > >

Birth Details:> > Gender: Male> > "DOB- 11 April 1963> Time: 17:55 - as told to

me by my mother (However a member on the list> suggested that it requires

rectification)> Lat /Long - 76E32 / 9N35"> > > > Birth Time Rectification: I

have used following to check the correctness of> time.> > > > Method given by

Shri BV Raman that shows the distance of Janma nakshtra from> Aswini, Makha or

Moola.> > Kunda method: as per this method the remainder (kunda nakhtra) should

be in> trine to janma nakshtra. As per given time there is an error of 1

nakashtra.> > Pranapada rectification: pranapada position must fall in

trine/7th from Moon> in navamsa. Here again the error is of 1 house.> > D-108

Lagna: Jupiter lagna matches with the native.> > > > The nearest time I get

meeting above requirements is 17:37:50. I haven't> made a very detailed attempt

to verify past events for this purpose.> Information given by siblings and

children appear to match with D3 and D7> with the above time.> > > > Details of

siblings and their gender, elder/younger etc.,> I am the eldest - siblings are

all younger> 1 Male> 2 Female> 3 Male> > > > Have 2 children their genders and

dates and places of birth> 1.female - 19 Sept 1998 - 13:20, Mumbai> 2.male - 31

Aug - 2003 - 02:48, Kottayam, Kerala> > > > The new time changes the navamsa

lagna from Gemini to Taurus.> > > > Functional Characteristics: For Virgo,

Mercury (LL, 10L) is Auspicious and> Venus (2L, 9L) is a Yogakarka. Mars (3L,

8L) and Moon (11L) are functional> malefics. Jupiter (4L, 10L) would normaly be

a functional malefic looses its> kendradhipati dosha because of its placement in

own house. Jupiter is> badhakesh. Saturn though lord of Trine is also a

trishadaya/ dushtana lord.> > > > Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house: Jupiter

and Saturn in their own houses> and Mars is debilitated in D1. In D9 Moon is

exalted, Mercury and Mars are> in their own house. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are

Vergottama.> > > > In D10, Sun is its own house, Jupiter is debilitated. Any

planet in> exaltation or debilitation in D10 gives success and good income.> >

> > Pushkar Navamsa: Lagna, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in Pushkar Navamsa.> > >

> Yoga: Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in D1 in Kendra.> > > > D9 has Ruchaka yoga

(Mars in own house in Kendra), Sun and Saturn (4L, 9L)> in mutual 7th form a

rajayoga, Chndra-mangala yoga (Moon and Mars in mutual> 7th) and Dhurandhar

yoga (Mercury and Venus in 2 and 12H from Moon).> > Parivartana yoga between

Mercury and Moon in D10. Jupiter and Mercury (4L/7L> and LL) in mutual aspect

form a rajayoga. D10 however also has Sarpa Yoga> with three malefics in

Kendra.> > > > Asc, LL, 10H, 10L: Asc is aspected by Jupiter and Sun. 10H does

not have any> graham drishti but has rashi drishti of Jupiter and Sun. Mercury,

LL and 10L> is placed in 8H, aspected by Moon.> > > > LL in 8H apart from posing

health issues also indicate tendency to gample or> take risks. It also gives

indication of the native being learned, quest for> hidden knowledge and at

times work related to the same. 10L placement in 8H> explains the frequent

breaks in service and ups and downs. Moon in tritiya> Krishna paksha is still a

natural benefic and its aspect would help. Aspect> of strong Jupiter would

protect the native.> > > > LL and 10L Mercury is placed well in Navamsa in 2H

and in own house.> > > > Dispositor of Mercury is Mars, which is debilitated,

placed in 11H of growth> with Rahu. Mars is also lord of AL, luckily placed in

9th from AL.> > > > Planets that bring in gains: Mars and Rahu are in 11th from

Lagna in D1.> Mars is debilitated and hence likely to give more financial gains.

Rahu is> also in 11th from AL in D10. Debilitated Jupiter in D10 will also bring

in> wealth and gains.> > > > Planets that can bring change in career: Jupiter,

Rahu and Mercury are in> dusthana from A10. All three are placed well from AL

and will bring changes> for the better.> > > > Profession: Saturn and Moon are

in artha trikona. Mercury as 7L aspected by> Moon will play important role in

determining the profession. Saturn> indicates heavy industry or many

`supporters' or employees, Moon govt.> office or hotel industry or may just

contribute to frequent changes. Mercury> may show trade or business. Natives

current profession shows influence of> Saturn, Moon contributes probably in the

form of different/ changing> industries!> > > > Business vs Service: 7th house

has Rahu in D10, whereas 6th is not occupied.> The native may eventually get

into business. 7th house in D1 also has more> planets than 6th house.> > > >

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):> > > > Maha Dasas:> > > > Sat MD:

1973-12-21 (08:50:18) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)> > > > Antardasas in this MD:>

> Sun: 1983-12-13 (01:57:59) - 1984-11-24 (14:20:13)> > "June - July 1984

Graduated> > Moo: 1984-11-24 (14:20:13) - 1986-06-24 (07:30:43)> > 1st decent

job - joined on 31st Jan 1986 - left in 18 months time> > Feb 85 - June- Jul 86

Employed> > Mar: 1986-06-24 (07:30:43) - 1987-08-04 (10:18:52)> > Aug 86 -

Late 87 - Unemployed> > Rah: 1987-08-04 (10:18:52) - 1990-06-08 (15:08:34)> >

Early 88-June/Jul 89 - Employed in Kerala - and later Bubaneshwar> June 89 -

March 91 Education - IIM A"> > Jup: 1990-06-08 (15:08:34) - 1992-12-21

(05:40:46)> > Joined Godrej Soaps Ltd - 13 May 1991> > Confirmed as and Exec -

April 1992> > It appears that the native had mixed results during Saturn MD.

Mars AD was> not good, Sun, Moon AD were reasonable, Rahu and Jupiter ADs were

good. Mars> is natural and finctional malefic and also debilitated. Rahu though

placed> with Mars, its placement in 11H upchaya is good. Jupiter though lord of>

kendras is placed in own house and hence looses kendradhipati dosha.> > > > Rahu

and Jupiter which are in dusthana from A10, gave him new jobs. Moon and> Mercury

are in parivartana and Mercury is on 12th from D10. Native got his> first job

during this AD. Moon is in conjoined with MD planet Saturn.> > > > Mer MD:

1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)> > Antardasas in this MD:> > Mer:

1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 1995-05-18 (00:40:17)> > Promoted to Asst Mgr April

1993> > Left Godrej in Sep 1993. Rejoined Godrej Nov 1993.> > Ket: 1995-05-18

(00:40:17) - 1996-05-14 (04:10:50)> > Left Godrej again on the 30th of Dec

1995.> Founded Leadership Resources - obtained Malaysian investment and>

collaboration with Franklin Covey of the US.> > Ven: 1996-05-14 (04:10:50) -

1999-03-14 (17:40:14)> > Sun: 1999-03-14 (17:40:14) - 2000-01-20 (11:27:05)>

> Moo: 2000-01-20 (11:27:05) - 2001-06-21 (00:21:39)> > Aug 2000 left above

company.> > Aug 2000 - Dec 2001 Unemployed in India> Left Mumbai on Aug 2 2000

with the hope of going overseas - UAE / US etc.> > Mar: 2001-06-21 (00:21:39) -

2002-06-18 (03:02:28)> > Dec 2001 - July 2002 - Unemployed in the US> > > >

Rah: 2002-06-18 (03:02:28) - 2005-01-05 (00:48:34)> > Aug 2002 - Oct 2002

Employed in the US> Friends/wife's folks helped obtain H1 and suggested that I

come in and that> "jobs were aplenty" entered US on Dec 22 2001 - jobs were not

a plenty went> through a tough time - worked for GM for 3 months - not sure of

start date> but I think it was 1 or 2 Aug 2002 - was forced to come back to

India on> 26 - 28th Oct 2002.> > Nov 2002 - March 2004 - Employed in India.>

While in GM located an Indian whose company wanted business development work>

in India and in return he promised to process an L1 A Visa and sponsor a> Green

Card. Finding suitable job in the US will be my job - they are open to> setting

up necessary contracts to permit me to work with a suitable> employer.> > > >

Jup: 2005-01-05 (00:48:34) - 2007-04-11 (01:45:41)> > Sat: 2007-04-11

(01:45:41) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)> > > > Mercury being lagna lord gave good

results in its own AD. Its dasa however> is posing some problems primarily

because of placement in 8L, more so with> career because of it being 10L.> > >

> Ketu and Venus are placed well from Dasa rashi and hence its ADs gave good>

results. Mars is debilitated 3L and 8L and hence functional malefic. Moon a>

functional beneifc gave the native first job in last MD. In this MD however> it

was not a good period. This I think is because of Moon being in 12th from> Dasa

Rashi in D10.> > > > Rahu dasa has been mixed so far. It has thrown up

opportunities that could> not be sustained. It is co-lord of 6H, placed with

debilitated Mars in> D1.Rahu however is placed in Dusthana from A10 in D10. I

think Sun's PD in> Rahu AD should give a very good start. Sun is its own house,

placed with> A10.> > > > Jupiter a natural benefic is placed its own house,

placed in Kendra (Hamsa> Yoga) and will therefore surely give good results. It

is also placed in> dusthana from A10 in D10 and well placed from AL in D10. It

will therefore> bring positive changes.> > > > Saturn AD should also be good

since it is placed in its own house and in> trine. It is also well placed from

dasa lord.> > > > Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):>

> > > Li MD: 1997-04-11 (10:49:57) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)> > > > Antardasas

in this MD:> > > > Ar: 2003-12-14 (03:06:52) - 2004-10-14 (17:14:42)> > Ta:

2004-10-14 (17:14:42) - 2005-08-14 (09:41:39)> > Ge: 2005-08-14 (09:41:39) -

2006-06-12 (20:08:45)> > Cn: 2006-06-12 (20:08:45) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)> >

> > Libra has GL supporting power and Taurus has AL. Taurus also has Sun and>

Mars in Kendra, Jupiter in 9th and Rahu in 11th. Libra- Taurus should prove> to

be a good period for the native. Its lord Mercury is placed 12th from> A10.

Native can surely expect good times.> > > > Transit: Saturn for the past 2

years or so has been passing through 10H,> which is called kantaka shani and

may be the primary reason for the native> facing difficulties related to

finance and career. It is expected to move to> Cancer in Sept. Effects in the

form of relief will be felt 3 months prior to> that i.e. from June/ July.

Saturn's transit through Cancer will result in> conjunction with natal Mars and

Rahu. It will also aspect natal Saturn. This> period would bring about major

changes in the life of the native, may bring> sudden rise of fortune.> > > >

Jupiter is transiting through 12H Leo. It will move to 1H in July. From 1H> it

will also aspect natal Jupiter as well as HL. This will be very> beneficial.

Native will get back to positive action as soon as this happens.> > > > Other

issues in brief: while this analysis focuses on career, I find the 5th> house

afflicted. 5th house has Saturn and Ketu in it and is aspected by Mars> as well

as Rahu. 7th house is also aspected by Saturn as well as Rahu.> Jupiter and Sun

are placed in it. Jupiter would show good character of the> spouse, Sun however

may indicate that she is of strong views (cause of some> arguments within the

family). Saturn's aspect may pose a few health issues> for her.> > > > I would

request Gurus to look at them at recommend remedies. Dasa of Mars,> which is

debilitated may or may not come. So I presume it is too early to> think about

that.> > > > Gems: Native is currently wearing "One 1.70 ct Blue Sapphire

mounted in> silver on a chain round neck. Not very strong blue - but the stone

is clear> and blemish free".> > > > Blue sapphire is usually for Saturn which

is 5L and 6L. This may have been> recommended for 5H protection. I request

Gurus to see if wearing of 6L gem> is advisable.> > > > Kind regards> >

RameshArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

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Dear Ramesh Namste


Benefics in 6th,7th and 8th house from lagna and not aspected by

malefics and 4th house devoid of any malefics causes Lagnadhiyoga.

The native with this chart becomes very knowledgeable, sucessful,

and good executive.


Prabodh Vekhande




vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani"

<ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


> Prabodh,

> Thank you for going through my mail. Can you please explain


> what makes this yoga and what are the benefits?

> Regards

> Ramesh


> amolmandar [amolmandar]

> Saturday, June 05, 2004 4:36 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Case analysis, ups and down in

career, US

> Visa.



> 05062004

> Dear Ramesh Namste


> Its a detailed analysis I must say. I see the Lagnadhiyoga as


> This is diluted ofcourse because of aspect of malefic mars on 6th

> house and Krura palent Sun in 7th from lagna. Nevertheless,


> at his profile I suppose the native has enjoyed the fruits of

> Lagnadhiyoga to greater extent. That is why I think we should go


> the time given without rectification. If he is suffering from


> disease(which I think he should be) then ask him to put on


> instead of Blue Sapphire. The current Me/RA combination is not


> lucrative financially. The next Ju AD will give some


> for business but Ju in 7th with own rashi may not make him


> businessman. The 9th lord Ve is again in Marakarna sthana.That


> as well be another reason for not getting into business.



> Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.


> Prabodh Vekhande


> vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani"

> <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> > Dear Shri Chandrashekharji, and learned members,

> >

> >

> >

> > A gentleman who is going through a difficult time has


> me for

> > analysis. After I agreed to analyze I got to know that he had

> approached you

> > for advice too. Since he is very anxious I continued with my

> analysis.

> > Without meaning any disrespect to you, I am posting my analysis

> for your

> > kind scrutiny and comments and also inputs from other learned

> members.

> > Comments in blue have been picked up from his inputs.

> >

> >

> >

> > I have made 2 charts one based on the time given by the native


> the other

> > as per time corrected by me. Native had been told by an


> that his

> > birth time needed rectification. My analysis is based on the

> corrected time.

> >

> >

> >

> > Birth Details:

> >

> > Gender: Male

> >

> > "DOB- 11 April 1963

> > Time: 17:55 - as told to me by my mother (However a member on


> list

> > suggested that it requires rectification)

> > Lat /Long - 76E32 / 9N35"

> >

> >

> >

> > Birth Time Rectification: I have used following to check the

> correctness of

> > time.

> >

> >

> >

> > Method given by Shri BV Raman that shows the distance of Janma

> nakshtra from

> > Aswini, Makha or Moola.

> >

> > Kunda method: as per this method the remainder (kunda nakhtra)

> should be in

> > trine to janma nakshtra. As per given time there is an error

of 1

> nakashtra.

> >

> > Pranapada rectification: pranapada position must fall in


> from Moon

> > in navamsa. Here again the error is of 1 house.

> >

> > D-108 Lagna: Jupiter lagna matches with the native.

> >

> >

> >

> > The nearest time I get meeting above requirements is 17:37:50.


> haven't

> > made a very detailed attempt to verify past events for this

> purpose.

> > Information given by siblings and children appear to match

with D3

> and D7

> > with the above time.

> >

> >

> >

> > Details of siblings and their gender, elder/younger etc.,

> > I am the eldest - siblings are all younger

> > 1 Male

> > 2 Female

> > 3 Male

> >

> >

> >

> > Have 2 children their genders and dates and places of birth

> > 1.female - 19 Sept 1998 - 13:20, Mumbai

> > 2.male - 31 Aug - 2003 - 02:48, Kottayam, Kerala

> >

> >

> >

> > The new time changes the navamsa lagna from Gemini to Taurus.

> >

> >

> >

> > Functional Characteristics: For Virgo, Mercury (LL, 10L) is

> Auspicious and

> > Venus (2L, 9L) is a Yogakarka. Mars (3L, 8L) and Moon (11L) are

> functional

> > malefics. Jupiter (4L, 10L) would normaly be a functional


> looses its

> > kendradhipati dosha because of its placement in own house.


> is

> > badhakesh. Saturn though lord of Trine is also a trishadaya/

> dushtana lord.

> >

> >

> >

> > Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house: Jupiter and Saturn in


> own houses

> > and Mars is debilitated in D1. In D9 Moon is exalted, Mercury


> Mars are

> > in their own house. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are Vergottama.

> >

> >

> >

> > In D10, Sun is its own house, Jupiter is debilitated. Any

planet in

> > exaltation or debilitation in D10 gives success and good


> >

> >

> >

> > Pushkar Navamsa: Lagna, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in Pushkar

> Navamsa.

> >

> >

> >

> > Yoga: Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in D1 in Kendra.

> >

> >

> >

> > D9 has Ruchaka yoga (Mars in own house in Kendra), Sun and


> (4L, 9L)

> > in mutual 7th form a rajayoga, Chndra-mangala yoga (Moon and


> in mutual

> > 7th) and Dhurandhar yoga (Mercury and Venus in 2 and 12H from

> Moon).

> >

> > Parivartana yoga between Mercury and Moon in D10. Jupiter and

> Mercury (4L/7L

> > and LL) in mutual aspect form a rajayoga. D10 however also has

> Sarpa Yoga

> > with three malefics in Kendra.

> >

> >

> >

> > Asc, LL, 10H, 10L: Asc is aspected by Jupiter and Sun. 10H does

> not have any

> > graham drishti but has rashi drishti of Jupiter and Sun.


> LL and 10L

> > is placed in 8H, aspected by Moon.

> >

> >

> >

> > LL in 8H apart from posing health issues also indicate

tendency to

> gample or

> > take risks. It also gives indication of the native being


> quest for

> > hidden knowledge and at times work related to the same. 10L

> placement in 8H

> > explains the frequent breaks in service and ups and downs.

Moon in

> tritiya

> > Krishna paksha is still a natural benefic and its aspect would

> help. Aspect

> > of strong Jupiter would protect the native.

> >

> >

> >

> > LL and 10L Mercury is placed well in Navamsa in 2H and in own

> house.

> >

> >

> >

> > Dispositor of Mercury is Mars, which is debilitated, placed in


> of growth

> > with Rahu. Mars is also lord of AL, luckily placed in 9th from


> >

> >

> >

> > Planets that bring in gains: Mars and Rahu are in 11th from


> in D1.

> > Mars is debilitated and hence likely to give more financial


> Rahu is

> > also in 11th from AL in D10. Debilitated Jupiter in D10 will


> bring in

> > wealth and gains.

> >

> >

> >

> > Planets that can bring change in career: Jupiter, Rahu and


> are in

> > dusthana from A10. All three are placed well from AL and will

> bring changes

> > for the better.

> >

> >

> >

> > Profession: Saturn and Moon are in artha trikona. Mercury as 7L

> aspected by

> > Moon will play important role in determining the profession.


> > indicates heavy industry or many `supporters' or employees,


> govt.

> > office or hotel industry or may just contribute to frequent

> changes. Mercury

> > may show trade or business. Natives current profession shows

> influence of

> > Saturn, Moon contributes probably in the form of different/

> changing

> > industries!

> >

> >

> >

> > Business vs Service: 7th house has Rahu in D10, whereas 6th is


> occupied.

> > The native may eventually get into business. 7th house in D1


> has more

> > planets than 6th house.

> >

> >

> >

> > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

> >

> >

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> >

> >

> > Sat MD: 1973-12-21 (08:50:18) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)

> >

> >

> >

> > Antardasas in this MD:

> >

> > Sun: 1983-12-13 (01:57:59) - 1984-11-24 (14:20:13)

> >

> > "June - July 1984 Graduated

> >

> > Moo: 1984-11-24 (14:20:13) - 1986-06-24 (07:30:43)

> >

> > 1st decent job - joined on 31st Jan 1986 - left in 18 months


> >

> > Feb 85 - June- Jul 86 Employed

> >

> > Mar: 1986-06-24 (07:30:43) - 1987-08-04 (10:18:52)

> >

> > Aug 86 - Late 87 - Unemployed

> >

> > Rah: 1987-08-04 (10:18:52) - 1990-06-08 (15:08:34)

> >

> > Early 88-June/Jul 89 - Employed in Kerala - and later


> > June 89 - March 91 Education - IIM A"

> >

> > Jup: 1990-06-08 (15:08:34) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)

> >

> > Joined Godrej Soaps Ltd - 13 May 1991

> >

> > Confirmed as and Exec - April 1992

> >

> > It appears that the native had mixed results during Saturn MD.

> Mars AD was

> > not good, Sun, Moon AD were reasonable, Rahu and Jupiter ADs


> good. Mars

> > is natural and finctional malefic and also debilitated. Rahu

> though placed

> > with Mars, its placement in 11H upchaya is good. Jupiter though

> lord of

> > kendras is placed in own house and hence looses kendradhipati

> dosha.

> >

> >

> >

> > Rahu and Jupiter which are in dusthana from A10, gave him new

> jobs. Moon and

> > Mercury are in parivartana and Mercury is on 12th from D10.


> got his

> > first job during this AD. Moon is in conjoined with MD planet

> Saturn.

> >

> >

> >

> > Mer MD: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)

> >

> > Antardasas in this MD:

> >

> > Mer: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 1995-05-18 (00:40:17)

> >

> > Promoted to Asst Mgr April 1993

> >

> > Left Godrej in Sep 1993. Rejoined Godrej Nov 1993.

> >

> > Ket: 1995-05-18 (00:40:17) - 1996-05-14 (04:10:50)

> >

> > Left Godrej again on the 30th of Dec 1995.

> > Founded Leadership Resources - obtained Malaysian investment


> > collaboration with Franklin Covey of the US.

> >

> > Ven: 1996-05-14 (04:10:50) - 1999-03-14 (17:40:14)

> >

> > Sun: 1999-03-14 (17:40:14) - 2000-01-20 (11:27:05)

> >

> > Moo: 2000-01-20 (11:27:05) - 2001-06-21 (00:21:39)

> >

> > Aug 2000 left above company.

> >

> > Aug 2000 - Dec 2001 Unemployed in India

> > Left Mumbai on Aug 2 2000 with the hope of going overseas -


> US etc.

> >

> > Mar: 2001-06-21 (00:21:39) - 2002-06-18 (03:02:28)

> >

> > Dec 2001 - July 2002 - Unemployed in the US

> >

> >

> >

> > Rah: 2002-06-18 (03:02:28) - 2005-01-05 (00:48:34)

> >

> > Aug 2002 - Oct 2002 Employed in the US

> > Friends/wife's folks helped obtain H1 and suggested that I

come in

> and that

> > "jobs were aplenty" entered US on Dec 22 2001 - jobs were not a

> plenty went

> > through a tough time - worked for GM for 3 months - not sure of

> start date

> > but I think it was 1 or 2 Aug 2002 - was forced to come back to

> India on

> > 26 - 28th Oct 2002.

> >

> > Nov 2002 - March 2004 - Employed in India.

> > While in GM located an Indian whose company wanted business

> development work

> > in India and in return he promised to process an L1 A Visa and

> sponsor a

> > Green Card. Finding suitable job in the US will be my job -


> are open to

> > setting up necessary contracts to permit me to work with a


> > employer.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jup: 2005-01-05 (00:48:34) - 2007-04-11 (01:45:41)

> >

> > Sat: 2007-04-11 (01:45:41) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)

> >

> >

> >

> > Mercury being lagna lord gave good results in its own AD. Its


> however

> > is posing some problems primarily because of placement in 8L,


> so with

> > career because of it being 10L.

> >

> >

> >

> > Ketu and Venus are placed well from Dasa rashi and hence its


> gave good

> > results. Mars is debilitated 3L and 8L and hence functional

> malefic. Moon a

> > functional beneifc gave the native first job in last MD. In


> MD however

> > it was not a good period. This I think is because of Moon

being in

> 12th from

> > Dasa Rashi in D10.

> >

> >

> >

> > Rahu dasa has been mixed so far. It has thrown up opportunities

> that could

> > not be sustained. It is co-lord of 6H, placed with debilitated

> Mars in

> > D1.Rahu however is placed in Dusthana from A10 in D10. I think

> Sun's PD in

> > Rahu AD should give a very good start. Sun is its own house,

> placed with

> > A10.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jupiter a natural benefic is placed its own house, placed in

> Kendra (Hamsa

> > Yoga) and will therefore surely give good results. It is also

> placed in

> > dusthana from A10 in D10 and well placed from AL in D10. It


> therefore

> > bring positive changes.

> >

> >

> >

> > Saturn AD should also be good since it is placed in its own


> and in

> > trine. It is also well placed from dasa lord.

> >

> >

> >

> > Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):

> >

> >

> >

> > Li MD: 1997-04-11 (10:49:57) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)

> >

> >

> >

> > Antardasas in this MD:

> >

> >

> >

> > Ar: 2003-12-14 (03:06:52) - 2004-10-14 (17:14:42)

> >

> > Ta: 2004-10-14 (17:14:42) - 2005-08-14 (09:41:39)

> >

> > Ge: 2005-08-14 (09:41:39) - 2006-06-12 (20:08:45)

> >

> > Cn: 2006-06-12 (20:08:45) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)

> >

> >

> >

> > Libra has GL supporting power and Taurus has AL. Taurus also


> Sun and

> > Mars in Kendra, Jupiter in 9th and Rahu in 11th. Libra- Taurus

> should prove

> > to be a good period for the native. Its lord Mercury is placed

> 12th from

> > A10. Native can surely expect good times.

> >

> >

> >

> > Transit: Saturn for the past 2 years or so has been passing

> through 10H,

> > which is called kantaka shani and may be the primary reason for

> the native

> > facing difficulties related to finance and career. It is


> to move to

> > Cancer in Sept. Effects in the form of relief will be felt 3

> months prior to

> > that i.e. from June/ July. Saturn's transit through Cancer will

> result in

> > conjunction with natal Mars and Rahu. It will also aspect natal

> Saturn. This

> > period would bring about major changes in the life of the


> may bring

> > sudden rise of fortune.

> >

> >

> >

> > Jupiter is transiting through 12H Leo. It will move to 1H in


> From 1H

> > it will also aspect natal Jupiter as well as HL. This will be


> > beneficial. Native will get back to positive action as soon as

> this happens.

> >

> >

> >

> > Other issues in brief: while this analysis focuses on career, I

> find the 5th

> > house afflicted. 5th house has Saturn and Ketu in it and is

> aspected by Mars

> > as well as Rahu. 7th house is also aspected by Saturn as well


> Rahu.

> > Jupiter and Sun are placed in it. Jupiter would show good

> character of the

> > spouse, Sun however may indicate that she is of strong views

> (cause of some

> > arguments within the family). Saturn's aspect may pose a few

> health issues

> > for her.

> >

> >

> >

> > I would request Gurus to look at them at recommend remedies.


> of Mars,

> > which is debilitated may or may not come. So I presume it is


> early to

> > think about that.

> >

> >

> >

> > Gems: Native is currently wearing "One 1.70 ct Blue Sapphire

> mounted in

> > silver on a chain round neck. Not very strong blue - but the


> is clear

> > and blemish free".

> >

> >

> >

> > Blue sapphire is usually for Saturn which is 5L and 6L. This


> have been

> > recommended for 5H protection. I request Gurus to see if


> of 6L gem

> > is advisable.

> >

> >

> >

> > Kind regards

> >

> > Ramesh






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Dear Ramesh,

There is no harm in analysing a chart. It is better to have more

opinions, in a chart where birth time is suspect. Since I d not know, to

whom the chart belongs, I can not say whether he consulted me or not.

For Gems , it is better to find out which of the planets, amongst

Trikoneshas is weak. Virgo ascendant has both Trikonesh owning

Dusthanas. So the decision has to be taken after a lot of thought and

taking into consideration the problem faced.




Ramesh Gangaramani wrote:


> Dear Shri Chandrashekharji, and learned members,


> A gentleman who is going through a difficult time has approached me

> for analysis. After I agreed to analyze I got to know that he had

> approached you for advice too. Since he is very anxious I continued

> with my analysis. Without meaning any disrespect to you, I am posting

> my analysis for your kind scrutiny and comments and also inputs from

> other learned members. Comments in blue have been picked up from his

> inputs.


> I have made 2 charts one based on the time given by the native and the

> other as per time corrected by me. Native had been told by an

> astrologer that his birth time needed rectification. My analysis is

> based on the corrected time.


> *Birth Details:*


> Gender: Male


> “DOB- 11 April 1963

> Time: 17:55 - as told to me by my mother (However a member on the list

> suggested that it requires rectification)

> Lat /Long - 76E32 / 9N35”


> *Birth Time Rectification:* I have used following to check the

> correctness of time.


> Method given by Shri BV Raman that shows the distance of Janma

> nakshtra from Aswini, Makha or Moola.


> Kunda method: as per this method the remainder (kunda nakhtra) should

> be in trine to janma nakshtra. As per given time there is an error of

> 1 nakashtra.


> Pranapada rectification: pranapada position must fall in trine/7^th

> from Moon in navamsa. Here again the error is of 1 house.


> D-108 Lagna: Jupiter lagna matches with the native.


> The nearest time I get meeting above requirements is 17:37:50. I

> haven’t made a very detailed attempt to verify past events for this

> purpose. Information given by siblings and children appear to match

> with D3 and D7 with the above time.


> Details of siblings and their gender, elder/younger etc.,

> I am the eldest - siblings are all younger

> 1 Male

> 2 Female

> 3 Male


> Have 2 children their genders and dates and places of birth

> 1.female - 19 Sept 1998 - 13:20, Mumbai

> 2.male - 31 Aug - 2003 - 02:48, Kottayam, Kerala


> The new time changes the navamsa lagna from Gemini to Taurus.


> *Functional Characteristics:* For Virgo, Mercury (LL, 10L) is

> Auspicious and Venus (2L, 9L) is a Yogakarka. Mars (3L, 8L) and Moon

> (11L) are functional malefics. Jupiter (4L, 10L) would normaly be a

> functional malefic looses its kendradhipati dosha because of its

> placement in own house. Jupiter is badhakesh. Saturn though lord of

> Trine is also a trishadaya/ dushtana lord.


> *Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house:* Jupiter and Saturn in their own

> houses and Mars is debilitated in D1. In D9 Moon is exalted, Mercury

> and Mars are in their own house. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are Vergottama.


> In D10, Sun is its own house, Jupiter is debilitated. *Any planet in

> exaltation or debilitation in D10 gives success and good income.*


> *Pushkar Navamsa:* Lagna, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in Pushkar Navamsa.


> *Yoga:* Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in D1 in Kendra.


> D9 has Ruchaka yoga (Mars in own house in Kendra), Sun and Saturn (4L,

> 9L) in mutual 7^th form a rajayoga, Chndra-mangala yoga (Moon and Mars

> in mutual 7^th ) and Dhurandhar yoga (Mercury and Venus in 2 and 12H

> from Moon).


> Parivartana yoga between Mercury and Moon in D10. Jupiter and Mercury

> (4L/7L and LL) in mutual aspect form a rajayoga. D10 however also has

> Sarpa Yoga with three malefics in Kendra.


> Asc, LL, 10H, 10L: Asc is aspected by Jupiter and Sun. 10H does not

> have any graham drishti but has rashi drishti of Jupiter and Sun.

> Mercury, LL and 10L is placed in 8H, aspected by Moon.


> LL in 8H apart from posing health issues also indicate tendency to

> gample or take risks. It also gives indication of the native being

> learned, quest for hidden knowledge and at times work related to the

> same. 10L placement in 8H explains the frequent breaks in service and

> ups and downs. Moon in tritiya Krishna paksha is still a natural

> benefic and its aspect would help. Aspect of strong Jupiter would

> protect the native.


> LL and 10L Mercury is placed well in Navamsa in 2H and in own house.


> Dispositor of Mercury is Mars, which is debilitated, placed in 11H of

> growth with Rahu. Mars is also lord of AL, luckily placed in 9^th from

> AL.


> *Planets that bring in gains:* Mars and Rahu are in 11^th from Lagna

> in D1. Mars is debilitated and hence likely to give more financial

> gains. Rahu is also in 11^th from AL in D10. Debilitated Jupiter in

> D10 will also bring in wealth and gains.


> *Planets that can bring change in career:* Jupiter, Rahu and Mercury

> are in dusthana from A10. All three are placed well from AL and will

> bring changes for the better.


> *Profession: *Saturn and Moon are in artha trikona. Mercury as 7L

> aspected by Moon will play important role in determining the

> profession. Saturn indicates heavy industry or many ‘supporters’ or

> employees, Moon govt. office or hotel industry or may just contribute

> to frequent changes. Mercury may show trade or business. Natives

> current profession shows influence of Saturn, Moon contributes

> probably in the form of different/ changing industries!


> *Business vs Service:* 7^th house has Rahu in D10, whereas 6^th is not

> occupied. The native may eventually get into business. 7^th house in

> D1 also has more planets than 6^th house.


> * *


> *Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):*


> * *


> * Maha Dasas:*


> *Sat MD: 1973-12-21 (08:50:18) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)*


> Antardasas in this MD:


> Sun: 1983-12-13 (01:57:59) - 1984-11-24 (14:20:13)


> “June - July 1984 Graduated


> Moo: 1984-11-24 (14:20:13) - 1986-06-24 (07:30:43)


> 1st decent job - joined on 31st Jan 1986 - left in 18 months time


> Feb 85 - June- Jul 86 Employed


> Mar: 1986-06-24 (07:30:43) - 1987-08-04 (10:18:52)


> Aug 86 - Late 87 - Unemployed


> Rah: 1987-08-04 (10:18:52) - 1990-06-08 (15:08:34)


> Early 88-June/Jul 89 - Employed in Kerala - and later Bubaneshwar

> June 89 - March 91 Education - IIM A”


> Jup: 1990-06-08 (15:08:34) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)


> Joined Godrej Soaps Ltd - 13 May 1991


> Confirmed as and Exec - April 1992


> It appears that the native had mixed results during Saturn MD. Mars AD

> was not good, Sun, Moon AD were reasonable, Rahu and Jupiter ADs were

> good. Mars is natural and finctional malefic and also debilitated.

> Rahu though placed with Mars, its placement in 11H upchaya is good.

> Jupiter though lord of kendras is placed in own house and hence looses

> kendradhipati dosha.


> Rahu and Jupiter which are in dusthana from A10, gave him new jobs.

> Moon and Mercury are in parivartana and Mercury is on 12^th from D10.

> Native got his first job during this AD. Moon is in conjoined with MD

> planet Saturn.


> **


> *Mer MD: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)*


> Antardasas in this MD:


> Mer: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 1995-05-18 (00:40:17)


> Promoted to Asst Mgr April 1993


> Left Godrej in Sep 1993. Rejoined Godrej Nov 1993.


> Ket: 1995-05-18 (00:40:17) - 1996-05-14 (04:10:50)


> Left Godrej again on the 30th of Dec 1995.

> Founded Leadership Resources - obtained Malaysian investment and

> collaboration with Franklin Covey of the US.


> Ven: 1996-05-14 (04:10:50) - 1999-03-14 (17:40:14)


> Sun: 1999-03-14 (17:40:14) - 2000-01-20 (11:27:05)


> Moo: 2000-01-20 (11:27:05) - 2001-06-21 (00:21:39)


> Aug 2000 left above company.


> Aug 2000 - Dec 2001 Unemployed in India

> Left Mumbai on Aug 2 2000 with the hope of going overseas - UAE / US etc.


> Mar: 2001-06-21 (00:21:39) - 2002-06-18 (03:02:28)


> Dec 2001 - July 2002 - Unemployed in the US


> Rah: 2002-06-18 (03:02:28) - 2005-01-05 (00:48:34)


> Aug 2002 - Oct 2002 Employed in the US

> Friends/wife's folks helped obtain H1 and suggested that I come in and

> that "jobs were aplenty" entered US on Dec 22 2001 - jobs were not a

> plenty went through a tough time - worked for GM for 3 months - not

> sure of start date but I think it was 1 or 2 Aug 2002 - was forced to

> come back to India on 26 - 28th Oct 2002.


> Nov 2002 - March 2004 - Employed in India.

> While in GM located an Indian whose company wanted business

> development work in India and in return he promised to process an L1 A

> Visa and sponsor a Green Card. Finding suitable job in the US will be

> my job - they are open to setting up necessary contracts to permit me

> to work with a suitable employer.


> Jup: 2005-01-05 (00:48:34) - 2007-04-11 (01:45:41)


> Sat: 2007-04-11 (01:45:41) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)


> Mercury being lagna lord gave good results in its own AD. Its dasa

> however is posing some problems primarily because of placement in 8L,

> more so with career because of it being 10L.


> Ketu and Venus are placed well from Dasa rashi and hence its ADs gave

> good results. Mars is debilitated 3L and 8L and hence functional

> malefic. Moon a functional beneifc gave the native first job in last

> MD. In this MD however it was not a good period. This I think is

> because of Moon being in 12^th from Dasa Rashi in D10.


> Rahu dasa has been mixed so far. It has thrown up opportunities that

> could not be sustained. It is co-lord of 6H, placed with debilitated

> Mars in D1.Rahu however is placed in Dusthana from A10 in D10. *I

> think Sun’s PD in Rahu AD should give a very good start. Sun is its

> own house, placed with A10.*


> *Jupiter a natural benefic is placed its own house, placed in Kendra

> (Hamsa Yoga) and will therefore surely give good results. It is also

> placed in dusthana from A10 in D10 and well placed from AL in D10. It

> will therefore bring positive changes.*


> *Saturn AD should also be good since it is placed in its own house and

> in trine. It is also well placed from dasa lord. *


> * *


> *Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):*


> * *


> * *Li MD: 1997-04-11 (10:49:57) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)


> Antardasas in this MD:


> Ar: 2003-12-14 (03:06:52) - 2004-10-14 (17:14:42)


> Ta: 2004-10-14 (17:14:42) - 2005-08-14 (09:41:39)


> Ge: 2005-08-14 (09:41:39) - 2006-06-12 (20:08:45)


> Cn: 2006-06-12 (20:08:45) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)


> * *


> Libra has GL supporting power and Taurus has AL. Taurus also has Sun

> and Mars in Kendra, Jupiter in 9^th and Rahu in 11^th . *Libra- Taurus

> should prove to be a good period for the native. Its lord Mercury is

> placed 12^th from A10. Native can surely expect good times. *


> * *


> *Transit:* Saturn for the past 2 years or so has been passing through

> 10H, which is called kantaka shani and may be the primary reason for

> the native facing difficulties related to finance and career. It is

> expected to move to Cancer in Sept. *Effects in the form of relief

> will be felt 3 months prior to that i.e. from June/ July. Saturn’s

> transit through Cancer will result in conjunction with natal Mars and

> Rahu. It will also aspect natal Saturn. This period would bring about

> major changes in the life of the native, may bring sudden rise of

> fortune.*


> Jupiter is transiting through 12H Leo. *It will move to 1H in July.

> From 1H it will also aspect natal Jupiter as well as HL. This will be

> very beneficial. Native will get back to positive action as soon as

> this happens. ***


> * *


> *Other issues in brief: *while this analysis focuses on career, I find

> the 5^th house afflicted. 5^th house has Saturn and Ketu in it and is

> aspected by Mars as well as Rahu. 7^th house is also aspected by

> Saturn as well as Rahu. Jupiter and Sun are placed in it. Jupiter

> would show good character of the spouse, Sun however may indicate that

> she is of strong views (cause of some arguments within the family).

> Saturn’s aspect may pose a few health issues for her.


> I would request Gurus to look at them at recommend remedies. Dasa of

> Mars, which is debilitated may or may not come. So I presume it is too

> early to think about that.


> Gems: Native is currently wearing “One 1.70 ct Blue Sapphire mounted

> in silver on a chain round neck. Not very strong blue - but the stone

> is clear and blemish free”.


> Blue sapphire is usually for Saturn which is 5L and 6L. This may have

> been recommended for 5H protection. I request Gurus to see if wearing

> of 6L gem is advisable.


> Kind regards


> Ramesh










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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Prabodh,


Thank you for explaining the Yoga. I can see this yoga formed in Rashi Chart.

Time correction does not alter the rashi chart! It however alters the Navamsa

lagna and D10 lagna too! Clue that can fix these two lagnas correctly will


I am giving below response received from native on your comments.



Prabodh's observations:

1. The skin infections part - I have always had some or the other minor skin complaint.

2. About being

knowledgeable, - I have been acknowledged by many peers and

acquaintances to be knowledgeable - in depth and breadth.

successful - true and lasting success has so far been elusive - may be I

will get there - When is the question.


good executive - as with the previous.


Kind Regards


amolmandar [amolmandar ]Sent:

Saturday, June 05, 2004 7:12 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Case analysis, ups and down in career, US Visa.Dear

Ramesh NamsteBenefics in 6th,7th and 8th house from lagna and not aspected by

malefics and 4th house devoid of any malefics causes Lagnadhiyoga. The native

with this chart becomes very knowledgeable, sucessful, and good

executive.Prabodh Vekhandevedic astrology, "Ramesh

Gangaramani" <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat> >

Prabodh,> Thank you for going through my mail. Can you please explain

Lagnadhiyoga!> what makes this yoga and what are the benefits?> Regards>

Ramesh> > amolmandar

[amolmandar]> Saturday, June 05, 2004 4:36 PM> To:

vedic astrology> [vedic astrology] Re: Case

analysis, ups and down in career, US> Visa.> > > 05062004> Dear Ramesh

Namste> > Its a detailed analysis I must say. I see the Lagnadhiyoga as

well.> This is diluted ofcourse because of aspect of malefic mars on 6th>

house and Krura palent Sun in 7th from lagna. Nevertheless, looking> at his

profile I suppose the native has enjoyed the fruits of> Lagnadhiyoga to

greater extent. That is why I think we should go by> the time given without

rectification. If he is suffering from skin> disease(which I think he should

be) then ask him to put on emerald> instead of Blue Sapphire. The current

Me/RA combination is not that> lucrative financially. The next Ju AD will

give some opportunities> for business but Ju in 7th with own rashi may not

make him sucessful> businessman. The 9th lord Ve is again in Marakarna

sthana.That may> as well be another reason for not getting into business.> >

> Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.> > Prabodh Vekhande> > --- In

vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani">

<ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:> > Dear Shri Chandrashekharji, and learned

members,> >> >> >> > A gentleman who is going through a difficult time

has approached> me for> > analysis. After I agreed to analyze I got to know

that he had> approached you> > for advice too. Since he is very anxious I

continued with my> analysis.> > Without meaning any disrespect to you, I am

posting my analysis> for your> > kind scrutiny and comments and also inputs

from other learned> members.> > Comments in blue have been picked up from

his inputs.> >> >> >> > I have made 2 charts one based on the time

given by the native and> the other> > as per time corrected by me. Native

had been told by an astrologer> that his> > birth time needed

rectification. My analysis is based on the> corrected time.> >> >> >>

> Birth Details:> >> > Gender: Male> >> > "DOB- 11 April 1963> > Time:

17:55 - as told to me by my mother (However a member on the> list> >

suggested that it requires rectification)> > Lat /Long - 76E32 / 9N35"> >>

>> >> > Birth Time Rectification: I have used following to check the>

correctness of> > time.> >> >> >> > Method given by Shri BV Raman

that shows the distance of Janma> nakshtra from> > Aswini, Makha or Moola.>

>> > Kunda method: as per this method the remainder (kunda nakhtra)>

should be in> > trine to janma nakshtra. As per given time there is an error

of 1> nakashtra.> >> > Pranapada rectification: pranapada position must

fall in trine/7th> from Moon> > in navamsa. Here again the error is of 1

house.> >> > D-108 Lagna: Jupiter lagna matches with the native.> >> >>

>> > The nearest time I get meeting above requirements is 17:37:50. I>

haven't> > made a very detailed attempt to verify past events for this>

purpose.> > Information given by siblings and children appear to match with

D3> and D7> > with the above time.> >> >> >> > Details of siblings

and their gender, elder/younger etc.,> > I am the eldest - siblings are all

younger> > 1 Male> > 2 Female> > 3 Male> >> >> >> > Have 2

children their genders and dates and places of birth> > 1.female - 19 Sept

1998 - 13:20, Mumbai> > 2.male - 31 Aug - 2003 - 02:48, Kottayam, Kerala>

>> >> >> > The new time changes the navamsa lagna from Gemini to Taurus.>

>> >> >> > Functional Characteristics: For Virgo, Mercury (LL, 10L) is>

Auspicious and> > Venus (2L, 9L) is a Yogakarka. Mars (3L, 8L) and Moon (11L)

are> functional> > malefics. Jupiter (4L, 10L) would normaly be a functional

malefic> looses its> > kendradhipati dosha because of its placement in own

house. Jupiter> is> > badhakesh. Saturn though lord of Trine is also a

trishadaya/> dushtana lord.> >> >> >> > Exaltation, Debilitation, Own

house: Jupiter and Saturn in their> own houses> > and Mars is debilitated in

D1. In D9 Moon is exalted, Mercury and> Mars are> > in their own house. Sun,

Rahu and Ketu are Vergottama.> >> >> >> > In D10, Sun is its own house,

Jupiter is debilitated. Any planet in> > exaltation or debilitation in D10

gives success and good income.> >> >> >> > Pushkar Navamsa: Lagna,

Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in Pushkar> Navamsa.> >> >> >> > Yoga:

Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in D1 in Kendra.> >> >> >> > D9 has Ruchaka

yoga (Mars in own house in Kendra), Sun and Saturn> (4L, 9L)> > in mutual

7th form a rajayoga, Chndra-mangala yoga (Moon and Mars> in mutual> > 7th)

and Dhurandhar yoga (Mercury and Venus in 2 and 12H from> Moon).> >> >

Parivartana yoga between Mercury and Moon in D10. Jupiter and> Mercury

(4L/7L> > and LL) in mutual aspect form a rajayoga. D10 however also has>

Sarpa Yoga> > with three malefics in Kendra.> >> >> >> > Asc, LL,

10H, 10L: Asc is aspected by Jupiter and Sun. 10H does> not have any> >

graham drishti but has rashi drishti of Jupiter and Sun. Mercury,> LL and

10L> > is placed in 8H, aspected by Moon.> >> >> >> > LL in 8H apart

from posing health issues also indicate tendency to> gample or> > take

risks. It also gives indication of the native being learned,> quest for> >

hidden knowledge and at times work related to the same. 10L> placement in 8H>

> explains the frequent breaks in service and ups and downs. Moon in>

tritiya> > Krishna paksha is still a natural benefic and its aspect would>

help. Aspect> > of strong Jupiter would protect the native.> >> >> >>

> LL and 10L Mercury is placed well in Navamsa in 2H and in own> house.> >>

>> >> > Dispositor of Mercury is Mars, which is debilitated, placed in 11H>

of growth> > with Rahu. Mars is also lord of AL, luckily placed in 9th from

AL.> >> >> >> > Planets that bring in gains: Mars and Rahu are in 11th

from Lagna> in D1.> > Mars is debilitated and hence likely to give more

financial gains.> Rahu is> > also in 11th from AL in D10. Debilitated

Jupiter in D10 will also> bring in> > wealth and gains.> >> >> >> >

Planets that can bring change in career: Jupiter, Rahu and Mercury> are in>

> dusthana from A10. All three are placed well from AL and will> bring

changes> > for the better.> >> >> >> > Profession: Saturn and Moon

are in artha trikona. Mercury as 7L> aspected by> > Moon will play

important role in determining the profession. Saturn> > indicates heavy

industry or many `supporters' or employees, Moon> govt.> > office or hotel

industry or may just contribute to frequent> changes. Mercury> > may show

trade or business. Natives current profession shows> influence of> >

Saturn, Moon contributes probably in the form of different/> changing> >

industries!> >> >> >> > Business vs Service: 7th house has Rahu in D10,

whereas 6th is not> occupied.> > The native may eventually get into

business. 7th house in D1 also> has more> > planets than 6th house.> >>

>> >> > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):> >> >> >> > Maha

Dasas:> >> >> >> > Sat MD: 1973-12-21 (08:50:18) - 1992-12-21

(05:40:46)> >> >> >> > Antardasas in this MD:> >> > Sun:

1983-12-13 (01:57:59) - 1984-11-24 (14:20:13)> >> > "June - July 1984

Graduated> >> > Moo: 1984-11-24 (14:20:13) - 1986-06-24 (07:30:43)> >>

> 1st decent job - joined on 31st Jan 1986 - left in 18 months time> >> >

Feb 85 - June- Jul 86 Employed> >> > Mar: 1986-06-24 (07:30:43) -

1987-08-04 (10:18:52)> >> > Aug 86 - Late 87 - Unemployed> >> > Rah:

1987-08-04 (10:18:52) - 1990-06-08 (15:08:34)> >> > Early 88-June/Jul 89 -

Employed in Kerala - and later Bubaneshwar> > June 89 - March 91 Education -

IIM A"> >> > Jup: 1990-06-08 (15:08:34) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)> >> >

Joined Godrej Soaps Ltd - 13 May 1991> >> > Confirmed as and Exec - April

1992> >> > It appears that the native had mixed results during Saturn MD.>

Mars AD was> > not good, Sun, Moon AD were reasonable, Rahu and Jupiter ADs

were> good. Mars> > is natural and finctional malefic and also debilitated.

Rahu> though placed> > with Mars, its placement in 11H upchaya is good.

Jupiter though> lord of> > kendras is placed in own house and hence looses

kendradhipati> dosha.> >> >> >> > Rahu and Jupiter which are in

dusthana from A10, gave him new> jobs. Moon and> > Mercury are in

parivartana and Mercury is on 12th from D10. Native> got his> > first job

during this AD. Moon is in conjoined with MD planet> Saturn.> >> >> >>

> Mer MD: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)> >> > Antardasas in

this MD:> >> > Mer: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 1995-05-18 (00:40:17)> >> >

Promoted to Asst Mgr April 1993> >> > Left Godrej in Sep 1993. Rejoined

Godrej Nov 1993.> >> > Ket: 1995-05-18 (00:40:17) - 1996-05-14 (04:10:50)>

>> > Left Godrej again on the 30th of Dec 1995.> > Founded Leadership

Resources - obtained Malaysian investment and> > collaboration with Franklin

Covey of the US.> >> > Ven: 1996-05-14 (04:10:50) - 1999-03-14 (17:40:14)>

>> > Sun: 1999-03-14 (17:40:14) - 2000-01-20 (11:27:05)> >> > Moo:

2000-01-20 (11:27:05) - 2001-06-21 (00:21:39)> >> > Aug 2000 left above

company.> >> > Aug 2000 - Dec 2001 Unemployed in India> > Left Mumbai on

Aug 2 2000 with the hope of going overseas - UAE /> US etc.> >> > Mar:

2001-06-21 (00:21:39) - 2002-06-18 (03:02:28)> >> > Dec 2001 - July 2002

- Unemployed in the US> >> >> >> > Rah: 2002-06-18 (03:02:28) -

2005-01-05 (00:48:34)> >> > Aug 2002 - Oct 2002 Employed in the US> >

Friends/wife's folks helped obtain H1 and suggested that I come in> and that>

> "jobs were aplenty" entered US on Dec 22 2001 - jobs were not a> plenty

went> > through a tough time - worked for GM for 3 months - not sure of>

start date> > but I think it was 1 or 2 Aug 2002 - was forced to come back

to> India on> > 26 - 28th Oct 2002.> >> > Nov 2002 - March 2004 -

Employed in India.> > While in GM located an Indian whose company wanted

business> development work> > in India and in return he promised to process

an L1 A Visa and> sponsor a> > Green Card. Finding suitable job in the US

will be my job - they> are open to> > setting up necessary contracts to

permit me to work with a suitable> > employer.> >> >> >> > Jup:

2005-01-05 (00:48:34) - 2007-04-11 (01:45:41)> >> > Sat: 2007-04-11

(01:45:41) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)> >> >> >> > Mercury being lagna lord

gave good results in its own AD. Its dasa> however> > is posing some

problems primarily because of placement in 8L, more> so with> > career

because of it being 10L.> >> >> >> > Ketu and Venus are placed well

from Dasa rashi and hence its ADs> gave good> > results. Mars is

debilitated 3L and 8L and hence functional> malefic. Moon a> > functional

beneifc gave the native first job in last MD. In this> MD however> > it was

not a good period. This I think is because of Moon being in> 12th from> >

Dasa Rashi in D10.> >> >> >> > Rahu dasa has been mixed so far. It has

thrown up opportunities> that could> > not be sustained. It is co-lord of

6H, placed with debilitated> Mars in> > D1.Rahu however is placed in

Dusthana from A10 in D10. I think> Sun's PD in> > Rahu AD should give a

very good start. Sun is its own house,> placed with> > A10.> >> >> >>

> Jupiter a natural benefic is placed its own house, placed in> Kendra

(Hamsa> > Yoga) and will therefore surely give good results. It is also>

placed in> > dusthana from A10 in D10 and well placed from AL in D10. It

will> therefore> > bring positive changes.> >> >> >> > Saturn AD

should also be good since it is placed in its own house> and in> > trine.

It is also well placed from dasa lord.> >> >> >> > Narayana Dasa of

D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):> >> >> >> > Li MD:

1997-04-11 (10:49:57) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)> >> >> >> > Antardasas

in this MD:> >> >> >> > Ar: 2003-12-14 (03:06:52) - 2004-10-14

(17:14:42)> >> > Ta: 2004-10-14 (17:14:42) - 2005-08-14 (09:41:39)> >>

> Ge: 2005-08-14 (09:41:39) - 2006-06-12 (20:08:45)> >> > Cn:

2006-06-12 (20:08:45) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)> >> >> >> > Libra has GL

supporting power and Taurus has AL. Taurus also has> Sun and> > Mars in

Kendra, Jupiter in 9th and Rahu in 11th. Libra- Taurus> should prove> > to

be a good period for the native. Its lord Mercury is placed> 12th from> >

A10. Native can surely expect good times.> >> >> >> > Transit: Saturn

for the past 2 years or so has been passing> through 10H,> > which is

called kantaka shani and may be the primary reason for> the native> >

facing difficulties related to finance and career. It is expected> to move

to> > Cancer in Sept. Effects in the form of relief will be felt 3> months

prior to> > that i.e. from June/ July. Saturn's transit through Cancer will>

result in> > conjunction with natal Mars and Rahu. It will also aspect natal>

Saturn. This> > period would bring about major changes in the life of the

native,> may bring> > sudden rise of fortune.> >> >> >> > Jupiter

is transiting through 12H Leo. It will move to 1H in July.> From 1H> > it

will also aspect natal Jupiter as well as HL. This will be very> >

beneficial. Native will get back to positive action as soon as> this

happens.> >> >> >> > Other issues in brief: while this analysis focuses

on career, I> find the 5th> > house afflicted. 5th house has Saturn and Ketu

in it and is> aspected by Mars> > as well as Rahu. 7th house is also

aspected by Saturn as well as> Rahu.> > Jupiter and Sun are placed in it.

Jupiter would show good> character of the> > spouse, Sun however may

indicate that she is of strong views> (cause of some> > arguments within

the family). Saturn's aspect may pose a few> health issues> > for her.>

>> >> >> > I would request Gurus to look at them at recommend remedies.

Dasa> of Mars,> > which is debilitated may or may not come. So I presume it

is too> early to> > think about that.> >> >> >> > Gems: Native is

currently wearing "One 1.70 ct Blue Sapphire> mounted in> > silver on a

chain round neck. Not very strong blue - but the stone> is clear> > and

blemish free".> >> >> >> > Blue sapphire is usually for Saturn which is

5L and 6L. This may> have been> > recommended for 5H protection. I request

Gurus to see if wearing> of 6L gem> > is advisable.> >> >> >> >

Kind regards> >> > Ramesh> > > > Archives:

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vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam BruyatDear Ash,Comments by the native are as under;"Date of

marriage - 26th Dec 1996. Time between - 8 - 9 am in Mumbai. Wife'sDOB 25th Dec

1971 in Santa Cruz, Mumbai - Time - between 0130 - 0330.Miscarriages none at

all."I am copying this on the site. Hope you do not mind.Kind


[ashsam73 ]Saturday, June 05, 2004 5:25 PMRamesh

GangaramaniRe: Case analysis, ups and down in career, US Visa.Dear

Ramesh,What was the marriage date... yes marriage is delayed... and I amgetting

only 2 antras that can give.. i.e. second sector in Guru orSun antra..First

possible time for marriage is between 1989/02 thru 1991/09 andin 2nd sector

i.e. about jan 1990 to oct 1990.Second one is in Sun antra.. however I feel

Jupiter might have givenmarriage and there might have been a few miscarriages

.... do let meknow for my studies.Thanking you,Cheers !!!Ash--- In

vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani"<ramesh.gangaramani@a...>

wrote:> Dear Shri Chandrashekharji, and learned members,>>>> A gentleman who is

going through a difficult time has approached mefor> analysis. After I agreed to

analyze I got to know that he hadapproached you> for advice too. Since he is

very anxious I continued with myanalysis.> Without meaning any disrespect to

you, I am posting my analysis foryour> kind scrutiny and comments and also

inputs from other learnedmembers.> Comments in blue have been picked up from

his inputs.>>>> I have made 2 charts one based on the time given by the native

andthe other> as per time corrected by me. Native had been told by an

astrologerthat his> birth time needed rectification. My analysis is based on

thecorrected time.>>>> Birth Details:>> Gender: Male>> "DOB- 11 April 1963>

Time: 17:55 - as told to me by my mother (However a member on thelist>

suggested that it requires rectification)> Lat /Long - 76E32 / 9N35">>>> Birth

Time Rectification: I have used following to check thecorrectness of> time.>>>>

Method given by Shri BV Raman that shows the distance of Janmanakshtra from>

Aswini, Makha or Moola.>> Kunda method: as per this method the remainder (kunda

nakhtra)should be in> trine to janma nakshtra. As per given time there is an

error of 1nakashtra.>> Pranapada rectification: pranapada position must fall in

trine/7thfrom Moon> in navamsa. Here again the error is of 1 house.>> D-108

Lagna: Jupiter lagna matches with the native.>>>> The nearest time I get

meeting above requirements is 17:37:50. Ihaven't> made a very detailed attempt

to verify past events for this purpose.> Information given by siblings and

children appear to match with D3and D7> with the above time.>>>> Details of

siblings and their gender, elder/younger etc.,> I am the eldest - siblings are

all younger> 1 Male> 2 Female> 3 Male>>>> Have 2 children their genders and

dates and places of birth> 1.female - 19 Sept 1998 - 13:20, Mumbai> 2.male - 31

Aug - 2003 - 02:48, Kottayam, Kerala>>>> The new time changes the navamsa lagna

from Gemini to Taurus.>>>> Functional Characteristics: For Virgo, Mercury (LL,

10L) isAuspicious and> Venus (2L, 9L) is a Yogakarka. Mars (3L, 8L) and Moon

(11L) arefunctional> malefics. Jupiter (4L, 10L) would normaly be a functional

maleficlooses its> kendradhipati dosha because of its placement in own house.

Jupiteris> badhakesh. Saturn though lord of Trine is also a trishadaya/dushtana

lord.>>>> Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house: Jupiter and Saturn in theirown

houses> and Mars is debilitated in D1. In D9 Moon is exalted, Mercury andMars

are> in their own house. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are Vergottama.>>>> In D10, Sun is

its own house, Jupiter is debilitated. Any planet in> exaltation or

debilitation in D10 gives success and good income.>>>> Pushkar Navamsa: Lagna,

Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in PushkarNavamsa.>>>> Yoga: Jupiter forms Hamsa

Yoga in D1 in Kendra.>>>> D9 has Ruchaka yoga (Mars in own house in Kendra),

Sun and Saturn(4L, 9L)> in mutual 7th form a rajayoga, Chndra-mangala yoga

(Moon and Marsin mutual> 7th) and Dhurandhar yoga (Mercury and Venus in 2 and

12H from Moon).>> Parivartana yoga between Mercury and Moon in D10. Jupiter

andMercury (4L/7L> and LL) in mutual aspect form a rajayoga. D10 however also

hasSarpa Yoga> with three malefics in Kendra.>>>> Asc, LL, 10H, 10L: Asc is

aspected by Jupiter and Sun. 10H does nothave any> graham drishti but has rashi

drishti of Jupiter and Sun. Mercury,LL and 10L> is placed in 8H, aspected by

Moon.>>>> LL in 8H apart from posing health issues also indicate tendency

togample or> take risks. It also gives indication of the native being

learned,quest for> hidden knowledge and at times work related to the same.

10Lplacement in 8H> explains the frequent breaks in service and ups and downs.

Moon intritiya> Krishna paksha is still a natural benefic and its aspect

wouldhelp. Aspect> of strong Jupiter would protect the native.>>>> LL and 10L

Mercury is placed well in Navamsa in 2H and in own house.>>>> Dispositor of

Mercury is Mars, which is debilitated, placed in 11Hof growth> with Rahu. Mars

is also lord of AL, luckily placed in 9th from AL.>>>> Planets that bring in

gains: Mars and Rahu are in 11th from Lagnain D1.> Mars is debilitated and

hence likely to give more financial gains.Rahu is> also in 11th from AL in D10.

Debilitated Jupiter in D10 will alsobring in> wealth and gains.>>>> Planets that

can bring change in career: Jupiter, Rahu and Mercuryare in> dusthana from A10.

All three are placed well from AL and will bringchanges> for the better.>>>>

Profession: Saturn and Moon are in artha trikona. Mercury as 7Laspected by>

Moon will play important role in determining the profession. Saturn> indicates

heavy industry or many `supporters' or employees, Moongovt.> office or hotel

industry or may just contribute to frequentchanges. Mercury> may show trade or

business. Natives current profession showsinfluence of> Saturn, Moon

contributes probably in the form of different/ changing> industries!>>>>

Business vs Service: 7th house has Rahu in D10, whereas 6th is notoccupied.>

The native may eventually get into business. 7th house in D1 alsohas more>

planets than 6th house.>>>> Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):>>>> Maha

Dasas:>>>> Sat MD: 1973-12-21 (08:50:18) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)>>>>

Antardasas in this MD:>> Sun: 1983-12-13 (01:57:59) - 1984-11-24 (14:20:13)>>

"June - July 1984 Graduated>> Moo: 1984-11-24 (14:20:13) - 1986-06-24

(07:30:43)>> 1st decent job - joined on 31st Jan 1986 - left in 18 months

time>> Feb 85 - June- Jul 86 Employed>> Mar: 1986-06-24 (07:30:43) -

1987-08-04 (10:18:52)>> Aug 86 - Late 87 - Unemployed>> Rah: 1987-08-04

(10:18:52) - 1990-06-08 (15:08:34)>> Early 88-June/Jul 89 - Employed in Kerala

- and later Bubaneshwar> June 89 - March 91 Education - IIM A">> Jup:

1990-06-08 (15:08:34) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)>> Joined Godrej Soaps Ltd - 13

May 1991>> Confirmed as and Exec - April 1992>> It appears that the native had

mixed results during Saturn MD. MarsAD was> not good, Sun, Moon AD were

reasonable, Rahu and Jupiter ADs weregood. Mars> is natural and finctional

malefic and also debilitated. Rahu thoughplaced> with Mars, its placement in

11H upchaya is good. Jupiter thoughlord of> kendras is placed in own house and

hence looses kendradhipati dosha.>>>> Rahu and Jupiter which are in dusthana

from A10, gave him new jobs.Moon and> Mercury are in parivartana and Mercury is

on 12th from D10. Nativegot his> first job during this AD. Moon is in conjoined

with MD planetSaturn.>>>> Mer MD: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 2009-12-21

(14:19:11)>> Antardasas in this MD:>> Mer: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 1995-05-18

(00:40:17)>> Promoted to Asst Mgr April 1993>> Left Godrej in Sep 1993.

Rejoined Godrej Nov 1993.>> Ket: 1995-05-18 (00:40:17) - 1996-05-14

(04:10:50)>> Left Godrej again on the 30th of Dec 1995.> Founded Leadership

Resources - obtained Malaysian investment and> collaboration with Franklin

Covey of the US.>> Ven: 1996-05-14 (04:10:50) - 1999-03-14 (17:40:14)>> Sun:

1999-03-14 (17:40:14) - 2000-01-20 (11:27:05)>> Moo: 2000-01-20 (11:27:05) -

2001-06-21 (00:21:39)>> Aug 2000 left above company.>> Aug 2000 - Dec 2001

Unemployed in India> Left Mumbai on Aug 2 2000 with the hope of going overseas

- UAE /US etc.>> Mar: 2001-06-21 (00:21:39) - 2002-06-18 (03:02:28)>> Dec

2001 - July 2002 - Unemployed in the US>>>> Rah: 2002-06-18 (03:02:28) -

2005-01-05 (00:48:34)>> Aug 2002 - Oct 2002 Employed in the US> Friends/wife's

folks helped obtain H1 and suggested that I come inand that> "jobs were aplenty"

entered US on Dec 22 2001 - jobs were not aplenty went> through a tough time -

worked for GM for 3 months - not sure ofstart date> but I think it was 1 or 2

Aug 2002 - was forced to come back toIndia on> 26 - 28th Oct 2002.>> Nov 2002

- March 2004 - Employed in India.> While in GM located an Indian whose company

wanted businessdevelopment work> in India and in return he promised to process

an L1 A Visa andsponsor a> Green Card. Finding suitable job in the US will be

my job - theyare open to> setting up necessary contracts to permit me to work

with a suitable> employer.>>>> Jup: 2005-01-05 (00:48:34) - 2007-04-11

(01:45:41)>> Sat: 2007-04-11 (01:45:41) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)>>>> Mercury

being lagna lord gave good results in its own AD. Its dasahowever> is posing

some problems primarily because of placement in 8L, moreso with> career because

of it being 10L.>>>> Ketu and Venus are placed well from Dasa rashi and hence

its ADsgave good> results. Mars is debilitated 3L and 8L and hence

functionalmalefic. Moon a> functional beneifc gave the native first job in last

MD. In this MDhowever> it was not a good period. This I think is because of Moon

being in12th from> Dasa Rashi in D10.>>>> Rahu dasa has been mixed so far. It

has thrown up opportunitiesthat could> not be sustained. It is co-lord of 6H,

placed with debilitated Marsin> D1.Rahu however is placed in Dusthana from A10

in D10. I thinkSun's PD in> Rahu AD should give a very good start. Sun is its

own house, placedwith> A10.>>>> Jupiter a natural benefic is placed its own

house, placed in Kendra(Hamsa> Yoga) and will therefore surely give good

results. It is alsoplaced in> dusthana from A10 in D10 and well placed from AL

in D10. It willtherefore> bring positive changes.>>>> Saturn AD should also be

good since it is placed in its own houseand in> trine. It is also well placed

from dasa lord.>>>> Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi

dasa):>>>> Li MD: 1997-04-11 (10:49:57) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)>>>>

Antardasas in this MD:>>>> Ar: 2003-12-14 (03:06:52) - 2004-10-14

(17:14:42)>> Ta: 2004-10-14 (17:14:42) - 2005-08-14 (09:41:39)>> Ge:

2005-08-14 (09:41:39) - 2006-06-12 (20:08:45)>> Cn: 2006-06-12 (20:08:45) -

2007-04-12 (00:28:07)>>>> Libra has GL supporting power and Taurus has AL.

Taurus also hasSun and> Mars in Kendra, Jupiter in 9th and Rahu in 11th. Libra-

Taurusshould prove> to be a good period for the native. Its lord Mercury is

placed 12thfrom> A10. Native can surely expect good times.>>>> Transit: Saturn

for the past 2 years or so has been passing through10H,> which is called

kantaka shani and may be the primary reason for thenative> facing difficulties

related to finance and career. It is expectedto move to> Cancer in Sept.

Effects in the form of relief will be felt 3 monthsprior to> that i.e. from

June/ July. Saturn's transit through Cancer willresult in> conjunction with

natal Mars and Rahu. It will also aspect natalSaturn. This> period would bring

about major changes in the life of the native,may bring> sudden rise of

fortune.>>>> Jupiter is transiting through 12H Leo. It will move to 1H in

July.From 1H> it will also aspect natal Jupiter as well as HL. This will be

very> beneficial. Native will get back to positive action as soon as

thishappens.>>>> Other issues in brief: while this analysis focuses on career,

Ifind the 5th> house afflicted. 5th house has Saturn and Ketu in it and

isaspected by Mars> as well as Rahu. 7th house is also aspected by Saturn as

well asRahu.> Jupiter and Sun are placed in it. Jupiter would show good

characterof the> spouse, Sun however may indicate that she is of strong views

(causeof some> arguments within the family). Saturn's aspect may pose a few

healthissues> for her.>>>> I would request Gurus to look at them at recommend

remedies. Dasaof Mars,> which is debilitated may or may not come. So I presume

it is tooearly to> think about that.>>>> Gems: Native is currently wearing "One

1.70 ct Blue Sapphiremounted in> silver on a chain round neck. Not very strong

blue - but the stoneis clear> and blemish free".>>>> Blue sapphire is usually

for Saturn which is 5L and 6L. This mayhave been> recommended for 5H

protection. I request Gurus to see if wearing of6L gem> is advisable.>>>> Kind

regards>> Ramesh

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Guest guest

Dear Ramesh Namste


Yes, D-9 and D-10 do change but with the unrectified time only his

minor skin problems can be seen as now Mercury gets some strength in

D-9 being in lagna in swarashi. That way becoming helpful littlebit.

Similarly, with unrectified time in D-10 the scorpio lagna makes Sun

to be in 10th house in Leo and supportive of LAgnadhiyoga in rashi

chart. That way it allows to fructify Lagnadhiyoga more easily.

Otherwise it is difficult to expalin why person with 10th and lagna

lord in 8th and 9th lord in 6th with moon in 2nd house,with 6th lord

in 5th and no support from Navmansha and D-10, can achieve so many

things in life. I therefore consider that his chart does not require

time rectifications.

As he has confirmed the skin disease, he should remove Neelam and

put emerald asap.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.



Prabodh Vekhande


vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani"

<ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


> Dear Prabodh,


> Thank you for explaining the Yoga. I can see this yoga formed in


> Chart. Time correction does not alter the rashi chart! It however

alters the

> Navamsa lagna and D10 lagna too! Clue that can fix these two lagnas

> correctly will help.

> I am giving below response received from native on your comments.


> "

> Prabodh's observations:

> 1. The skin infections part - I have always had some or the other

minor skin

> complaint.

> 2. About being

> knowledgeable, - I have been acknowledged by many peers


> acquaintances to be knowledgeable - in depth and breadth.

> successful - true and lasting success has so far been

elusive - may

> be I will get there - When is the question.

> and

> good executive - as with the previous.


> Kind Regards

> Ramesh


> amolmandar [amolmandar]

> Saturday, June 05, 2004 7:12 PM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Case analysis, ups and down in

career, US

> Visa.



> Dear Ramesh Namste


> Benefics in 6th,7th and 8th house from lagna and not aspected by

> malefics and 4th house devoid of any malefics causes


> The native with this chart becomes very knowledgeable, sucessful,

> and good executive.


> Prabodh Vekhande




> vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani"

> <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> > Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat

> >

> > Prabodh,

> > Thank you for going through my mail. Can you please explain

> Lagnadhiyoga!

> > what makes this yoga and what are the benefits?

> > Regards

> > Ramesh

> >

> > amolmandar [amolmandar]

> > Saturday, June 05, 2004 4:36 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Case analysis, ups and down in

> career, US

> > Visa.

> >

> >

> > 05062004

> > Dear Ramesh Namste

> >

> > Its a detailed analysis I must say. I see the Lagnadhiyoga as

> well.

> > This is diluted ofcourse because of aspect of malefic mars

on 6th

> > house and Krura palent Sun in 7th from lagna. Nevertheless,

> looking

> > at his profile I suppose the native has enjoyed the fruits of

> > Lagnadhiyoga to greater extent. That is why I think we

should go

> by

> > the time given without rectification. If he is suffering from

> skin

> > disease(which I think he should be) then ask him to put on

> emerald

> > instead of Blue Sapphire. The current Me/RA combination is


> that

> > lucrative financially. The next Ju AD will give some

> opportunities

> > for business but Ju in 7th with own rashi may not make him

> sucessful

> > businessman. The 9th lord Ve is again in Marakarna


> may

> > as well be another reason for not getting into business.

> >

> >

> > Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.

> >

> > Prabodh Vekhande

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Ramesh Gangaramani"

> > <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:

> > > Dear Shri Chandrashekharji, and learned members,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > A gentleman who is going through a difficult time has

> approached

> > me for

> > > analysis. After I agreed to analyze I got to know that he


> > approached you

> > > for advice too. Since he is very anxious I continued with


> > analysis.

> > > Without meaning any disrespect to you, I am posting my


> > for your

> > > kind scrutiny and comments and also inputs from other


> > members.

> > > Comments in blue have been picked up from his inputs.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I have made 2 charts one based on the time given by the


> and

> > the other

> > > as per time corrected by me. Native had been told by an

> astrologer

> > that his

> > > birth time needed rectification. My analysis is based on


> > corrected time.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Birth Details:

> > >

> > > Gender: Male

> > >

> > > "DOB- 11 April 1963

> > > Time: 17:55 - as told to me by my mother (However a member


> the

> > list

> > > suggested that it requires rectification)

> > > Lat /Long - 76E32 / 9N35"

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Birth Time Rectification: I have used following to check


> > correctness of

> > > time.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Method given by Shri BV Raman that shows the distance of


> > nakshtra from

> > > Aswini, Makha or Moola.

> > >

> > > Kunda method: as per this method the remainder (kunda


> > should be in

> > > trine to janma nakshtra. As per given time there is an


> of 1

> > nakashtra.

> > >

> > > Pranapada rectification: pranapada position must fall in

> trine/7th

> > from Moon

> > > in navamsa. Here again the error is of 1 house.

> > >

> > > D-108 Lagna: Jupiter lagna matches with the native.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The nearest time I get meeting above requirements is


> I

> > haven't

> > > made a very detailed attempt to verify past events for this

> > purpose.

> > > Information given by siblings and children appear to match

> with D3

> > and D7

> > > with the above time.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Details of siblings and their gender, elder/younger etc.,

> > > I am the eldest - siblings are all younger

> > > 1 Male

> > > 2 Female

> > > 3 Male

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Have 2 children their genders and dates and places of birth

> > > 1.female - 19 Sept 1998 - 13:20, Mumbai

> > > 2.male - 31 Aug - 2003 - 02:48, Kottayam, Kerala

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The new time changes the navamsa lagna from Gemini to


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Functional Characteristics: For Virgo, Mercury (LL, 10L) is

> > Auspicious and

> > > Venus (2L, 9L) is a Yogakarka. Mars (3L, 8L) and Moon

(11L) are

> > functional

> > > malefics. Jupiter (4L, 10L) would normaly be a functional

> malefic

> > looses its

> > > kendradhipati dosha because of its placement in own house.

> Jupiter

> > is

> > > badhakesh. Saturn though lord of Trine is also a


> > dushtana lord.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house: Jupiter and Saturn in

> their

> > own houses

> > > and Mars is debilitated in D1. In D9 Moon is exalted,


> and

> > Mars are

> > > in their own house. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are Vergottama.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In D10, Sun is its own house, Jupiter is debilitated. Any

> planet in

> > > exaltation or debilitation in D10 gives success and good

> income.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Pushkar Navamsa: Lagna, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in


> > Navamsa.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Yoga: Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in D1 in Kendra.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > D9 has Ruchaka yoga (Mars in own house in Kendra), Sun and

> Saturn

> > (4L, 9L)

> > > in mutual 7th form a rajayoga, Chndra-mangala yoga (Moon


> Mars

> > in mutual

> > > 7th) and Dhurandhar yoga (Mercury and Venus in 2 and 12H


> > Moon).

> > >

> > > Parivartana yoga between Mercury and Moon in D10. Jupiter


> > Mercury (4L/7L

> > > and LL) in mutual aspect form a rajayoga. D10 however also


> > Sarpa Yoga

> > > with three malefics in Kendra.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Asc, LL, 10H, 10L: Asc is aspected by Jupiter and Sun. 10H


> > not have any

> > > graham drishti but has rashi drishti of Jupiter and Sun.

> Mercury,

> > LL and 10L

> > > is placed in 8H, aspected by Moon.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > LL in 8H apart from posing health issues also indicate

> tendency to

> > gample or

> > > take risks. It also gives indication of the native being

> learned,

> > quest for

> > > hidden knowledge and at times work related to the same. 10L

> > placement in 8H

> > > explains the frequent breaks in service and ups and downs.

> Moon in

> > tritiya

> > > Krishna paksha is still a natural benefic and its aspect


> > help. Aspect

> > > of strong Jupiter would protect the native.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > LL and 10L Mercury is placed well in Navamsa in 2H and in


> > house.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dispositor of Mercury is Mars, which is debilitated,

placed in

> 11H

> > of growth

> > > with Rahu. Mars is also lord of AL, luckily placed in 9th


> AL.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Planets that bring in gains: Mars and Rahu are in 11th from

> Lagna

> > in D1.

> > > Mars is debilitated and hence likely to give more financial

> gains.

> > Rahu is

> > > also in 11th from AL in D10. Debilitated Jupiter in D10


> also

> > bring in

> > > wealth and gains.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Planets that can bring change in career: Jupiter, Rahu and

> Mercury

> > are in

> > > dusthana from A10. All three are placed well from AL and


> > bring changes

> > > for the better.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Profession: Saturn and Moon are in artha trikona. Mercury

as 7L

> > aspected by

> > > Moon will play important role in determining the


> Saturn

> > > indicates heavy industry or many `supporters' or employees,

> Moon

> > govt.

> > > office or hotel industry or may just contribute to frequent

> > changes. Mercury

> > > may show trade or business. Natives current profession


> > influence of

> > > Saturn, Moon contributes probably in the form of different/

> > changing

> > > industries!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Business vs Service: 7th house has Rahu in D10, whereas

6th is

> not

> > occupied.

> > > The native may eventually get into business. 7th house in


> also

> > has more

> > > planets than 6th house.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Maha Dasas:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sat MD: 1973-12-21 (08:50:18) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Antardasas in this MD:

> > >

> > > Sun: 1983-12-13 (01:57:59) - 1984-11-24 (14:20:13)

> > >

> > > "June - July 1984 Graduated

> > >

> > > Moo: 1984-11-24 (14:20:13) - 1986-06-24 (07:30:43)

> > >

> > > 1st decent job - joined on 31st Jan 1986 - left in 18


> time

> > >

> > > Feb 85 - June- Jul 86 Employed

> > >

> > > Mar: 1986-06-24 (07:30:43) - 1987-08-04 (10:18:52)

> > >

> > > Aug 86 - Late 87 - Unemployed

> > >

> > > Rah: 1987-08-04 (10:18:52) - 1990-06-08 (15:08:34)

> > >

> > > Early 88-June/Jul 89 - Employed in Kerala - and later

> Bubaneshwar

> > > June 89 - March 91 Education - IIM A"

> > >

> > > Jup: 1990-06-08 (15:08:34) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)

> > >

> > > Joined Godrej Soaps Ltd - 13 May 1991

> > >

> > > Confirmed as and Exec - April 1992

> > >

> > > It appears that the native had mixed results during Saturn


> > Mars AD was

> > > not good, Sun, Moon AD were reasonable, Rahu and Jupiter


> were

> > good. Mars

> > > is natural and finctional malefic and also debilitated.


> > though placed

> > > with Mars, its placement in 11H upchaya is good. Jupiter


> > lord of

> > > kendras is placed in own house and hence looses


> > dosha.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Rahu and Jupiter which are in dusthana from A10, gave him


> > jobs. Moon and

> > > Mercury are in parivartana and Mercury is on 12th from D10.

> Native

> > got his

> > > first job during this AD. Moon is in conjoined with MD


> > Saturn.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mer MD: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)

> > >

> > > Antardasas in this MD:

> > >

> > > Mer: 1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 1995-05-18 (00:40:17)

> > >

> > > Promoted to Asst Mgr April 1993

> > >

> > > Left Godrej in Sep 1993. Rejoined Godrej Nov 1993.

> > >

> > > Ket: 1995-05-18 (00:40:17) - 1996-05-14 (04:10:50)

> > >

> > > Left Godrej again on the 30th of Dec 1995.

> > > Founded Leadership Resources - obtained Malaysian


> and

> > > collaboration with Franklin Covey of the US.

> > >

> > > Ven: 1996-05-14 (04:10:50) - 1999-03-14 (17:40:14)

> > >

> > > Sun: 1999-03-14 (17:40:14) - 2000-01-20 (11:27:05)

> > >

> > > Moo: 2000-01-20 (11:27:05) - 2001-06-21 (00:21:39)

> > >

> > > Aug 2000 left above company.

> > >

> > > Aug 2000 - Dec 2001 Unemployed in India

> > > Left Mumbai on Aug 2 2000 with the hope of going overseas -

> UAE /

> > US etc.

> > >

> > > Mar: 2001-06-21 (00:21:39) - 2002-06-18 (03:02:28)

> > >

> > > Dec 2001 - July 2002 - Unemployed in the US

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Rah: 2002-06-18 (03:02:28) - 2005-01-05 (00:48:34)

> > >

> > > Aug 2002 - Oct 2002 Employed in the US

> > > Friends/wife's folks helped obtain H1 and suggested that I

> come in

> > and that

> > > "jobs were aplenty" entered US on Dec 22 2001 - jobs were

not a

> > plenty went

> > > through a tough time - worked for GM for 3 months - not

sure of

> > start date

> > > but I think it was 1 or 2 Aug 2002 - was forced to come

back to

> > India on

> > > 26 - 28th Oct 2002.

> > >

> > > Nov 2002 - March 2004 - Employed in India.

> > > While in GM located an Indian whose company wanted business

> > development work

> > > in India and in return he promised to process an L1 A Visa


> > sponsor a

> > > Green Card. Finding suitable job in the US will be my job -

> they

> > are open to

> > > setting up necessary contracts to permit me to work with a

> suitable

> > > employer.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Jup: 2005-01-05 (00:48:34) - 2007-04-11 (01:45:41)

> > >

> > > Sat: 2007-04-11 (01:45:41) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mercury being lagna lord gave good results in its own AD.


> dasa

> > however

> > > is posing some problems primarily because of placement in


> more

> > so with

> > > career because of it being 10L.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Ketu and Venus are placed well from Dasa rashi and hence


> ADs

> > gave good

> > > results. Mars is debilitated 3L and 8L and hence functional

> > malefic. Moon a

> > > functional beneifc gave the native first job in last MD. In

> this

> > MD however

> > > it was not a good period. This I think is because of Moon

> being in

> > 12th from

> > > Dasa Rashi in D10.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Rahu dasa has been mixed so far. It has thrown up


> > that could

> > > not be sustained. It is co-lord of 6H, placed with


> > Mars in

> > > D1.Rahu however is placed in Dusthana from A10 in D10. I


> > Sun's PD in

> > > Rahu AD should give a very good start. Sun is its own


> > placed with

> > > A10.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Jupiter a natural benefic is placed its own house, placed


> > Kendra (Hamsa

> > > Yoga) and will therefore surely give good results. It is


> > placed in

> > > dusthana from A10 in D10 and well placed from AL in D10. It

> will

> > therefore

> > > bring positive changes.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Saturn AD should also be good since it is placed in its own

> house

> > and in

> > > trine. It is also well placed from dasa lord.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Li MD: 1997-04-11 (10:49:57) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Antardasas in this MD:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Ar: 2003-12-14 (03:06:52) - 2004-10-14 (17:14:42)

> > >

> > > Ta: 2004-10-14 (17:14:42) - 2005-08-14 (09:41:39)

> > >

> > > Ge: 2005-08-14 (09:41:39) - 2006-06-12 (20:08:45)

> > >

> > > Cn: 2006-06-12 (20:08:45) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Libra has GL supporting power and Taurus has AL. Taurus


> has

> > Sun and

> > > Mars in Kendra, Jupiter in 9th and Rahu in 11th. Libra-


> > should prove

> > > to be a good period for the native. Its lord Mercury is


> > 12th from

> > > A10. Native can surely expect good times.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Transit: Saturn for the past 2 years or so has been passing

> > through 10H,

> > > which is called kantaka shani and may be the primary

reason for

> > the native

> > > facing difficulties related to finance and career. It is

> expected

> > to move to

> > > Cancer in Sept. Effects in the form of relief will be felt


> > months prior to

> > > that i.e. from June/ July. Saturn's transit through Cancer


> > result in

> > > conjunction with natal Mars and Rahu. It will also aspect


> > Saturn. This

> > > period would bring about major changes in the life of the

> native,

> > may bring

> > > sudden rise of fortune.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Jupiter is transiting through 12H Leo. It will move to 1H


> July.

> > From 1H

> > > it will also aspect natal Jupiter as well as HL. This will


> very

> > > beneficial. Native will get back to positive action as

soon as

> > this happens.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Other issues in brief: while this analysis focuses on

career, I

> > find the 5th

> > > house afflicted. 5th house has Saturn and Ketu in it and is

> > aspected by Mars

> > > as well as Rahu. 7th house is also aspected by Saturn as


> as

> > Rahu.

> > > Jupiter and Sun are placed in it. Jupiter would show good

> > character of the

> > > spouse, Sun however may indicate that she is of strong


> > (cause of some

> > > arguments within the family). Saturn's aspect may pose a


> > health issues

> > > for her.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I would request Gurus to look at them at recommend


> Dasa

> > of Mars,

> > > which is debilitated may or may not come. So I presume it


> too

> > early to

> > > think about that.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Gems: Native is currently wearing "One 1.70 ct Blue


> > mounted in

> > > silver on a chain round neck. Not very strong blue - but


> stone

> > is clear

> > > and blemish free".

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Blue sapphire is usually for Saturn which is 5L and 6L.


> may

> > have been

> > > recommended for 5H protection. I request Gurus to see if

> wearing

> > of 6L gem

> > > is advisable.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Kind regards

> > >

> > > Ramesh

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Group info: vedic-

> astrology/info.html

> >

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Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat


Dear Prabodh,

The chart that I had analyzed belongs to Vinoo Titus. He wants to take your

advise. I shall appreciate if you can help him.

Kind regards



amolmandar [amolmandar ] Sent:

Saturday, June 05, 2004 4:36 PMvedic astrologySubject:

[vedic astrology] Re: Case analysis, ups and down in career, US

Visa.05062004Dear Ramesh NamsteIts a detailed analysis I must say. I see the

Lagnadhiyoga as well. This is diluted ofcourse because of aspect of malefic

mars on 6th house and Krura palent Sun in 7th from lagna. Nevertheless, looking

at his profile I suppose the native has enjoyed the fruits of Lagnadhiyoga to

greater extent. That is why I think we should go by the time given without

rectification. If he is suffering from skin disease(which I think he should

be) then ask him to put on emerald instead of Blue Sapphire. The current Me/RA

combination is not that lucrative financially. The next Ju AD will give some

opportunities for business but Ju in 7th with own rashi may not make him

sucessful businessman. The 9th lord Ve is again in Marakarna sthana.That may as

well be another reason for not getting into business. Thanks a lot for your Time

and Sapce.Prabodh Vekhandevedic astrology, "Ramesh

Gangaramani" <ramesh.gangaramani@a...> wrote:> Dear Shri Chandrashekharji, and

learned members,> > > > A gentleman who is going through a difficult time has

approached me for> analysis. After I agreed to analyze I got to know that he

had approached you> for advice too. Since he is very anxious I continued with

my analysis.> Without meaning any disrespect to you, I am posting my analysis

for your> kind scrutiny and comments and also inputs from other learned

members.> Comments in blue have been picked up from his inputs.> > > > I have

made 2 charts one based on the time given by the native and the other> as per

time corrected by me. Native had been told by an astrologer that his> birth

time needed rectification. My analysis is based on the corrected time.> > > >

Birth Details:> > Gender: Male> > "DOB- 11 April 1963> Time: 17:55 - as told to

me by my mother (However a member on the list> suggested that it requires

rectification)> Lat /Long - 76E32 / 9N35"> > > > Birth Time Rectification: I

have used following to check the correctness of> time.> > > > Method given by

Shri BV Raman that shows the distance of Janma nakshtra from> Aswini, Makha or

Moola.> > Kunda method: as per this method the remainder (kunda nakhtra) should

be in> trine to janma nakshtra. As per given time there is an error of 1

nakashtra.> > Pranapada rectification: pranapada position must fall in

trine/7th from Moon> in navamsa. Here again the error is of 1 house.> > D-108

Lagna: Jupiter lagna matches with the native.> > > > The nearest time I get

meeting above requirements is 17:37:50. I haven't> made a very detailed attempt

to verify past events for this purpose.> Information given by siblings and

children appear to match with D3 and D7> with the above time.> > > > Details of

siblings and their gender, elder/younger etc.,> I am the eldest - siblings are

all younger> 1 Male> 2 Female> 3 Male> > > > Have 2 children their genders and

dates and places of birth> 1.female - 19 Sept 1998 - 13:20, Mumbai> 2.male - 31

Aug - 2003 - 02:48, Kottayam, Kerala> > > > The new time changes the navamsa

lagna from Gemini to Taurus.> > > > Functional Characteristics: For Virgo,

Mercury (LL, 10L) is Auspicious and> Venus (2L, 9L) is a Yogakarka. Mars (3L,

8L) and Moon (11L) are functional> malefics. Jupiter (4L, 10L) would normaly be

a functional malefic looses its> kendradhipati dosha because of its placement in

own house. Jupiter is> badhakesh. Saturn though lord of Trine is also a

trishadaya/ dushtana lord.> > > > Exaltation, Debilitation, Own house: Jupiter

and Saturn in their own houses> and Mars is debilitated in D1. In D9 Moon is

exalted, Mercury and Mars are> in their own house. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are

Vergottama.> > > > In D10, Sun is its own house, Jupiter is debilitated. Any

planet in> exaltation or debilitation in D10 gives success and good income.> >

> > Pushkar Navamsa: Lagna, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu are in Pushkar Navamsa.> > >

> Yoga: Jupiter forms Hamsa Yoga in D1 in Kendra.> > > > D9 has Ruchaka yoga

(Mars in own house in Kendra), Sun and Saturn (4L, 9L)> in mutual 7th form a

rajayoga, Chndra-mangala yoga (Moon and Mars in mutual> 7th) and Dhurandhar

yoga (Mercury and Venus in 2 and 12H from Moon).> > Parivartana yoga between

Mercury and Moon in D10. Jupiter and Mercury (4L/7L> and LL) in mutual aspect

form a rajayoga. D10 however also has Sarpa Yoga> with three malefics in

Kendra.> > > > Asc, LL, 10H, 10L: Asc is aspected by Jupiter and Sun. 10H does

not have any> graham drishti but has rashi drishti of Jupiter and Sun. Mercury,

LL and 10L> is placed in 8H, aspected by Moon.> > > > LL in 8H apart from posing

health issues also indicate tendency to gample or> take risks. It also gives

indication of the native being learned, quest for> hidden knowledge and at

times work related to the same. 10L placement in 8H> explains the frequent

breaks in service and ups and downs. Moon in tritiya> Krishna paksha is still a

natural benefic and its aspect would help. Aspect> of strong Jupiter would

protect the native.> > > > LL and 10L Mercury is placed well in Navamsa in 2H

and in own house.> > > > Dispositor of Mercury is Mars, which is debilitated,

placed in 11H of growth> with Rahu. Mars is also lord of AL, luckily placed in

9th from AL.> > > > Planets that bring in gains: Mars and Rahu are in 11th from

Lagna in D1.> Mars is debilitated and hence likely to give more financial gains.

Rahu is> also in 11th from AL in D10. Debilitated Jupiter in D10 will also bring

in> wealth and gains.> > > > Planets that can bring change in career: Jupiter,

Rahu and Mercury are in> dusthana from A10. All three are placed well from AL

and will bring changes> for the better.> > > > Profession: Saturn and Moon are

in artha trikona. Mercury as 7L aspected by> Moon will play important role in

determining the profession. Saturn> indicates heavy industry or many

`supporters' or employees, Moon govt.> office or hotel industry or may just

contribute to frequent changes. Mercury> may show trade or business. Natives

current profession shows influence of> Saturn, Moon contributes probably in the

form of different/ changing> industries!> > > > Business vs Service: 7th house

has Rahu in D10, whereas 6th is not occupied.> The native may eventually get

into business. 7th house in D1 also has more> planets than 6th house.> > > >

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):> > > > Maha Dasas:> > > > Sat MD:

1973-12-21 (08:50:18) - 1992-12-21 (05:40:46)> > > > Antardasas in this MD:>

> Sun: 1983-12-13 (01:57:59) - 1984-11-24 (14:20:13)> > "June - July 1984

Graduated> > Moo: 1984-11-24 (14:20:13) - 1986-06-24 (07:30:43)> > 1st decent

job - joined on 31st Jan 1986 - left in 18 months time> > Feb 85 - June- Jul 86

Employed> > Mar: 1986-06-24 (07:30:43) - 1987-08-04 (10:18:52)> > Aug 86 -

Late 87 - Unemployed> > Rah: 1987-08-04 (10:18:52) - 1990-06-08 (15:08:34)> >

Early 88-June/Jul 89 - Employed in Kerala - and later Bubaneshwar> June 89 -

March 91 Education - IIM A"> > Jup: 1990-06-08 (15:08:34) - 1992-12-21

(05:40:46)> > Joined Godrej Soaps Ltd - 13 May 1991> > Confirmed as and Exec -

April 1992> > It appears that the native had mixed results during Saturn MD.

Mars AD was> not good, Sun, Moon AD were reasonable, Rahu and Jupiter ADs were

good. Mars> is natural and finctional malefic and also debilitated. Rahu though

placed> with Mars, its placement in 11H upchaya is good. Jupiter though lord of>

kendras is placed in own house and hence looses kendradhipati dosha.> > > > Rahu

and Jupiter which are in dusthana from A10, gave him new jobs. Moon and> Mercury

are in parivartana and Mercury is on 12th from D10. Native got his> first job

during this AD. Moon is in conjoined with MD planet Saturn.> > > > Mer MD:

1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)> > Antardasas in this MD:> > Mer:

1992-12-21 (05:40:46) - 1995-05-18 (00:40:17)> > Promoted to Asst Mgr April

1993> > Left Godrej in Sep 1993. Rejoined Godrej Nov 1993.> > Ket: 1995-05-18

(00:40:17) - 1996-05-14 (04:10:50)> > Left Godrej again on the 30th of Dec

1995.> Founded Leadership Resources - obtained Malaysian investment and>

collaboration with Franklin Covey of the US.> > Ven: 1996-05-14 (04:10:50) -

1999-03-14 (17:40:14)> > Sun: 1999-03-14 (17:40:14) - 2000-01-20 (11:27:05)>

> Moo: 2000-01-20 (11:27:05) - 2001-06-21 (00:21:39)> > Aug 2000 left above

company.> > Aug 2000 - Dec 2001 Unemployed in India> Left Mumbai on Aug 2 2000

with the hope of going overseas - UAE / US etc.> > Mar: 2001-06-21 (00:21:39) -

2002-06-18 (03:02:28)> > Dec 2001 - July 2002 - Unemployed in the US> > > >

Rah: 2002-06-18 (03:02:28) - 2005-01-05 (00:48:34)> > Aug 2002 - Oct 2002

Employed in the US> Friends/wife's folks helped obtain H1 and suggested that I

come in and that> "jobs were aplenty" entered US on Dec 22 2001 - jobs were not

a plenty went> through a tough time - worked for GM for 3 months - not sure of

start date> but I think it was 1 or 2 Aug 2002 - was forced to come back to

India on> 26 - 28th Oct 2002.> > Nov 2002 - March 2004 - Employed in India.>

While in GM located an Indian whose company wanted business development work>

in India and in return he promised to process an L1 A Visa and sponsor a> Green

Card. Finding suitable job in the US will be my job - they are open to> setting

up necessary contracts to permit me to work with a suitable> employer.> > > >

Jup: 2005-01-05 (00:48:34) - 2007-04-11 (01:45:41)> > Sat: 2007-04-11

(01:45:41) - 2009-12-21 (14:19:11)> > > > Mercury being lagna lord gave good

results in its own AD. Its dasa however> is posing some problems primarily

because of placement in 8L, more so with> career because of it being 10L.> > >

> Ketu and Venus are placed well from Dasa rashi and hence its ADs gave good>

results. Mars is debilitated 3L and 8L and hence functional malefic. Moon a>

functional beneifc gave the native first job in last MD. In this MD however> it

was not a good period. This I think is because of Moon being in 12th from> Dasa

Rashi in D10.> > > > Rahu dasa has been mixed so far. It has thrown up

opportunities that could> not be sustained. It is co-lord of 6H, placed with

debilitated Mars in> D1.Rahu however is placed in Dusthana from A10 in D10. I

think Sun's PD in> Rahu AD should give a very good start. Sun is its own house,

placed with> A10.> > > > Jupiter a natural benefic is placed its own house,

placed in Kendra (Hamsa> Yoga) and will therefore surely give good results. It

is also placed in> dusthana from A10 in D10 and well placed from AL in D10. It

will therefore> bring positive changes.> > > > Saturn AD should also be good

since it is placed in its own house and in> trine. It is also well placed from

dasa lord.> > > > Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart (a versatile phalita rasi dasa):>

> > > Li MD: 1997-04-11 (10:49:57) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)> > > > Antardasas

in this MD:> > > > Ar: 2003-12-14 (03:06:52) - 2004-10-14 (17:14:42)> > Ta:

2004-10-14 (17:14:42) - 2005-08-14 (09:41:39)> > Ge: 2005-08-14 (09:41:39) -

2006-06-12 (20:08:45)> > Cn: 2006-06-12 (20:08:45) - 2007-04-12 (00:28:07)> >

> > Libra has GL supporting power and Taurus has AL. Taurus also has Sun and>

Mars in Kendra, Jupiter in 9th and Rahu in 11th. Libra- Taurus should prove> to

be a good period for the native. Its lord Mercury is placed 12th from> A10.

Native can surely expect good times.> > > > Transit: Saturn for the past 2

years or so has been passing through 10H,> which is called kantaka shani and

may be the primary reason for the native> facing difficulties related to

finance and career. It is expected to move to> Cancer in Sept. Effects in the

form of relief will be felt 3 months prior to> that i.e. from June/ July.

Saturn's transit through Cancer will result in> conjunction with natal Mars and

Rahu. It will also aspect natal Saturn. This> period would bring about major

changes in the life of the native, may bring> sudden rise of fortune.> > > >

Jupiter is transiting through 12H Leo. It will move to 1H in July. From 1H> it

will also aspect natal Jupiter as well as HL. This will be very> beneficial.

Native will get back to positive action as soon as this happens.> > > > Other

issues in brief: while this analysis focuses on career, I find the 5th> house

afflicted. 5th house has Saturn and Ketu in it and is aspected by Mars> as well

as Rahu. 7th house is also aspected by Saturn as well as Rahu.> Jupiter and Sun

are placed in it. Jupiter would show good character of the> spouse, Sun however

may indicate that she is of strong views (cause of some> arguments within the

family). Saturn's aspect may pose a few health issues> for her.> > > > I would

request Gurus to look at them at recommend remedies. Dasa of Mars,> which is

debilitated may or may not come. So I presume it is too early to> think about

that.> > > > Gems: Native is currently wearing "One 1.70 ct Blue Sapphire

mounted in> silver on a chain round neck. Not very strong blue - but the stone

is clear> and blemish free".> > > > Blue sapphire is usually for Saturn which

is 5L and 6L. This may have been> recommended for 5H protection. I request

Gurus to see if wearing of 6L gem> is advisable.> > > > Kind regards> >

RameshArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

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