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Analyze this horoscope please

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Dear Sir,


Attached are the details of my husband's horoscope. He

is 40, very positive and straight forward human being.

He has had a series of startling set backs in life

since he was 16. Presently he is in huge financial



DOB: 9th July 1964

Time: 12.10 midnight of 8th and 9th July

Place: Varanasi.


1. How will his kids fare?

2. Will he ever get support from siblings?

3. Longevity?

4. Lomg term financial position.


Thanks in advance











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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Dear Anuradha,

One of the reasons for your husbands current problem is that he is

undergoing Sade-Sathi, He is running the 2nd 2.5 Years which will end

in September of this year.

He should pray to Anjeneya/Vajrangbali to give him relief. Hanuman

Chalisa will be good with Shani Beeja Mantra Sam Sanischaraya namah.

After Sep When Saturn is Cancer the third phase starts he can worship


From a cursory look at Saptams 5th lord Jupiter is in 3rd Marana

kaaraka staana his children may fare better in far off place and

particularly so for the first one (female?).


Warm Regards

Sanjay Prabhakaran

Om Tat Sat




Natal Chart


Date:          July 9, 1964

Time:          12:10:00

Time Zone:     5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place:         83 E 00' 00", 25 N 20' 00"

               Varanasi, India

Altitude:      0.00 meters


Lunar Yr-Mo:   Krodhi - Jyeshtha

Tithi:         Amavasya (Ra) (23.68% left)

Vedic Weekday: Thursday (Ju)

Nakshatra:     Punarvasu (Ju) (93.40% left)

Yoga:          Vyaghata (Ve)

Karana:        Naga (Ju)

Hora Lord:     Saturn (5 min sign: Cp)

Mahakala Hora: Saturn (5 min sign: Ar)

Kaala Lord:    Moon (Mahakala: Moon)


Sunrise:       5:14:18

Sunset:        18:51:18

Janma Ghatis:  17.3207


Ayanamsa:      23-21-24.19

Sidereal Time: 7:20:56


Body                Longitude        Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna               24 Vi 53' 13.47" Chit      1    Vi   Le

Sun - BK            23 Ge 43' 14.49" Puna      2    Ge   Ta

Moon - PK           20 Ge 52' 46.16" Puna      1    Ge   Ar

Mars - PiK          21 Ta 59' 34.53" Rohi      4    Ta   Cn

Mercury - DK         7 Cn 08' 18.60" Push      2    Cn   Vi

Jupiter - AmK       26 Ar 08' 04.91" Bhar      4    Ar   Sc

Venus ® - AK      27 Ta 05' 55.73" Mrig      2    Ta   Vi

Saturn ® - GK     11 Aq 12' 49.25" Sata      2    Aq   Cp

Rahu - MK            7 Ge 55' 23.35" Ardr      1    Ge   Sg

Ketu                 7 Sg 55' 23.35" Mool      3    Sg   Ge

Maandi              18 Le 37' 58.05" PPha      2    Le   Vi

Gulika               7 Le 13' 09.84" Makh      3    Le   Ge

Uranus              13 Le 55' 40.77" PPha      1    Le   Le

Neptune ®         21 Li 47' 13.62" Visa      1    Li   Ar

Pluto               18 Le 47' 48.90" PPha      2    Le   Vi

Bhava Lagna          7 Li 22' 10.84" Swat      1    Li   Sg

Hora Lagna          21 Cp 17' 38.37" Srav      4    Cp   Cn

Ghati Lagna          3 Sg 04' 00.95" Mool      1    Sg   Ar

Vighati Lagna        1 Ar 55' 53.89" Aswi      1    Ar   Ar

Varnada Lagna       16 Cn 10' 51.84" Push      4    Cn   Sc

Sree Lagna          18 Li 37' 59.83" Swat      4    Li   Pi

Pranapada Lagna      2 Le 12' 25.07" Makh      1    Le   Ar

Indu Lagna          20 Ge 52' 46.16" Puna      1    Ge   Ar

Dhooma               7 Sc 03' 14.49" Anu       2    Sc   Vi

Vyatipata           22 Le 56' 45.51" PPha      3    Le   Li

Parivesha           22 Aq 56' 45.51" PBha      1    Aq   Ar

Indra Chapa          7 Ta 03' 14.49" Krit      4    Ta   Pi

Upaketu             23 Ta 43' 14.49" Mrig      1    Ta   Le

Kaala                4 Li 41' 50.97" Chit      4    Li   Sc

Mrityu              19 Sc 19' 12.47" Jye       1    Sc   Sg

Artha Prahara       12 Sg 23' 14.88" Mool      4    Sg   Cn

Yama Ghantaka        3 Cn 44' 41.40" Push      1    Cn   Le

Prana Sphuta        11 Cp 39' 17.22" Srav      1    Cp   Ar

Deha Sphuta         24 Ta 15' 19.13" Mrig      1    Ta   Le

Mrityu Sphuta       14 Sg 15' 23.40" PSha      1    Sg   Le

Sookshma TriSphuta  20 Sc 09' 59.75" Jye       2    Sc   Cp

TriSphuta           22 Ar 59' 09.48" Bhar      3    Ar   Li

ChatusSphuta        16 Cn 42' 23.97" Asre      1    Cn   Sg

PanchaSphuta        24 Vi 37' 47.32" Chit      1    Vi   Le

V2                  16 Vi 10' 51.84" Hast      2    Vi   Ta

V3                  16 Sc 10' 51.84" Anu       4    Sc   Sc

V4                  16 Cp 10' 51.84" Srav      2    Cp   Ta

V5                  16 Pi 10' 51.84" UBha      4    Pi   Sc

V6                  16 Ta 10' 51.84" Rohi      2    Ta   Ta

V7                  16 Cn 10' 51.84" Push      4    Cn   Sc

V8                  16 Vi 10' 51.84" Hast      2    Vi   Ta

V9                  16 Sc 10' 51.84" Anu       4    Sc   Sc

V10                 16 Cp 10' 51.84" Srav      2    Cp   Ta

V11                 16 Pi 10' 51.84" UBha      4    Pi   Sc

V12                 16 Ta 10' 51.84" Rohi      2    Ta   Ta

Kunda                5 Le 51' 11.46" Makh      2    Le   Ta


\               |               |               /

  \             |               |             /  

    \ AL   VeR  |  Ju           |           /    

      \         |               |         /      

  Su    \  Ma   |               |       /  SaR   

          \     |               |     /          

  Mo   Ra   \   |               |   /            

              \ |               | /              


                |               |                

   Me           |               |  HL            

                |               |                

                |     Rasi      |                

                |               |                

                |               |                

                |               |                


              / |               | \              

  Gk        /   |               |   \      GL    

          /     |               |     \          

  Md    /  As   |               |       \  Ke    

      /         |               |         \      

    /           |               |           \    

  /             |               |             \  

/               |               |               \


\               |               |               /

  \             |               |             /  

    \           |  Mo     GL    |           /    

      \         |               |         /      

  Ke    \  Su   |               |       /        

          \     |               |     /          

  Gk        \   |               |   /            

              \ |               | /              


                |               |                

   Ma     HL    |               |  SaR           

                |               |                

                |    Navamsa    |                

                |               |                

                |               |                

                |               |                


              / |               | \              

            /   |               |   \            

          /     |               |     \          

  As    /  Me   |               | Ju    \  Ra    

      /         |               |         \      

    / Md   VeR  |               | AL        \    

  /             |               |             \  

/               |               |               \


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Jup  Jup 1963-06-19  Sat 1965-08-08  Merc 1968-02-17  

     Ket 1970-05-25  Ven 1971-04-30  Sun 1973-12-31  

     Moon 1974-10-21  Mars 1976-02-17  Rah 1977-01-23  

Sat  Sat 1979-06-19  Merc 1982-06-22  Ket 1985-02-28  

     Ven 1986-04-08  Sun 1989-06-09  Moon 1990-05-22  

     Mars 1991-12-23  Rah 1993-01-29  Jup 1995-12-08  

Merc  Merc 1998-06-19  Ket 2000-11-16  Ven 2001-11-14  

      Sun 2004-09-14  Moon 2005-07-20  Mars 2006-12-20  

      Rah 2007-12-17  Jup 2010-07-05  Sat 2012-10-11  

Ket  Ket 2015-06-19  Ven 2015-11-17  Sun 2017-01-15  

     Moon 2017-05-21  Mars 2017-12-22  Rah 2018-05-19  

     Jup 2019-06-07  Sat 2020-05-12  Merc 2021-06-22  

Ven  Ven 2022-06-19  Sun 2025-10-21  Moon 2026-10-21  

     Mars 2028-06-19  Rah 2029-08-21  Jup 2032-08-20  

     Sat 2035-04-18  Merc 2038-06-19  Ket 2041-04-18  

Sun  Sun 2042-06-19  Moon 2042-10-09  Mars 2043-04-06  

     Rah 2043-08-15  Jup 2044-07-07  Sat 2045-04-24  

     Merc 2046-04-06  Ket 2047-02-11  Ven 2047-06-19  

Moon  Moon 2048-06-19  Mars 2049-04-18  Rah 2049-11-20  

      Jup 2051-05-19  Sat 2052-09-20  Merc 2054-04-18  

      Ket 2055-09-21  Ven 2056-04-17  Sun 2057-12-20  

Mars  Mars 2058-06-19  Rah 2058-11-17  Jup 2059-12-05  

      Sat 2060-11-11  Merc 2061-12-20  Ket 2062-12-17  

      Ven 2063-05-13  Sun 2064-07-14  Moon 2064-11-20  

Rah  Rah 2065-06-19  Jup 2068-02-29  Sat 2070-07-27  

     Merc 2073-05-31  Ket 2075-12-20  Ven 2077-01-06  

     Sun 2080-01-07  Moon 2080-12-02  Mars 2082-06-01  



vedic astrology, Anuradha Bansal

<anuradha_bansal> wrote:

> Dear Sir,


> Attached are the details of my husband's horoscope. He

> is 40, very positive and straight forward human being.

> He has had a series of startling set backs in life

> since he was 16. Presently he is in huge financial

> mess.


> DOB: 9th July 1964

> Time: 12.10 midnight of 8th and 9th July

> Place: Varanasi.


> 1. How will his kids fare?

> 2. Will he ever get support from siblings?

> 3. Longevity?

> 4. Lomg term financial position.


> Thanks in advance


> Regards


> Anuradha







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Dear Anuradha NAmste


I am getting the chart with Mesha Lagna and I feel

that time ahead is not that good. As Shani will come

to 4th house to aspect 6th and 10th house. Guru will

come to 6th house as well. Since natal Shani and Guru

are very good and strong so effect will not be that

severe. MArs is Nishphal in rashi chart and debeliated

in navnamsha. May create more problems at family

plank. Ask him to visit KAlimata mandir every day

early moring after bath. Ask him to wear MAnik in

Anamika in right hand in gold.


Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.


Prabodh Vekhande






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Dear Mr.Prabodh,


Thanks I will get him to do these things. By when will

things start looking up?





--- Prabodh Vekhande <manyaprabodh wrote:

> 10072004

> Dear Anuradha NAmste


> I am getting the chart with Mesha Lagna and I feel

> that time ahead is not that good. As Shani will

> come

> to 4th house to aspect 6th and 10th house. Guru will

> come to 6th house as well. Since natal Shani and

> Guru

> are very good and strong so effect will not be that

> severe. MArs is Nishphal in rashi chart and

> debeliated

> in navnamsha. May create more problems at family

> plank. Ask him to visit KAlimata mandir every day

> early moring after bath. Ask him to wear MAnik in

> Anamika in right hand in gold.


> Thanks a lot for your Time and Sapce.


> Prabodh Vekhande




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