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VRISCHIK L AGNA ... for Atalji

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Om Subrahmanyaya Namah


Dear Noname,


Everything starts with Lagna. Hence why dont you discuss the

characterisitcs of Lagna as well. I dont know much abt (the life of)

Vajpayeeji, if you know, please see these points also.


1) Characteristic of Scorpio rising with Virgo in Navamsha and the

second option Tula, the sign of balance rising with Capricorn in

Navamsa. For Lib, I agree, Mar's aspect on Lagna/Sat is not that

good, which can attribute martian qualities also.But this is far

better than Vrischika, which Sri Advani has(with a strong Mars).

Vrischika is golden in colour, and with Moon and Venus etc also

please see.


2) Current Ju Dasa. Ju is a first rate benefic for Sc(if this is

Lagna, then both from Lagna and Moon, in swakshtra ... etc), with a

Sc Lagna I get Ju in the 10th in Navamsha. A good Dasa sure can

dilute all adverse transits. Otherwise for Li Lagna, Ju a malefic

from Lag, benefic from Moo and somewhat good in Navamsha. Please see

How Ju Dasha is going now.


3) Bhavartha Ratnakara says Ve in the 2nd makes one a poet, here his

association with emotional planet, Moon is good in the 2nd, proving

this dictum. So this is explained by a Li Lagna also.


4) Marriage will be denied by an adverse Navamsha also. For Li Lagna,

Lagn and Moo are in Cap, nodes affecting all the points, Lagna, Moon

and 7th is very very bad. Such combination is termed as a Curse.

Kalatrakaraka Ve's swakshetra and associated with Mar is not a good

combination in Navamsha, this gives a clue, but again there is an

aspect of divine Ju.


5) Eyes- I've seen his eyes blinking, this with his defect in speech

(the gap) can be exaplined by a debilitated Moo in the 2nd, like

waxing and waning. Again, Moo and Ven gives good conversational

skills and luxuries in the 2nd in this case, especially 3rd is well

placed for the dictum – `Bhavat Bhavam'. The planets influncing makes

the speech some what sweat, convincing, witty, authoritative and

being in a Martial sign it can add fire(sugar coated) also!


Last but not least, Saturn and the royal planets should be strong for

the popularity he has. Especially in Rahu. Here also, IMHO, Li is



Just wanted to share my thoughts. Since SanjayJi approved Sc Lagna, I

wanted to keep quite. I've seen how he explained my Guruji Sri

Chandrashekharji's points!















vedic astrology, "nameisego" <nameisego>



> Learned Friends,


> While working on Atal Behari Bajpai ji's horoscope, Trivedi

> remembered having read a sloka about Venus and Moon and Vahana


> in Uttarkalamrita.


> Little digging confirmed what he was looking for.

> This sloka establishes that his lagna is indeed Vrischika.


> Chandre shukrasamanvite tadadhipe kendratrikonethava

> Vahanaamabhivriddhhimaadishati susthiryanvitam shrimat: (UK II

> kanda..sloka 101)


> Meaning If Moon is cojoined with Venus and the lord of the house

> where these two are in conjunction, be placed in a Kendra or a


> the native, throughout his career

> will command good vehicles and will be endowed with prospirity.


> In Atalji's horoscope,this is possible only if Vrischika lagna is

> there. Mark lord of ascendent Mars in 5th and Moon and Venus in

> ascendent .


> Second thing that rules out Tula lagna is positioning of Moon and

> Venus in the 2nd house.(If Tula lagna).

> This position is sure to give him very weak eyes or partial



> Self has seen,


> Shukrasendutrikastho (Also in 2,12)Janushinishinarasyatada

> andhakatwam. !! (Jatakalankar)

> Even in ascendent, such an yoga has been found to give blindness or

> eye defect.

> Check out stieve wonder's horoscope.( 13th May 1950 4.20 am at

> Saginaw Michigan).

> Hope this helps.


> Tatvam-Asi

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