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"We learn from scriptures (Sashtras) and commentaries that Jainism is existing

from beginning less time.This fact is indisputable and free from difference of

opinion.There is much historical evidence on this point."

- Bala Gangadhar Tilak Lokamanya

"I adore so greatly the principles of the Jain religion, that I would like to be

reborn in a Jain community." - George Bernard Shaw




"There is nothing wonderful in my saying that Jainism was in existence long

before the Vedas were composed."

- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Vice President, india

"Jainism has contributed to the world the sublime doctrine of Ahimsa. No other

religion has emphasized the importance of Ahimsa and carried its practice to

the extent that Jainism has done.Jainism deserves to become the universal

religion because of its Ahimsa doctrine." - Justice Ranglekar, Bombay High


"Lofty ideas and high ascetic practices are found in Jainism.It is impossible to

know the beginning of Jainism."- Major General Forlong

"I say with conviction that the doctrine for which the name of Lord Mahaveer is

glorified nowadays is the doctrine of Ahimsa. If anyone has practiced to the

fullest extent and has propagated most the doctrine of Ahimsa, it was Lord

Mahaveer." - Mahatma Gandhi



"What would be the condition of the Indian Sanskrit literature if the

contribution of the Jains were removed?The more I study Jain literature the

more happy and wonder struck I am.""The Jains have written great masterpieces

only for the benefit of the world."

- Dr. Hertel, Germany

"Jainism is of a very high order.Its important teachings are based upon

science.The more the scientific knowledge advances the more that Jain teachings

will be proven." - L. P. Tessetori, Italy





"I tell my countrymen that the principles of the Jain

Dharma and the Jain Acharyas are sublime; and that the ideas

the Jain dharma are lofty. The Jain literature is superior to the Buddhistic

literature. As I continue to study the Jain Dharma and its literature, my

fascination for them keeps increasing".

Dr. Johannes Hurtell (Germany)

The Jain Dharma is an entirely independent religion in all

respects. It has not borrowed ideas from other religions; nor is it an

imitation of other religions.

Dr. Herman Jacobi

The history of the Jain Dharma and its teachings are greatly

beneficial to human beings in their endeavour to attain spiritual development

and progress. This Dharma is true, independent, simple, straightforward, very

valuable and entirelydifferent from Brahminism or the Vedic religion. It is

not an atheistic religion like Buddhism.

Dr. A. Girnot (Paris)

The Jain Dharma is absolutely different and independent from the Hindu Dharma.

Max Mueller

It is probably impossible to find out when the Jain Dharma arose and when it

was established; and since when it has been in existence. It is the most

ancient of the religions of Hindustan.

G. J. R. Furlough

In the ancient history of India, the name of the Jain Dharma is evergreen and immortal.

Col. Toad

Undoubtedly, the Jain Dharma has reached the highest point of perfection in

respect of its religious philosophy.

Dr. Purdolt

The Jain Dharma belongs to the highest rank of religions. The main principles

of the Jain Dharma are based on scientific thinking. As science keeps

progressing it keeps proving the soundness of the Jain philosophical


Dr. L. P. Tessifori (Italy)

Jainism is unique in preaching kindness to all animals; and in preaching the

need to give protection to all animals. I have not come across such a

principle of benevolence in any other religion.

Ordi Corjeri (An American Scholar)

Compared to Buddhism, the Jain Dharma is more ancient. Twenty three

Tirthankars~ existed before the emergence of Buddhism. jainism is 5000years

old or may be old than too since its so ancient it cant be confirmed, buddhism

is 2500 years old only & gautam buddh was a disciple of 23rd jain tirthankar

parwanath from whom buddh borrowed his theories & since jainism was toughest so

buddh left .

The Imperial Gazette of India



Meat-eating and wine-drinking in Brahminism were discarded on account of the

influence of Jainism.

Lokmanya Tilak

Jainism and Buddhism are absolutely Indian but they are not offshoots of Hinduism.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

If those who are hostile to Jainism make a careful and incisive study of the

Jain literature and assimilate it. their hostility will surely cease.

Dr. Ganganath Jha

The true and sublime message of Mahavir inspires in us the lofty emotion of

universal amity as if through the cry of a 'conch shell.'

Sir Akbar Hydari

Shri Rishabhdev first disseminated the Jain Dharma.

Shri Varadikant M. A.

The Syadvad is an impregnable fort of the Jain Dharma. The bullets of the

arguments and the counter-arguments of the controversialists cannot penetrate

this fort.

Pandit Ram Misra Acharya

"Though the Jain Dharma had to face hateful opposition and countless

impediments it has always and at all places! been victorious. Arhan is none

other than Lord Parameshwar". A description of Lord Arhan is discernible even

in the Vedas.

Swami Virupaksha Professor,

Sanskrit College, Indore

The Jain Dharma is so ancient that its origin and early history cannot be

easily discovered.

Kannulal Jodhpuri

"I once saw two books in the hands of a Jain disciple. When I read them I found

that they were true and impartial; and that I had entered ~ new realm of

thought. I found that what I had studied from my boyhood and the Vedic flag

which I kept flaunting were unreal and untrue. If there is a religion which

is ancient, true and supremel?J sound, it is the Jain Dharma.

Yori Jivanand Paramhamsa

Only the Tirthankars, the founders and promoters of the Jain Dharma have

conferred upon us the extraordinary gift of absolute non-violence.

Dr. Radhavinod Pal

The modern research in history has proved that the Jain Dharma existed even

before Brahminism or the Hindu Dharma.

Justice Rangnekar

The fact that the Jain Dharma is an ancient religion has been proved by

countless rock-edicts, caves, fossils and the excavations at Mohenjodaro. The

Jain Dharma has been in vogue from the time of creation. It is more ancient

than the Vedanta Dharma.

Swami Misra Jhah `

"The Syadvad provides us with a point of view of compre- hensive and unified

visualization. It is not related to the fundamental secret of an object.

According to it, we cannot attain a complete knowledge of an object unless we

view it from various points of view. The syadvad is not a conjectural

approach to reality. It teaches us how we should look at the universe.

Prof. Anandshankar Dhruva

The Jain Literature is greatly useful to the world in the sphere of historical

research and studies. It provides abundant material to historian~,

arche.ologists and scholars to carry out their research. The Jain Sadhus have

set a magnificent example to the world of self-discipline by disciplining

their senses absolutely and by observing vows and principles with the greatest

degree of austerity. Even the life of a householder who has dedicated himself

to the Principles of Jainism is so faultless and perfect that it should be

honoured throughout India.

Dr. Satish Chandra Vidya Bhushan (Calcutta)

Lord Mahavir communicated the message that Dharma is the only truth, with his

voice that resounded like the sounds of a kettledrum. It is really significant

that this message has captivated the whole country.

Dr. Rabindranath Tagore

We can attain absolute serenity by following the path shown by Mahavir. In no

other religion do you find the philosophy of .non-violence developed to such

an extent. On account of its philosophy of non-violence, the Jain Dharma is

worthy of becoming the religion of the world.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

The Jain Dharma was in vogue even before the emergence of the Vedant darshan.

The Jain Dharma has been in practice even from the beginning of creation.

Dr. Satishchandra

Vardhaman Tirthankar made the traditions of the F'rinciples and ideologies that

had been expounded by the 23 earlier sages or Tirthankars go forward. We have a

lot of evidence to establish the view that there were countless devotees and

followers of Rishabhdev even before the commencement of the modern era. The

Tirthankars are given prominence and honour even in the Yajurveda. The Jain

Dharma has been in existence from times immemorial.

Dr. Radhakrishnan

The Jain literature is more ancient than the others and it is useful for the

daily spiritual austerities and practices. So, I heartily desire to acquire a

know1edge of Jain Dharma. It had an independent existence even before the

emergence of Hinduism. Its impact was experienced by the greatest men of the


Ravbahadur Poornendra Narayana Sinha

It has been clearly established that Jainism is not a branch of Buddhism. In

the Jain philosophy, there is a detailed discussion of the principle of life

or existence. No other darshan has so many philosophical works.

Abjaksha Sarkar, M.A.,LLB.

The greatest principle of Jainism is its principle of non- violence. The

greatness of this religion is that it permits even women to become initiated

into Charitradharma and to lead a life of service and dedication. The

Buddhists do not fear com-mitting violence so much as Jains.

I very much like the subtler aspects of the Jain philosophical doctrine

Mohammad Hafiz Sayad, B.A.,LL.B.

I am greatly interested in the Jain doctrines because they contain a subtle and

profound discussion of the Karma Philosophy.

M. D. Pande pankaz


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