Guest guest Posted May 25, 2004 Report Share Posted May 25, 2004 Dear Freedom RAM KRISHN HARE YOUR UNDERSTANDING IS COMPLETELY WRONG. Please see my answer below: SANJAY RATHJI WROTE: "we believe that the atma is separated from the mana and the senses/organs as a part of the process of death. This is the greatest gift of Mahesvara. How else could the atma and mana reunite during the birth process (as explained by Varahamihira above) if they were not separated beforehand?" ANIL: if Atma and mana are separated,then mana being JADA,it can not carry any karma with it.It will simply become non-existant like physical body. Atma has an envelop called Manomay Kosh that carries all karma with it. When it is removed,Atma gets Moksh. Freedom: The manomaya kosha does not contain the karmas, they are much more subtle and contained within the vijnana maya kosha. The stored karmas there effect the thoughts that arise in the manomaya kosha. There is a triangle of cause and effect where the samskaras in the vijnana maya kosha give rise to the desire in the manomaya kosh which leads to action, that action creates more samskaras which lead to more desires. The Atma leaves the anna maya, prana maya, and mano maya kosha behind at death. The mind is more solid/gross than most realize. Namah Sivaya Anilkumar:Read Yog-Vashishth utpatti khand sarg 95.The entire book is about such principles and a great discussion between Lord ShriRam and HIS GURU Vashishth after HE becomes king.It says that Mana and karma can not be separated.As long as karma is there mana will exist and no one can destroy any one without destroying other. An interesting thing I found is without Mana,karmas are fruitless. It says that Karmas done by Mana are mostly sucssesful.It is more powerful then body.It is not necessary for mana to have body for performing karma. Yet its results can be seen on physical level. Mana enjoys complete free will. There is also an example in support of above in Yog-Vashishth. Consider a newly married boy whose wife is away from him. His Mana will remain attached with his wife and hence he dreams that he is uniting with her.This results in ejaculation. You can see that mana has been sucssesful in its karma even without body.His wife was not present and he was sleeping so his body has not united with his wife.Still there is result of union on physical level(ejaculation). You may read puranas also where details of post death situation and way to Heaven/hell are described in detail.Jeeva when exits from body, it takes along with it panch-tanmatras,man,budhdhi,Ahamkar.It soon gets Ativahik Sharir after leaving its physical(adhibhautik sharir) body.It then goes to pret-loka for one year and then as per karmas,it goes to higher or lower lokas/births. Further,you can note that panch-tatwas are born from Tamsik-Ahamkar. 10 Indriyas are born from Rajasik-Ahamkar.Pratyadhi-devtas of 10 Indriyas and mana are born from Satvik-Ahamkar.So this again clears the situation. Hope it helps. Thanks Anilkumar OM TAT SAT PS: When bad things are done by particular Indriy(organ),it is equivalent to insulting/troubling its Pratyadhi-devta.Who then gives punishment to native.Pleasing them can therefore help in solving the problem.This can be very useful in jyotish for giving remedies. Atmakarak article Guruji Pranam I am very glad to see your article on atmakarak. It is very encouraging to see you teaching basics of astrology.Below I am giving only relevent portions of your article in " " to give my comments and doubts. PLEASE FIND MY REMARKS/DOUBTS BELOW: SANJAY RATHJI WROTE: "we believe that the atma is separated from the mana and the senses/organs as a part of the process of death. This is the greatest gift of Mahesvara. How else could the atma and mana reunite during the birth process (as explained by Varahamihira above) if they were not separated beforehand?" ANIL: if Atma and mana are separated,then mana being JADA,it can not carry any karma with it.It will simply become non-existant like physical body. Atma has an envelop called Manomay Kosh that carries all karma with it. When it is removed,Atma gets Moksh. "guru devata is indicated by the bhratrkaraka" ANIL: This endorses the view of KN Rao that PiK is same as BK since Guru is seen from 9th like father.I am not much interested in this discussion as PiK is separately defined in 8 Karaka scheme. "when instead of the natural significators, the Carakaraka (temporal significators) are used, Then the tripod of life comprises the atmakaraka (soul), arudha lagna (mind) and paka lagna (intelligence/body)." ANIL: Do you mean AK=Sun,AL=Moon,PAK-Lagn=Lagn? Then How will you differentiate pak-lagn and lagn? will they indicate same things?Please clear the difference. "In the opinion of others or in another viewpoint (anye) the putrakaraka (PK) is merged into the matrkaraka(MK) i.e. there are only seven carakaraka where the putrakaraka (PK) is explicitly excluded. The seven carakaraka are (1) atmakaraka (AK) (2) amatyakaraka (AmK), (3) bhratrkaraka (BK), (4) matrkaraka (MK), (5) pitrkaraka (PiK),(6) jnatikaraka (GK) and (7) darakaraka (DK)." ANIL:While above verse about merger of PK with MK is given,Most versions of BPHS and JS omit PiK in charkarakas but PK is always mentioned by all translations.It looks like you are forcing PiK in place of PK by neglecting explicit mention of PK in various texts. "The living beings are capable of procreation, which the non-living world is incapable of, and this is the reason for merger of the putrakaraka (PK) with the matrkaraka (MK) as the putrakaraka ceases to have any relevance for the non-living creation." ANIL: While you are correct in this,consider a company expands and creates a new company for handling its marketing.Isn't it a child of parent company? Division of a political party in 2 or more parties can also be viewed in a similar way as parent party still exist and another party is formed from it. So we can call parent as either mother or father and one of them can be omited.So PiK is normally omited but PK certainly exist. "Those karaka that are in kendra (1, 4, 7 & 10) to the atmakaraka are fully supported by it and are strong; those in panapara houses (2, 5, 8 & 11) are weaker and those in apoklimas houses (3, 6, 9 & 12) are the weakest. Those signs/planets aspected or conjoined the atmakaraka are the strongest as they have the personal interference of the king (native himself). These are the external or known wishes of the native." ANIL: This is clear if we apply blindly but a planet in apoklima may be aspected by AK so it is weak and strongest at the same time. "If the atmakaraka favors the activity and the people concerned (i.e. both the naisargika and carakaraka) then the work is surely accomplished. If the atmakaraka does not approve of either the activity(naisargika karaka) or the concerned people (carakaraka) then the accomplishment is difficult. If the atmakaraka disfavors both the activity and people, then the accomplishment is impossible." ANIL: How do we find if AK favours or not?Do you mean if planet is strong, then it favours or something else?Do you decide it by Argala or Panchdha Maitri or Naisargik Maitri?Please give some example.In example chart,you said 6/8 or 2/12 position from AK are undesired.Is it the final Clue? "Planets in kendra and trikona (1 st , 4 th , 5 th , 7 th , 9 th & 10 th houses) from the atmakaraka are competent to do its bidding while those in dusthana (6, 8 & 12) would not be able to do it for reasons of ill health (6 th & 8 th houses) or losses anticipated (12 th house) and those in trika (3 rd , 6 th & 11 th houses) will do the opposite or act inimically towards the atmakaraka" ANIL: Please note that TRIK houses are only 6/8/12 as defined by parashara. Kindly do not mix upchayas with trik.I have not seen any classic so far that uses trik for 3,6,11. You must avoid such uses in your writtings as they can misguide several students. 11th indicates friends it can not be opposite to AK. -ve of -ve is always +ve.So enemy of enemy is friend not enemy.While appling bhavat bhavam we must remember what we are finding. Life of life is indeed life so it is applicable to 8th but not 6th or 12th. "According to some the seven carakaraka are related to the seven houses from lagna to seventh in the regular order with the atmakaraka mapped to 1st house,amatyakaraka mapped to second house and so on. This is in contravention to the teachings of Parasara where it is explicitly mentioned that the darakaraka is the significator for the second house."....(1) "The atmakaraka(AK) is a significator of the ascendant (janma lagna). The darakaraka (DK) is the significator for the second house(dhana bhava). Bhratrkaraka (BK) is the significator for the eleventh house (elder co-born) and third house (younger co-born). The putrakaraka (PK) is the significator of the fifth house and the darakaraka (DK) is also the significator of the seventh house. Sometimes the planets in the fifth house can also act as the significator and bring about marriage.".......(2) ANIL: What is MAPPED in (1) is karakas to house. After all Shukr is karaka for vehicals(4th) and wife(7th). It is however not a BHAV-KARAK for 4th. Similarly AmK stands for Arth(2nd) and Career(10th). In (2) I am sorry that you have reversed the meaning. It is not DK that is significator for 2nd house but 2nd house is significator of DK! Just like grahas are defined as BHAV-KARAK, similarly Bhavas are also defined as char-Karak in above verses. Again, just like moon is karaka for 4th,it will not show vehicals,similarly bhavas may not fully show all aspects of char-karaka.we may have secondary Bhavas as karak to suppliment variowus aspects of char-karakas. "The Lagna lord is always like the Sun irrespective of whatever planet may lord the lagna. The lagna lord is well placed in those houses whose natural significators are friendly to the Sun." ANIL: Thanks for the tip. Kindly help me to extend it to other lagnas where sun is not karak. eg. in HL we have Guru as Karak so can we apply above rule using friendship with guru? similarly if we take Sun lagn, Moon lagn,Mangal lagn etc.. as per Ashtakvarg,then should we judge the placements wrt frindship of respective planet? Now if we use above,how to extend the rule to other houses?eg. who is karaka for 2nd,3rd etc.. house from shani?Please give some guidance in this regard. "Let us examine the demographic, political and other changes in fortune with the new 144-year chart." ANIL: What do you mean by this chart?why 144? How to calculate it?Is it drawn for all when longivity extends beyond 144 years?You have not given birth details of any chart and hence I can not imagine deeper.Please include birth details for all charts for better understanding. "Count the number of signs from AK to navamsa lagna. This number will indicate the results of the house that shall predominate. Check the strength of Karaka of such house. Do this exercise both in Rasi and in Navamsa chart. Rasi chart results like that of Sri Krishna and other great persons while navamsa for all others" ANIL: which strength you consider? exaltation etc./more planet/kendra from AK? please mention. How to make the choice for D1 OR D9? we may not be knowing if the person is great before he becomes you want to suggest that D1 of great persons are more prominant/stronger then their D9? I found several charts missing in the file and no birth data so I could not attempt exercises.You have given excellent explaination of space-craft predictions but there is only one month to time events.If the events can occure after some months or years,can we extend the rules to sun and Guru for timing? I could not see any examples/rules used in timing events related to AK etc. also there are no guidelines for timing replacements of char-karakas.I hope you will take some time to reply and give your blessings to all of us. THANKS FOR VERY NICE ARTICLE. Anilkumar OM TAT SAT ---- --- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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