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East Coast SJC Satsanga *****+

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Om Brihaspataye Namah


Dear Jyotishii,


It has been truly a blessing to be able to attend Narasimha's East coast conference.

Coming only 2 weeks after the west coast, I considered carefully the

expenditure of return airfares to Boston from NZ running at $ 2200, ( These

had been miraculously dropped the day before by $600 ! ) One look at the

schedule and the Nimitta confirmed that the topics covered would be worthwhile.

Particularly bhava chakra- Sanjay Rath, Amsha deities by Narasimha , Timing

Diksha mantra - with Sarbani Sarker. So I booked my flights 4 hours before

departure and picked up the tickets on the way to the airport!

Narasimha and his wife Padmaja generously hosted allcomers to their home and

arranged free accomodation with their kind friends a few houses up the street

making the cost very much more manageable, and easy. Freedom even drove an

hour out to meet my flight arriving at 11pm!

>From the beginning , there was a sound of deep reverence and genuine sincerity

in all Jyotish discussions, whether it be in the car on the scenic drive into

Maynard, discussing mantra or around the living room floor during dinner. The

presence of three delightful children kept us all earthed and awake ,

especially to Nimitta. Thus ensuring true jyotish was spoken and not

intellectual ramblings of this computer driven age.

At class, on the first day Guruji Sanjay Rath was seen to take 3 pages of notes

from Narasimha's lecture " Astrological Corollaries of Scriptural Stories "It

was truly brilliant!

The Vimsamsa ( D20 ) with Vistii followed with in depth additions from

Sanjay....................many secrets were revealed by Sanjay, that have not

been shown before. A quiet penetration of this spiritual subject filled the

auditorium as principals were considered to great depth with Sanjayji's and

Visti's guidance.


Freedoms " Sustenance of Marriage " brought out more secrets and gave practical,

direct guidance using Upa-Pada and 2nd from it , for the practising

professional Jyotishii. I found this lecture revealing in its profound

simplicity when I applied Freedoms approach to existing charts.

Sanjayji took Hora Lagna into new realms of understanding............seeing it

as "what we most value " in its universal sense. We saw a whole new dimension to

these Lagnas and how life plays out watching their movement, through the


Brendans Liver disease lecture could extend to 3 days as we started applying his

research to new charts offered from the audience. Brendans work is truly

groundbreaking and there never seems to be enough time . Medical astrology is

very much a new frontier as ayurveda seems to have been ignored by nearly

everyone except Brendan!

The Bhava chakra was amazing in its disclosure of how our intelligence views

reality. Several Jyotishii's charts were studied with spectacular discoveries

about reality. This is a difficult subject to present, as Buddhi moves from

truth to its favourite coloured view from habit and back again! So vigorous

discussion often followed a 'discovery' but in itself was revealing. Guruji's

patience definitely brought new light here.


Timing of spiritual Diksha was a very well presented paper giving specific

conditions and influences required for Vimshottari and Drig Dasa's to be

fruitful. My own case was studied at the end which almost proved to be the

exception to the rules until a brilliant observation and question by Vistii. I

think I came all the way from NZ just to hear Sarbani's and Vistiis answer! As

it linked my Dharma Devata to my diksha mantra to my Ak and Ishta!


The last lecture was very special. Narasimha presented on the Amsha deitys for

ALL the divisional charts. It showed a whole new view of all of them . We

especially studied the Dasamamsa ( D10) and Shastiamsha ( D60) and how the

amsa'deity's told the story for ex presidents of the US. This presentation made

you very keen to study your sanskrit and puranic lore, it was so revealing!


The East coast is very different to the Laid back West coast, in the whole guna

balance. Here there is more Mercury's influence- quick flexible speech, and yet

a fine discrimination. There is a "puritan" flavour to the East Coast atmosphere

that even jyotish does not avoid. Perhaps the traditional strict Christian roots

is still influencing, and in the end perhaps helpfully so. I found the relaxed

and undying support of our hosts Narasimha and Padmaja really helped transcend

any 'tightness' . Even the classes were offered on a dakshana basis. Of course

the warmth of our Guru Sanjay Rath (and all SJC gurus ) in all their light

humour , gently refined the focus of all present .Ganesha's Puja at Narasimhas

house was extra special for me , especially as many jyotishii were present. A

very accurate and sattwa appreciation

of Jyotish truths seemed to be the result. It was indeed a privelege to be part of this satsanga.


The wise say attention = efficiency...............One half day back from the

trip, I have received all audio files and half the handouts from this

conference! They will be available on line very soon for everyone, and I

strongly reccomend their value to any keen Jyotishii. Especially if they are

interested in spiriuality.


May Jupiters Light continue to bless all our Satsanga.


With grateful thanks and Kind Regards,


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