Guest guest Posted June 16, 2004 Report Share Posted June 16, 2004 Namasthe! I have posted below the observations of esteemed members of the group and my own observations so that one can easily go through the different techniques that can be employed to judge the results. I am sorry to have wasted much space but felt it would be easier to scroll down than to try and locate the messages. I have highlighted the correct predictions made by members in blue. Facts of the case: On 23rd April, 1998 the native (Born 1st Feb 1985 at 12.55 pm Bangalore, India) was traveling to a sacred place, which was about 3 hours from where he began. He was along with his parents and his brother. After a travel of 45 kms, the car met with a very severe accident. It was jammed between a matador van on one side and a lorry carrying granite stones on the other side. But something miraculous happened. The native, his brother and his mother escaped with little or no injuries. But his father was completely crushed. Fortunately there were no fractures. His father who was in a very critical state, for about a week of so, (the doctors told that he may not survive as blood had entered his lungs) recovered very quickly and is back to normal. I would like to congratulate Mr. Patwardhanvinay whose prediction were very close to what had happened. Following are my observations: I use Raman Ayanamsa. The native was running Rahu – Saturn – Jupiter – Moon. Rahu is exalted in Lagna, along with Moon (also exalted) and Saturn Yogakaraka is aspecting Lagna from the 7th. Ketu joins Saturn in the 7th. In the Gochara, on this day, we find Rahu is in the 10th from Natal Moon and Saturn in 12th. Let us look at the planets along with Rahu and Saturn in the Gochara. Saturn is along with Mars and Sun in Aries and Rahu is with Jupiter, Venus and Moon in Aquarius. Will all these planets influence? Or which are the planets that may give us insights about what has happened? When I am in such dilemma, I usually adopt a rule, which has proven quite correct. I picked it up during a general conversation with revered grandfather Dr. Raman. Karakas give us important clues. Planets are more indicative of qualities denoted by them as karakas if they are in the middle of a house/Bhava (8 deg to 22 deg) and become negligible otherwise. I request everyone to kindly test this rule before putting it into practice. In the above case: Mars is 15 deg Sun is 10 deg Jupiter is 25 deg Moon is 22 deg Venus is 25 deg Sun - father and self, Mars indicates brother and Moon- mother. Jupiter and Venus become negligible as they are about 25 deg. Sun is strong in Gochara exalted, but he is in the 9th house in natal chart. This reminds me of the dictum “Karako bhavanashaya” (9th house = father and Sun = father). Mars is in Moolathrikona in Gochara and in natal chart well placed in 11th. Moon in Gochara is afflicted because it is with Rahu. However, Jupiter and Venus act as a cushion and Moon is in the Nakshatra of Jupiter. In natal chart, Moon is exalted. All these factors indicate that father, mother and brother were also involved and father could be under negative influence. The native was also under the influence of Sade – Sati. The native of this chart escaped with just minor injuries. What could be reasons for this? Dr. Raman in his become “The Autobiography of Vedic Astrologer” has observed that usually Rahu-Saturn or Saturn-Rahu, Jupiter-Ketu or Ketu-Jupiter, Saturn-Venus or Venus-Saturn are always important phases in ones life as chances of negative events occurring is more. He further states that if the planets are well placed, the negative effects are considerably reduced. Rahu - Saturn thus is not quite favorable. However, Rahu’s favorable position in the natal chart and Saturn being Yogakaraka and placed in 7th, in his own Nakshatra did not cause much damage to the physical body. Saturn Rahu or Rahu Saturn also might take a person’s life if the Bhukti lords are lords of 2nd or 7th. Longevity is another important aspect. The chart has karaka Saturn in 7th. 8th Lord Jupiter is in the 9th aspected by Saturn. This renders a fairly long life. I invite scholars to throw more light on this. Om Tat Sat, Raman Suprajarama Dear Friends, Namasthe! Given below are the birth details of a native who experienced a major event on April 23, 1998. It would be nice if scholars can uncover it. The birth details are as follows: Born on 1st Feb, 1985 at 12.55 (noon) in Bangalore, India. A small hint: Native was running Rahu Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, both having an influence on the Ascendant Doubt for Mr. Narasimha Rao: I am trying out your software and it looks very impressive. When I look at the Dasa of any native, I get up to 3 levels, Dasa>Bhukti>Antarbhukti. Can I get Dasa listing upto 4 levels? The Bhava chart Menu does not get highlighted. Is there anything I should do to rectify this? suniljohn_2002 <suniljohn@g...> Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:55am Tricky Chart from Cru115 - an attempt Dear Mr. Raman, Thanks for the tip. I am a young student and I should preferablly not attempt charts but felt like doing this one. Observations: 1) On the day of the event most of the planets are in the 10th and 12th house. 2) Earlier I was lead completely astray into thinking that native has broken bones (Ven/Moon - somewhere i saw) or death without looking indepth. 3) Nak lord of malefics will mostly give malefic results Chandubhai has taught but I need to verify it in more charts, - here nak lord of Sat is SAt and Rahu is Sun karaka for Father. Si haveun is in the 9th house of religion. also Sun PD is running at the time of the event date. 4) Daily Tithi Pravesh on the day shows Ven as hora lord and it is placed in the 6th house. Ven is the lord of the 9th house and hence some significant event to father or religious event has happened. 5) Another observations is that the 10th lord Sat is placed in the 12th house on transit day along with Sun 6) Now that the hint has been given, I am using this technique for the first time without testing it. 9th lord of Rasi is placed in Leo Navamsa. So when Sat transits tnries i.e on Leo, Aries and Sagi problems to father would happen. when would be the time of the problem, it would be the lord of the Rasi - which degrees it is placed. Sat is at 0.45'' and lord of Aries is at 5deg. (not that close though) Pls guide. best Sunil John Kerela patwardhanvinay <patwardhanvinay@h...> Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:49am Re:- Tricky Chart 5 ||Shri GaneshDattaGurubhyo Namah|| Dear Raman, Looking into Tricky Chart 5, On 23rd April 1998 I'm getting Rahu MD and Sat AD and Sun Vidasa if 360 Solar Days yr is concerned or we get moon Vidasa if Svan yr of 360 days is consider.(Lahiri Ayanamsa) Rahu is placed in 12th and aspecting 4th,6th,8th (If consider 12th aspect lagna) Rahu is representing mars placed in 11th with mars and in star of sun placed in badhaka sthana 9th . Sat is in 7th, maraka stahana and baadhakesh aspecting badhka sthana along with 1st and 4th house and lord of 10th also.Placed in own star aspecting moon hence taking control over moon (inner planet) the 3rd lord. Now sun in moon star or if we take moon , in both cases moon in lagna and 3rd house we get. So if u club it Dasa related to 1st,8th and Badhaka along with relation of 4th and link of 3rd and 9 Now coming to transit we get Jup star Jup week day and Jup is functional malefic again indicating 8th ,11 th houses and placed in Badhaka!! Sat has just enterd the Aries and hence there is conjunction of Sun,Sat, Mars in 12th house to native's lagna.(Sat is ADasa lord also) Again aspecting marak sthana 2nd, 6th and badhaka sthana!! Rahu MDLord is transiting in 4th and afflictions to that house along with aspecting 8th, 10th , 12th and 3rd if we consider 12th aspect of Rahu. Hence clubing all these I will say there is vehicular accident take place in short journey!! Waiting for your reply! Regards, Vinay Patwardhan Hare Rama Krishna Namaste Raman Ji, May I request you to please hold on giving the answer to this puzzle till Tuesday, as I wanted to attempt and give my analysis by then. Also can you please tell us what time the event had occured, so that I can focus on tha particular time also. Regards Raghunadha Rao Hare Rama Krishna Namaste Raman Ji, Let me attempt this puzzle using Annual, Monthly and Daily T.P Chart and see if I can identify the event. *** Major event happend to the native on April 23, 1998 at 7:45 AM. *** 1) Annual T.P Chart:- February 7, 1998 Time: 0:10:15 Vedic Weekday: Friday (Ve) Hora Lord: Saturn (5 min sign: Ta) Hora Lord is Sat. This planet will be the most important planet for this day of the event, even more important than Lagna lord as per the Daily T.P method. The houses owned and occupied by this planet will set the tone for the main events of the year. The strength, placement and yogas of this planet will have a tremendous impact on the main events of the year. This Sat is the 4th and 5th Lord and placed in 6th house. This Sat is also the Yogakaraka for the Li lagna too. Sat is being aspected by Venus from Sg and GL from Vi by Rasi Drishti. So the Important houses from this are : 4th, 5th and 6th houses. Week day lord is Venus, who is also the Lagna Lord and 8th lord placed in 3rd house and being aspected and also aspecting the Hora Lord Sat in Pi. Venus is Functional benefic to the Li Langa. So from this the important houses are : 1st , 3rd and 8th houses. Lagna is Li and it is in 6/8th relationship with the Ar Natal Lagna. So this indicates this year is not favorable year for the native. So from this, the important houses are 6th and 8th houes. The native is running the following Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha charts): Sat MD: 1998-04-19 (3:22:55) - 1998-05-21 (14:17:39) Jup AD: 1998-04-19 (3:22:55) - 1998-04-24 (12:56:50) Sat PD: 1998-04-23 (4:05:46) - 1998-04-23 (15:32:52) Here you can see the Sat is playing an important role in the year and he is placed in 6th house. Antardasa Lord Jup is 3rd and 6th lord placed in 5th house. So if we summarise all the above, the effect of the event must have happend which is connected with the houses of 4th, 6th and 8th houses. 2) Monthly T.P Chart Analysis:- April 7, 1998 Time: 3:44:42 Vedic Weekday: Monday (Mo) Hora Lord: Moon (5 min sign: Sg) Hora Lord is Moon, who is the 6th lord placed in 6th house. Lagna, Jup,Ven and Ketu aspecting Moon by Rasi Drishti. The Badhakesh Ven is placed in Lagna too. Rahu is aspecting Lagna, Badhakesh Venus, 2nd and 11th Lord Jup and 10th co-lord Ketu by graha drishti. All these indicating towards an event relatd to the Lagna and 6th house here. You will also notice that the week day lord Moon, so the above analysis repeats here again. Now the Lagna is Aq and it is 4/10 relationship, so that is good. Tithi Ashtottari Dasa of Janma tithi (useful especially in Tithi Pravesha charts): Rah MD: 1998-04-21 (22:35:19) - 1998-04-24 (21:18:17) Mars AD: 1998-04-23 (2:45:05) - 1998-04-23 (8:00:28) Mars PD: 1998-04-23 (7:37:10) - 1998-04-23 (8:00:28) Looking from the above Maha Dasa, Rahu is Lagna co-lord and placed in 7th house and aspecting lagna by Rashi Drishti and also graha drishti. Mars Antar Dasa, Mars is the 3rd and 10th lord placed in Ar. This Mars is being aspected by Rahu from Le by Graha Drishti. Lagna has Ven, who is 4th and 9th lord being aspected by Rahu also. So summarising the above is giving an indication with the houses affected are 1st,3rd, 4th and 6th houses. 3) Daily T.P Chart Analysis: April 22, 1998 Time: 19:33:38 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 77 E 35' 00", 12 N 59' 00" Bangalore, India Vedic Weekday: Wednesday (Me) Hora Lord: Venus (5 min sign: Li) Here the Hora Lord is Venus. Venus is the Lagna Lord and also the 8th Lord placed in 5th house with 2nd co-lord Ketu, 3rd and 6th lord Jup, 10th Lord Moon along with Gulika in a malefic sing of Aq. Mar, Sat and Sun from Ar are aspecting Lagna and Aq by Rasi Drishti. Rahu is aspecting Aq by Graha Drishti. Now let us see the Weekd day's point of view:- The ruler of the week day is Merc, who is the 9th and 12th lord placed in 6th house with Mandi. This is not a good indication. Now let us see the Daily T.P Lagna's point of view:- Lagna is Li and this is in 6/8 relationship with the Natal lagna of Ta, so this also indicates a unfavourable day for the native related to the 6th and 8th houses too. The native was running the following Vimsottari dasa when the event had occured: Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Ven MD: 1998-04-23 (6:15:55) - 1998-04-23 (9:25:23) Rah AD: 1998-04-23 (7:23:53) - 1998-04-23 (7:52:19) Ven PD: 1998-04-23 (7:42:08) - 1998-04-23 (7:46:52) Venus is the Maha Dasa Lord and also the 8th Lord placed in 5th house with 2nd co-lord Ketu, 3rd and 6th lord Jup, 10th Lord Moon along with Gulika in a malefic sing of Aq. Rahu is the dispositor of Venus and also the Antar Dasa Lord placed in Leo with A8. This Rahu is P.Phalguni Nakshtra ruled by Venus him self. So the Venus is playing a key role on the day of event. The summary is : The native had experienced some kind of problem in the areas of Thighs / Knees related to the Lagna(Body), 6th and 8th houses, so the native may be hospitalized during the day of the event with some kind of an accident/injury with no threat to the life as SL and HL and Jup are aspecting the Lagna in the Daily t.P Chart. Having said that I would like to hand over this case to Guru's and Learned Memebers to correct me if I am wrong and guide me, so that I can learn the analysis using T.P Charts more accurately in the future. Regards Raghunadha Rao Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr@c...> Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:01am Re: Tricky Chart 5 Namaste Sri Raman, First, answers to your questions: In the free lite version of the software, a lot of features are disabled. Most features that students need (in my judgment) are given in the free version and detailed features that professional astrologers need are given only in the commercial version. In the commercial version, all dasas can be computed upto deha-antardasa (6th level). In the lite version, Vimsottari dasa can be computed only upto pratyantardasa and other dasas can be computed only upto antardasa (bhukti). BTW, I am using Parasara'a terminology - mahadasa, antaradasa, pratyantardasa, sookshma-antardasa, prana-antardasa and deha-antardasa. The bhava chakra or chalita chakra is also available only in the commercial version. I have promised to send you a copy of the commercial software. I apologize for the delay. I am working on some improvements and a new release will be available from Guru Pournima (July 1). I will directly send you the newer version then. BTW, regarding the chart, I think the event may have been a bad one. There may have been an accident or a severe illness. In the annual TP chart of 1998-99, Saturn is in 6th and Jupiter owns 6th. Saturn's annual Tithi Ashtottari dasa ran from April 19, 1998 to May 21, 1998. The antardasa was of Jupiter, during April 19-24, 1998. The is when the event happened. The 6th house stands out. Also, Saturn happens to be the ruler of the ruler of the year and hence this event may have been the main event of the year. Based on all the factors, it looks like the event was related to 6th house. There may have been some accident or a serious. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Hare Rama Krishna Namaste Raman Ji, I have already provided my attempt to this Tricky Chart 5's . Can you please provide the answer to this Puzzle's question. If possible also give your analysis so that students like me can understand and learn from you. If you want you can send me a private mail, as I wanted to know your approach and learn from that too. Thanks for your help in advance. Regards Raghunadha Rao kwool_rat <kwool_rat> Tue Jun 15, 2004 11:04am Re: Tricky Chart 5 My guess is that the event has to do with health of the father of the native.. thank you, Sharath "sreekumar" <sreekumar (AT) erdcitvm (DOT) org> Add to Address Book "cru115" <cru115 > Re: [vedic astrology] Tricky Chart 5 Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:45:38 +0530 Dear Raman, The event strongly signify some thing that gives relief .. The native may be on travel or hospital . Else related to education . I just take significators only. Regards, SREEKUMAR Read only the mail you want - Mail SpamGuard. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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