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RE:- Tricky Chart #5

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||Shri GaneshDattaGurubhyo Namah||


Dear Raman ,


Thanks for congratulating me and also many thanks to club the observations of all respected members!


I 'll keep in mind ur convesation with ur Great Grandfather from whom everyone

is getting inspirations!!


Now regarding ur explanation of other family members if u remmeber our

discussion on one of the tricky charts , i had given u my way of explanation

already !! If u cross check this is the similar case and u ask about main event

only! So I stopped myself upto this level only, plus ur hint is about negative

aspects to lagna!! So I feel restricted to native only!!


In ur analysis you say bhava madhya system and nearmost planets and their

karkatwas. Then can u give deeptanmsha also for each planet? This may help us

in more deeper manner! This is called as planet nearmost to

bhava(madhya/arambha) is affecting it or taking control over it completely!! (I

really thank u to suggest this in Transit also I 'll definately give a try)




Vinay Patwardhan



Raman Suprajarama <cru115> Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:46 pm Subject:

Tricky chat #5



Dear Friends,


I have posted below the observations of esteemed members of the group and my own

observations so that one can easily go through the different techniques that can

be employed to judge the results. I am sorry to have wasted much space but felt

it would be easier to scroll down than to try and locate the messages. I have

highlighted the correct predictions made by members in blue.

Facts of the case:

On 23rd April, 1998 the native (Born 1st Feb 1985 at 12.55 pm Bangalore, India)

was traveling to a sacred place, which was about 3 hours from where he began.

He was along with his parents and his brother. After a travel of 45 kms, the

car met with a very severe accident. It was jammed between a matador van on one

side and a lorry carrying granite stones on the other side.

But something miraculous happened. The native, his brother and his mother

escaped with little or no injuries. But his father was completely crushed.

Fortunately there were no fractures. His father who was in a very critical

state, for about a week of so, (the doctors told that he may not survive as

blood had entered his lungs) recovered very quickly and is back to normal.

I would like to congratulate Mr. Patwardhanvinay whose prediction were very

close to what had happened.

Following are my observations:

I use Raman Ayanamsa.

The native was running Rahu – Saturn – Jupiter – Moon.

Rahu is exalted in Lagna, along with Moon (also exalted) and Saturn Yogakaraka

is aspecting Lagna from the 7th. Ketu joins Saturn in the 7th. In the Gochara,

on this day, we find Rahu is in the 10th from Natal Moon and Saturn in 12th.

Let us look at the planets along with Rahu and Saturn in the Gochara.

Saturn is along with Mars and Sun in Aries and Rahu is with Jupiter, Venus and Moon in Aquarius.

Will all these planets influence? Or which are the planets that may give us

insights about what has happened? When I am in such dilemma, I usually adopt a

rule, which has proven quite correct. I picked it up during a general

conversation with revered grandfather Dr. Raman.

Karakas give us important clues. Planets are more indicative of qualities

denoted by them as karakas if they are in the middle of a house/Bhava (8 deg to

22 deg) and become negligible otherwise. I request everyone to kindly test this

rule before putting it into practice.

In the above case:

Mars is 15 deg Sun is 10 deg Jupiter is 25 deg Moon is 22 deg Venus is 25 deg

Sun - father and self, Mars indicates brother and Moon- mother. Jupiter and

Venus become negligible as they are about 25 deg.

Sun is strong in Gochara exalted, but he is in the 9th house in natal chart.

This reminds me of the dictum “Karako bhavanashaya” (9th house =

father and Sun = father). Mars is in Moolathrikona in Gochara and in natal

chart well placed in 11th. Moon in Gochara is afflicted because it is with

Rahu. However, Jupiter and Venus act as a cushion and Moon is in the Nakshatra

of Jupiter. In natal chart, Moon is exalted.

All these factors indicate that father, mother and brother were also involved

and father could be under negative influence.

The native was also under the influence of Sade – Sati.

The native of this chart escaped with just minor injuries. What could be reasons

for this? Dr. Raman in his become “The Autobiography of Vedic

Astrologer” has observed that usually Rahu-Saturn or Saturn-Rahu,

Jupiter-Ketu or Ketu-Jupiter, Saturn-Venus or Venus-Saturn are always important

phases in ones life as chances of negative events occurring is more. He further

states that if the planets are well placed, the negative effects are

considerably reduced.

Rahu - Saturn thus is not quite favorable. However, Rahu’s favorable

position in the natal chart and Saturn being Yogakaraka and placed in 7th, in

his own Nakshatra did not cause much damage to the physical body.

Saturn Rahu or Rahu Saturn also might take a person’s life if the Bhukti

lords are lords of 2nd or 7th. Longevity is another important aspect. The chart

has karaka Saturn in 7th. 8th Lord Jupiter is in the 9th aspected by Saturn.

This renders a fairly long life.

I invite scholars to throw more light on this.

Om Tat Sat,

Raman Suprajarama

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