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Varnada Lagna discussion with Shri Visti

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Dear Visti,


Thanks for ur compassionate reply, pls find my humble queries below

Dear Shri Visti,NamaskarThanks for making this an interesting discussion. Pls

allow me to ask some basic queries.1.Is the formula given by you different to

what's used in JHL

[Visti] The Formula is the same, only it does not use degrees like JHora does.

SJ: Thanks for this2.What Sunrise definition do you use for HL cal.

[Visti] Apparent Upper Limb.

SJ: I presume here u are referring to the tip of the Suns disk appears to be on

the eastern horizon.3.Since Jyotish is a karmic act or in other sense "a way of

doing of our karma" does the VL technique of seeing Jyotish abilities should be

more looked into the D10 or only Rasi.

[Visti] VL has NOTHING to do with abilities. In shows what sustains you. This is

the 2nd time you ask me this. VL in Räçi seems sufficient for now.

SJ: I am sorry, as u know it takes me Triple time to grasp things than the

average student, but i was thinking that ones abilities is what makes one

sustain. But i guess in some cases it need not be true.

I was hoping that u would take up D10 in this area :)

I was trying to look at ur chart this morning, but somehow it is not in my Pc,

can u be kind to resend it.

4. I have lagna Ge and HL in Leo, so adding 3+5=8, so should the VL be 8th from

Aries or 8th from Ge Lagna, my confusion lies here, pls guide.

[Visti] 8th from Aries. Remember I timed your job from this.

SJ: Yes u were bingo on timing the job, and after that i have lot of beleif in

this technique which u taught, although I feel their is more to it and one can

use the degs of VL also to a major extent - just my thoughts,

oh wow i just checked Visti, the deg of VL and the giving planets dega was

right on spot, bingo on the day it happened. What do u feel can the degs be

used for timing although this is one solo case and statistical research needs

to be carried out.

My good friend Partha was also right on although he used another technique,

which technique i havent been able to understand yet.

If i take the VL lord Mars then it was passing thro 0 bindu in its BAV and also

its deb sign, Mars also being the Dasa lord.o Rasi or Graha dristi OR should we

look at their influence Rasi/Graha on the 'Lord' of the 11th from VL.

[Visti] Räçi dåñöi and look at both the sign and lord. The Lord indicates that

which you are guided to do.

SJ: thanksi you have many yrs of experience in Jyotish and must have keenly

observed your own ups and downs in Jyotish studies, have you seen some

exaltation in ur Jyotish studies when Jup aspects your VL to the degree or 6

deg orb. Or maybe the VL lord aspecting the VL itself.

[Visti] No.

SJ: Sorry to hear that answer although logically it should, but still thanks for

the answerThanking you,Sunil JohnP.S: I shall reply to your previous letter and

also Gauranga's tom as I am not well right now, kindly bear.

[Visti] Sorry to hear – hope to see you recuperate soon.

SJ: I am bit better now, thanks for ur well wishes.




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